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Iversen’s Multiconfused Log (see p.1!)

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 Message 921 of 3959
28 May 2009 at 11:40am | IP Logged 
IC: Af því að eg hef keypt farseðil til Íslands, er ég nú buinn að lesa svo mikið á islenzku sem eg get funnið, og að daglegur skrifa dalitið á þessu mál. Minn forgangsaðferð til að finna áhugaverð text er að gefa Google hentugt orð til að leika sér við. Og viðvikjandi Íslandi, hvað get verið betri en orðið fyrir "volcano", 'eldfjall' (fire-mountain)? Islandska Wikipedia hefur stutt hlut, sem segur að hæsti þekti eldfjall er Ólympus-fjallið á Mars (27 km há) og virkstur á Jördinu er Kilauea á Hawaii. Annan text (á segur að hinn hæsti á Venus er bara 4 km há, - Þeiafjallið. Þeia er dyngja, og dyngja er "eldfjall með mjög aflíðandi hlíðar sem myndast hefur við langvinn en róleg flæðigos. Dyngjur eru venjulega úr basalti." Á Islandi hæsti eldfjall Hekla (1.491m) er einnig hinn þektastur, en sú sem hefur gjert meist skemmt er án efi Laki (aður og kallað 'Eldborgir'). Laki hófst á hvítasunnudag 8. júní 1783 að undangenginni jarðskjálftahrinu. Presturinn Jòn Steingrimsson skrifaði Fullkomið skrif um Síðueld, sem samkvæmt Wiki kallað var 'eldritið.' Opnaðist 25 km langur rifa í Jörđinu, og her um bíl 13.3 km3 hraun gaus út ur gígurinn, samkvæmt 10.000.000 ton koltvísýringur (CO2) sem er gróðurhúsalofttegund. I askan var fluor og annar eitraður hlutur, - 50% af nautgripum, 79% af kindum, 20% af islendingugum dóu. Það var slæmt, mikið slæmt!

Eg nefndi Þessa er heimsiða fyrir sú sem hafi stjörnufræða sem hagsmun, þótt textana eru eitthvað stuttar. Heimsiðan hefur óg þýðingar fyrir hlutar í alhliðan: neutron star = nifteindastjarna, pulsar = tifstjarna, supernova = sprengistjarna, extrasolar planet (exoplanet) = fjarreikistjarna. Og þýðinga fyrir 'space shuttle' er 'geimferja': "Geimferjan Atlantis lenti heilu og höldnu á Edwards herflugvellinum í Kaliforníu klukkan hálffjögur að íslenskum tíma í gær. Þar með lauk fimmta og síðasta viðhaldsleiðangrinum til Hubblesjónaukans"


I have bought a ticket to Iceland, so now I have to read as much Icelandic stuff as possible for a couple of weeks and also write someting every day, otherwise I'm won't be ready to use the language actively when I get there. So I have used my usual preferred method to find interesting texts: Googgle. And with Iceland on the agenda, what better search term than the word for volcano, "eldfjall" (fire mountain)? I first read on Wiki that the highest known volcano (and mountain, for that sake) is Mons Olympus on Mars with 27 km, and that the most active one on the Earth is Kilaueau on Hawaii. Then I read on another homepage that the highest volcano on Venus only is 4 km, and that it spews basalt. No wonder, Venus is a thoroughly uncomfortable place to spend one's summer holiday - 600 degrees in the shadow and there is only shadow, and it is dark reddish and smells terribly (but at least there aren't any beach vendors around to bother you - there is no beach).

Then I turned my attention to Iceland. The best known volcano there is Hekla, but it is another one that as caused most destruction. In 1783 a 25 km long rift opened at Laki in the Southern part of Iceland, and 13.3 km3 of basaltic lava spewed forth, plus 10 million tons of sulphour dioxide and heaven knows how much else. 50% of the cattle, 79% of the sheep and at least 20% of the local population died from poisoning and starvation. In fact the same thing happened at the end of the Permian, but there the hole in the Earth just stayed open for millions of years - bad bad times to live!

Finally I returned to, which is a homepage for Icelandic afficionados of astronomy. The texts are somewhat short, but there are useful things such as a wordlist for astronomical terms. It is clear from their vocabulary that the Icelanders still has some confusion concerning stars and planets, which is caused by the survival of words coined by astronomy challenged vikings. For instance a planet is a "reikistjerna", i.e. a wandering star (we have discussed this long ago, but on the basis of Latin).

This is one of the items in the news section:

"Geimferjan Atlantis lenti heilu og höldnu á Edwards herflugvellinum í Kaliforníu
Space-ferry-the Atlantis landed whole and 'holden' (kept) at/to Edwards army-airfield-the in California

klukkan hálffjögur að íslenskum tíma í gær.
clock-the halffour at Icelandic-the time in yesterday.

Þar með lauk fimmta og síðasta viðhaldsleiðangrinum til Hubblesjónaukans"
There with ended fifth and last maintenance-expedition-the to Hubble-look-eye-the.

Btw. did you know that there is an Icelandic-Catalan dictionary on the internet? Probably not, but it is here!

Edited by Iversen on 28 May 2009 at 12:49pm

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Super Polyglot
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 Message 922 of 3959
28 May 2009 at 2:41pm | IP Logged 
I followed up on a link in Weizenkeim's Russian log to an article about Marc Okran, the inventor of the Klingon language, and through that I wound up listening to his own lecture in five parts about the whole process of creating the language, and I was pleasantly surprised by the sober and informative character of the description. I even speculated whether the processes described takes place also in the development of real human languages (just slower). It took all in all some 25 minutes, and it was worth it. But the Startrek series itself is rubbish.

IC: Eg hef funnið nokkra frettir með hljoð og texta, þar á meðal skýrsla um bílslysi á Grindavíkurvegi. Það er ekki mikill, og það er ákveðið ekki nægilegt, en ef ég ekki get finnað önnuð, verð eg að vera anægd með hvat eg kann fá. Á var einhvern tíma nýjung við afrit, en síðan kem breyting á siðan, og ég get ekki funnið þeim á nýjan útgáfa. Það er auðveldlega að finna podcasts án afritu, fyrir dæmi á - Þo að eg verð að sækkja hlekin í 'vafra' XML. Eg sjá, að RUV auðvitað hefur funnið islenzk orð fyrir 'podcast': HLAÐVARP.

Edited by Iversen on 28 May 2009 at 11:08pm

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 Message 923 of 3959
28 May 2009 at 4:11pm | IP Logged 
Before I had decided to not learn more, but improve the four foreign languages which I started and know better the dialects of those as well. But, Icelandic is VERY interesting!!!! It seems it's little bit like the mum or dad of the Germanic languages LOL!! Like Latin of the Romance languages, but not dead. i haven't time now because of the work in my school, but in the future maybe I will learn Icelandic. Iversen, how's it to learn this language?

Yes, Brugge is interesting I think as well.

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 Message 924 of 3959
28 May 2009 at 7:08pm | IP Logged 

EN: Iversen, it's so tempting, I always want to react on your scientific topics...because I share your interests on this field. My computer work in the callcenter causes me neck pain every day, so I should at least be more computer absent in my leisure time. So I have to reduce my private internet activities at home. This weekend we are going to record my You Tube languages interview, the weather forecast is already promising.

Happy Whitsun weekend! Also to Jar-ptisa and the others.

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 Message 925 of 3959
28 May 2009 at 9:20pm | IP Logged 

DE: Ich muss doch noch etwas Spannendes berichten. Die ganze Woche über kommen jeweils von 20:15 bis 21:00 auf "ARTE" paläontologische Dokus über Dinosaurierkämpfe die sich in einem ausgetrockneten prähistorischen See in Utah, USA abgespielt haben sollen. Dort wurde ein Saurier-Massengrab von Fleisch- und Pflanzenfressenden Dinosaueriern aus der Jurazeit ausgegraben und die Sendungen analysieren, was dort an der Fundstelle alles passiert sein soll. Zwei Fernsehsendungen dazu habe ich bereits gesehen, die nächste kommt morgen Abend. Einige Pflanzenfresser sind wohl mit ihren dicken Füßen im Schlamm eingesunken und versuchten sich zu befreien, was jede Menge Raubsaurier anlockte, die auf leichte Beute hofften. Kämpfe auf Leben und Tod haben dort stattgefunden, wobei sich auch die Pflanzenfresser als sehr wehrhaft erwiesen hatten (durch Schlagen mit dem Schwanz oder durch Herumwälzen oder Zertrampeln). Die gefundenen Pflanzenfresser und Raubsaurier wiesen zum Teil starke Verletzungen auf. Ausgiebig kommen in der Doku amerikanische Paläontologen zu Wort und es werden Skelettfunde erläutert.

Iversen, du hast den Sender "ARTE" gar nicht zur Verfügung, erinnere ich mich. Ich weiß nicht, wieviele Folgen dieser Doku-Reihe noch kommen, aber morgen schaue ich mir die nächste an...


Edited by Fasulye on 28 May 2009 at 9:30pm

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 Message 926 of 3959
28 May 2009 at 11:04pm | IP Logged 
Jar-Ptitsa: es wäre viel einfacher Isländisch zu lernen, wenn es dafür genug Lehrmittel gäbe. Zum Beispiel habe ich auf Isländisch fast nur Nachrichten gehört, und meine Interessen liegen eigentlich anderswo.

Fasulye: Ich kann ARTE nur bei meiner Mutter sehen, und Morgen werde ich gar nichts sehen. Ich bin mehr oder wenig freiwillig zu einer Veranstaltung meines Arbeitsgebers eingeladen, und das wird vermutlich bis spät in den Abend dauern. Ich sehe aber ganz viele Dinos im Fern, und ich habe auch etwa 100 Stunden Paläontologie auf VHS aufgenommen, so ich werde hoffentlich nie darauf verzichten müssen.
Ich werde natürlich auch deine Aufnahme auf Youtube sehen, sobald sie fertig sind. Persönlich bleibe ich lieber unsichtbar und unhörbar, weil ich mich lieber schriftlich ausdrücke (ausser bei meiner Reisen). Und jetzt wo meine alte Wohnung verkauft geworden ist, kann ich mir wieder etwas mehr Reiseaktivität leisten.

Edited by Iversen on 29 May 2009 at 6:53am

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 Message 927 of 3959
29 May 2009 at 6:27am | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
Persönlich bleibe ich lieber unsichtbar und unhörbar, weil ich mich lieber schriftlich ausdrücke, ausser bei meiner Reisen. Und jetzt wo meine alte Wohnung verkauft geworden ist, kann ich mir wieder etwas mehr Reiseaktivität leisten.

DE: Das sind nur wenige Menschen, die Sprachen aufnehmen und ins Internet stellen. Ich habe einige Brieffreunde im Ausland, die mich nur schriftlich kennen. Soweit diese sich für Sprachen interessieren, sollen sie mich auch mal sprechen hören und sehen. Super, dass du deine alte Wohnung jetzt doch noch losgeworden bist. Das erhöht deine Reisemöglichkeiten, denn du hast eine Reihe von Sprachen, die du noch in der Praxis anwenden willst.

Island ist ein ungewöhnliches Reiseland, ich höre nie, dass Deutsche dort hinreisen. Ich werde mit Interesse deine sprachlichen Eindrücke dort lesen.


Edited by Fasulye on 29 May 2009 at 6:28am

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Super Polyglot
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 Message 928 of 3959
30 May 2009 at 1:22am | IP Logged 
(content moved)

Edited by Iversen on 07 June 2010 at 2:18pm

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