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Super Polyglot
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 Message 2001 of 3959
19 August 2010 at 7:53am | IP Logged 
Yesterday I stayed until 20.30 at my job to do 'the secret video', and even though it is my second attempt I'm still not happy about the result - too verbose with a duration that has only gone down from 18 to 16 minutes. But I have made better slides (well, screendumps from Word), and I have learnt the hard way to make short sequences and then connect them afterwards. It is somewhat disheartening to make a long and reasonably good sequence and then say something absolutely idiotic. In the forum you just correct the error and life goes on, but in the world of videos I don't know (yet) how to cut out a few seconds of rubbish so I have to rerecord the whole sequence. Still, this is a valuable lesson in both language and patience. In fact this is probably the hardest test you can imagine of speaking skills - harder than a conversation with a native speaker, where you are allowed a certain number of "erms" and googledipyks, and where you can rest your voice (and plan ahead) whenever the other person speaks. Maybe it could be used as training when I'm not on travel. I'm definitely thinking about getting my own camera - but not for communication purposes, only to force myself to speak in different languages instead of just writing them.

By the way, I made a Google search to find the Wiki where I wrote about wordlists, but then I also found this blog, where an adaptation of the method is described for people who study Japanese. It has a reference to another forum, where a certain Vosmiura makes a reference to an article by Keith, who once was quite active here on HTLAL. Actually I knew about this article, but it is nice to see that the ideas behind the wordlist works also for languages with a very different writing system.

RU: Единственное, что я делал вчера вечером, когда я вернулся домой, было написать повторений части некоторых русских списких словарей. Эти списки основаны на кусочки моей русской истории, и когда я увидел ряд слов, я отчетливо помнил, в какие места слова изначально стояли.

NO: Min godnatt-lesing etter Homer er "Mors og fars historie" av Edvard Hoem. Det virker som en biografi om forfatterens foreldre, men jeg vet ikke om alt er løgn. Jeg kjøpte den på en bokhandel i Kristiansand i Sør-Norge, fordi det var lite annet nynorsk å kjøpe - men det er ikke engang ekstremt nynorsk som jeg hadde håpet.

I made a mega Russian wordlist repetition round yesterday, completing the wordlists which I have compiled with words from my Russian history book and which in some cases have been lying around for weeks. Normally a repetition round should follow soon after the original round, but it didn't prove to be a problem: when I saw the words I could remember the passages in which they occurred in the book, and sometimes I could also remember my 'memory hooks' which I used for memorization. Actually the most important of these is the wealth of related words in Russian - almost any word is connected through a web of derivations to several other words.

My bedtime reading after the mighty Odyssey is a book in New Norwegian by a man called Edvard Hoem, - I can't really see whether it is a biography about his weird parents or a bunch of lies like most literature. But it is boring (and not even written in extreme New Norwegian) so it serves its purpose: to make me fall asleep fast.

Edited by Iversen on 19 August 2010 at 4:48pm

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 Message 2002 of 3959
19 August 2010 at 9:24am | IP Logged 

DE: Ich habe mich informiert. Anfang September findet im Zoo Krefeld eine Zooführung statt. Dann will ich teilnehmen. Es gibt auch spezielle Führungen für Neubürger der Stadt, aber daran darf ich nicht teilnehmen.


Edited by Fasulye on 19 August 2010 at 12:04pm

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Super Polyglot
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 Message 2003 of 3959
19 August 2010 at 8:58pm | IP Logged 
GER: OK, hoffen wir dann, daß es schönes Wetter wird, und daß Großmutter großmütig genug sei, sich öffentlich zu zeigen.

I have now survived the third episode of the saga about my heroic attempts to make a video. The first attempt lasted 18 minutes, the next 16, and now I'm down to 11 minutes which is OK. The price is that I speak at breakneck speed, and that I look like an overworked accountant with his boss hammering at the door. I have gained a sound respect for people who just switch on their camera, make a speech, store it, upload it and and switch off the camera again.

Unfortunately I discovered that there is one word on my screendumps (from yesterday) which is different from the one I'm speaking about. So I'll have to repair or redo those dumps and replace those in the video. But at least I don't have to rerecord anything to make it even faster, - it is already approaching warp speed.

The words I use for my wordlist demonstration are taken from one single sentence in a text about Gunung Mulu:

"Anda harus memiliki sertifikasi untuk mengikuti wisata adventure caving." (you have-to possess certifikat to join/follow touristic adventure caving".

... and for some unfathomable reason I wrote "signifikasi" instead of "sertifikasi". Dooh, "signifikasi" is not even used in Bahasa, according to my dictionaries.

Edited by Iversen on 20 August 2010 at 10:40am

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 Message 2004 of 3959
20 August 2010 at 10:51am | IP Logged 
For You Tube videos there is a general limit of 10 minutes. To facilitate this I put an alarm clock in front of me on the table to watch the minutes (NOT to let it ring!) while I am speaking and we are recording the video. This appears to be very helpful because before using this tool, my videos were always too short, for example 4-6 minutes instead of 7-9 minutes. I have never made a video which was too long nor have I made one which I had to record twice.


Edited by Fasulye on 20 August 2010 at 11:03am

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 Message 2005 of 3959
20 August 2010 at 3:04pm | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
GER: OK, hoffen wir dann, daß es schönes Wetter wird, und daß Großmutter großmütig genug sei, sich öffentlich zu zeigen.

Die Zooführung wird am 5. September stattfinden, allerdings würde sie im strömenden Regen wenig Sinn machen, da es kein "Allwetterzoo" ist. Das Thema wird sein: "Alltag im Zoo". Um so besser, wenn sich das Nashornbaby Kibibi zeigen wird, wichtiger sind mir aber allgemeine Hintergrundinfos über die alle Tiere, die gezeigt werden.


Edited by Fasulye on 20 August 2010 at 3:05pm

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 Message 2006 of 3959
21 August 2010 at 1:24am | IP Logged 
If your videos are going over 10 minutes, why not just split them into two using something like Windows Movie Maker? You don't HAVE to use the direct upload method to put up your Youtube videos. This is what I did - the latest video I made was 19 minutes, of which 3 were stuttering, stammering and long pauses, so I went to Windows Movie Maker, cut them out, added titles where necessary and split it into two. Youtube only allows videos to be 10 minutes long but there's no need to limit yourself to just one video at a time.

I saw you mentioned that you don't know how to cut a few seconds of rubbish - this is how! I'd imagine Apple has a similar program if you're a Mac user. By the way, what's your Youtube channel, for when you finish making this video? I'd love to subscribe.

Fasulye, I normally have to record mine in full a couple of times or more to avoid having to edit half of it out. Even with a notepad file of notes in front of me I really struggle in front of the camera! I think the solution seems to be to stand up ... my latest videos were a lot easier that way.

Looking forward to seeing this video,
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Super Polyglot
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 Message 2008 of 3959
22 August 2010 at 10:12pm | IP Logged 
Well, I have still no intention of putting my video on Youtube, so the time limit is not very important. But it is very instructive to make such a video, especially in another language than your native one - you get a dishearteningly honest glimpse of how you look and sound. I have made five versions now, and their durations are: 18, 16, 11, 16 and 15.40 minuts - and the last one is actually not bad, if I have to say so myself. The problem is that I spend my time speaking some kind of weird English, where I might get more effect by spending the time on other languages.

I have found out that I speak better when I first make a test video with a lot of notes and hints on paper strewn around me - and then throw it away (together with all the paper). Then I find out how it should have been done, and the final version can be made without notes, which at that point are more of a distraction than a help. I have also discovered that I have to cover up the little box that shows myself speaking, otherwise I'll be looking downwards continually because I stare at it all the time.

Edited by Iversen on 23 August 2010 at 9:13am

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