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Jar-ptitsa Triglot Senior Member Belgium Joined 5983 days ago 980 posts - 1006 votes     Speaks: French*, Dutch, German
| Message 881 of 3959 14 May 2009 at 2:23pm | IP Logged |
Iversen wrote:
The preview of this forum is a mess, especially if you read in other languages than English. The reason is that the forum since 2006 has used the character set Unicode (UTF-8), whereas the preview box uses another character set, most likely the one called Western European. But I will compliment Jar-Ptitsa on her spelling, - I could only spot 3 small errors, which is nothing compared to the posts in the ugly thread. So even if the Spell checker in Word sometimes cannot recognize a correct word (such as my name) then it seems to work wonders to use it. Congrats.
Thank you :-)
I will try to not forget to write in word.
But it’s one problem with this system: when my post’s not in one language only but more. the spellchecker can control only one language (it can change, but not for example English and Dutch or Spanish and German, or other combinations ). in consequence the half of it has those red lines, or the spellchecker make the changes without to show and therefore create a different word. it looks very nasty when there are those red lines under the words. probably the solution is to reply in the same language that the quote, and if I’ve pasted more of them ( quotes) it’s necessary I separate them in other posts. it’s many things, probably I have to reduce my posts or it make very tired I think
The preview functions in Firefox but in Safari it’s corrupted. Other point, it didn’t know Firefox, therefore I’ve put it in the checker.
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| Jar-ptitsa Triglot Senior Member Belgium Joined 5983 days ago 980 posts - 1006 votes     Speaks: French*, Dutch, German
| Message 882 of 3959 14 May 2009 at 2:55pm | IP Logged |
and this :-) automatically change at this ☺ ☺ therefore you must put this not in word but on the reply, because the face is absolutely minuscule.
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Iversen Super Polyglot Moderator Denmark berejst.dk Joined 6788 days ago 9078 posts - 16473 votes     Speaks: Danish*, French, English, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish, Esperanto, Romanian, Catalan Studies: Afrikaans, Greek, Norwegian, Russian, Serbian, Icelandic, Latin, Irish, Lowland Scots, Indonesian, Polish, Croatian Personal Language Map
| Message 883 of 3959 14 May 2009 at 4:22pm | IP Logged |
When you write in Word you can mark a certain section and specify its language, - normally Word tries to identify this automatically, but especially with mixed languages this may not be enough. When that is done the spell checker should automatically use the correct dictionaries, provided that they are installed. There is an 'abc' at every language in the list whose spelling check files are installed and activated.
Depending on your version of Office your language pack will contain English plus one or more other languages. For instance a Dutch Office 2007 has spelling files for English, Dutch, French and German whereas a Danish Office only has English, Danish and German, - but the Hindi version has 9 languages. Not all languages in a language pack are necessarily activated. You can activate the passive ones through the Microsoft Office tools* in your START menu. If your language pack doesn't contain the necessary languages Microsoft wants you to spend money on additional language packs. That's business.
One thing that complicates matters is that Windows - which also is a Microsoft product - has the possibility of activating different keyboard settings (through the control panel), but the choice is much wider here than with the spelling files for the Office package.
Mostly you get fewer errors by letting Word make corrections while you are writing, but in the dialog box that you see while doing spelling checks there is a button called settings, and there you can choose not to have running spelling check activated.
Apart from that, there is an alternative or supplement to writing in MS Word: you could use the various online spelling checkers. I have tried a few out, including one called jspell that works on English, German, French, Italian and Spanish text, and it works like Word by asking you what to do about each error. Another at www.stars21.com/spelling has 23 languages, and it passed the Dutch and Danish tests I put it through on one PC, but didn't even run on another - and gave explanations in Japanese when I tried German. The one proposed by JW at www.orangoo.com has an amazing 28 languages, but you can't see the errors while you edit.
NB: all pure spelling-checkers have a problem with words that do exist in the proposed spelling, but not in the current context. That also includes words with wrong (or rather inappropriate) endings. For that purpose Word has grammar check for some languages, including English. I have not checked the German spelling checker in Word, but I did check the one at orangoo: if a form simply cannot exist then it is marked as an error. But without a grammatical analysis there is no way that it can trace correct endings in wrong places. .
*my menus are in Danish, so bear with me if a menu choice has a slightly different name in English
Edited by Iversen on 14 May 2009 at 11:15pm
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| JW Hexaglot Senior Member United States youtube.com/user/egw Joined 6207 days ago 1802 posts - 2011 votes     22 sounds Speaks: English*, German, Spanish, Ancient Greek, French, Biblical Hebrew Studies: Luxembourgish, Dutch, Greek, Italian
| Message 884 of 3959 14 May 2009 at 5:11pm | IP Logged |
Iversen wrote:
Danish Office only has English, Danish and German |
Does the German spell checker correct the case endings? The U.S. Office only has English, French, and Spanish so I am using an on-line spell checker for other languages (orangoo.com). It works fairly well except it does not correct the case endings in German.
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Fasulye Heptaglot Winner TAC 2012 Moderator Germany fasulyespolyglotblog Joined 5932 days ago 5460 posts - 6006 votes     1 sounds Speaks: German*, DutchC1, EnglishB2, French, Italian, Spanish, Esperanto Studies: Latin, Danish, Norwegian, Turkish Personal Language Map
| Message 885 of 3959 14 May 2009 at 6:20pm | IP Logged |
Iversen wrote:
Apart from that, there is an alternative or supplement to writing in MS Word: you could use the various online spelling checkers. I have tried a few out, including one called jspell that works on English, German, French, Italian and Spanish text, and it works like Word by asking you what to do about each error. Another at www.stars21.com/spelling has 23 languages, and it passed the Dutch and Danish tests I put it through on one machine, but didn't even run on another - and gave explanations in Japanese when i tried German. The one proposed by JW at www.orangoo.com has an amazing 28, but you can't see the errors while you edit.
NB: all pure spelling-checkers have a problem with words that do exist in the proposed spelling, but not in the current context. That also includes words with wrong (or rather inappropriate) endings. For that purpose Word has grammar check for some languages, including English. I have not checked the German spelling checker in Word, but I did check the one at orangoo: if a form simply cannot exist then it is marked as an error. But without a grammatical analysis there is no way that it can trace correct endings in wrong places. .
*my menus are in Danish, so bear with me if a menu choice has a slightly different name in English |
NL: De jspell spellchecker heb ik getest en die vind ik goed bruikbaar voor mijn talen ITA - FRA - SPA, Nederlands en Engels heb ik niet zo nodig. Dat zal ik nog uitproberen, hoe deze voor het Duits werkt. Ik zou het Duits handig vinden voor publicaties in het astronomietijdschrift van mijn club, want ik heb een neiging tot typefouten. In ieder geval heb ik de jspell bij mij in de favorieten gezet. Bedankt voor de info!
Edited by Fasulye on 14 May 2009 at 6:23pm
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Iversen Super Polyglot Moderator Denmark berejst.dk Joined 6788 days ago 9078 posts - 16473 votes     Speaks: Danish*, French, English, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish, Esperanto, Romanian, Catalan Studies: Afrikaans, Greek, Norwegian, Russian, Serbian, Icelandic, Latin, Irish, Lowland Scots, Indonesian, Polish, Croatian Personal Language Map
| Message 886 of 3959 14 May 2009 at 10:59pm | IP Logged |
FR: Parfois il faut travailler. Je suis donc allé à une réunion à 9 heures ce matin, mais il n'y avait personne - la réunion a débuté à 10 heures. Donc j'ai eu une heure pour moi-même, et je l'ai utiliser à lire une de mes revues Françaises, Micro, qui traite des ordinateurs. Les Français ont leur propre façon à dire beaucoup de choses, et cela commence avec le mot même des ordinateurs. Il parait que les Français eux-mêmes ont parfois besoin de quelques explications, et dans le magazin on trouve logiquement "la définition de la semaine": "Menu déroulant - liste de commandes qui apparaît quand on clique sur le nom du menu présenté dans une barre." Fichier, dossier, curseur ou pointeur de la souris, un cliquer-glisser (l'acte de tirer quelque chose avec la souris), barre d'outils, mot de passe, télécharger ('download'), info-bulles et logiciels (programs), - pas mal de mots qu'il faut savoir ces jours-ci.
PLATT: Ina Müller leert mi ook vele nütten Woorden. Weet ehr z.B. wat een Methan-Pupse is? Goot, lies mal: "114 kg Methangas, pupst vun een Koh in't Johr! Wi harrn domols 30 dorvun in een lütte Kohstall stohn! [...] Wi harrn domols den ganzen Kohstall vull mit lebennigen Methan-Bomben! Biowaffen quasi!". Dat geeft een önner Perspectiff op't Ecologie-project. Die Maldiven worden överschwemmt wiel de düütsche Kohen pupsen. "Mein Gott" sagt er (sien Fründ) "Hier steht, dass Methangas durch Magenbakterien im Pansen entsteht, die Ozonschicht kaputt macht und das Methan leicht entflammbar ist". Kinner, das is doch ok keen Kohstall mehr. Dat is doch'n Kraftwark... Booum!!
Today I went to a meeting at 9 o'clock. Nobody there, the meeting should start at 10 so I spent the better part of an hour reading a French computer magazine which I brought back from France during my latest visit there. And it is very useful to read that kind of stuff, not only because the content is interesting, but also because the French computer words can be difficult to find in dictionaries that are just a few years old. In French a computer is not even a computer, - it is an 'ordinateur', and it's like that all the way through.
During my travel home from work Ina Müller taught me something about 'pupsing' cows (read flatulence), - one cow can produce 114 kg methane each year,a and methane is a greenhouse gas. So the Maldives will sink into the Ocean partly because German cows fart.
Edited by Iversen on 16 May 2009 at 12:27pm
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Fasulye Heptaglot Winner TAC 2012 Moderator Germany fasulyespolyglotblog Joined 5932 days ago 5460 posts - 6006 votes     1 sounds Speaks: German*, DutchC1, EnglishB2, French, Italian, Spanish, Esperanto Studies: Latin, Danish, Norwegian, Turkish Personal Language Map
| Message 887 of 3959 15 May 2009 at 6:18pm | IP Logged |
DE: Heute Abend werde ich gar keine Zeit haben für das Forum, denn ich erwarte einen sehr interessanten Besuch in meinem Astronomieclub - nach einer Woche mit drei absoluten Highlights der internationalen Raumfahrt (Stichworte: Hubble, Planck, Herschel, alles sind Weltraumteleskope). Zur Einstimmung in das Thema werde ich auf Empfehlung von Iversen einen dänischen Artikel über die Raumfahrt lesen. Das ist immer spannend und eine Herausforderung, in einer Sprache, die ich noch gar nicht systematisch gelernt habe, dann doch probieren, soviel wie möglich davon zu verstehen. So Wörter wie "stjerner", "galakser", "universet" sind für mich sowieso verständlich, und bei anderen Ausdrücken muss ich dann den Zuammenhang versuchen zu deuten. Ich bekomme bei einer solchen Lektüre immer Lust, Dänisch zu lernen - aber nein, dann bin ich dann doch hart genug, mich direkt wieder meinen laufenden Sprachprojekten zuzuwenden.
PS: Die fachlich führenden Leute meines Clubs waren nicht anwesend. Aber mein Lernpartner Türkisch war da und wir konnten über Astronomie/Raumfahrt und die türkische Sprache fachsimpeln. Ich hatte den dänischen Internetartikel mit in die Sternwarte genommen und habe ihm daraus einige astronomische dänische Fachbegriffe zitiert, die ich mir ableiten konnte. Am Wochenende will ich untersuchen, was die ESA über die neuen Weltraumteleskope Herschel und Planck schreibt.
Edited by Fasulye on 16 May 2009 at 12:33pm
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| Jar-ptitsa Triglot Senior Member Belgium Joined 5983 days ago 980 posts - 1006 votes     Speaks: French*, Dutch, German
| Message 888 of 3959 15 May 2009 at 6:40pm | IP Logged |
Iversen wrote:
PLATT: Ina Müller leert mi ook vele nütten Woorden. Weet ehr z.B. wat een Methan-Pupse is? Goot, lies mal: "114 kg Methangas, pupst vun een Koh in't Johr! Wi harrn domols 30 dorvun in een lütte Kohstall stohn! [...] Wi harrn domols den ganzen Kohstall vull mit lebennigen Methan-Bomben! Biowaffen quasi!". Dat geeft een önner Perspectiff op't Ecologie-project. Die Maldiven worden överschwemmt wiel de düütsche Kohen pupsen. "Mein Gott" sagt er (sien Fründ) "Hier steht, dass Methangas durch Magenbakterien im Pansen entsteht, die Ozonschicht kaputt macht und das Methan leicht entflammbar ist". Kinner, das is doch ok keen Kohstall mehr. Dat is doch'n Kraftwark... Booum!!
hahahaha LOL!!!!
Arme Maldiven ☹ fasulye, du musst alle die Kühe in deinem Land erzählen dass sie nicht mehr pupsen sollen!!!
ich habe „Microsoft Office 2004 for Mac“ mein Vater hat das gekauft, und ich glaube, dass es die US-Version ist weil er mein Notebook auch dort bestellt hatte. ich habe geguckt, und auf der Liste stehen:
Default ACL:
Auch habe ich iWork 08.
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