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Sprachprofi Nonaglot Senior Member Germany learnlangs.comRegistered users can see my Skype Name Joined 6555 days ago 2608 posts - 4866 votes     Speaks: German*, English, French, Esperanto, Greek, Mandarin, Latin, Dutch, Italian Studies: Spanish, Arabic (Written), Swahili, Indonesian, Japanese, Modern Hebrew, Portuguese
| Message 185 of 3959 16 January 2009 at 3:37pm | IP Logged |
Nedankinde. Mi ŝategas lin, li bonege eksplikas aferojn. Mi rigardis multajn malnovegajn elsendaĵojn de li (jaroj 2000-2002) dum mi estis en astronomiklubo en mia altlernejo.
Mi speciale ŝatas citaĵojn kiel la sekvan: "Am 5. Mai ist die Welt untergegangen. Und Sie haben es nicht mitgekriegt."
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Fasulye Heptaglot Winner TAC 2012 Moderator Germany fasulyespolyglotblog Joined 5932 days ago 5460 posts - 6006 votes     1 sounds Speaks: German*, DutchC1, EnglishB2, French, Italian, Spanish, Esperanto Studies: Latin, Danish, Norwegian, Turkish Personal Language Map
| Message 186 of 3959 16 January 2009 at 3:57pm | IP Logged |
Sprachprofi wrote:
Nedankinde. Mi ŝategas lin, li bonege eksplikas aferojn. Mi rigardis multajn malnovegajn elsendaĵojn de li (jaroj 2000-2002) dum mi estis en astronomiklubo en mia altlernejo.
Mi speciale ŝatas citaĵojn kiel la sekvan: "Am 5. Mai ist die Welt untergegangen. Und Sie haben es nicht mitgekriegt." |
So, so, auch du bist im Astonomieclub gewesen! Ich wurde heute auf der Arbeit von meinem PC ausgesperrt und musste/durfte daher eher nach Hause gehen. Erst habe ich noch eine Runde Türkisch gelernt in der Mediothek and dann zu Hause gleich deinen Link von BR-Alpha angeklickt und dazu die Folgen zu den Hypernovae (Gamma-Ray-Bursts) und zur Formel E = mc 2, sowie "Was ist Geminga?" (= ein Neutronenstern, der seine Pulse nicht im Radiowellenbereich abgibt) angeschaut. Und es verlangt mich nach mehr! Das ist wie so eine Heim-Volkshochschule, Bildung nach Maß. Morgen Vormittag will ich mir wieder Videos von Harald Lesch anschauen. So drei Videos hintereinander geht gut, danach lässt die Konzentration nach und ich sollte damit aufhören.
Edited by Fasulye on 16 January 2009 at 4:10pm
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Iversen Super Polyglot Moderator Denmark berejst.dk Joined 6788 days ago 9078 posts - 16473 votes     Speaks: Danish*, French, English, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish, Esperanto, Romanian, Catalan Studies: Afrikaans, Greek, Norwegian, Russian, Serbian, Icelandic, Latin, Irish, Lowland Scots, Indonesian, Polish, Croatian Personal Language Map
| Message 187 of 3959 16 January 2009 at 4:50pm | IP Logged |
IT: Se io desidero leggere un po' in qualunque lingua il mio metodo preferito è di limitare Google a questa lingua, mettere un termine di ricerca nella macchina e vedere ché cosa sorge. In questo caso il termine fue "Wolf-Rayet", e ho trovato per esempio una pagina di Astrogeo con informazioni molto precisi delle emissioni di questi oggetti, - e la pagina fa parte di tutto un sistema di pagini di scienza. Al livello superiore c'è una lista delle 'stelle peculiari':
Stelle di Wolf-Rayet: Caldissime, con righe in emissione
Nane Bianche: Tra le più celebri 40 Eri B e Sirio B
Tipo N (C2): Stelle al carbonio (19 Piscium)
Tipo S (ZrO): Stelle con bande ZrO (c Cyg)
Tipo Am: Stelle A con abbondanza anomala di metalli
Tipo Bp (HgMn): Stelle B8-9 con abbondanza anomala di Hg e Mn
Tipo Ap: Stelle A con abbondanza anomala di Si,Lantanidi, Cr o Sr
Stelle giovani: G-K con intense righe del Litio
Beta Lirae: Stelle doppie con scambio di massa
Symbiotic stars: Nebula around an old giant and white dwarf couple (SIC - in Inglese!)
Il solo problema è che tutto questo non è scritto in Unicode UTF-8, - dunque si deve cambiare il set di caratteri a per esempio 'Occidentale 1252' per evitare i quadrati orribili.
Un'altra pagina scientifica si trova all'indirizzo www.kosmofysis.com. Qui ho trovato per esempio un articolo sulla scoperta di una stella che brilla con una luce di circa 3.2 milioni di Soli. Ma Eta Carina tiene un esorbitante wattaggio di circa 4.7 milioni di soli, - e 4,7 è più di 3.2 milioni.
POR, CAT, ROM: No Português tem por exemplo uma pagina de Geocities.
En el Viquipedia català no hi ha un article específic sobre estrelles Wolf-Rayet, però em va trobar una bona visió general de tots els clases de estreles, - i la informació que estrelles Wolf-Rayet gairebé només consta d'Heli."Es creu que són estrelles supergegants agonitzants que han ejectat la seva capa d'hidrogen amb el vent estel·lar calent causat per les seves altes temperatures, exposant la seva capa d'heli calent.".
Cercetarea de "Wolf-Rayet" în limba română a dat numai 364 hit-uri, - se pare că românii au alte interese decât stele super-cald de heliu.
In comparison a search for Anglophone references to these stars gave 169.000 hits, which shows how biased the internet is towards that language. But the point is: even with a seed as obscure as "Wolf-Rayet" you can find enough material in even 'small' internet languages to keep you occupied for hours. My local library isn't bad, but I doubt that they have got just one single book in Italian or Spanish or Catalan or Portuguese or Romanian or Dutch or Afrikaans that mentions those Wolf-Rayet monsters. You have to use the internet to get that. And as Fasulye correctly says, "Tielmaniere mi povas ne nur fari astronomian memsstudadon sed ankaux uzi fremdajn lingvojn." .
Btw.: I have discovered that Tagalog is an ergative language. Interesting... I thought those critters were rare. But we tend to forget about the traces of ergativity even in the Indoeuropean languages. For exemple in Danish, French and English:
S - V
Træet flækker
Le bois fend
The wood splits
S - V - O
Jeg flækker træet
Je fends le bois
I split the wood
That must be enough for now. I'm going to take a few days off.
Edited by Iversen on 16 January 2009 at 5:11pm
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| SII Senior Member Russian FederationRegistered users can see my Skype Name Joined 5877 days ago 184 posts - 194 votes  Speaks: Russian* Studies: English
| Message 188 of 3959 16 January 2009 at 5:20pm | IP Logged |
Iversen wrote:
RU: Я буду продолжаю спокойно переписать эти тексты сайта ГЛОССа и писать российские словарей, так что нет ничего драматического представить доклад по этому языку. Среди текстов, я читал один о новый московскый монорейльс, который я на самом деле увидел в моего последнего визита в москве - она проходит ботанический сад и ВНДХ. Я читал в моей русской книги, но я не могу продолжать писать о нем. Когда я в последний раз посетил Россию, я увидел, телевидение каждую ночь, и, хотя я не понимаю, многое из того, я был рад видеть между прочим исторических программ. Я вижу, что многое из того, что я писал о других языков на основе вещей я видел по телевидению - я скучаю по такие передач на русском языке.. |
There are many mistakes is this text. For example:
Среди текстов, я читал один о новый московскый монорейльс, который я на самом деле увидел в моего последнего визита в москве - она проходит ботанический сад и ВНДХ |
One of several right versions of this sentence is:
Среди текстов я читал один о новом московском монорельсе, который я на самом деле увидел во время моего последнего визита в Москву - он проходит через Ботанический сад и ВДНХ.
It is possible many variations of this text, and all of they is correct. For example:
Среди текстов я прочёл о новой московской монорельсовой дороге, которую и на самом деле увидел в последнюю поездку в Москву - она проходит над Ботаническим садом и ВДНХ.
Excuse me for my English, usually I can read English nearly free, but I don't write correctly.
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Fasulye Heptaglot Winner TAC 2012 Moderator Germany fasulyespolyglotblog Joined 5932 days ago 5460 posts - 6006 votes     1 sounds Speaks: German*, DutchC1, EnglishB2, French, Italian, Spanish, Esperanto Studies: Latin, Danish, Norwegian, Turkish Personal Language Map
| Message 189 of 3959 17 January 2009 at 3:23am | IP Logged |
Iversen wrote:
IT: Se io desidero leggere un po' in qualunque lingua il mio metodo preferito è di limitare Google a questa lingua, mettere un termine di ricerca nella macchina e vedere ché cosa sorge. In questo caso il termine fue "Wolf-Rayet", e ho trovato per esempio una pagina di Astrogeo con informazioni molto precisi delle emissioni di questi oggetti, - e la pagina fa parte di tutto un sistema di pagini di scienza. Al livello superiore c'è una lista delle 'stelle peculiari':
Stelle di Wolf-Rayet: Caldissime, con righe in emissione
Nane Bianche: Tra le più celebri 40 Eri B e Sirio B
Tipo N (C2): Stelle al carbonio (19 Piscium)
Tipo S (ZrO): Stelle con bande ZrO (c Cyg)
Tipo Am: Stelle A con abbondanza anomala di metalli
Tipo Bp (HgMn): Stelle B8-9 con abbondanza anomala di Hg e Mn
Tipo Ap: Stelle A con abbondanza anomala di Si,Lantanidi, Cr o Sr
Stelle giovani: G-K con intense righe del Litio
Beta Lirae: Stelle doppie con scambio di massa
Symbiotic stars: Nebula around an old giant and white dwarf couple (SIC - in Inglese!)
Il solo problema è che tutto questo non è scritto in Unicode UTF-8, - dunque si deve cambiare il set di caratteri a per esempio 'Occidentale 1252' per evitare i quadrati orribili.
Un'altra pagina scientifica si trova all'indirizzo www.kosmofysis.com. Qui ho trovato per esempio un articolo sulla scoperta di una stella che brilla con una luce di circa 3.2 milioni di Soli. Ma Eta Carina tiene un esorbitante wattaggio di circa 4.7 milioni di soli, - e 4,7 è più di 3.2 milioni.
IT: Oh, grazie! Un'abundanza dei materiali nella lingua Italiana. Questo link die Astrogeo con la spectrografia e troppo difficile per me, perché le mie consoscenze della chimica non sono soddisfacenti. Purtroppo nella scuola ho avuto una professora della chimica incapace(!), per questo ho appreso poco della chimica. Ma questa lista con le stelle peculiare e utile per me. Ci sono anche le nane bianche. E la prima volta per me leggere qualcosa dell'astronomia nell'italiano sul internet. La pagina rete www.kosmofysis.com e veramente interesante!!! Ci si trovano diversi articoli con temi che mi interessono. Se ho tempo per leggere, qui posso informarmi bene.
Nel forum delle lingue avere un'intercambio dell'astronomia e delle scienze naturali nelle lingue straniere mi piace molto.
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Fasulye Heptaglot Winner TAC 2012 Moderator Germany fasulyespolyglotblog Joined 5932 days ago 5460 posts - 6006 votes     1 sounds Speaks: German*, DutchC1, EnglishB2, French, Italian, Spanish, Esperanto Studies: Latin, Danish, Norwegian, Turkish Personal Language Map
| Message 190 of 3959 17 January 2009 at 3:31am | IP Logged |
Iversen wrote:
Btw.: I have discovered that Tagalog is an ergative language. Interesting... I thought those critters were rare. But we tend to forget about the traces of ergativity even in the Indoeuropean languages. For exemple in Danish, French and English:
S - V
Træet flækker
Le bois fend
The wood splits
S - V - O
Jeg flækker træet
Je fends le bois
I split the wood
EN: Sorry, Iversen, I don't understand what is an ergative language. Could you please give me a defintion of this linguistic term? If Tagalog is an ergative language, are there any European ergative languages? Do I speak any ergative languages? You give the examples, but I haven't got the point yet.
Edited by Fasulye on 17 January 2009 at 3:34am
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| Jar-ptitsa Triglot Senior Member Belgium Joined 5983 days ago 980 posts - 1006 votes     Speaks: French*, Dutch, German
| Message 191 of 3959 17 January 2009 at 10:18am | IP Logged |
Fasulye wrote:
Iversen wrote:
Btw.: I have discovered that Tagalog is an ergative language. Interesting... I thought those critters were rare. But we tend to forget about the traces of ergativity even in the Indoeuropean languages. For exemple in Danish, French and English:
S - V
Træet flækker
Le bois fend
The wood splits
S - V - O
Jeg flækker træet
Je fends le bois
I split the wood
EN: Sorry, Iversen, I don't understand what is an ergative language. Could you please give me a defintion of this linguistic term? If Tagalog is an ergative language, are there any European ergative languages? Do I speak any ergative languages? You give the examples, but I haven't got the point yet.
Fasulye-Babylonia |
I don't know what's an ergative language, but I guess that it's connected at the verb can be transitive and intransitive, and that the subject / object can exchange themself. In the first examples, the wood splits, it's the subject of the verb "split" but in the other example, "I split the wood" the verb remains "split" but now the wood's the object. I can think of other examples: the oven heats / I heat the oven, although very few ones (If this is ergative, possibly I'm absolutly wrong LOL!!!)
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| Jar-ptitsa Triglot Senior Member Belgium Joined 5983 days ago 980 posts - 1006 votes     Speaks: French*, Dutch, German
| Message 192 of 3959 17 January 2009 at 10:20am | IP Logged |
Iversen wrote:
I'm going to take a few days off.
I hope that you are ok. see you later after your break.
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