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Iversen’s Multiconfused Log (see p.1!)

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 Message 601 of 3959
01 April 2009 at 8:15pm | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
DK: Så er jeg hjemme igen,
So am I home again,

og italiensk må finde sig i igen blot være ét blandt en snes sprog
and Italian must find it self in (=accept) again only to be one among a score languages

som skal nøjes med et par minutters opmærksomhed i ny og næ.
which shall content-themselves with a couple minuts' attention in rising-Moon and waning-Moon (=now and then).

I Milanos lufthavn købte jeg endnu et populærvidenskabeligt blad, Mente & Cervello (=Sind & Hjerne),
In Milano's airport bought I yet one popularscientific magazine, Mind and Brain,

som handler om psykologi og hjernefysiologi,
which treat ('trade') about (=treat) psychology and brainphysiology,

og jeg synes faktisk det er et fortræffeligt blad.
and I think factual(ly) it is a splendid magazine.

Nogle af artiklerne har endda relevans for os der lærer sprog,
Some of articlesThe have even relevance for us who learn language(s),

såsom en artikel om de fysiologiske og psykologiske mekanismer bag dovenskab.
such-as an article about the physiological and psychological mechanisms behind procrastination.

Andre længere artikler handler om en patient
Other longer articles treat ('trade') about a patient

der mistede sin evne til at huske nye på grund af en bindegal hjernekirurg
who lost his ability to remember new things on cause of a binding-mad brain-surgeon,

om blindes evne til at 'se' verden omkring sig,
about blinds' (=blind people's) ability to 'see' the world around themselves,

om de fysiske årsager til autisme
about the physical causes to autism

og om de mekanismer der sørger for at hjernen har nogle bestemte folder.
and about the mechanisms that 'sorry for' (=ensure that) brainThe has some certain folds.

Og såvidt jeg kan se er dette ikke 'blot' en italiensk udgave af et amerikansk blad.
And so-far I can see is this not 'just' an Italian edition of an American magazine.

Når jeg har fået kigget på mine fotografier, skal jeg nok* vise et par af dem here.
When I have got looked on my photographs, shall I (enough) show a couple of them here.

EN: After such a big dosis of the Italian language it's nice to read some Danish hyperliterals again. There is a similar popular science magazine like "Mente & Cervello" in Germany, which is called "Gehirn und Geist". As I cannot deal with all natural sciences (I have to focus on a few!) I have never read this specific magazine. This week I have copied and read a ten-pages-long article from "Sterne und Weltraum" about galaxy structures, which I found very interesting. I have attended the astronomy lecture about "White Dwarfs" this week, but this time I decided to write a mini-essay in Turkish about it in my own TAC-log.

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 Message 602 of 3959
01 April 2009 at 8:56pm | IP Logged 
And while we are at it:

There several ways of making picture files. If you take a "namesomething.BMP" (or bitmap) file, then there is in principle an indication of colour and brightness for each spot (pixel) in the picture. That's why it is called a bitmap file. When I take pictures I use the format 2816 x 1880 pixels, - that's a lot of pixels, and a lot of information, and therefore .BMP-files tend to be very big which isn't practical for use on the internet.

Therefore smart people have found ways of making these files smaller. Another format .TIF is found in two versions, one without compression and another with a compression that allegedly keeps all the original information alive. But it is still not small enough.

A third format .GIF is also compressed, and it has the advantage of being able to make some areas transparent, - but the colours are terrible (good enough for graphics, but not for photographs). So for photographs the most common format by far is the one called .JPG (or .JPEG).

If you zoom into a jpg-picture you will see that it is made up of small rectangles in different colours. This means that the jpg-version of a picture has thrown some of the information from the original picture away in order to make the file smaller, but because it looks much better than gif and results in tiny file sizes it is the one used for almost all photos on the internet. The back side is that you can't blow a JPG-picture up to astronomical sizes without making all the tiny squares visible.

Below you see the Triceratopus from the Natural History Museum plus the Duomo with the hideous screen, both from Milan:

Edited by Iversen on 02 April 2009 at 12:55am

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Winner TAC 2012
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 Message 603 of 3959
02 April 2009 at 7:01am | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
Below you see the Triceratopus from the Natural History Museum plus the Duomo with the hideous screen, both from Milan:

EN: I've seen the Triceratops in several TV documentaries on "Phoenix" and "Super RTL". I would like to give some fats about the Triceratops for the general readers of Iversen's log: It lived 70-65 million years ago in the Cretaceous period. Its lenth was 9 m and its weight 4,5 - 10 tons. As food it ate plants.

Thanks for explaining the different formats for pictures. My dinosaur is a JPG file downsized to 20 %. (I could have made it smaller, if I had wanted to)

My question to Iversen: What are people watching on such public viewing screens in Milano? Advertisements? TV - programs? Tourist information? Football? I cannot really imagine the use of it.


Edited by Fasulye on 02 April 2009 at 7:04am

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Super Polyglot
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 Message 604 of 3959
02 April 2009 at 10:38am | IP Logged 
Fasulye wrote:

My question to Iversen: What are people watching on such public viewing screens in Milano? Advertisements? TV - programs? Tourist information? Football? I cannot really imagine the use of it.

So far the screen at the Piazza del Duomo shows static advertisement pages without sound, but I wonder how long it will take before there is sound too. And video clips.
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 Message 605 of 3959
02 April 2009 at 5:24pm | IP Logged 
The screen at the Piazza looks nasty and annoying. Iversen's dinsoaur is more realistic as Fasulye's one, because Fasulye's (or Dortmund's ) looking like plastic, and is in an unnatural place, but Iversens' is on sand.

Iversen wrote:
Genuinely surprised that there aren't reindeer in Greenland (answer: they have musk oxen instead)


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Winner TAC 2012
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 Message 606 of 3959
02 April 2009 at 7:27pm | IP Logged 

NL: Even nog een natuurwetenschappelijk bericht, voordat ik morgenochtend naar Nederland vertrek. Bij ons in de stad is de "Geologischer Dienst NRW" gevestigd, waar veel geologen en paleontologen werken. Vandaag was er de opening van een paleontologische tentoonstelling, waar ik naartoe ben gegaan. De tentoonstelling ging over fossielen van planten uit de Devontijd, dus rond 400 miljoen jaar geleden. Bij de tentoonstelling werd verschil gemaakt tussen "Unterdevon", "Mitteldevon" en "Oberdevon" en je kon daar hele mooie fossielen en de ontwikkling van de planten zien.

Ik heb niet echt kennis van planten, maar ik heb me vooral alles goed bekeken.Er hing ook een grote poster met het schema van alle tijdperken aan de muur, hoe vaker ik erna kijk, des te beter ken ik zoiets van buiten. De fossielen, die hier tentoongesteld zijn, werden allemaal in NRW gevonden. Ook hadden ze daar een reuzen ammoniet liggen, die wilde ik dan gelijk fotograferen.

Ik geef maar de website van de Geologischer Dienst NRW:


Edited by Fasulye on 02 April 2009 at 7:55pm

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Super Polyglot
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 Message 607 of 3959
02 April 2009 at 11:09pm | IP Logged 
DU: Het Devoon is een interessante tijd voor de paleobotaniker want het was in dit periode dat de planten zijn begonnen te veroveren het land. Maar ik heb niet veel zin om planten, ook niet de huidige flora. In het Devoon war het wereld opgedeelt in twee continenten en de oceaan. De twee continenten zijn genaamd Gondwanaland en Laurasia, en in Brisbane in Australië heb ik gezien een soort van regenwoud-broeikas genaamd Gondwanaland.

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 Message 608 of 3959
03 April 2009 at 3:18pm | IP Logged 
something about music in her family (she apparently can read scores)

I suppose that you mean I can read music notes? yes, I can read them but not all the clefs (cleves?), for example fa and sol I can read, btu the other ones only very slowly. The very high and low notes I can't quickly read as well, when there are the extra lines I have to count them. But, all the things in the fa/sol which aren't very high or low I can immediatley read and play the notes on the piano, or tell what note it's. Which can you read, I suppose all because you composed those pieces?

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