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 Message 2713 of 3959
08 December 2011 at 3:30am | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
La revista se llama "Espacio - la revista del universo". Los artículos de primera página para deciembre 2011 son "Cuando los satellites se caen", "Asalto a Fobos", "Galileo en órbita - el GPS europeo" y "Comparativo Newton - Schmidt-Cassegrain". Los nombres 'Newton' y 'Schmidt-Cassegrain' refieren a diversos struturas de telecopios reflectivos, y el autor del articulo affirma que "un buen Newton f/6 de 200 mm, iba a ser superior a un Schmidt-Cassegrain de 8" ". He visto en otros articulos y libros que los Eschmidt son usados princialmente para la exploración de extendidas áreas del cielo nocturno. Hay otros articulos sobre por ejemplo la manera de observar el Urano, nebulosas de gasas y polvo y el asteroide Lutécia, que es un "resto del material con el que se formaron la Tierra, marte y Venus".

A propos de l'astronomie et de l'exploration de l'espace: "Science et Vie" de novembre 2011 racconte l'histoire surprenante (et presque touchante) d'une sonde japonaise Hayabusa, qui avait une rencontre dite "tumultueuse" avec l'astéroïde Itakowa en 2005, après laquelle personne n'avait espéré jamais la revoir ... mais voici que cette indomptable petite machine est revenue sur Terre de 13 juin 2010, et elle avec soi des épreuve des composants de cette astéroïde de juste 500 mètre de longueur. Il parait que Itokawa n'est qu'une reste d'une beaucoup plus grande astéroïde qui a était pulvérisée par une collision avec un autre corps céleste.

SPA: Después de una buscada su Google encontré esta revista "Espacio - la revista del universo" soltanto en un articulo de Wikipedia.

Aquí está el link: Wikipedia: Espacio - la revista del universo

Pero no tiene un sitio internet esta revista?

Sí, conosco "Newton" y "Schmidt-Cassegrain" como tipo de telescopios, pero no suelo leer articolos technicos sobre el uso practico de los telescopios para observaciones del cielo, porque no soy una astronoma amateur ni tengo el interés de apprender la astronomía practica.

FR: J'ai vu la revue scientifique générale "Science et Vie" dans le kiosque à Düsseldorf, mais je préfère acheter l'autre revue "Sciences et Avenir".


Edited by Fasulye on 08 December 2011 at 3:34am

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 Message 2714 of 3959
08 December 2011 at 12:13pm | IP Logged 
Hay evista=14 - però no es facil hallar un tal sitio que refiere a un numero especifica. Comunque una vez hallada, en la pagina hay la posibilidad de cambiar a otros números o otras revistas del grupo Grupo V

Edited by Iversen on 20 April 2012 at 2:44pm

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 Message 2715 of 3959
10 December 2011 at 8:25pm | IP Logged 
I have just written something in the thread about the language of Christmas. This reminded me of one song text (Grundtvig's "Dejlig er den himmel blå" - 'Pretty is the sky blue'), on which I long ago wrote a ultradark travesty which actually was performed as a rock anthem at a 'julefrokost' at a local cultural institution (and please, ye Danophones: remember that this is and was a joke). Here are the three stanzas (and the melody should be changed from Major to Minor to give the right atmosphere):

Hæslig er den himmel grå
Føj for den at se derpå
Folk de farer rundt som gale
Ungerne på slæb som hale
Gid det hele var forbi
Gid det hele var forbi

Hæslig er den himmel grå
Fy for den at se derpå
Folk foroven, folk forneden
Alle juler, bruger kugler
Gid det hele var forbi
Gid det hele var forbi

Hæslig er den himmel sort
Ta' og bomb det hele bort
Koldt derude, jul herinde
Værre nu end nogensinde
Gid det hele var forbi
Gid det hele var forbi

(first stanza - of 19! - of the polyanna-happy original version by Grundtvig:

Dejlig er den himmel blå,
lyst det er at se derpå,
hvor de gyldne stjerner blinke,
hvor de smile, hvor de vinke
os fra jorden op til sig.

... )

By the way this song has inspired several composers. See a whole treatise about this problem at the homepage of the Royal library in Copenhagen. The melody I had in mind while destroying the song was of course the one by Meidel - long known as the "unknown" composer. But the others are not in use today.

Hyperliteral translation of the sugary original:

Nice/pretty is the sky blue
pleasure it is to look thereon
how/where* the golden stars twinkle,
how/where they smile, how they wawe
us from EarthThe up to them

* The Danish word "hvor" can here be read both as a locative relative pronoun and as an admiring interjection

And now my version:

Ugly is the heaven grey
Yuck-for-it to look thereon
People they run around like mad
KidsThe on tow as tail
IWish it all was over
IWish it all was over

Ugly is the heaven grey
Ugh/shame-for-it to look thereon
People above, people below
All doChristmas, spend dough (balls)

Ugly is the heaven black
Take and bomb it all away
Cold there-out, Christmas here-in
Worse now than everbefore

Happy Christmas!

Edited by Iversen on 10 December 2011 at 9:03pm

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 Message 2716 of 3959
11 December 2011 at 8:58am | IP Logged 
This very interesting, Iversen!

I looked up the link with your Julesang, listened to the melody example and had a look at the guitar (or piano) chords.

The chords of this song are not difficult for me, because I know them all. But in general I have difficulties singing completely unknown melodies.

This brought me to the idea that I will sing the wellknown German Christmas carol "Stille Nacht heilige Nacht" in Danish on Christmas.

Here is the Danish version:


Glade jul, dejlige jul!
Engle dale ned i skjul.
Hid de flyve med paradis-grønt,
Hvor de se, hvad for Gud er skønt.
|: Lønligt iblandt os de gå. :|

Julefryd, evig fryd,
Hellig sang med himmelsk lyd!
Det er englene, hyrdene så,
Dengang Herren i krybben lå.
|: Evig er englenes sang. :|

Fred på jord, fryd på jord,
Jesusbarnet iblandt os bor.
Engle sjunge om barnet så smukt,
Han har himmerigs dør oplukt.
|: Salig er englenes sang. :|

Salig fred, himmelsk fred,
Toner julenat herned.
Engle bringe til store og små
Bud om ham, som i krybben lå;
|: Fryd dig hver sjæl, han har frelst! :|

When we make Christmas music together my Dutch friend will play the recorder, so it doesn't matter to him in which language I sing a Christmas carol. :)

I will bring the text of this well known Christmas song to my Danish course and I will ring our Danish teacher to ask her whether I may bring my guitar with me to the Danish lesson so that we can sing this Danish carol together with our group.

Here is the link to "Stille Nacht heilige Nacht" in different languages:

Songtexts multilingual of Silent Night Holy Night


Edited by Fasulye on 11 December 2011 at 9:19am

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 Message 2717 of 3959
11 December 2011 at 11:11am | IP Logged 
This sounds like an idea which most teachers will welcome. However Meidel's melody to "Dejlig er den himmel blå" is also very simple. The funny thing is that first several renowned professional composers wrote melodies to it, but then a private amateur did too (he was harbour master or something like that), and at some point even the officiel song books began to refer to "the other melody" by an unknown composer - and nowadays only Meidel's melody is in use.Concerning "Glade jul" I have read some hyper sentimental stories about its genesis in Germany (lots of snow!). Given your plans about accompanying it on guitar this may have a historical precedent:

"Mohr hatte den Liedtext bereits 1816 in Mariapfarr im Lungau geschrieben. Gruber komponierte dann vor Weihnachten 1818 eine Melodie zu diesem Gedicht. Über die Motive, die zur Entstehung des Liedes führten, gibt es keine gesicherten Erkenntnisse. Eine unbestätigte Vermutung lautet, dass das alte Positiv der Kirche nicht bespielbar gewesen sei und Mohr und Gruber deshalb ein Lied mit Gitarrenbegleitung schufen. Um die Uraufführung von Stille Nacht ranken sich viele Legenden und romantische Geschichten, die die Entstehungsgeschichte mit anekdotischen Einzelheiten ausschmücken. "

Edited by Iversen on 11 December 2011 at 11:13am

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 Message 2718 of 3959
11 December 2011 at 11:40am | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:

"Mohr hatte den Liedtext bereits 1816 in Mariapfarr im Lungau geschrieben. Gruber komponierte dann vor Weihnachten 1818 eine Melodie zu diesem Gedicht. Über die Motive, die zur Entstehung des Liedes führten, gibt es keine gesicherten Erkenntnisse. Eine unbestätigte Vermutung lautet, dass das alte Positiv der Kirche nicht bespielbar gewesen sei und Mohr und Gruber deshalb ein Lied mit Gitarrenbegleitung schufen. Um die Uraufführung von Stille Nacht ranken sich viele Legenden und romantische Geschichten, die die Entstehungsgeschichte mit anekdotischen Einzelheiten ausschmücken. "

Danke für dieses Zitat! Meine Dänischlehrerin hat zugestimmt, dass ich ich meine Gitarre mitbringen darf zur nächsten Stunde. Nur ist es wichtig, dass wir im Kurs vorher den Liedtext von "Stille nat" laut vorlesen, damit eventuelle Aussprachefehler beim Singen vorher korrigiert werden. Jetzt habe ich für diesen Sonntag etwas zum Üben! :)


Edited by Fasulye on 11 December 2011 at 7:54pm

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Super Polyglot
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 Message 2719 of 3959
11 December 2011 at 11:44pm | IP Logged 
My weekend has gone with work on my photos and things done on behalf of my travel club. And besides I have been coughing and sneezing so that everything had to go in slow motion. But still I did manage to refuel my studies of Bahasa Indonesia and to do a few things in Russian. When I returned to Bahasa for the first time since my holiday I didn't use the usual guide to Singapore, but some old printouts with translations.

BA I: Saya sudah membaca teks pertama. Itu mengatakan bahwa pendahulu manusia tidak berevolusi di Afrika, tetapi di Asia. Tapi ini terjadi jauh sebelum Australopitecus dan semua nenek moyang umat manusia terkenal lainnya, sehingga kita tidak harus merevisi segala sesuatu yang kita pelajari.

I had already read no. one, which stated that the first forerunners of mankin didn't evolve in Arica, but in Asia. Then they travelled to Africa, where the evolved into gorillas and chimps and Australopithecines and all the other wellknown species. So this claim doesn't change much in the history about man, because the separation of a separate line towards man didn't happen in Asia, but in Africa as we all have known for a long time.

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 Message 2720 of 3959
12 December 2011 at 5:58am | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
Then they travelled to Africa, where the evolved into gorillas and chimps and Australopithecines and all the other wellknown species. So this claim doesn't change much in the history about man, because the separation of a separate line towards man didn't happen in Asia, but in Africa as we all have known for a long time.

ESP: Tion oni ankaux eksplikas en la Neanderthal - muzeo en Mettmann / Germanio!

La linko al la Neanderthal - muzeo (Deutsch / English / Nederlands):

Neanderthal - muzeo en Mettmann / Germanio


Edited by Fasulye on 12 December 2011 at 6:01am

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