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 Message 737 of 3959
21 April 2009 at 10:14pm | IP Logged 
Fasulye wrote:
FR: Demain l'entreprise qui m'offre le nouveau travail va me donner un coup de téléphone pour tester ma capacité de téléphoner en français (et en néerlandais). Franchement je n'ai jamais téléphoné en français ni privé non plus, mais je ne suis pas timide.

DE: Ich weiß, um welche Uhrzeit die Firma bei mir anrufen wird. Zur Vorbereitung ziehe ich mir morgen Vormittag noch eine Dosis französischer Podcasts 'rein.


Viel Erfolg!!! Lass uns wissen wie es geht. Das ist sicher ein Vorteil, dass du nicht schuchtern bist.
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 Message 738 of 3959
21 April 2009 at 10:46pm | IP Logged 

FR: Für Englisch hatte ich zwei Lehrbücher "Telephoning in English" durchgarbeitet mit den entsprechenden CDs, in denen die speziellen Floskeln für berufliches Telefonieren eingeübt wurden. Ich hatte in IHK-Prüfung zur Fremdsprachenkorrespondentin ein Prüfungstelefonat auf Englisch zu absolvieren. Morgen wird das nur simpler Small-Talk sein am Telefon, die wollen einfach nur checken, ob ich auf Französisch alles verstehe und flüssig reden kann. Ich denke nicht, dass das schwierig wird. Es ist mein Vorteil, dass ich meine Gedanken umschalten kann auch von Niederländisch auf Französisch oder umgekehrt, das wird dann auch im Callcenter verlangt.


Edited by Fasulye on 21 April 2009 at 10:54pm

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United States
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 Message 739 of 3959
22 April 2009 at 5:55pm | IP Logged 
Iversen: What is/are your favorite language/s? Do you enjoy your native Danish? Do you
find English is good for precision? Is Spanish enjoyable to speak and read?

Just was wondering your thoughts on languages and their specific pros and cons. My
opinion is rather worthless as I know only about 1.5 languages, but I love a well
constructed sentence in English. It's very pleasurable to read, and I think English
lends itself to humorous writing.
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 Message 740 of 3959
22 April 2009 at 8:45pm | IP Logged 
Recht wrote:
Iversen: What is/are your favorite language/s? Do you enjoy your native Danish? Do you
find English is good for precision? Is Spanish enjoyable to speak and read?

Just was wondering your thoughts on languages and their specific pros and cons. My
opinion is rather worthless as I know only about 1.5 languages, but I love a well
constructed sentence in English. It's very pleasurable to read, and I think English
lends itself to humorous writing.

I am also curious to hear Iversen's answer of this question. By the way, my favourite language is Dutch, but perhaps this was easy to guess.


Edited by Fasulye on 22 April 2009 at 8:46pm

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 Message 741 of 3959
22 April 2009 at 8:50pm | IP Logged 
Fasulye wrote:
Recht wrote:
Iversen: What is/are your favorite language/s? Do you
enjoy your native Danish? Do you
find English is good for precision? Is Spanish enjoyable to speak and read?

Just was wondering your thoughts on languages and their specific pros and cons. My
opinion is rather worthless as I know only about 1.5 languages, but I love a well
constructed sentence in English. It's very pleasurable to read, and I think English
lends itself to humorous writing.

I am also curious to hear Iversen's answer of this question. By the way, my favourite
language is Dutch, but perhaps this was easy to guess.


In your case, do you find any language to be good at expressing a particular emotion
or concept? Why Dutch?
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Winner TAC 2012
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 Message 742 of 3959
22 April 2009 at 9:05pm | IP Logged 
Recht wrote:
Fasulye wrote:
Recht wrote:
Iversen: What is/are your favorite language/s? Do you
enjoy your native Danish? Do you
find English is good for precision? Is Spanish enjoyable to speak and read?

Just was wondering your thoughts on languages and their specific pros and cons. My
opinion is rather worthless as I know only about 1.5 languages, but I love a well
constructed sentence in English. It's very pleasurable to read, and I think English
lends itself to humorous writing.

I am also curious to hear Iversen's answer of this question. By the way, my favourite
language is Dutch, but perhaps this was easy to guess.


In your case, do you find any language to be good at expressing a particular emotion
or concept? Why Dutch?

No, emotions or concepts you can express in any language. I myself identify very much with the Netherlands and their language. Without the Dutch language learning experience I wouldn't know anything about my language talent and as a consquence of that I would never have taken the descision to develop polyglottery.


Edited by Fasulye on 23 April 2009 at 6:44am

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 Message 743 of 3959
22 April 2009 at 9:49pm | IP Logged 
Recht wrote:
Iversen: What is/are your favorite language/s? Do you enjoy your native Danish? Do you find English is good for precision? Is Spanish enjoyable to speak and read?

I don't like to choose one language as my favorite, and I would say that I like all my languages - I have also tried to stay out of discussions about favorite your 5 or 10 languages or the most beautiful or ugly language (except to point out that I find such discussions futile).

The right speaker can make any language sound good, and any language can be spoken badly. The same applies to their written forms. But to find out how to make any of your own languages sound and look and 'feel' good, just about the worst thing you can do is to declare that is isn't as pretty or interesting as another language. The right attitude is to try to get the best out of each and every language - after all, thats's how you should treat your children, and languages need as much time, care and attention as children.

But it is definitely a fact that the amount and diversity of sources in the languages of this world are very different, and that some traditions have blossomed in fome areas of the world while being almost absent from others. For instacne my chances of getting the kind of scientific articles in Romanian as I can in English are somewhat slim, and in practice that means that I read more in English and watch more TV in English than in Romanian. But instead of declaring that English thus demonstrably is my favorite language it just makes me wish that the sources where somewhat more evenly distributed.

I also try to keep a stable writing style across all my languages, though of course it is easier to do this in my best languages than in for instance Greek or Russian. My impression is that it mainly is a question of vocabulary, command of idiomatics and suffiecient experiences with native material in a language whether I can do this, not anything inherent in the language.

And finally: yes, I do like Danish. And I haven't got any wish to live anywhere else than here.

Edited by Iversen on 22 April 2009 at 10:04pm

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 Message 744 of 3959
22 April 2009 at 10:55pm | IP Logged 
RO:După limba grecească am făcut o estimare de al meu vocabular românesc. Aceasta a fost prima limba în care am enumerat cuvintele mele, şi în măsura în care mi-l amintesc, am avut doar aproximativ 1.000 de cuvinte în tot primul recensământ. Dar m-am obişnuit metodului şi rezultatele mele au pasat pe 5000, 8000 etcetera cuvânte, până ce au început uneori să atînge limita inoficială de 20000 cuvânte. Aşa cum am scris undeva, al meu vocabular românesc este deviat, pentru că ştiu mai bine partea limbii care constă în cuvinte imprumutate. Am încercat să remediez astă prin limitarea listele mele de cuvânte a cuvânte care nu sunt luat direct de limbile franceză sau latină.

Şi rezultat recensământului? Am folosit mai întîi dicţionarul bidirecţional Român-Englez de Teora cu 40.000 cuvinte, - aici am obţinut un estimat de numai 13.300 cuvinte (33%). După aceea Dicţionarul Academiei Română de 1958, cu mai mult de 50.000 cuvinte, şi cu acest am avut 21.440 cuvinte (43%). Cum se poate explica această diferinţă? În primul rind e logic ca o eşantion de 7 respectiv 6 pagine nu să fie suficient, dar în plus poate fi ca eu să necesitez un cert timp ca să 'trezesc' limba română căreia în ultima vreme nu l-am dat trop de atenţie. Dar 15-20.000 cuvinte e normal.


After Greek I have now also made a word count for Romanian, using two different dictionaries to illustrate the dependence of the results on the size of the dictionary. Of course you expect to get a higher score when you use a larger dictionary, but you would certainly not expect to know a higher proportion of the words in the larger dictionary. But this was the case with my latest inventory of Greek vocabulary, and in Romanian this unexpected find was replicated: I only got an estimated 13.300 words out of 40.000 (33%) with my bilingual Teora, but no less than 21.440 out of 50.000+ with an old edition of the monolingual dictionary of the Romanian Academy (43%). It is sometime since I did my last count, but the results would tend to lie scattered around just below 20.000 lexemes, so this time the spread was larger, but the mean value was as expected.

So why this difference? The obvious reason is that I only used 7 resp. 6 pages, which is far to little to be trustworthy, - for instance a Teora page with words starting on î- yielded rather few words (because no loanwords start with this letter). But add one count after the other, and then you get a more and more reliable indication of your level. Besides there is another reason: I haven't read anything in Romanian lately, so maybe that language just needed some activity to 'wake' up. But is was still worth doing this exercise: I have refreshed around 350 words and noted down something like 50 words for later memorisation, - this in itself is reason enough to do word counts.

Edited by Iversen on 23 April 2009 at 11:11am

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