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Super Polyglot
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 Message 2242 of 3959
15 February 2011 at 4:18am | IP Logged 
Fasulye wrote:

- Ter uitzondering - Mijn correctie:

... waren, maar sinds ik begonnen ben....).

OK, twee slordige congruentiefouten en wat met de woordvolgorde - hoog tijd om de Nederlandse taal en grondige beurt te geven!

Kuikentje wrote:
Hoi jullie twee
Ik ben terug.
trouwens Fasuly, wanneer je de correcties doet is het makkelijker te lezen wanneer je ze met bold schrijft, en ideaal zou STRIKE zijn maar dit forum is erg ouderwets en heeft dat niet. Zonder dat allemaal kun je moeilijk zien waar de correcties zijn.

Fasulyue wrote:
Kuikentj, ik vind het wat omslachtig om met "bold" of "cursive" of dergelijke te werken, daarom doe ik dat nooit. Maar ik heb al gezien dat jij dat wel doet, Kuikentj, en het ziet er best duidelijk uit.

Kuikentje wrote:
"Kuikentj" hahaahahaah!! Dat is grappig en ik weet het wel wat je daarmee bedoeld.

Excuses, fasuly<font color="red">e

<font color="black"> inderdaad, sorry dat ik steeds jouw E vergeet. Ja, dat is duidelijker met de bold en strike anders hoe kun je weten wat gecorrigeerd wordt?

Edited by Iversen on 14 September 2011 at 1:15am

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Winner TAC 2012
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 Message 2243 of 3959
15 February 2011 at 6:35am | IP Logged 
Kuikentje wrote:
"Kuikentj" hahaahahaah!! Dat is grappig en ik weet het wel wat je daarmee bedoeld.

Excuses, fasuly<font color="red">e

<font color="black"> inderdaad, sorry dat ik steeds jouw E vergeet. Ja, dat is duidelijker met de bold en strike anders hoe kun je weten wat gecorrigeerd wordt?

Excuses geaccepteerd, KuikentjE.


Edited by Fasulye on 15 February 2011 at 6:36am

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Super Polyglot
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Studies: Afrikaans, Greek, Norwegian, Russian, Serbian, Icelandic, Latin, Irish, Lowland Scots, Indonesian, Polish, Croatian
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 Message 2244 of 3959
16 February 2011 at 2:34am | IP Logged 
GR: Εχω περάσει μερικές ώρες σήμερα σπουδάζοντας ελληνικά και ρωσικά κείμενα από το Διαδίκτυο. Ένα από τα πιο περίεργα ελληνικά κείμενα είχε για το έργο SETI από τον Oι υπάλληλοι του ινστιτούτο έχουν προγραμματίσει να σαρώσετουν ευóυ εκατομμυρíου άστρων, αλλά θα έχουμε τόσα πολλά ραδιοφωνικά και τηλεοπτικά προγράμματα στο διάστημα ότι οποιαδήποτε πολιτισμοί εκεί έξω ίσως γνωρίζετε ήδη μας. Και είτε έρχονται και μας καταστρέψει, ή μένουν μακριά από τόπους που παράγουν τέτοιες κακές τηλεοπτικά προγράμματα.

I have spent some time today reading old printouts in Greek and Russian from the internet, including one text from the portal about the American SETI-project. Actually anybody out there who might be interested in other civilisations will long ago have noticed the constant stream of bad radio- and TV-programs that emanate from the planet. Really decent and cultured civilisations would probably already have judged us on things like X factor and Big Brother and decided to stay away.. as far away as possible.

By the way, I have also seen a program on Discovery Science about possible human colonies on Venus. As the surface temperature hovers above the melting point of lead and there is a constant volcanic activity plus perpetual rain of sulphuric acid the surface is clearly not suitable for colonisation - but some stubborn eggheads have now come up with the idea of colonies floating around at an altitude of 50 kms. But why??

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Super Polyglot
Joined 6788 days ago

9078 posts - 16473 votes 
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 Message 2245 of 3959
16 February 2011 at 12:07pm | IP Logged 
DU: Ik heb een paar paginas op de homepage van de Nederlandse tijdschrift Historia gelezen, en ik heb ook ingevuld een quiz van schepen (12 juiste van 16 - het kon beter zijn). Het was enigszins verrassend dat sommige items in de lijst van de quizzen in het Nederlandse taal waren, de andere in Deens - misschien is er een soortgelijke quiz op de website van de Deense zuster-tijdschrift, en ze hebben de tekst vanaf daar geleend. Maar de quiz was op Nederlands - hoe kan dit technisch worden gedaan?

"Test je kennis: Historische schepen
Hvad ved du om historiske skibe? Test din viden med 16 skarpe spørgsmål - måske bliver du klogere..."

Hoewel de artikelen over het algemeen vrij kort en simpel, je leert soms nieuwe feiten - zo als dat een vrouw met de naam Jane Yorke zo laat als 1944 werd veroordeeld voor hekserij in Engeland onder een wet uit 1735 - maar ze werd in het minst niet levend verbrand, maar moest een boete van £ 5 betalen.

I have read some pages at the homepage of a Dutch magazine called Historia. I also did a couple of quizzes, but there was one puzzling detail: in the list of quizzes some items were described in Danish. Maybe the magazine has some kind of collaboration with a similar enterprise in Denmark, but I weren't led to a Danish homepage - the quiz itself was in Dutch. How can that happen - technically?

One of the (short) articles on the homepage gave one surprising piece of information: as late as 1944 a lady from London was convicted of being a witch with a reference to a law from 1735. At least she wasn't burned alive, but just had to pay a fine of 5£ ... but what goes on in the putrid scull of a judge that in the year 1944 sentence anybody to anything for being a witch? In Europe? And yes, I know that there are people who willingly claim to be witches... but...

Btw. I had to look a couple of Dutch words up, and then I found this internet dictionary: It has a couple of interesting features: it shows the kind of parallel texts that are the basis for translation based on statistics, and it has a speech synthesizer.

Edited by Iversen on 16 February 2011 at 12:44pm

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 Message 2248 of 3959
16 February 2011 at 8:27pm | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
By the way, I have also seen a program on Discovery Science about possible human colonies on Venus. As the surface temperature hovers above the melting point of lead and there is a constant volcanic activity plus perpetual rain of sulphuric acid the surface is clearly not suitable for colonisation - but some stubborn eggheads have now come up with the idea of colonies floating around at an altitude of 50 kms. But why??

Could you inform me whether there is now scientific evidence of active volcanoes on Venus? For years and years this was an open and unsolved question in astronomy. Has the probe "Venus Express" finally discoverd some evidence? Now I am indeed VERY CURIOUS...

When I read articles about Venus the conditions there are always described as a "hell". Of course because of the very high temperature of 470 degrees C, but even more because of the planet's enormous air pressure which would "squeeze" any human being in a very short time. Venus' atmosphere with 96 % carbon dioxide (CO 2) is also completely life-hostile. I don't think calling these circumstances a "hell" is exagerated.


Edited by Fasulye on 16 February 2011 at 8:51pm

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