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Iversen’s Multiconfused Log (see p.1!)

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Super Polyglot
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 Message 1 of 3959
29 November 2008 at 1:45am | IP Logged 
I did recognize one problem with my new Multiconfused Log (in the Multilingual forum), namely that not everybody could read it (just as I would have something of a problem if our Eastern language aficionados wrote their log in Korean, Japanese or one of the eight or so Chinese languages). I couldn't write the translations in the multilingual forum - that would set a bad precedent - so instead I got the idea to make another log here for the purpose. And then to my surprise I saw a menu that suggested that you could write your log in a whole series of languages! Surprise! OK, then it was but a small extension of the rules to make a log in all of those languages here, and that's what I set out to do. I have transferred the content of my old multiconfused log from the multilingual forum to this one, and then I just hope that thunder and lightning from our mighty administrator won't hit me, nor that the heavens will fall down on my sinful head (a possibility suggested by the mayor of the village of Astérix, - otherwise I wouldn't have known about it).

The original text of Log post no. 1 plus a translation (or rather resumé) of it will follow in the first post below.

I do intend to keep my personal profile thread running, and I would like to point to the list of some of my more substantial writings there.

In september 2009 I also wrote a series of language guides for the new Techniques subforum, which cover more less everything I have to say about language learning:

part 1 (about learning languages in general)
part 2 (about translations)
part 3 (about grammar studies)
part 4 (about wordlists and vocabulary)
part 5 (about understanding speech and strange languages)

However the bulk of my future activity will still be found here in this log, as far as possible with daily updates.

The log has however been growing so rapidly that it may be difficult to find anything in it, and this problem will just get worse and worse). Therefore I have made monthly summaries of the content. These summaries have now been moved to a thread of their own, namely IVERSEN's MULTICONFUSED SUMMARY. If you want to find some specific content then that will be the logical place to search.

An alternative - which can be used on any thread - is to perform a search in the printable version, but for the present thread the printable version is going to be rather unwieldy.

And finally you can use a search machine. To make a Google search for XYZ only in this forum use this syntax:
{search terms} site:http://how-to-learn-any-language. com/forum/

You can even limite the search to a single thread (eg. this one) if you know its number:
{search terms} site: asp?TID=12983
{search terms} site: asp?TID=21213

(this thread=12983, the summary thread=21213 - please remove all spaces)

PS: A Google-search for Pro-members has now been incorporated in the general design of the forum

PS2: ... and now I also have got a Youtube channel (under the name NJLIversen) - the one thing I never had expected to happen. Luckily it has not become a blockbuster yet!

UPDATE: I have stopped making the monthly summaries. After all the thread which contained them got buried under tons of other log files within a day or so and then nobody would read the summaries. If you want to delve into the contents of this immensely long thread then just pick a random spot and see what happens.

Edited by Iversen on 16 April 2013 at 10:27am

23 persons have voted this message useful

Super Polyglot
Joined 6763 days ago

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Studies: Afrikaans, Greek, Norwegian, Russian, Serbian, Icelandic, Latin, Irish, Lowland Scots, Indonesian, Polish, Croatian
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 Message 2 of 3959
29 November 2008 at 1:50am | IP Logged 
Post no. 1

I was inspired to start this log by Reineke who launched the call for a new round of TAC 2009 about a week ago, - one of the requirements there was to start a log. To write such a thing in English seemed to me to be both boring and absurd so I am going to write it in the relevant target languages. In other words: if I write something about Greek it will be in Greek, if I write about Danish it will be in Danish, but unless it is something very boring or very general or very English it will NOT be in English. Because of the rules of the forum I have to put the product here even though it should really be in the Log forum. And beware of errors, I don't have time for a lot of doublechecking and correction. I also hope that I can avoid translating the whole thing into English. Maybe into something else - later.

SP.: En este momento estoy escuchando la emission "Gente" en TVE - hay demasiado serias in TVE, peró "Gente" es bueno para imparar el espanõl porque se habla todo el tiempo, y no hay una intriga asquerosa y sentimental. En la pantalla se habla en este momento de un 'mundo paralelo' en la forma de una hermosa casa de Muñecas ... y mientras he escrito esto han procedido a hablar de 'pócimas mágicas'. Y miracolo: sin música! Graciás TVE! Quando se segue una emission televisora no hay tiempo para consultar el dicionario, peró como fondo para hacer otras cosas funciona bien, con siempre que se tenga un cierto nivel pasivo en la lengua.
Hay más horas para estudiar este noche y yá no sé qué cosa haré, peró puedo describir un poco de lo que he hecho hoy.

IC.: Eg lés venjulega bók i strætisvagninum á veginum heim úr vinnuni. Bók þessu mánaðs er Einar Már Guþmundssons "Fótspor á himnum", sem bókasafnið ætlar að hafa bákur eftir nákvælega tvær vikur. Bókin hefur 216 blaðsiður og ég hef 10-12 ökuferður á 15-20 minútur í strætisvagn - það gengur ekki, enda þótt bókin ekki er sérstakar erfið. Eg verða að stelast tíl að lesa hín heima!

LAT.: Anno domini MMVIII resolui latinam meam restituere quando - ac quia - mensis januariis sive februariis incursus sum in bibliotheca "Liber latine legendo Mikkelseni" ("Mikkelsens Latinske Læsebog" danice lingua). Post mensis unum restitui librum ad bibliothecam, deinde nihil feci (praeter nonnulles tabulas verborum factas apud matrem quae possedet indicem verborum latinam per crucigrammas solvere) usque a mensem oktobrem. Hoc tempore librum "Opera latina quae tironibus facilia lectu sunt" (in archivio bibliothecae inventum) in mensa noctis habeo. Per reges romanorum antiquissimos bellosque punicis ad fabulas Phaedri perventum sum. Phaedrus servus erat, postea libertinus, atque injustitiae societatis ac temporis suae vehementer accusabat per fabulas de animalibus modo Aesopiis graecis. Homo audax admirabilisque fuit.     

IT.: Ho scritto il testo seguente ascoltando il quiz Italiano "L'ereditá". Il 'quizmaster' (come si chiama un tal signore??) mi ricorda in modo inquietante Berlusconi e si e permesso di fare anche propaganda commerciale - ma per un quiz di Raiuno questo non è troppo male. Purtroppo le domande sono generalmente troppo difficile per me, ma ora c'è un povero uomo che non sa che un Sachertorte - invenzione austriaca - va servito a temperatura ambiente. Ed in questo momento si chiede a una vittima il solo luogo che Mahatma Gandhi NON ha visitato durante il suo viaggio a Roma in 1931 - ma prego, come si può aspettare che una persona di 2008 sappia questo? Non di meno la vittima, un signore Italiano di forse 30-40 anni, lo ha saputo - cosa di levarsi il capello (e ragione di domandarsi che cosa facciano nelle scuole Italiane)! Poi ho ripassato una lista di parole fatta sulla basa di un libro che comprò l'anno scorso in Delfi - vedi sotto.

ELL.:Κατά την δική μου επιςκέψη στις Δέλφούς έχω αγοράσει 3 βίβλια παράλληλας: ελληνικά, ιταλικά, ρωσικά. Κοπιάρω το τελείο κειμένο, ζητώ όλες τις άγνωστες λέξεις στο λέξικο, έπειτα τις κοπιάςω σ' ένα λίστα λέξεων. Επεξεργάζομαι μιά σελιδά σ'άυτο το βίβλιο την ήμερα, αλλά φυσικά που και που ακόμη και διαβάζω εκτεταμένα (σήμερα δεν έχω καιρό - πρέπει να δουλέψα).


short summary of post no. 1

I just wrote something in Spanish about a program called "Gente" ('people') on TVE which I watched while writing the first part of my log post no. 1, - something about naturalistic doll houses, magic potions and many other things in a long program without the usual background 'music' - a rare occurence in a program dominated by endless disgusting and sentimental series.

Then I wrote in Icelandic about my daily dose of Einar Már Guþmundsson's "Fótspor á himnum" (Footprints in the sky) in the bus back home from work (I read newspapers when going there in the morning). I calculated that I wouldn't have time to finish it before I had to return it to the library unless I read some of it at home.

Then i wrote in latin about my Latin reading. I found my very first Latin textbook "Mikkelsen's latinske læsebog" at the library in January or February, but after having returned it to the library the activity almost stopped. I just did a few word lists at my mom's house, - she has got a Latin dictionary which she uses for solving advanced crozzword puzzles. Right now I use a book with easy, but original Latin text as nighttable reading, and in this book I have just read the fables of Phaedrus (based on the fables of Aesop the Greek).

While writing my sketch for post no. 1 on a piece of paper I watched the Italian quiz show "L'ereditá" ('the heritance'), whose quiz master has an uncanny resemblance to the Italian primeminister Berlusconi. I saw a man who didn't know that Sachertorten should be eaten at room temperature, and right after that another participant knew which one of four places Mahatma Gandhi DIDN'T see during his visit to Rome in 1931. I'm happy if I can remember which things I have seen myself there.
Before writing my log I read through a word list made the day before with words culled from a book about Delfi. Continuation in    

... Greek: I wrote in Greek that I bought three parallel books about Delfi when visiting that place: Greek, Italian and Russian (btw. Delfi is a plural name in Greek, - did you know that?). I take a daily dose of the Greek version by copying roughly one page by hand, looking up all unknown words and putting these words in a word list. On top of that I do some regular extensive reading in Greek, but not on a daily basis.

That's all folks (---> DANISH "Det er alt hvad I får for den 25-øre")

Edited by Iversen on 27 February 2009 at 2:25am

2 persons have voted this message useful

Super Polyglot
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 Message 3 of 3959
29 November 2008 at 1:53am | IP Logged 
Fasulye wrote:
Mi piace la che questo log sia multilinguale, pero per niente a la struttura degli altri logs. Hai stesso letto molti degli altri logs? Io penso di no. Nell'un TAC log sarebbe necessario descrivere il livello delle lingue come status quo ante. Perché altrimenti dopo un'anno del TAC 2009 non si sa il tuo progresso nelle tue lingue.


Preferisco rimandare la descrizione generale del mio nivello nelle diverse lingue al bilancio annuale. Inoltre non ho mai detto che questo 'log'* fa parte del TAC, solo che il TAC mi ha ispirato a scriverlo.

*solcómetro ?

Edited by Iversen on 28 November 2008 at 11:59pm
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Super Polyglot
Joined 6763 days ago

9078 posts - 16473 votes 
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Studies: Afrikaans, Greek, Norwegian, Russian, Serbian, Icelandic, Latin, Irish, Lowland Scots, Indonesian, Polish, Croatian
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 Message 4 of 3959
29 November 2008 at 2:00am | IP Logged 
JW wrote:
Secondo me, questo è un'ottima idea. Sarà molto interessante da vedere come un poliglotta maestro usa e pratica le sue lingue quotidianamente.

Thanks. You will also be able to see how some atrocious blunders from this narrowminded Indoeuropeanist escape his own cursory proofreading.

Of course this thread would more interesting if I could write in even more languages, but this will have to do for now.

Gilgamesh wrote:
Veel geluk met je Nederlands, Iversen! Mocht je vragen hebben, kun je mij altijd contacteren.
EDIT: Haha, I didn't even see that Dutch wasn't in that list. Well, some people only see what they want to see... ;-)

When I have finished this bit of reshuffling then my plan is to listen to some Dutch internet TV while eating my breakfast.

jondesousa wrote:
Anch'io. Penso que questo log è una buona idea. E' molto interessante.


Edited by Iversen on 05 February 2009 at 5:47am

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Super Polyglot
Joined 6763 days ago

9078 posts - 16473 votes 
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Studies: Afrikaans, Greek, Norwegian, Russian, Serbian, Icelandic, Latin, Irish, Lowland Scots, Indonesian, Polish, Croatian
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 Message 5 of 3959
29 November 2008 at 2:32am | IP Logged 
(content moved)

Edited by Iversen on 27 February 2009 at 2:26am

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Winner TAC 2012
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 Message 6 of 3959
29 November 2008 at 2:44am | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:

Preferisco rimandare la descrizione generale del mio nivello nelle diverse lingue al bilancio annuale. Inoltre non ho mai detto che questo 'log'* fa parte del TAC, solo che il TAC mi ha ispirato a scriverlo.
*solcómetro ?

Edited by Iversen on 28 November 2008 at 11:59pm

D'accorodo, Iversen! Si no sei particpante del TAC 2009, puoi dare al tuo log una struttura come vuoi. Sai, che il mio latino activo ha un livello inferiore, per questo posso soltanto commantariare nell'italiano ed lo spagnolo. Le altre lingue di questo log non parlo io.

Gia negli anni 1998 fino a 2001 ho fatto una cosa similare: Ho comprato un libretto A5 e ho scritto un "Internationaal Dagboek" cio'e un giornale cotidiano nelle tutte mie lingue:

Lunedi: Tedesco
Martedi: Olandese
Miercoledi: Inglese
Giovedi: Esperanto
Venerdi: Italiano
Sabato: Francese
Domenica: Spagnolo

Per ogni giorno ho utilizzato una pagina A5 e ho scritto tutto di interessante che ho fatto durante il giorno. Era un'ottimo esercizio delle lingue, pero dovevo smettere questo projecto nell'anno 2001, perché ho ricevuto un posto di lavoro.

Anche per tu: Successo con questo log!


I think that Iversens main goal is to practise his languages actively, therefore I wrote my reply in one of his log-languages (Italian). Should I be forced to translate my replys, this would discourage me from writing in any other language than English.

Edited by Fasulye on 29 November 2008 at 3:29am

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 Message 7 of 3959
29 November 2008 at 1:29pm | IP Logged 
Fasulye wrote:
Iversen wrote:

Preferisco rimandare la descrizione generale del mio nivello nelle diverse lingue al bilancio annuale. Inoltre non ho mai detto che questo 'log'* fa parte del TAC, solo che il TAC mi ha ispirato a scriverlo.
*solcómetro ?

Edited by Iversen on 28 November 2008 at 11:59pm

D'accorodo, Iversen! Si no sei particpante del TAC 2009, puoi dare al tuo log una struttura come vuoi. Sai, che il mio latino activo ha un livello inferiore, per questo posso soltanto commantariare nell'italiano ed lo spagnolo. Le altre lingue di questo log non parlo io.

Gia negli anni 1998 fino a 2001 ho fatto una cosa similare: Ho comprato un libretto A5 e ho scritto un "Internationaal Dagboek" cio'e un giornale cotidiano nelle tutte mie lingue:

Lunedi: Tedesco
Martedi: Olandese
Miercoledi: Inglese
Giovedi: Esperanto
Venerdi: Italiano
Sabato: Francese
Domenica: Spagnolo

Per ogni giorno ho utilizzato una pagina A5 e ho scritto tutto di interessante che ho fatto durante il giorno. Era un'ottimo esercizio delle lingue, pero dovevo smettere questo projecto nell'anno 2001, perché ho ricevuto un posto di lavoro.

Anche per tu: Successo con questo log!


I think that Iversens main goal is to practise his languages actively, therefore I wrote my reply in one of his log-languages (Italian). Should I be forced to translate my replys, this would discourage me from writing in any other language than English.

In the spirit of the TAC, whether you participate or not, you can do whatever the heck you please. It's a lovely idea, I have seen one multilingual blog - it was not about language learning and it interesting and mysterious. The blog was in Italian, Russian and Japanese I think. Unfortunately the link melted along with my hard drive.
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 Message 8 of 3959
29 November 2008 at 3:07pm | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
"Det er alt hvad I får for den 25-øre"

You're talking about the books you bought?

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