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Iversen’s Multiconfused Log (see p.1!)

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Super Polyglot
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 Message 2657 of 3959
31 October 2011 at 8:09am | IP Logged 
Write or show:

OBS. the Myanma alphabet looks like small bubbles side by side with things growing out of them (whereas the Thai alphabet looks like small strips of cooked noodles placed side by side). But in earlier periods there has been periods with both more square and more free-flowing shapes of the letters - plus regional variants (Myanmar has allegedly 111 languages, but the language referred to as myanma bhasa (or Burmese) is allegedly spoken by some 32 million persons out of around 47 million, and the rest have to learn it in school.

PS: where did the 'r' of "myanma bhasa" go? It didn't go - it was never there. There is no 'r' in Burmese, so heaven knows why the country was renamed as "Myanmar" after the English name "Burma" was abolished - in the country itself you will see that many government owned/controlled companies are called "Myanma" or "Myan ma". But the most popular beer in the country is called "Myanmar beer" with an 'r' on the bottles.

In English the full name of the country is "Republic of the Union of Myanmar". The name "Burma" (or "Birma") comes from the name of the major tribe, the "Bamar" (or "Bama"). But actually the Wikipedia article about 'Burma' states that even "myanma" is a name for that tribe, just in another register. The whole question about 'Burma' versus 'Myanmar' is fraught with political overtones which aren't relevant here at HTLAL, but I would say that I use Myanmar because the junta has as much right to name the country as the English colonial power had, and Myanmar is for better or worse the official name.

I have written a rather longish 'postcard' in Danish about the touristical aspects of my trip for the new homepage of my travel club, but unfortunately it can't be seen by non members yet (and even if it could it wouldn't be of much help to most members of HTLAL).

Edited by Iversen on 01 November 2011 at 12:04am

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 Message 2658 of 3959
31 October 2011 at 3:48pm | IP Logged 
QUOTE IVERSEN: "I have written a rather longish 'postcard' in Danish about the touristical aspects of my trip for the new homepage of my travel club, but unfortunately it can't be seen by non members yet (and even if it could it wouldn't be of much help to most members of HTLAL)."

It wouldn't be of much help to most members of HTLAL? Jeg kendte ikke den nye hjemmeside af "De Berejstes Club", men nu har jeg kigget på den hejmmeside og je kan forstå teksten meget godt. I mit kurs dansk må jeg hver uge læse udkendte tekster på dansk, læse en hejemmeside er ikke mere så svært for mig.

Jeg synes at nye hjemmesiden af din club er smukker og overskueliger end gamle hjmmesiden af din club! Jeg har markeret "bladwijzer" den hjemmeside, fordi jeg sammler internetsider på dansk - det en god øvelse for mig at læse!

(Jeg kan meget mere forstå dansk - passiv - end jeg kan skriver det!)


PS: Min Tysk-Skandinaviske Club er en lille(!) club uden hjemmeside - desvaerre.

Edited by Fasulye on 31 October 2011 at 3:51pm

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Super Polyglot
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 Message 2659 of 3959
01 November 2011 at 12:14am | IP Logged 
The new homepage may be prettier, but so far there is not as much content as on the old one, and some of the content is so far not visible unless you are logged in - which limits the number of visitors so much that I almost regret having wasted my time on writing a sizeable text which hardly anybody can see.
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 Message 2660 of 3959
01 November 2011 at 7:27am | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
The new homepage may be prettier, but so far there is not as much content as on the old one, and some of the content is so far not visible unless you are logged in - which limits the number of visitors so much that I almost regret having wasted my time on writing a sizeable text which hardly anybody can see.

The question is whether the target group "Danish travellers" have enough to read on the new club website now to become interested in membership.

On the other side I am a language learner of Danish and I can find enough interesting stuff right now to test my reading capacity of Danish and to get reading practise. I remember that two years ago I had a look at the old website of the travellers club and I couldn't understand almost anything of it. Now I can read for example "Aktive medlemmer med en offentlig praesentation", so for my Danish reading practise the new club website is useful.

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Solfrid Cristin
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 Message 2661 of 3959
01 November 2011 at 7:46am | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:

I have written a rather longish 'postcard' in Danish about the touristical aspects of my trip for the new homepage of my travel club, but unfortunately it can't be seen by non members yet (and even if it could it wouldn't be of much help to most members of HTLAL).

Any chance of you posting it here for those of us who can read it?
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Super Polyglot
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 Message 2662 of 3959
01 November 2011 at 10:09am | IP Logged 
Solfrid Cristin wrote:
Any chance of you posting it here for those of us who can read it?

It would have to be in a translation (or a sequence of translations into different languages to make it more like a training session for myself).

Actually I write a short travelogue in Danish every time I have been somewhere, but I have only posted a link once - and of course to the old homepage of that club. Maybe somebody might want to spot some errors in my Scots travelogue?
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 Message 2663 of 3959
01 November 2011 at 10:53am | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
Actually I write a short travelogue in Danish every time I have been somewhere, but I have only posted a link once - and of course to the old homepage of that club. Maybe somebody might want to spot some errors in my Scots travelogue?

I had a look on your Scottish travelogue. What a piece of work! Roundabout I can understand it. But I now I see that some of your older travelogues in Danish posted on the old clubwebsite can be openly read by everybody. So this is what you mean when you state that the new clubwebsite is too much locked up.


Edited by Fasulye on 01 November 2011 at 11:14am

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Winner TAC 2012
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 Message 2664 of 3959
01 November 2011 at 7:24pm | IP Logged 
Iversen, vil du godt hjælpe mig oversætte den sættning:

Den nye hjemmeside af din club: "... en stilling som EDB-konsulent, som jeg havnede ved et rent og skært tilfælde."

Oversættelse: ... eine Stelle als EDV-Berater, die ich...?

Uff, den saetning er sâ svaer!


Edited by Fasulye on 01 November 2011 at 7:25pm

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