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 Message 1713 of 3959
08 March 2010 at 8:03am | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
GER: Ida lebte vor 47 Millionen Jahren im Eozän-Periode, und sie war so zu Sagen ein Bindeglied zwischen die Halbaffen und die Affen. Und was sie so einzigartig macht, ist seine ganz außerordentlich gute Bewahringszustand. Sie wurde in Messel gefunden und wurde danach "Darwinius masillae" genannt. Das Fundort Messel ist ein stillgelegter Tagebau, bekannt für sein Ölschiefer der auch die kleinste anatomische Details oft bewahrt hat, und so auch mit der Ida. Ihre Haut hat zum Beispiel einen "Schatten" im Schiefer hinterlassen, und ihre Zähne, die sich im Inneren des Fossils befanden, konnten durch Röntgenaufnahmen studiert werden.

GER: Die Grube Messel ist mir aus dem Naturkundemuseum in Dortmund gut bekannt. In Dortmund ist das gut erhaltene Fossil des Urpferdchens ausgestellt, das man in der Grube Messel gefunden hat. Darüber hinaus sind in dem Museum nog weitere Fossilien aus Messel zu sehen. Von "Ida" hatte ich noch nichts gehört oder gelesen.

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 Message 1714 of 3959
09 March 2010 at 1:32am | IP Logged 
POR: Ainda uma vez é tarde, e tenho que limitarme a uma mensagem breve.
Eu vi esta noite um programa na TV dinamarquesa (DR K) sobre o infante Enrique ("O Navegador"), que tenia uma verdadera academia naval na sua vivenda perto de Sagres em Portugal, e que enviou uma expedição após outra ao longo da costa oeste de África. Embora a Índia foi sómente alcançada 40 anos depois da morte de Enrique, foi basicamente ele que iniciou a exploração dos oceanos depois terem parado as viagens dos Vikingos - e com efeitos mais duradouros. O programa foi feito para o canal de televisão alemão ZDF, mas na maior parte falado em Inglês, todavia intercalado com entrevistas no Português e Alemão.

SP: Mi lectura para ir en el autobús desde mi lugar de trabajo está actualmente el gran libro rojo de los modismos españoles ('The Big Red Book about Spanish Idioms'). No intento conscientemente introducir más idiomas en mis textos españoles, pero espero que van introducirse gradualmente - y preferibilmente las expresiones que encontraré en el práctico en textos auténticos españoles.


Once again it has become late and I have to limit myself to a short message. This evening I have first and foremost watched a program on DRK (Danish) about 'Henry the Navigator', the Portuguese prince who more or less singlehanded kickstarted the Portuguese (and Spanish) exploration of the seas. It was made for the German station ZDF, but mainly in English, though with interviews in Portuguese and German.

My reading-in-the-bus-back-home-from-work in this week is the Big Red Book about Spanish Idioms (which I bought in London a couple of months ago).

Edited by Iversen on 09 March 2010 at 1:52am

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 Message 1715 of 3959
10 March 2010 at 9:25pm | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
POR: Ainda uma vez é tarde, e tenho que limitarme a uma mensagem breve.
Eu vi esta noite um programa na TV dinamarquesa (DR K) sobre o infante Enrique ("O Navegador"), que tenia uma verdadera academia naval na sua vivenda perto de Sagres em Portugal, e que enviou uma expedição após outra ao longo da costa oeste de África. Embora a Índia foi sómente alcançada 40 anos depois da morte de Enrique, foi basicamente ele que iniciou a exploração dos oceanos depois terem parado as viagens dos Vikingos - e com efeitos mais duradouros. O programa foi feito para o canal de televisão alemão ZDF, mas na maior parte falado em Inglês, todavia intercalado com entrevistas no Português e Alemão.

POR: Eu estava lendo mais cedo sobre a era da exploração, quando a Holanda e Portugal foram mais poderoso do que seu tamanho parece. É interesante como a proliferação de línguas mostram o crescimento dos impérios, embora talvez não tão interesante a os países em seu caminho.

ENG: I was reading much earlier about the era of exploration, when Holland and Portugal were powerful more than their size appears. It is interesting how the proliferation of languages show the growth of empires, although perhaps not so interesting to those countries in their path.

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 Message 1716 of 3959
10 March 2010 at 11:13pm | IP Logged 
SC: Ah hae bin listenin tae Billy Connally agin, ah cannae help it - the ane aboot the ald womman in the Glesgae bus. Or raither hingin behind it, acoose it wis drivin a wee bit too fast fae comfort. Actually ah juist wantid tae see whither fowks speaking Scots also wad get those new-farrant CC's thae merk that ye can git a transcript tellin what yetube ween the person is sayin. But nae, Scotsmen wannae git CC's fae a faire lang time.. Mae ween is that even rapsangsters will get it first. Than ah read some in the thraid o' Scotts resources an fand the airtin tae the Scots Language Centre. An than I hearken tae ah clip frae the Gospel o Luke Chapter 2:15-20 (for Yule) tae get some balaince.

LAT: Etiam Latine lexi hodie, - Satyricon Petronii (scilicet lectura mea hodie aliquantum rauca est...). Liber etiam translationem italicae lingvae continet, sed mihi non placet - non satis literaliter vertebatur! Non tantum dificile est textum Petronii legere ut primo crederem: "Quid ego, homo stultissime, facere debui, cum fame morerer. An uidelicet audirem sententias, id est uitrea fracta et somniorum interpretamento?" (p.28). Ut videtur cum 'u' et non 'v' imprimabatur, sed problema mihi istud non est - haec conditio non contagiosum est.

Et heri listas verborum ex vocabulario scripsit sermonis latini:

odobenus - walrus - odobenus
versipellis - werewolf - versipellis
sicubi - whereever -sicubi
sella rotalis - wheelchair - sella rotalis
pabro - wheelbarrow - pabro

SP: Y mi lectura en el bus se vi hoy transformado en algo mas largo: tuve que irme a Viborg para asistir a una reunión, y el viaje dura más de una hora en cada sentido. Como he indicado llevo actualmente el gran libro rojo de las expresiones españolas con me en mi equipaje de mano, y es muy divertente leer como dicen los españoles. Por ejemplo he aprendido estas expresiones hoy

"to be like shooting fish in a barrel": "ser pan comido", "ser coser y cantar".
"it goes without saying": "caerse por su proprio peso"
diarrhea: "(haber) las seguidillas"
"at sic o'clock sharp": "a las seis clavadas" (¡pobre reloj!)
"to scrounge": "vivir de la sopa boba"

Edited by Iversen on 11 March 2010 at 12:27am

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Super Polyglot
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 Message 1717 of 3959
11 March 2010 at 11:36pm | IP Logged 
Today I have among other things watched a program about animal life in Tanzania. But it also contained a section about bushmen in Tanzania, the small Hadzabi tribe which live as hunters and gatherers in a stone dry area with just memories of a formerly abundant animal life. They speak their own click language (related to those spoken in South Africa, Namibia and Botswana), but use Swahili when communicating with outsiders. I have read about such a tribe earlier, but normally you don't expect to hear about bushmen and click languages in Eastern Africa. However the truth is that they once lived in most of subsaharan Africa, and these Hadzabis are an unexpected remnant from that time.

Έχω μελετήσει επίσης ένα άρθρο στην «Science Illustrated". Ήταν για το σκουλήκια-γιγαντες που ζουν γύρω αναβλύσεις στον βυθων του ωκεανων, όπου συγκρούονται ηπειρωτικές πλάκες. Αυτά τα ζώα μπορούν να γίνουν πολύ παλιό και αρκετά μέτρα μήκος, και ήρθε ως σύνολο έκπληξη όταν εντοπίστηκαν το 1977. Ο πρώτος βρέθηκε κοντά στα Γκαλάπαγκος, αλλά έκτοτε έχουν βρεθεί σε πολλά μέρη. Η ελληνική άρθρο δείχνει επίσης μια ψιλοκάπουλη λευκή αράχνη η οποία βρίσκεται σε βάθος 7000 μέτρα κάτω από την επιφάνεια.

Und darüber hinaus habe ich meinem Projekt 'Schumann' etwas Zeit gewidmet. Ich hätte es früher tun sollen, gleich nach Schubert, aber dann bin ich nach Trinidad gefahren uzw. Erst jetzt bin ich so weit gekommen daß ich wieder Zeit für Musikstudien habe. Ich sage Musikstudien weil ich nicht nur die Tonbänder anhöre, aber ich mache auch Zusammenfassungen der Themen der Musikstücke. Für viele Werke habe ich dies schon vor Jahren gemacht (bis etwa 1992), und ich muß nun bloß das kopieren, was ich einst geschrieben habe. Ich war damals ambitiöser als jetzt, und ich habe systematisch Partituren aus der Bibliotheken meiner Stadt bestellt um die Themen korrekt aufschreiben zu können, oder ich habe die Themen direkt aus Themensammlungen entnommen. Nicht alles konnte ich aber finden, und dann habe ich es nach Gehör notiert. Jetzt bin ich faul und schlampig geworden, so alles was ich nicht bereits im Archiv habe wird ganz einfach nach Gehör hinuntergeschrieben. Und das erfordet natürlich eine gewisse Konzentration.


I have also studied an article in my one and only issue of the Greek "Science Illustrated" about the animal life at the bottom of the oceans, near the hydrothermical vents which occur where the continental plates meet. For instance the tube worms, which can become very old and more than two meters long, or a weird longlegged white seaspider which has been found as low as 7000 meters below the surface.

But on top of that I have at last begun my 'R.Schumann' project, where I listen through my 6 tapes with music of R.Schumann (with around 9 hours of music) and concurrently make a synopsis of the main themes of all the pieces. Luckily I have already done that once for an older tape collection, and back then I was energetic enough to order scores home from the local libraries and copy themes from the theme collections that have been made for the majour composers (such as those made by Köchel for Mozart, Deutsch for Schubert and Ryom for Vivaldi). Now I'm a lazy bum and everything that I haven't got themes for from my old collection will have to make do with themes that I write down by ear - I'm quite good at this after many years as an amateur composer). The backside of this project is that it takes time and concentration.

Edited by Iversen on 13 March 2010 at 8:50pm

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 Message 1718 of 3959
12 March 2010 at 12:33am | IP Logged 
There has been considerable discussion on the Forum about whether or not multiple target languages interfere with each other. Many of those who seem to know claim there is no interference. Personally, I find there is interference for me, especially between related languages, in this case Dutch and German.

Now, at the expense of Iversen (who has multiple languages spinning around in his head), notice his spelling of 'project' in German and English.

Iversen wrote:
Und darüber hinaus habe ich meinem Project 'Schumann' etwas Zeit gewidmet.


But on top of that I have at last begun my 'R.Schumann' projekt, where I listen through my 6 tapes

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 Message 1719 of 3959
12 March 2010 at 5:44am | IP Logged 
I spell house, haus on accident in English a lot and English is my native language, should I stop learning German because it is making my native language incomprehensible?
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 Message 1720 of 3959
12 March 2010 at 9:40am | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
Ich war damals amitiözer als jetzt,

Iversen, den Fehler finde ich wichtig zu korrigieren:

ambitious (ENG) = ehrgeizig, ambitiös (GER) > ambitiöser (Komparativ)


Edited by Fasulye on 12 March 2010 at 9:41am

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