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Iversen Super Polyglot Moderator Denmark berejst.dk Joined 6788 days ago 9078 posts - 16473 votes     Speaks: Danish*, French, English, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish, Esperanto, Romanian, Catalan Studies: Afrikaans, Greek, Norwegian, Russian, Serbian, Icelandic, Latin, Irish, Lowland Scots, Indonesian, Polish, Croatian Personal Language Map
| Message 849 of 3959 09 May 2009 at 12:21am | IP Logged |
As Fasulye pointed out, I had forgotten to count Italian (my apologies to all Italians out there), but it is a bit late now so I have only counted 5 pages with 300 words in my Gyldendal Italian - Danish dictionary. Those 300 words would give a total estimate for the book of 46.600 words, which isn't too far from the official number 43000 - this also gives an impression of the possible margin of error with such a small sample. I knew 188 of those 300 words, i.e. 63%, which gives an estimated vocabolario Italiano of 29.500. I don't quite understand why both the number and the percentage is so much higher with Italian than with my parallel counts for Spanish and French in the parallel Gyldendal dictionaries for those languages - the structure is the same, and the total numbers of lexemes are not very different. Maybe a larger sample would bring the number down for Italian (or up for Spanish and - not least - French), but for now the numbers I obtained will have to stand as they are. My subjective feeling is however that I'm better at French than at both Italian and Spanish.
Edited by Iversen on 09 May 2009 at 3:37pm
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| Jar-ptitsa Triglot Senior Member Belgium Joined 5983 days ago 980 posts - 1006 votes     Speaks: French*, Dutch, German
| Message 850 of 3959 09 May 2009 at 4:37pm | IP Logged |
Iversen wrote:
Jar-Ptitsa wrote:
Iversen and fasulye
i write for say you goodbey becasue probably they will make me invisible again after jbbar has reported me and maybe porthunol as well. I hope your LOG will win the competition. i will continue read it. whne you're invisible it's
your writting only, for exmaple it's possible to read the things and you're vsible for the people in your live. it was very fun to know you and good luck in yoru new job fasulye, i hope it will be nice there. Maybe Iversne is in catalunya now.
Love, Pauline (sênmurw-Jar-Ptitsa)
No, I'm not in Catalunya yet (but later this month). I've just visited my mother and sister for a couple of days, and thar's why I have not been writing. |
I hope that you had a nice time wiht your mother and sister
Iversen wrote:
Right now you is visible, and I hope it continues to be like that. Frankly, I can't see any reason to muzzle you, and if your LOL's and pictures and funny commentaries disappeared it would leave a big hole in this forum.
mick33 wrote:
You're still visible for now. I agree with Iversen and hope you don't get muzzled, since I also like reading your messages.
Thank you. I worried that they would make me invisible again and it would be nasty. i was very upset whne it happened before although if it will happen a second time it would be not so bad because I exactly know what occurred. I looked to see if my posts were visible and now it's excalty one week ago: it was the weekend and today's saturday. Probably, if they make me invisble it had happenned during this time. It wasn't just because truly I'm not anti-american, or anti nothing or nobody excepted romanians I don't like them or certain people for exmpale one teacher in ym old school and a friend of her who wanted to kill me and who had manipulated people (very many, including in some cities where I never was, and on the TV). I'm not anti-Christinaty also, but I'm catholic. I don't like guns, death penalty or when the americans say "I'm Italian" when the ancestors immigrated in 1700 or 1800. If the perosn's parents, grand-parents or recent generations immigrated it's differnt I dont' refer those people. I am *NOT* anti-american at all.
fasulye, how's your new job?
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Fasulye Heptaglot Winner TAC 2012 Moderator Germany fasulyespolyglotblog Joined 5932 days ago 5460 posts - 6006 votes     1 sounds Speaks: German*, DutchC1, EnglishB2, French, Italian, Spanish, Esperanto Studies: Latin, Danish, Norwegian, Turkish Personal Language Map
| Message 851 of 3959 09 May 2009 at 6:57pm | IP Logged |
Jar-ptitsa wrote:
Iversen wrote:
Jar-Ptitsa wrote:
Iversen and fasulye
i write for say you goodbey becasue probably they will make me invisible again after jbbar has reported me and maybe porthunol as well. I hope your LOG will win the competition. i will continue read it. whne you're invisible it's
your writting only, for exmaple it's possible to read the things and you're vsible for the people in your live. it was very fun to know you and good luck in yoru new job fasulye, i hope it will be nice there. Maybe Iversne is in catalunya now.
Love, Pauline (sênmurw-Jar-Ptitsa)
No, I'm not in Catalunya yet (but later this month). I've just visited my mother and sister for a couple of days, and thar's why I have not been writing. |
I hope that you had a nice time wiht your mother and sister
Iversen wrote:
Right now you is visible, and I hope it continues to be like that. Frankly, I can't see any reason to muzzle you, and if your LOL's and pictures and funny commentaries disappeared it would leave a big hole in this forum.
mick33 wrote:
You're still visible for now. I agree with Iversen and hope you don't get muzzled, since I also like reading your messages.
Thank you. I worried that they would make me invisible again and it would be nasty. i was very upset whne it happened before although if it will happen a second time it would be not so bad because I exactly know what occurred. I looked to see if my posts were visible and now it's excalty one week ago: it was the weekend and today's saturday. Probably, if they make me invisble it had happenned during this time. It wasn't just because truly I'm not anti-american, or anti nothing or nobody excepted romanians I don't like them or certain people for exmpale one teacher in ym old school and a friend of her who wanted to kill me and who had manipulated people (very many, including in some cities where I never was, and on the TV). I'm not anti-Christinaty also, but I'm catholic. I don't like guns, death penalty or when the americans say "I'm Italian" when the ancestors immigrated in 1700 or 1800. If the perosn's parents, grand-parents or recent generations immigrated it's differnt I dont' refer those people. I am *NOT* anti-american at all.
fasulye, how's your new job? |
EN: So, you're visible, Jar-ptitsa. My first week in the new company was quite exhausting. I now have to learn so much about my work that I'm tired in the evening with no power left to study languages after work. So language study is left to the weekends and even then I need to relax. My dilemma is that I need French for my job and I am involved with my Turkish learning project. I find it very difficult to balance a new fulltime-job and the study of two languages simultanously. Besides this I have my friends, my guitar teaching and my astronomy club. I feel a bit overloaded now. If you have routine in your job (after some months of work) everything gets easier.
Edited by Fasulye on 09 May 2009 at 6:58pm
1 person has voted this message useful
| josht Diglot Senior Member United States Joined 6531 days ago 635 posts - 857 votes    Speaks: English*, German Studies: French, Spanish, Russian, Dutch
| Message 852 of 3959 09 May 2009 at 11:28pm | IP Logged |
Some more picking of your brain, specifically regarding Old Norse and Icelandic. I've got some nice learning materials for Old Norse, and I was wondering: if I were to get a decent grasp of Old Norse, how difficult would it be to convert that to Icelandic? I've read many times that Icelandic and Old Norse are very similar, but something a bit more specific than "very similar" would be helpful.
I ask because I *think* I saw where you mentioned having studied Old Norse previously, and you're studying Icelandic now.
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Iversen Super Polyglot Moderator Denmark berejst.dk Joined 6788 days ago 9078 posts - 16473 votes     Speaks: Danish*, French, English, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish, Esperanto, Romanian, Catalan Studies: Afrikaans, Greek, Norwegian, Russian, Serbian, Icelandic, Latin, Irish, Lowland Scots, Indonesian, Polish, Croatian Personal Language Map
| Message 853 of 3959 09 May 2009 at 11:30pm | IP Logged |
RU: Я знаю, что писать на русском языке здесь - опасно, потому что все мои ошибки будут исправлены, но теперь я делаю это тем не менее. Cегодня слушал запись на сайте ГЛОСС, которых я уже упоминал здесь. Я столкнулся на две записи (с копии и переводы) в описании поездки в российском городе Владимире. Я нашел в том числе две регистрации (с копиями и перебодями) в описании поездки в российском городе Владимире, который я посетил в прошлом году на Пасху. Я на самом деле живул в том же отеле, как автор (b гостиницe Владимир), расположенный на главной дороге через старый город. В тексте автор упоминает большинство мест, которые я помню от Владимир: Золотые Ворота (которые на самом деле белые), музей в водонапорной башне и большой супермаркет Спар в подвале Торгового Ряда. Я ел пиццу каждый день на последнем этаже этого торгового центра и, следовательно, избежал итак плохо ресторане описанный в статье. Самое красивое место во Владимире - без сомнения площад соборa, где вы также найдете городской исторический музей и большой особняк с несколькими музеями, Палата. Эти музеи, к сожалению, не описанныe в статье.
I have been listening to recordings at the site G.L.O.S.S; which I have mentioned earlier, and here I accidentally found a travelogue in two parts from the Russian town Vladimir, which I actually visited last year, - I even stayed in the same hotel as the author. The articles are called "Everything is fine here except for the internet" and they are right now found at page 13 in the Russian section. It's a town with 300.000 inhabitants, and it was in a short period the capital in a forerunner for Russia proper (in competition with Kiev), - but it was conquered by the Mongols, and after that Moscow became the capital. The author mentions the Golden Gate (which is white), a delightful museum in a watertower on the ramparts and other historical buildings ... including the market stalls, which now have been transformed into a modern shopping centre with a large supermarket in the basement and a pizza place under the roof.
josht wrote:
I've got some nice learning materials for Old Norse, and I was wondering: if I were to get a decent grasp of Old Norse, how difficult would it be to convert that to Icelandic? I've read many times that Icelandic and Old Norse are very similar, but something a bit more specific than "very similar" would be helpful. |
It would not be a big problem. There are some spelling differences, - for instance Modern Icelandic uses the letter ö where Old Norse had an ọ, and you say "maður" (man) in the modern language where the vikings said "maðr". There are some syntactical differences: the old folks were very fond of sentences without a subject, and that is much less common now (but still possible). And then there are of course differences in the vocabulary, - even though the linguistical authorities in Iceland are among the most staunchly conservative in the country you do find some direct loans: "rómantik", "Ólympíuleikar", "rektor", "sigaretta" and so forth. I also stayed in a hotel named "Cabin" during my only visit to the country. However it is much more common that old words or word combinations have been given new meanings, - as far as I remember a burger is called 'borgari' in Icelandic, "simi" (thread) is telephone, and the word for a computer, "tölva", comes from the word for 'number', tal (töl- with u-umlaut).
All in all the differences are so small that you also will be able to read modern Icelandic if you have learnt to read the sagas.
Edited by Iversen on 10 May 2009 at 12:18am
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| leonidus Triglot Senior Member Russian Federation Joined 6411 days ago 113 posts - 123 votes  Speaks: Russian*, English, French Studies: German, Mandarin
| Message 854 of 3959 09 May 2009 at 11:46pm | IP Logged |
некоторые ошибки есть, но смысл везде понятен. Владимир красивый город, я сам там был несколько раз и каждый раз удивлялся величию истории. Успехов в изучении русского!
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| Jar-ptitsa Triglot Senior Member Belgium Joined 5983 days ago 980 posts - 1006 votes     Speaks: French*, Dutch, German
| Message 855 of 3959 10 May 2009 at 12:38am | IP Logged |
Fasulye wrote:
EN: So, you're visible, Jar-ptitsa. |
Yes !!!!
My first week in the new company was quite exhausting. I now have to learn so much about my work
that I'm tired in the evening with no power left to study languages after work. So language study is left to the
weekends and even then I need to relax. My dilemma is that I need French for my job and I am involved with my
Turkish learning project. I find it very difficult to balance a new fulltime-job and the study of two languages
simultanously. Besides this I have my friends, my guitar teaching and my astronomy club. I feel a bit overloaded
now. If you have routine in your job (after some months of work) everything gets easier.
Fasulye-Babylonia |
It seems very tiring. I hope that you will be ok.
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Iversen Super Polyglot Moderator Denmark berejst.dk Joined 6788 days ago 9078 posts - 16473 votes     Speaks: Danish*, French, English, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish, Esperanto, Romanian, Catalan Studies: Afrikaans, Greek, Norwegian, Russian, Serbian, Icelandic, Latin, Irish, Lowland Scots, Indonesian, Polish, Croatian Personal Language Map
| Message 856 of 3959 10 May 2009 at 10:04am | IP Logged |
DU: Toen ik mijn mailbox gisteren heb gecontroleerd (dwz. mijn mailbox voor slakkenpost, "snail-mail"), en die was leeg. Maar de post moot laat zijn gekomen, want vandaag was er een boek dat ik heb besteld uit Amazon.de, namelijk Bruce Donaldsson: Nederlands - a comprehensive grammar (van Routledge). Ik had het book thuis geleend uit de bibliotheek en als in-de-bus-naar-huis-van-mijn-werk-lezing gebruikt, en heb een cornucopia van interessante details over de Nederlandse gezien, die ik misschien niet had ontdekt zonder hulp - het is wat de grammatica boeken zijn daar voor wanneer men door het stadium van de morfologie is. Ik heb dus mijn eigen exemplaar gekocht.
Maar ik zal vandaag geen tijd hebben om te lezen, want ik was ook een CD met wel 300 foto's, die ik zal organiseren voor een fotowedstrijd in mijn reisclub. Ik kan luisteren naar spreken in verschillende talen, en mijn televisie is toegestaan om programma's aan te tonen die niet zullen worden toegespitst, maar ik weet met wat dit zondag zal gaan - en dat is niet primair met talen leeren. Met geluk ben ik klaar tot vanavond, - tot ziens.
I have now got Donaldson's Comprehensive Dutch Grammar, which I have ordered through the internet. But I haven't got time to read it today, because I also have to program an online photo competition for my travelclub.
Edited by Iversen on 11 May 2009 at 10:04am
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