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Iversen Super Polyglot Moderator Denmark berejst.dk Joined 6788 days ago 9078 posts - 16473 votes     Speaks: Danish*, French, English, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish, Esperanto, Romanian, Catalan Studies: Afrikaans, Greek, Norwegian, Russian, Serbian, Icelandic, Latin, Irish, Lowland Scots, Indonesian, Polish, Croatian Personal Language Map
| Message 2329 of 3959 11 March 2011 at 3:51pm | IP Logged |
La "Bella Centro" estas in Amagero - buso 30, metro M1 ili Øresundo-trenoj irus tie. Se la hoteloj de Kopenhago estas plenaj ankaŭ estas ebla (kvankam iom altekosta) resti en Malmo krucanta la Oresund kun trajno.
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Fasulye Heptaglot Winner TAC 2012 Moderator Germany fasulyespolyglotblog Joined 5932 days ago 5460 posts - 6006 votes     1 sounds Speaks: German*, DutchC1, EnglishB2, French, Italian, Spanish, Esperanto Studies: Latin, Danish, Norwegian, Turkish Personal Language Map
| Message 2330 of 3959 12 March 2011 at 9:37am | IP Logged |
Iversen wrote:
La "Bella Centro" estas in Amagero - buso 30, metro M1 ili Øresundo-trenoj irus tie. Se la hoteloj de Kopenhago estas plenaj ankaŭ estas ebla (kvankam iom altekosta) resti en Malmo krucanta la Oresund kun trajno. |
Tio estas tre valora informo por mi!!! Mi volas rigardi ankaux sur Google Maps...
Nun mi estas en Nijmegen, Nederlando. Hodiaux matene ni iros al nederlanda librovendejo en la urbcentro. Mia patro volas havi monolingvan anglan posxvortaron kaj mi volas tie trarigardi la vortarojn. Eble estos ankaux interesaj libroj pri astronomio por almenaux trarigardi - se ne acxeti.
Tian anglan vortaron ili ne havis, sed mi vidis unu interesan libron pri la paleontologio de la tempo antaux la dinosauroj kun bildoj. Gxi kostis 42,00 EUR, sed mi ne volis investi tiom multe da mono. Pro tio mi ne acxetis gxin.
Edited by Fasulye on 12 March 2011 at 3:32pm
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Iversen Super Polyglot Moderator Denmark berejst.dk Joined 6788 days ago 9078 posts - 16473 votes     Speaks: Danish*, French, English, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish, Esperanto, Romanian, Catalan Studies: Afrikaans, Greek, Norwegian, Russian, Serbian, Icelandic, Latin, Irish, Lowland Scots, Indonesian, Polish, Croatian Personal Language Map
| Message 2332 of 3959 12 March 2011 at 8:54pm | IP Logged |
Kuikentje wrote:
Ik heb besloten om de altviool te gaan leren. Mijn beste vriend speelt prachtig viool, en ik zal nooit zo mooi kunnen, maar dat maakt niet uit. De viool vind ik ook mooi, en de cello maar de altviool gaat dieper in de ziel, en wanneer ik het hoor beweegt het me.
Verder geen nieuws eigenlijk of ideeën over iets te schrijven.
prettig weekend van kuikentje
DU: De viola (of altviool) is een sonore en 'vriendelijk ' instrument, niet zo scherp als de viool en gemakkelijker te transporteren dan cello. Er zijn gewoon niet zo veel muziek geschreven voor viola solo, en een bratch is niet goedkoop.
Good luck with your new instrument.
I have made one more video about text copying (which isn't as boring as it sounds). I use this activity to slow me down so that I notice more things in the texts, and the point of the video is that copying, combined with hyperliteral translation and word collection is relevant for your weak languages, while you would just copy and make a few markings with texts in stronger languages. And if anybody suggests that I have reverted to the stone age then it isn't quite true - Cromagnon man didn't have any internet connection.
RO: De fapt am avut ideea de acest video când am copiat unele texte pe planete extra-solare de la o transcriere de sitiul www5.fizicaparticulelor.ro. Existeau planete la univers, care puteau face pe Venus să privească ca suita nupţială într-un hotel de lux Seven Stars - cu toaletă privată şi mic dejun tip bufet. De pilda planeta WASP-12b:
Planeta WASP-12b este o planetă masivă, gazoasă, având o rază de aproximativ de două ori mai mare decât cea mai masivă planetă gazoasă din sistemul nostru solar, Jupiter. Ea se roteşte în jurul stelei ei la distanţă foarte mică, de aproape douăzeci de ori mai mică decât distanţa Soare - Mercur(...) De aceea, este planeta cu cea mai mare viteză de rotaţie cunoscută, iar un an pe această planetă durează un pic peste o zi terestră. Totodadată, este planeta cea mai fierbinte, având o temperatură medie de 2.300 grade Celsius (...) De asemenea, primeşte cea mai mare doză de radiaţii dintre toate planetele cunoscute. În concluzie, este planeta cu cele mai vitrege condiţii pentru susţinerea vieţii.
GER: Natürlich habe ich auch ein bißchen Fernsehen geschaut, darunter eine Sendung im NDR, wo die Leute besuchten die Lokalitäten in Kroatien, wo die Verfilmung der romantischen Indianerromane von Karl May über Winnetou stattgefunden hat. Dies geschah meistens im Gegend nahe Zadar, wo ich nicht gewesen bin, aber ich konnte doch ein frohes Wiedersehen mit der Inselstadt Trogir, wo ich zweimal gewesen bin, verzeichnen. Karl May ist so siemlich unbekannt außerhalb von Deutschland, aber ältere Deutschen dürften ihn wohl kennen.
- - -
I got the idea for my latest video while I copied some texts about exoplanets from a Romanian astronomical site, www5.fizicaparticulelor.ro. Among the least appetizing of these planets is WASP-12b, which is twice the size of Jupiter (=heavy feet!) and so close to its star that the surface temperature amounts to around 2300 degrees Celsius (=hot feet!), and logically it also receives a lot of radiation from the star (= bad sunburn). Even Venus looks like a seven star paradise in comparison!
In TV I have among other things seen a program about the places in Croatia where the films about the Indian Winnetou were turned. Winnetou who ?? you may ask. He is (or rather was) the brainchild of a German author by the name of Karl May (1842-1912), and the films were apparently hugely popular in Germany, but not terribly so in the rest of the world. However the Croatian landscapes were pretty, and there was a short glimpse of the island town Trogir where I have stayed twice.
CAT: ... i durant l'última hora vaig llegir articles sobre paleontologia en l'edició català de la Viquipèdia, incloent un article comprehensiu sobre la fauna d'Ediacara, és a dir: del període Precambrià tardiva - potser que alguns encara recordem la nostra discussió sobre això en una secció anterior d'aquest fil.
... and I have spent the last hour reading about paleontology in the Catalan Wikipedia, including the comprehensive article about the Ediacaran fauna from the late Precambrian. Persons with a very long memory may remember that this subject has been touched upon earlier in this thread. But never from a Catalan angle.
Edited by Iversen on 14 September 2011 at 12:50am
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Iversen Super Polyglot Moderator Denmark berejst.dk Joined 6788 days ago 9078 posts - 16473 votes     Speaks: Danish*, French, English, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish, Esperanto, Romanian, Catalan Studies: Afrikaans, Greek, Norwegian, Russian, Serbian, Icelandic, Latin, Irish, Lowland Scots, Indonesian, Polish, Croatian Personal Language Map
| Message 2334 of 3959 16 March 2011 at 10:37am | IP Logged |
DU: Bashmet speelt ook prachtig, en ik had zijn "Harold" als een voorbeeld ook kunnen bruiken. Ik heb voor vele jaren muziekinstrumenten niet gekocht, maar mijn gok is dat een aanvendbaar snaarinstrument duizenden van euro's zou kosten. De sleutel word zeker geen probleem - nog gemakkelijker dan zo wat wie een nieuw alfabet te leren. Het is een c-sleutel, omdat de node op de middelste lijn is c (hetzelfde c, die in de G-sleutel is net onder de 5 lijnen).
Piano muziek is geschreven voor de G-sleutel en de F-sleutel. In beide sleutels de 'naam-nood' is op het middelpunt van een spiraal. En de C-sleutel wijst ook duidelijk aan het C, maar let op: de versie die wordt gebruikt voor een altviool is precies op de middellijn gecentreerd, en deze versie heet de 'alt-sleutel' (de altviool heet "alto" in het Frans). Maar in de muziek voor de cello vind je en C-sleutel dat is een lijn hoger, en dit word als de tenorsleutel bedoeld. Deze namens komen natuurlijk allemaal uit het wereld van koormuziek, maar ik weet niet of de c sleutels daar nog steeds in gebruik zijn - mijn hoop is dat dat ze zijn afgeschaft in moderne edities.
Piano music is written using only the G clef and the F clef. In both cases the clef is named after the note at the centrepoint of the spiral. Likewise the C clef also clearly points out a c, but take care: the version used for viola music is dead center on the 5 lines of the staff, and this version is called the alto clef (the Viola is called "alto" in French). But in music for the cello you can find a c clef that is one line higher, and this is called the tenor clef. Of cause these names all come from the the world of choir music, but I simply don't remember whether the c clefs are still in use there - my guess would be that they have been abolished in modern editions.
And the transposing instruments should of course be written at the real level. Transposition in scores is a silly old habit now where there are full scales for all instruments, and most instrumentalists don't even have the whole arsenal of instruments in different keys (although some clarinet players have both an instrument in A and one in Bb). Tuba players can live with the simple and logical notation at pitch, so the rest of the bunch could probably also survive it. And if for instance French horn players* decided to go on strike for sentimental reasons then for heaven's sake give them their own parts with transposition, but print the full score at the correct level - it functions in the music of Prokofiev so it would obviously also function in music of other composers. Not all old traditions are worth preserving.
* Horn parts for a horn in F are transposing a fifth downwards in the treble key and a fourth upwards in the bass clef - and in old scores there are horns in high Bb, low Bb, A, Eb and a lot of other keys - but the whole literature whatever its notation is nowadays played on either a simple F instrument or one that has a 'high Bb' valve.
Edited by Iversen on 16 March 2011 at 11:48am
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Iversen Super Polyglot Moderator Denmark berejst.dk Joined 6788 days ago 9078 posts - 16473 votes     Speaks: Danish*, French, English, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish, Esperanto, Romanian, Catalan Studies: Afrikaans, Greek, Norwegian, Russian, Serbian, Icelandic, Latin, Irish, Lowland Scots, Indonesian, Polish, Croatian Personal Language Map
| Message 2336 of 3959 17 March 2011 at 1:05am | IP Logged |
Kuikentje wrote:
I agree, the clef isn't such a problem, although my best friend has said that the violinists can't play the viola because they can't read this C clef but that the violists can play the violin because they know the G clef. I can read very well the G and the F clefs, and little bit the C clef. Yes, they use the C clef, always I think. I don't know about the singers, but the violists I mean.
You have to practise every day, but I don't since 3 days!! It's not good, I will practise tomorrow. I can take a photo of my viola, the bow and case, but it's not allowed to put pictures on this forum, unfortunately. Maybe I will put it on my youtube's page.
The C clef (alto) isn't a problem - I have never played the viola, and I can read it without problems.
IT: Qui nell'anno domini 2011 Italia celebra il suo giubileo di 150 anni come paese unito, e perciò c'è stato un lungo programma a Raiuno. La maggior parte di esso non era esattamente al mio gusto, ma ho ascoltato qualque passaggio con Italiano parlato - per esempio l'intervento del presidente del paese ed un testo di Manzoni recitato con il celebre Coro dei prigioneri di Verdi nel fondo e poi qualche parola alla memoria di Garibaldi.
Ho anche un altro progetto Italiano: ho letto L'intera "Struttura Assente" di Eco come studente negli anni settanta, ed intendo rileggerla qui negli anni dieci - dopo più di trenta anni senza qualsiasi intento di imparare la minima cosa della semiologia! Veramente è un po' strano di vedere un tale dinosaurio risorgere dal mio passato! Comunque: malgro lo stilo chiarissimo del onorevole signor Eco tutto questo mi pare oggi un po' teoretico rispetto allo studio molto concreto delle lingue che sto conducendo oggi e che mi pare molto più rilevante.
RU: Кроме этого я сделал некоторые трёхъязычные распечатки, главным образом от Wikipedia, на польском, русском и датском языке. В следующем месяце я пройду через Польшу, и было бы хорошо знать кое-что о языке заранее - но я знаю, что один месяц не достаточно, чтобы изучить это - не как раз когда пассивный язык. Я организовал оригинальный польский текст и русский перевод текста перемежаются образом, с датского версию направо. Сначала я читал российскую версию, используя датский перевод, чтобы убрать сомнения и неизвестные слова,, и затем я сравниваю польский язык и российские версии. Первые тексты о тромбоне и тубе.
I have watched some parts of a long program on Raiuno commemorating the 150 years jubilee of il Risorgimento, i.e. the emergence of Italy as one nation. But I skipped most of the music. Apart from that I have received a copy of Eco's "La Struttura Assente" through my local library. I haven't read about semiology for more than 30 years, and now where I'm involved in serious language learning for the second time all this semiological stuff appears somewhat dry and theoretical to me - in spite of poor signor Eco, who is working his heart out of his pants to keep me interested.
Finally I have made some trilingual texts: Polish, Russian and Danish - I'll spend a few days in Poland in April, and it would be nice to know at least a smattering of Polish. But one month is of course not enough to learn it. I have organized the whole thing in tables, with a broad column to the left where there is a standard interspersed bilingual text in Polish and Russian, and a narrow column to the right reserved for the Danish translation. My first texts in this format are about musical instruments: the trombone and the tuba. First I read the Russian text, which isn't too difficult (because I know just enough about the content and because the Danish text is there to the right), and then I start comparing the Polish and the Russian versions - there are actually many recognizable words and constructions in the Polish version, so this method will give me a shortcut to understanding the Polish sentences. And later I'll try to listen to some Polish so that I can get a realistic little Polish voice humming in my mind instead of the Russian-inspired gnomon that is residing there for the moment.
It is slightly irritating that I didn't get the chance to illustrate this new layout in my video about text copying - I do see some perspectives for using it to learn other related languages.
Oh, and by the way: ES: mi recivis hodiau "Dua bulteno" kun la kongresa konfermilo, kaj vidis ke mi rezervitis nesufiĉajn noktojn por la kongreso: la 'malplena' tago estas merkredo, kaj mi havis la intencon je almenaŭ resti ĝis mardo, sed mi nur rezervis ĝis lundo.
Edited by Iversen on 14 September 2011 at 12:52am
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