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 Message 937 of 3959
04 June 2009 at 11:32am | IP Logged 
LAT: Quaerendo textos sermonis latinae in interrete inveni musicam nominatam "Adiemus" (alter versio qui) scriptoris gallici musicae Karl Jenkins. Vero non est musica latina quia textus facte non est in ulla lingua, sed tactus suus clare latinus est, cum allusionibus missae catolicae. Famosa fiebat per praeconium video societatis aerei Deltae, sed musica canti Adiemus scripta est ante uso commerciale et pars constituat propositi ampliis quod tamen sub nomine Adiemus notum est. Etiam musicam instrumentalem inveni de Jenkins scripto nominatam "Palladio", ubi Catrin Finch celticam arpam perambulans ludabat - sed musica ista magis tacto musicae baroccae inspirata est.

Scribendo textum supra miratus sum quia vocabulum "compositor" in lingua latina non "composer", sed potius "arranger" significat secundum vocabularia mea (vocabulum "dictionarium" etiam non existat). Google tamen demonstrat quod "compositor" saepe in textis neolatinis scriptorem musicae indicat: " Maximilianus Bruch, compositor preclarus" (Vicipaedia). Mihi magis placuit lingvam vivam latinam permittere progressi alterum lingvarum recentium sequi, - se "compositor" in uso generale est non calamitas grandis est etiam in sermone neolatine permittere. Vicipedia dicit: "Compositor est homo qui artem musicam creat, usitate forma notarum musicarum, quae musici interpretantur et exsequuntur". Amen.


While I was searching for something to read in Latin on the internet I stumbled over a reference to "Adiemus" by the Welsh composer Karl Jenkins, - though in fact this piece is sung in a nonsense langage ressembling Latin. But few people would be able to understand the text anyway, so who cares? His piece was made famous by a commercial for Delta Airlines, but it was written before this use and has since then been incorporated in a larger project that suggests a modern alternative to the traditional Catholic mass. Incidentally I also found an instrumental piece by the same composer, Palladio, where a female musician is running around on the scene while playing her Welsh harp - I have to say that I'm impressed by this feat of agility. This piece is more baroque in character.

The word 'compositor' only means 'arranger' in my dictionaries (in accordance with its etymology). However it is easy to verify through Google that it is also used about composers, and it would be silly not to admit this change in meaning in Neo-Latin when it is ´common to just about every other language on the planet. No reason to be purist here, and when even Vicipedia - the Latin version of Wikipedia - admits this definition of the word the rest of us can too.

Edited by Iversen on 05 June 2009 at 12:47pm

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 Message 938 of 3959
04 June 2009 at 2:59pm | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
Jag hade faktiskt kontrollerat med Google att ordet "maltrakterat" fanns i enskilta svenska texter, men när en infödd svensk som Cordelia inte kännar ordet, är bäst att inte använda det. Tack för de vänliga ord om mitt improviserade svenska.

"Namnet kan vara så maltrakterat att det inte låter sig känna igen" (citat

cordelia0507 wrote:
Scandinavians have a bad habit of being very drunk when visiting each others countries, particularly the Swedes that go to Denmark, unfortunately... Some Danes, possibly Iversen too ? have a negative impression of Swedes for this reason.

Not me, count me out. But even my sister has very negative thoughts about Swedes because she was laughed at by the Swedes when she visited the country as a small Danish-speaking girl in the late sixties. I just have negative thoughts about the Swedish press, which is even less trustworthy than the Danish one. And I don't understand how anybody can eat 'surströmming'.

In my life I have never met any Icelandic or Swedish people, so I cannot estimate anything. I have been corresponding with my Swedish penfriend since 1996. We have to use English as our lingua franca. I can only go to lectures about Scandinavia at the VHS (= adult education centre) or watch docus on TV. But I will look forward to reading Iversons travel and language experiences here in this log.

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 Message 939 of 3959
04 June 2009 at 10:51pm | IP Logged 
IC: Eg hef lofað að skrifa eitthvað frá hinn notaðu kvæða Völuspá, sem fjallar um sögu heimsins frá sköpun frá að Ragnarök og eftir. Það er mörgu þýdinger, en hér er byrjun í Bellows' þÿding:   

1) Hljóðs bið ek allar helgar kindir,
meiri ok minni mögu Heimdallar;
viltu, at ek, Valföðr! vel framtelja forn spjöll fíra,
þau er fremst um man.

1) Hearing I ask | from the holy races,
From Heimdall's sons, | both high and low;
Thou wilt, Valfather, | that well I relate
Old tales I remember | of men long ago.

"Valfaðir" er guðinn Oðinn, faðir vígvellins, sem hefur særað fram spákonan (völvan). Mörgu orðanna hérna eru gamaldags, svo sem 'mögu' < 'mogr' (sonur). Fyrst heyrum við hvaðan heiminn komur: á líkamin jötunar Ýmirs. En alt var enn ringulreið:

6 Þá gengu regin öll á rökstóla,
ginnheilug goð, ok um þat gættusk;
nátt ok niðjum nöfn um gáfu, ...

Then sought* the gods | their assembly-seats,
The holy ones, | and council held;
(more literally:
Then went powers all | to reason-chairs
'ginn'holy gods, and (in order) about that to deliberate,...)

Guðarnir komar reglu á heiminu, en jötunnar og aðrir hótar stöðugt heimsskipuna, og á milli sér hefur guðarnir svikarinn Loka. Að lokum búgast allt, og það er tíma fyrir Ragnarök ...

47. Skelfr Yggdrasils askr standandi,
ymr it aldna tré, en jötunn losnar;
hræðask allir á helvegum
áðr Surtar þann sefi of gleypir.
48. Hvat er með ásum? Hvat er með alfum?
Gnýr allr Jötunheimr, æsir ro á þingi,
stynja dvergar fyr steindurum,
veggbergs vísir. Vituð ér enn - eða hvat?

47. Yggdrasil shakes, | and shiver on high
The ancient limbs, | and the giant is loose;
To the head of Mim | does Othin give heed,   <---- ??! (no reference in the original)
But the kinsman of Surt | shall slay him soon.
48. How fare the gods? | how fare the elves?
All Jotunheim groans, | the gods are at council;
Loud roar the dwarfs | by the doors of stone,
The masters of the rocks: | would you know yet more?   

Ýggdrasil er tré á miðjum heimilsins, og er það steypast, steypur óg heimilinn. Guðarnir deyr vegna börns Loka, Miðgarðsorminn og úlfinn Fenris, og Hél sem rádir yfir Hélvede sendir hundinn Garm og her af dauðu mennum. Loki komar sjáfur i bátinu Naglfar, meðan elddjöfulinn Surt komar frá sunnan með hér sin.

57. Sól tér sortna, sígr fold í mar,
hverfa af himni heiðar stjörnur;
geisar eimi ok aldrnari,
leikr hár hiti við himin sjalfan.

57. The sun turns black, | earth sinks in the sea,
The hot stars down | from heaven are whirled;
Fierce grows the steam | and the life-feeding flame,
Till fire leaps high | about heaven itself.

En heila klaabið endur hamingjusamt eins og í Hollywood, - Surt brennar í sín eigin eld, sónur dauða guðanna komar og drepar öllu skrímslarnir og nokkun kaupar ný sól og ný mána í IKEA (úlfinn Hatir hefur brutt Sólinn og Managarm Máninn) - svo slútar kvæðjan.

RO: Înainte de a studia mitologia nordică, am navigat pe unele situri web româneşti. Am pus cuvântul "paleontologic" la Google şi am găsit cu surpriză că există un departament paleontologic în celebrul Muzeu Brukenthal din Sibiu. Din păcate, nu am vizitat acest muzeu în 2006, pentru că am petrecut timp meu pe imens muzeu de aer liber Astra, precum şi în mica grădină zoologică de pe lângă.

De acolo am continuat pentru câteva pagini de gradina zoologica Baneasa la nord de Bucuresti, care a fost în pericol de închidere din cauza condiţii inadecvate. Dar apar că încă există - eu o-am vist, şi nu am crezut că era atât de rău, dar există o certă isterie în legătură cu această temă. Există şi o altă interpretaţiune:   se vorbeşte că oameni influenţi doresc să-şi asiguraţi bucata de teren pe care este localizat grădină. Iar dacă normele internaţionale pentru gradine zoologice trebuie respectate strict aici şi acum, nu o să supravieţuiesţe nici o gradină zoologică din România.


I have promised to write something about the famous poem Völuspá, which tells about the history of the world from it is born to it ends in Ragnarok (a a little beyiond that, maybe inspired by the Christian ideas about Paradise - this poem was first written down around 1200, long after the conversion of the Icelandic population). However it took me a long time to get through this obscure piece of world literature, so I think I'll wait with a translation of the description above. Please read the poem itself instead.

Before delving into the abyss of viking mythology I did some surfing through a number of Romanian homepages. For instance I fed Google the word "paleontologic" and to my surprise I discovered that the famous Brukenthal museum in Sibiu has a paleontological department. But alas, I didn't see this museum during my visit in 2006, because I spend my time out at the immense Openair museum Astra and in the tiny zoo beside it. From European culture capital Sibiu and its attractions I continued to the heated discussions about the zoo of Bucurest. I have been there, and it didn't seem such a terrible place as some have suggested, but there are dark forces in play that threaten this place (for instance greedy people who want to get hold of the area it occupies), so there are allegations that animals are killed or let loose to tarnish its reputation. The sad reality is that if you insist on applying the strict international rules in all their severity here and now no zoo at all in Romania will survive.

Edited by Iversen on 07 June 2009 at 2:41am

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 Message 940 of 3959
05 June 2009 at 3:41pm | IP Logged 
LAT: QiuJP inventum habet cum vocabulis computralia, et ego lexi. Mihi satis non est sapere quomodo de rebus computatoris loqui, sed etiam volo de interrete loqui, et vocabula hic absunt - modo indicatus est quo Anglice "internet" aut 'internet' aut 'interrete' est. Ego 'internet' hic non accipeo, non quam Latine sermone sentitur, 'interrete' vere melius est se declinatio apta datur (interrete, interrete(m), interretis, interreti, interreti ?).

Forum "forum" est, sine dubio, sed etium latine sermone 'thread' problema ponit - mihi placet plane "filum", sed vocabularium "Novum Collegium" ('New College') vocabulum "series" proposuit, aut "series epistularum electronicarum". Heu? "Epistula electronica" clare 'e-mail' significat (cur non "E-pistula" ? dixi ridens). In foro praefero vocabulum "contributio" usitare (ut etiam in Anglice).

"Video" facte significat "ego video", sed breve et utile est, ergo secundum opinioni meae accipienda est, - igitur "audio".


In another thread QiuJP has given a link to a dictionary of computer terms in Latin, and I just supplement this with a few observations on the proper way of talking about the internet in Latin. For instance I quite seriously propose the word "E-pistula" for email (and "epistula" for snail mail). And I see no reason not to choose the simplest and most logical terminology and call a computer "computator", - after all it computes, doesn't it?

Edited by Iversen on 24 September 2009 at 10:23pm

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 Message 941 of 3959
06 June 2009 at 11:21pm | IP Logged 
IT: Ho trascorso la maggior parte del pomeriggio ascoltando musica instrumentale di Gioacchino Rossini (nato a Pesaro 1792, morto a Passy 1868) e di qualcuni altri compositori meno noti come Czibulka, Drigo e Luigini le cui opere ho utilizzato per colmare le lacune nelle mie tre cassette di Rossini. Questa è la sorte triste degli animi menori, e non fu altro durante la vita di signore Rossini, tanto ha dominato la scena musicale Italiana durante il suo periodo attivo. Ho detto attivo perché la vita artistica di Rossini è un po' strana. Ha cominciato con sei sonate a quattro per archi (io ne ho solamento quattro nella mia collezione), poi spento 20 anni a scrivere un gran numero di opere, - opera buffo e opera serio. Ma io solamento ho accetto un folla di overture e qualche rare musiche de balletto, - non mi piace generalmente la musica vocale e il canto operatico è anatema per mé. E anche se fossero strumentali gli opere di Rossini, la pura durata di ventine di opere sarebbe proibitivo per me, - bastano i componenti strumentali, e sopratutto la seria quasi inconcecipibile di overture: dalla Cambiale di Mattrimonio (1810) per La Scala di Seta, Il Signor Bruschino, Tancredi, L'Italiana in Algeri, Il Turco in Italia, Otello, La Cenerentola, La Gazza Ladra, Armida, Mosé in Egitto, Semiramide e tante altre che non sono rapprensentate nella collezione mia ... e Guglielmo Tell (1829), o piottosto Guillaume Tell, perché il libretto di Scribe e Delestre-Poirson é stato scritto in Francese.

Ho descritto recentemente la Battaglia di Waterloo di Napoleone I, - si può dire che Guillaume Tell è in un certo senso il Waterloo di Rossini perché dopo questa opera ha scritto solamente qualche musiche religiose trascurabili e una immensa serie inedita di pezzi di pianoforte, 'Péchées de la Vieillesse', salvata di Ottorino Respighi sotto la forma di un balletto "La Boutique Fantasque". Rossini si è probabilmente piaciuto nel suo esilo a Parigi, ma pare un po' tragico di lasciare così il mondo musicale sul mezzo del cammino della vita. Eppure tutto il mondo operatico è tragico perché si è sentito costretto a sviluppare un stilo di canto che faccia imprehensibile le parole per nascostere il fatto che quasi tutti i libretti sono così idiotichi che va meglio non sentirne niente. Restano i componenti strumentali quali le overture e le danze, e essi bastano per mè.

GER: Übrigens sehe ich jetzt Genial Daneben auf SAT1 (meiner Meinung nach das einzige das wert ist gesehen zu werden auf dieser Sender). Das Team hat geraten, daß das Personal des Universitetsbibliotek von Coimbra in Portugal jeden Abend die kostbaren alten Tischen mit Ledertücher abdecken um sie zu schützen vor dem Kot von Fledermäuse, die dort leben (und schädliche Insekten fressen, so daß man sie nicht ganz einfach ausrotten kann). Sonst haben die guten Leuten bis jetzt nix erraten. Ich kann übrigens nicht lassen hier zu erwähnen, daß ein Fledermaus auf Schwedisch außer "Fladdermus" auch "Läderlapp" heißen kann.


I have spent a lot of time today listening to Rossini - about half of the ouvertures of Rossini aand some ballet music sections, plus four of the sonatas for strings which he wrote at then tender age of 12 years. At least I didn't have to listen to the complete operas, which kept il signor Rossini occupied for slightly less then 20 years of his life. After that he went into 40 years of self-imposed retirement in Paris, and apart from some religious works he only wrote a lot of pianomusic, which nowadays mainly is known through the adaptation as a ballet by Respighi. Strange man.

But the whole operatic business is strange. Opera is an art form where people have taught themselves to sing in a way that absolutely precludes the possibiliy of understanding a single word of what is being sung, and this has been necessary because all libretti are so abominably idiotic that people are better served by not understanding anything. And still this miscarried and futile endeavour has absorbed the better part of the time and energi of innumerable composers throughout the history, Rossini being a case in point. What a waste of talent!

I have also watched "Genial daneben" auf Deutsch. The team only guessed one question: they off the bat guessed that the staff of the famous university library in Coimbra, Portugal, cover the valuable old tables with leather cloth each night in order to protect them against the droppings of bats, - and they refrain fromt killing off the bats because these eat a lot of harmful insects whose offspring would otherwise eat the old books.

I haven't written anything in Icelandic today, - but I'm going to spend the rest of the evening on this essential preparation for my upcoming travel thither.

Edited by Iversen on 07 June 2009 at 2:27am

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 Message 942 of 3959
07 June 2009 at 2:22am | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
At least we were spared the ususal nonsense about mankind having to leave Earth collectively to find a new abode in space - mankind will also be dead as a dodo in June 250.002.009.

This is inaccurate: on which day in June 250.002.009 exactly ? LOL!!!!!!!!!! hahahah.


Apart from that: I have extended my travel plans. I am flying to Reykjavik from Kastrup airport at Copenhagen, but after a peek at the map and my calender I have decided to travel through Southern Sweden. There is a ferry from Grenå til Varberg (where there is a medieval castle), and there is a train from Varberg to Malmö, and from Malmö I can travel by train directly over the new big Oresundsbridge to Kastrup. However I return directly back home from Kastrup after my stay in Iceland.
I am going to try out my Swedish, but only on Swedes who don't understand Danish - they deserve to have their own language murdered.

I hope that you will have a good journey.
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 Message 943 of 3959
07 June 2009 at 2:26am | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
Quaerendo textos sermonis latinae in interrete inveni musicam nominatam "Adiemus" scriptoris gallici musicae Karl Jenkins.

wow!! The dolphins are beautiful

I hope that you (Iversen), fasulye and all the others will have a nice week. from tomorrow during about one week I won't visit, but after I will return.

Fasulye, the Firefox's spellchecker doesn't like your nick but it put the red line and suggested some alternatives:


hahaha!!! Those are funny.Iversen, for your name it suggested:


For Jar-Ptitsa it suggested:


Edited by Jar-ptitsa on 07 June 2009 at 2:38am

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 Message 944 of 3959
07 June 2009 at 2:29am | IP Logged 
Jar-ptitsa wrote:
Iversen wrote:
At least we were spared the ususal nonsense about mankind having to leave Earth collectively to find a new abode in space - mankind will also be dead as a dodo in June 250.002.009.

This is inaccurate: on which day in June 250.002.009 exactly ? LOL!!!!!!!!!! hahahah.

It is accurate enough, - our species will be extinct already from the first day in 250.002.009 (and probably long before)

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