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Super Polyglot
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 Message 2593 of 3959
07 September 2011 at 12:28am | IP Logged 

"As armas e os barões assinalados
Que, da Ocidental praia Lusitana,
Por mares nunca dantes navegados
Passaram ainda além da Taprobana* . . .* Ceilão
Depois de ler o Canto primeiro dos Lusiadas estou um pouco desapontado - mas isto é apenas uma espécie de prefácio para o resto do trabalho, e talvez haverá um pouco mais 'soco' no resto do poema.

POL: Mam również powrócił do studiach nad językiem polskim - byłem zbyt zajęty od lipca, kiedy wróciłem z Italii. Mam kopiowane i tłumaczone tekst z Wikipedii na temat francuskiego matematyka Laplacea.

RU: Кроме того, я изучал отрывок из моей русской книге история о жестоких завоеваний Хорезма войсками Чингисхана. Зачем читать триллери, когда вы можете читать о самой истории?

Last evening I read the first 'song' of Os Lusiadas, which is seen as something like the national epos of Portugal. It was all a bit too orderly and nice, but the first part is just some kind of foreword so maybe the rest will be a bit more colourful and dramatic. I have found the poem as an audiobook here (179 mB as MP3, Librivox), but not yet listened to it - it promises "an exalted vision of wonder, grandiloquence and moving patriotism.". I do hope that it won't be too exalted!

This evening I have among other things studied a text about Laplace from the Polish Wikipedia - actually the first time since my trip to Italy in July that I have done anything about this language -shame on me! However I found it relatively easy to get back into the mood - I had to look up a number of words, but the sentence structure and grammar turned out not to be a problem. One little anecdote about this French mathematician: when he first went to Paris he brought an introduction to the venerated d'Alambert, who lend him a big fat book about mathematics and told him to come back when he had read it and learned its contents. Laplace returned a few days later and d'Alembert got furious - but it was true: Laplace had learnt everything in that book in a few days. This is a feat that is comparable to Tammet's Icelandic adventure, just in another field.

Besides I reread a passage about Djinghis Khan in my Russian history book. It is as bloody and gruesome as any modern thriller or horror book, but in contrast to those things it describes true events. Today Khorezm was smashed, tomorrow he'll make short shrift of Old Russia.

EDIT: Now I have listened to the beginning of Canto Primeiro, and the voice is sober and pleasant - but I have not found out who is speaking.

Edited by Iversen on 07 September 2011 at 12:43am

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United States
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 Message 2594 of 3959
07 September 2011 at 6:18pm | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
Last evening I read the first 'song' of Os Lusiadas, which is seen as something like the national epos of Portugal. It was all a bit too orderly and nice, but the first part is just some kind of foreword so maybe the rest will be a bit more colourful and dramatic. I have found the poem as an audiobook here (179 mB as MP3, Librivox), but not yet listened to it - it promises "an exalted vision of wonder, grandiloquence and moving patriotism.". I do hope that it won't be too exalted!

Thank you for the link to the audiobook. I had read of Os Lusíadas as an epic poem of Portuguese exploration and it intrigued me but as of yet had not pursued it further. “Grandiloquence and moving patriotism” may pose a challenge to my vocabulary, but I am willing to take the challenge.

Quando eu era menino, eu navegava em barcos pequenos. Mas eu tinha uma grande imaginação, eu li livros sobre exploradores e aventureiros que navegava acerca do mundo. Eu ainda tenho uma imaginação, e eu ainda leio livros, mas agora eu tenho meu Ipod tambem!

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Super Polyglot
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 Message 2595 of 3959
07 September 2011 at 11:36pm | IP Logged 
POR: Como escrevi acima, a leitura dos Lusíades é surpreendentemente fácil de um ponto de vista lingüístico, além de umas ortografias antiquadas (incluindo algumas que me faz lembrar o Galego ("polo")).

RU: Я провел некоторое время в этот вечер изучению злодеяния Чингисхана, но это не является подходящей темой для мирного форума как "Как-научиться-любой-язык".

POL: Po artykule w Laplace'a, studiowałem podobny artykuł o jego prawie równie mądry poprzednika d'Alemberta. Wszakże, dłużej niż trwało do budowy tych dwóch zdań, ale nadal uważam, że mój język polski przetrwał przerwy dość dobrze.

GR: Επιπλέον, επανέλαβα περίπου 60 λέξεις σε ένα γλωσσάρι τριών στηλών με λέξεις από το άρθρο για την ελληνική παιδιά και το διαδίκτυο, και έχω μελετήσει ένα κείμενο για αεροπορικές εταιρείες χαμηλών κόστων που πετούν στην Ελλάδα.

POR: Voltarei a Camões como o meu material de leitura atual de dormir, mas antes disso queria ouvir o segundo canto das Lusíadas.

I doubt that Hobbema will have problems understanding the words of Camões - the big problem is the historal and mythological apparatus, and while my edition has notes in the back of the book they aren't enough to make sense of the references. Somewhere I have a Portuguese history, but it was not with my other Portuguese books - probably because I actually have read it after returning from the trip to Portugual where I bought it.

Apart from that I have worked with Polish, Russian and Greek this evening.

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Super Polyglot
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 Message 2596 of 3959
09 September 2011 at 3:55am | IP Logged 
Yesterday evening I started my studies with a short passage in Bahasa from my Singapore guide, but halfway through the evening I felt sleepy and decided to take a nap. I woke up some 4 hours later, so goodbye studies.

However I have something else to write about, namely Youtube. I haven't made a video since the two in Esperanto in July, but I still see members there subscribing to my channel, and I have now come in the paradoxical situation that I almost feel bad about not making new videos at regular intervals. I have one half-project, namely a second video in Portuguese (mostly because my first one has been justly criticized for being somewhat hard to understand), but I don't feel that I have any special knowledge areas or spectacular experiences related to Portuguese, and there is no point in making videos without a clear purpose.

But even thinking about possible videos in a certain language is beneficial because some of those deliberations are formulated in that language. For instance I have been thinking about the Lusiadas and Portuguese history lately, not only because I'm currently reading Camões' opus, but also because I thought about possible intelligent and learned remarks about it - but alas, I couldn't come up with enough intelligent and learned remarks to fill even one minute of a video.

So those subscribers will have to wait ..

Edited by Iversen on 09 September 2011 at 3:59am

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Russian Federation
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 Message 2597 of 3959
09 September 2011 at 4:59am | IP Logged 
"Я провел некоторое время в этот вечер изучению злодеяния Чингисхана, но это не является
подходящей темой для мирного форума как "Как-научиться-любой-язык"."
Я провёл некоторое время за изучением злодеяний Чингисхана, но это не является подходящей
темой для такого мирного форума, как "Как-выучить-любой-язык" ("как-научиться-любому-

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Super Polyglot
Joined 6788 days ago

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 Message 2598 of 3959
09 September 2011 at 5:18am | IP Logged 
Thanks to Марк ... not least for the comma before как. The irony is of course that I just have written in another thread that I as a language learner is bound by the decisions/traditions of the native Russians when it comes to Russian punctuation in precisely the same way as I am in other questions regarding that language. So I'll just point out that my omission of the comma wasn't a deliberate attempt to change the rules, but just a casual example of influence from other languages with fewer commas.

Edited by Iversen on 09 September 2011 at 5:19am

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Super Polyglot
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 Message 2600 of 3959
09 September 2011 at 2:45pm | IP Logged 
Kuikentje wrote:
Hoi Iversen

je hebt de hele nacht niet geslapen, ik hoop dat je ok bent.

We hebben ons schoolfeest vandaag, wat meestal toch leuk is ondanks feesten meestal niet zo zijn, maar dit komt door het feit dat we niet zo veel personen zijn, en de muziek zachtjes zal blijven. Ik verheug me al op de cocktails haha alhoewel die helaas zonder alcohol zijn.

Het is niet zo erg - ik zat op mijn computer tussen 3 end 6, maar daarna sliep ik een paar uur meer. En nu komt er een weekend waar ik hopelijk kreeg tijd de rest van Camões te lezen en misschien ook Volume 2 van De Lord van de Rings.*

EDIT: "In de Ban van de Ring" ... dit is zeker de meest debiele vertaling van de naam van de onsterfelijke meesterwerk van Tolkien dat ik heb gezien. Iets nog erger op een andere taal?

Edited by Iversen on 11 September 2011 at 6:34pm

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