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 Message 2721 of 3959
12 December 2011 at 1:31pm | IP Logged 
Fasulye wrote:

ESP: Tion oni ankaux eksplikas en la Neanderthal - muzeo en Mettmann / Germanio!

Kilroy kaj mi tie estis

Kilroy and me was there (at the Neanderthal museum in Neanderthal)
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 Message 2722 of 3959
12 December 2011 at 4:41pm | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
Kilroy kaj mi tie estis

Kilroy = ? Kilroy = Kilroy Travels Danmark?

Mi ne konas Kilroy.


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 Message 2723 of 3959
13 December 2011 at 10:32pm | IP Logged 
No, it is just a reference to the expression "Kilroy was here" (on which a Danish travel company based it name - but I have never travelled with that company so there is no connexion there).

I have had a lot of free time the last couple of days due to a lung inflammation which has kept me at home, but I have not felt inclined to study heavily. However...

RU: Сегодня я провел три часа с книгой "Как стать полиглотом" автора Дмитрий Спивак, которую я несколько лет назад скачал из интернета. Я не читаю очень быстро (или безопасно) на русском языке, а в конце концов я иду вперед. Стиль немного 'разговорный', на мой вкус - т.е. он говорит слишком много для своего почетного читателя - и время от времени будут претензии, что хотел бы видеть подтверждени из других источников. Но не есть так много книг о полиглотов (или даже общего изучения языка), так что даже если книга Спивак не совсем новой, стоит читать.

BA I: Setelah makan malam saya mempelajari satu teks bahasa Indonesia tentang orang Aubrey de Grey yang percaya bahwa manusia secara teoritis seharusnya 1000 tahun (tapi kemudian akan ada beberapa ruang berdiri hanya jika prokreasi anak-anak tidak dilarang). Tidak ada fakta yang solid dalam artikel tersebut - hanya beberapa petunjuk bahwa kita tidak berani bertanya, dan mungkin kita takut menjadi begitu tua. Tetapi di tengah jalan kita tidak menambahkan hingga 900 tahun seumur hidup teoritis kami! Sudahlah, saya telah membaca beberapa bahasa Indonesia, meskipun saya mungkin tidak setua Methusalem.

As I'm returning slowly to my normal state I have resumed my studies. Today I have actually been able to spend something like 3 hours before noon on a copy of Spivaks "how to be(come) multilingual" which I downloaded from the internet several years ago (when it was discussed here at HTLAL). The style is slightly chatty, and in betwwen there are claims which I definitely would like to see confirmed in other sources before I believe them (including the one that claims that the French politician Gambetta knew all Victor Hugo's works by heart - have you seen how much space they take up on a shelf? - and a politician at that?). But there are not too many other books about polyglots out there, so although I read slowly (and precariously) in Russian I plow my way through this one.   

After noon I studied an article about a man Aubrey de Grey who believes that people really should be able to attain the venerable old age of 1000 years (which would leave only standing room unless procreation was abolished). But there are no concrete receipes, just a lot of empty babble about our fear of posing the question (and demanding our right I presume, but where?), plus sinister hints that some shady characters oout there might not even want to be 1000 years old. Still, it is empty babble in Indonesian, and that raises my tolerance level considerably.

This reminds me of the excellent quiz IQ with Stephen Fry which is as informative as it is obscene. As you may know any obvious AND erroneous answer is punished with a loud booh and flashing screens, and in one case the question was: who is the oldest person in the Bible? And the obviously erroneous answer was Methusalem, who died at the age of 969. The correct answer is Enoch, because the Lord carted him up to the heavens without letting him die first, so he must be enormously old by now. Actually the prophet Elijah used the same cart somewhat later, so Methusalem can now play cards with another extremely old man - but not quite as old, as Elijah was born long several centuries after Enoch. If you believe everything in the Bible, of course.

Maybe Aubrey de Grey has more chances of seeing a golden cart outside his door one bright day than of attaining the age of Methusalem + 31 years by natural or artificial means...

SP: Y ahora hay "Destino España" a TVE Internacional. Inicialmente hemos visitado una familia española de Senegal, y en este momente hay gente que viven en Madrid (con tres canes y una galeria y una pelota), pero que vienen de los EEUU y Argentina. Después hará "Buscamundos", que trate de españoles que tienen su residencia en el extranjero. En ambos casos con una gran cantidad de español hablado (intercalada con el canto de los sonidos besos -, no puede prescindirse de él, obviamente, cuando una persona española encuentre a cualquier otro individuo español - smask smask smask* - felizmente no dan besos a los turistas)

* Pregunta: come se escribe este sonido en Español?

Edited by Iversen on 12 January 2012 at 12:18pm

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 Message 2724 of 3959
14 December 2011 at 12:22am | IP Logged 
Выздоравливайте! (so weird to be so formal here)
Я бы не сказала, что стиль книги Спивака разговорный. Но "воды" много, да. Тем не менее, прочитать все-таки стоит)
"не читаю безопасно" напомнило про книгу, которая кусалась, сорри=) (это из Гарри Поттера)

Edited by Serpent on 14 December 2011 at 12:26am

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 Message 2725 of 3959
14 December 2011 at 4:44am | IP Logged 
RU: Я не думаю, что Спивак бы меня укусить. Но может быть, что я неправильно понимаю некоторые слова и выражения, используемые в его текст.

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 Message 2726 of 3959
14 December 2011 at 9:32am | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
I have had a lot of free time the last couple of days due to a lung inflammation which has kept me at home, but I have not felt inclined to study heavily. However...

DK: Det er ikke særlig godt. GOD BEDRING, Iversen! Jeg håber at du bliver hurtigt sund tilbage!

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 Message 2727 of 3959
14 December 2011 at 4:20pm | IP Logged 
Ооо, придумала, как сказать. "читаю медленно и не очень уверенно". во.
В этом, кстати, плюс такого стиля - скорее всего, общий смысл все равно поймете правильно, даже если каких-то слов не знаете.
Приятного чтения)
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 Message 2728 of 3959
16 December 2011 at 1:14am | IP Logged 
I could sneek back to my job today, but at the entrance to my office I put up an A4 sheet saying "Contaminated zone - contact at a distance recommended". After all I don't know whether pheumonia can spread even while you think you're recovering, and I don't want to become a new typhoid Mary..

NE: Vandaag las ik enige korte teksten op de Nederlandse geschiedenis-site, waaronder een aantal waarschuwingen van heersers en andere monsters. Maar je moet meer detail dan deze pagina geeft, om te begrijpen hoe groot een plaag voor hun omgevings gekke heersers kunnen worden. Er zijn goede redenen waarom Ivan IV de Verschrikkelijke (Иван Грозный) zo genoemd werd, - maar ironisch genoeg ook een mogelijke reden warom hij verschrikkeljk werd: zijn waanzin eerste brak uit in vlammen toen zijn tsarina stierf, en hij was zeker dat de bojaren had haar vermoord. Sterker nog, ik zag eens een tv-programma waar het was waarschijnlijk gemaakt werd dat ze inderdaad was vergiftigd. Maar daarom hoefte hij toch niet honderdduizenden mensen in zijn land schlachten te lassen - bloots de bojaren. Of zijn oudste zoon, de kroonprins, zijn schedel tot pulp met zijn zware scepter te verslaan.

De Romeinse keizer Caligula is een ander voorbeeld van een heerser, die veelbelovend leek op het eerste, maar werd later berucht als een wrede en onvoorspelbare gek. In dit geval, vergeet de website te vermelden dat hij is opgegroeid op Capra bij de paranoïde en diep perverse keizer Tiberius.

Ik wiste reeds heel veel van gekke heersers voor dat ik deze website saag, maar kon niets herinneren over hun collega Murat IV, de zesde Ottomaanse sultans:

"De sultan liet eens een hofmuzikant onthoofden omdat hij een Perzische melodie speelde. Op elke kleine overtreding stond de doodstraf, en 's nachts struinde de sultan door de straten van Constantinopel en ging hij iedereen die hij tegenkwam met een zwaard te lijf. In 1640 overleed de sultan op 27-jarige leeftijd. Op dat moment had hij waarschijnlijk 25.000 mensenlevens op zijn geweten. Zijn eigen kinderen waren dood, en daarom viel de keus voor zijn opvolger op zijn broer Ibrahim – die krankzinnig was."

I have read some short texts about mad rulers and other themes at the Dutch homepage, which belongs to a historical magazine. I suppose (or even hope) that the articles in the paper version are longer, because you don't really learn much from the short articles on the homepage if you already have some historical background. For instance the article about Ivan the Terrible mentions an episode where he let murder 60.000 inhabitants of Novgorod after he had attacked their town. But not that he had a secret police that killed of a fair share of the population. But also not that there might be one reason for his madness: when his beloved zarina suddenly died he was convinced that the bojars had murdered her and he started a terror campaign against them. I have however seen a TV program which claimed that it now had been proven scientifically that she actually WAS poisoned - so Ivan was on the right track here.

Another ruler with a promising start but otherwise thoroughly bad reputation was the Roman emperor Caligula, whose latent madness may have been activated by a youth spent on Capri with the old tyrannical and senselessly perverted emperor Tiberius. But again, the short text at the Dutch homepage doesn't really give neither background, nor nearly enough examples of the surrealistic behaviour of this 100% true son of Rome. Hopefully there are a lot more juicy details in the paper version, if you can get hold of it.

One person whom I'll have to read more about elsewhere is the 6. Ottoman sultan, Murat IV, who for instance let a musician decapitate because he had played a Persian tune. OK, you can get irritated over the wrong music at the wrong time. But walking around the streets at night and thrust your sword through anybody you meet just for fun should not be allowed even for sultans. Luckily this genteel and likeable person died at the tender age of 27 so the estimate of those he personally murdered amounts to a mere 25.000 persons. Actually I didn't know (or at least didn't remember) this sinister part of the long story of the Ottoman empire, but I do remember that it became a costume (at least after Suleiman the Magnificent) that a new sultan as his first act had all his brothers executed so that they couldn't become threats to him later. And his own children would be kept in a 'golden cage' at the Topkapi Serail in Istanbul for the very same reason, which effectively meant that most sultans never learnt how to rule, but instead became pervert, drunk, lazy and generally braindead monsters.

SW: Jag har också sett tv, däribland en av svenska TV utmärkta naturprogram - och som vanligt utan musik. Denna gång var det en slags quiz för tittarna, byggd på de filmer som visades under året 2011. Dessutom prämierades en video där 16 (!) spetsank-ungar hoppade ut från sin holk 6 meter upp i et träd och vandrade en halv kilometer i hälarna på sin morsa till närmaste vattendrag. Och tur var det at någon filmade det hela ock sente filmen direkt til TV.

RU: Потом я усмотрил немецкий документальный фильм о Санкт-Петербурге, где группа женщин плавали вокруг в отверстие в Неве в 25 градусов ниже нуля. Существовал также рыболов, который более 9 часов посмотрел на небольшое отверстие во льду. Улов дня: 4 маленьких рыбы.

I have also watched TV this evening, including one of the splendid musicnoise-free nature programs from Swedish television. This program was like a quiz for the viewers based on the programs shown in 2011. Among these was the 'best film of the year': first you saw 16 pintails ducklings one by one jump 6 meter down from a nesting box in a tree, and then they walked in the footsteps of their mom half a kilometer to the nearest river (or "älv" as they say in Sweden). Luckily somebody was ready to document the whole thing.

After that I saw a German program about Sankt Peterburg in Russia, where we among other things saw a group of ladies who swam around in a hole in the ice on Neva in 25 degrees C below zero .. and they found it not only pleasant, but even claimed that that it was healthy for them. And we also watched an amateur angler who sat 9 hours with 3 friends and fished - he did catch 4 fish, but... And yes, the Russians also love their saunas.

Edited by Iversen on 16 December 2011 at 11:30am

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