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Iversen Super Polyglot Moderator Denmark berejst.dk Joined 6788 days ago 9078 posts - 16473 votes     Speaks: Danish*, French, English, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish, Esperanto, Romanian, Catalan Studies: Afrikaans, Greek, Norwegian, Russian, Serbian, Icelandic, Latin, Irish, Lowland Scots, Indonesian, Polish, Croatian Personal Language Map
| Message 3905 of 3959 25 June 2015 at 10:24am | IP Logged |
EO: Antehieraŭ kaj hieraŭ vespere mi kopiis verkojn de iu tute malkonata komponisto Iversen el malnovaj kasedaj sonbendoj al dosieroj WAW kaj MP3 en mi komputilo. Mi devis fare ion nune, ĉar estas jam malfacile aĉeti sonigilojn por kasedoj, kaj unutage mia lasta aparato kapabla de ludi kasedoj mortos. Tiam ankaŭ mortos la lastaj smemoraĵoj de mia pasinteca epoka kiel amatora komponisto. Mi havas ankaŭ pli ol 600 bendojn kun klasika muziko, kiune mi ne deziras perdi la aliron. Bonŝance mi ankoraŭ havas plurajn ludantojn, kaj en mia kolekto de misteraj malnovaj kabloj mi sukcesis trovi unu kiu povis konekti kasedan ludantilon kaj "line in" sur mia komputilo. Plue mi elŝutis la senpagan programaron programon Audaciton - kaj kiu splendaj ilo kiu estas! Dum la agado mi ne povis koncentri sur lingvolernado ĉar la agado estas nova kaj la muziko malnova kaj tre ŝata, ĉar mi skribis ĝin mem kaj ludis ĝin sole aŭ kun malnovaj amikoj. Sed kiam mi komencos kopii la aliaj kasedoj, mi planas registri la fronton kaj la dorson de ĉiu bando sen subdividi ilin en individuaj verkoj - mi jam havas datuman sistemon kie ĉiu informo inkludante la minutojn estas skribita.
EN: As I wrote above I have spent two evenings on saving old cassette tapes with works of an obscure composer named Iversen (played by votre humble serviteur and in a few cases other happy amateurs). About a week ago my next but last VHS machine died, but I'm rather philosophical about the fate of my VHS tapes because it would be an overwhelming task to save the content - think hundreds of 4 hour tapes with old TV programs. However it has also become all but impossible to buy machines that can play cassette tape, and I have tons of old tapes that I would want to keep accessible even in the future. And it is actually feasible to rescue these collections. The most important is a small, but irreplaceable set of cassettes from the 80s and early 90s with my own classical compositions played by myself or in some cases myself and old friends of yore. The most voluminous consists of more than 600 tapes (90 ot 100 minutes each) with classical music, for which I have a partly digital, partly paperbased catalogue complete with minutes, performers and themes. I wouldn't want to lose that either, but I can copy this as side A and side B for each tape - I don't need to subdivide the recordings into tracks as long as I have that background database with all the information including durations. And that decision has the effect that I can study languages while I listen, and I just have to start and stop the recordings and store them under suitably informative names (like "Tape JS BACH 1 A" or "Tape JS BACH 1 B").
DA: Det kunne jeg ikke i går og forgårs, for det er vanskeligt at koncentrere sig om sprogstudier når man lytter til amatøroptagelser af éns egne gamle opusser fra en fjern og forgangen fortid. Jeg skrev hundredevis af værker som barn og ung, men stoppede i 1975 da jeg indså at de var gudsjammerligt elendige og ikke ville blive spillet af nogen som helst - end ikke mig selv. I midten af 80erne begyndte jeg igen at komponere, men denne gang bedre og færre værker, og jeg havde kontakt med nogle andre amatørmusikere, der var glade for dem. Men de kom snarere fra rock-kredse, og der er det heldigvis ikke tabu at skrive og spille sin egen musik. Senere endte jeg i et amatørorkester, hvor man sommetider havde sommeraktiviteter, hvor man med lidt held kunne få spillet nogle af sine egne ting, men til sidst havnede jeg i en amatørgruppe, der led af amatørmusikernes sygelige aversion mod musik skrevet af folk fra deres egne rækker (man skal også helst være død og berømt). Så de sidste indspilninger af mine egne værker blev lavet for mere end tyve år siden, og det er dem jeg nu har reddet.
Edited by Iversen on 03 July 2015 at 2:55pm
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| josht Diglot Senior Member United States Joined 6531 days ago 635 posts - 857 votes    Speaks: English*, German Studies: French, Spanish, Russian, Dutch
| Message 3906 of 3959 25 June 2015 at 9:52pm | IP Logged |
Regarding your collection of cassette tapes, I assume you have considered transferring
them all to your computer? It would be a large task indeed, but if you use the right
gear, I think you could actually be trasnferring the music to your computer *while you
listen to it* - it would just be recording in the background. You could use something
like this:
http://www.amazon.com/Behringer-UFO202-BEHRINGER-U-PHONO/dp/ B002GHBYZ0/
(remove the space after dp/)
Of course, you would still need to organize the files, but if you're only concerned
about essentially 2 files per tape (side A / side B), that doesn't seem too bad. And
all of your other organization - minutes, performers, themes - would match.
Edited by josht on 25 June 2015 at 9:53pm
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Iversen Super Polyglot Moderator Denmark berejst.dk Joined 6788 days ago 9078 posts - 16473 votes     Speaks: Danish*, French, English, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish, Esperanto, Romanian, Catalan Studies: Afrikaans, Greek, Norwegian, Russian, Serbian, Icelandic, Latin, Irish, Lowland Scots, Indonesian, Polish, Croatian Personal Language Map
| Message 3907 of 3959 25 June 2015 at 11:21pm | IP Logged |
I have indeed decided to digitize all my cassette tapes (but not the VHS tapes), and it is running smoothly. This evening I have transferred a 100 minutes tape with ballet music of A.Adam and Hérold and a 90 minutes tape with organ music by Jehan Alain, including the splendid Litanies. This is captured by Audacity as WAW-files, and I have found that 1 minute in this format equates 10 mB. Then I use Freemake Convert to transform the WAWs into MP3, where 1 minut equates around 1,4 mV. With 670 tapes that becomes around 1 tB - and I plan to keep the MP3s and throw the WAWs out because the difference in sound quality is limited. In this way I can keep a copy of the whole thing on one external drive (I need one more to store a backup). The whole thing is feasible - though I won't reach the last tape (with J.D. Zelenka) before some time next year. I still need to study the Audacity program in detail, but I have already discovered one smart feature: you can make a recording shorter or longer without changing the tone height. I was a lousy pianist even when I still played the piano, and therefore some of my recordings are too slow - but Audacity speeded them up and the result is better than the original recordings. Unfortunately it can't remove the false notes...
IN: Saya membuat lebih dari replika Audio: Saya mempelajari teks pada orang pendek di bahasa Indonesia. Orang pendek adalah seperti bigfoot kecil dan jika eksis, itu tinggal di Indonesia. Beberapa sudah menyarankan bahwa itu adalah 'hobbit' selamat - seperti yang penelitian telah ditemukan sebagai kerangka di pulau Flores. Murni secara kebetulan saya melihat sekarang program dengan empat pencari sasquatch di Amerika Serikat. Mereka berada di Colorado, di mana ada banyak saksi mata - tapi seperti biasa tidak begitu banyak sebagai kotoran, yang bisa dikirim untuk analisis DNA.
Edited by Iversen on 01 July 2015 at 9:53am
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Iversen Super Polyglot Moderator Denmark berejst.dk Joined 6788 days ago 9078 posts - 16473 votes     Speaks: Danish*, French, English, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish, Esperanto, Romanian, Catalan Studies: Afrikaans, Greek, Norwegian, Russian, Serbian, Icelandic, Latin, Irish, Lowland Scots, Indonesian, Polish, Croatian Personal Language Map
| Message 3908 of 3959 30 June 2015 at 3:21pm | IP Logged |
Once again I have visited my family, and as usual that means one weekend with limited language learning. We visited one more recently renovated museum in the small town Jelling, which was the capital of Denmark 1000 years ago - and my sister and mother didn't have as many misgivings about this place as they had about Moesgård museum (see an earlier message about this). Besides I studied Esperanto, using the tiny and extremely old German-Esperanto dictionary which I bought for just 3 € at the Polyglot Gathering in Berlin. Yesterday evening I mainly focused on Indonesian, and I reread the text about the Indonesian version of Bigfoot, orang pendek (which is small and reddish and addicted to sugar cane) and made wordlists based on recent readings in that language.
IC: Jelling er þekktur af því að Haraldr Blátönn hér satti stein yfir föður sínum Gorm og móður sinni Thyra:
Haraltr kunukr bath kaurua kubl thausi aft kurm fathur sin auk aft thaurui muthur sina. sa haraltr ias sar uan tanmaurk ala auk nuruiak auk tani karthi kristna.
"Harald konge bød gøre dødeminde dette efter Gorm sin fader og efter Thorvi (Thyre) sin moder, den Harald som (for) sig vandt Danmark al og Norge og gjorde danerne kristne." (Wikipedia)
Það er einnig grunsamlegt að Wikipedia segir "kubl" - eldri dönsk stafsetning hefur form "kumler" (í fleirtölu) fyrer "rúnar". Og þýðir að auki aðrar véfsíður "kubl" á 'litla' Jellinge-steinnin sem "kuml" (eða rúnar) - um hvenar varst "b" að "m"?
kurmr kunukr
Gorm konge
karthi kubl thusi
gjorde kumler disse
aft thurui kunu sina
efter Thyra sin kone
tanmarkar but
danmarks bod
Edited by Iversen on 01 July 2015 at 10:17am
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Iversen Super Polyglot Moderator Denmark berejst.dk Joined 6788 days ago 9078 posts - 16473 votes     Speaks: Danish*, French, English, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish, Esperanto, Romanian, Catalan Studies: Afrikaans, Greek, Norwegian, Russian, Serbian, Icelandic, Latin, Irish, Lowland Scots, Indonesian, Polish, Croatian Personal Language Map
| Message 3909 of 3959 02 July 2015 at 4:53pm | IP Logged |
My cassette transfer project is moving ahead as planned, with 3-4 tapes a day. And the nice thing is that it doesn't really influence my work with written sources - I just listen more to music than I did before. The less nice thing is that I then also listen less to TV in my 'small' languages and not at all to oral sources on the internet because that might influence the recording process.
GE: Ich schreibe regelmäßig über meine intensive schriftliche Quellen, vor allem weil ich allmählich selten ein ganzes Buch auf Papier lese (aber desto mehr vom Internet). Die Hauptbibliothek in meiner Stadt hat tatsächlich einen Haufen Bücher in anderen Sprachen, aber es handelt sich meistens von Literatur. Im Moment bin ich aber halbwegs durch ein echtes Buch in deutscher Sprache: "Abenteuer Zoo" von Dirk Petzoldt und Silke Sorge (von 2007). Mit rund 460 Tierparks und Akvarien auf meinem CV gibt's wenig Leute die mehr Zoos als ich gesehen haben - aber Dirk Petzold befindet sich Lichtjahre vor mir in dieser Hinsicht (und vermutlich auch vor Silke Sorge): er hat ganz sicher mehr als 500 zoos gesehen allein in Deutschland. Ich habe dort nur 56 Zoos und Aquarien besucht, rund ein Zehntel.
EN: In January 1997 (yes, silly me) I visited Chicago, where it was so cold that the schools had closed and people were told through TV how to dress up their dogs so that they would survive the winter. But both Lincoln zoo and Brookfield zoo were open, and I bought a guide to the zoos of the USA in the shop at Brookfield. And later the same year I did a dedicated zoo trip through the states South of the Great Lakes, and here I visited twenty zoos in two weeks (plus museums and other attractions). But the weather was strange: From Windy City Eastwards I moved ahead of heavy rain which caught up with me around Pittsburgh. And when I then turned the car around and went Westwards along Lake Erie it rained so much there that I had to turn inland to avoid the deluge on the main route along the lake. I stayed one night in Fremont - a town mainly known as the home of president Rutherford B. Hayes. Rutherford WHO? you might ask. But just ask in Paraguay - he rescued the whole Western part of the country for the guys in Asunción.
Edited by Iversen on 02 July 2015 at 5:15pm
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Iversen Super Polyglot Moderator Denmark berejst.dk Joined 6788 days ago 9078 posts - 16473 votes     Speaks: Danish*, French, English, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish, Esperanto, Romanian, Catalan Studies: Afrikaans, Greek, Norwegian, Russian, Serbian, Icelandic, Latin, Irish, Lowland Scots, Indonesian, Polish, Croatian Personal Language Map
| Message 3910 of 3959 03 July 2015 at 10:28am | IP Logged |
I have finished letter A (from Adam to Aulin) and started out recording letter B with a couple of tapes reserved for minor members of the Bach family: CPE, JC and JCF. After that it will be no less than 10 cassttes with music of JS and finally one named after WF (with pieces of even more Bachs scattered around in empty slots on tapes dedicated to other composers).
Alongside this activity I have done a checkup on Serbian vocabulary - I have simply written translations for a series of dictionary words on a sheet of paper and checked that I knew the original Serbian words. If not (and only then) I have added a comment. I started out using this format for control revisions last year, and to a large extent it is the same Serbian words I check this time. And luckily I remember most of them this time.
And from Schleswig-Holstein and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern over the 'old DDR' (including Berlin) my Zoo studies have now reached Nordrhein-Westfalen. I can grieve about all the interesting places which I still haven't visited there, but in about a month or so I have planned to add a few new zoos in Vlaanderen - after the Lille Esperanto thing. The list is still growing.
Which reminds me dat ik ook een beetje Nederlands (Vlaams) studeren moet voor mijn reis.
Btw. I have compiled an old Germanic text collection, and during this enterprise I happened upon some remarks in Wikipedia pertaining to the story of my Town Århus, whose old name is Aros. This is normally interpreted as the 'mouth of the 'å' (small river)', but the following passage makes a spurious and debatable connection back to the charudes of Tacitus:
During the later age of Germanic migrations, the Harudes do not seem to appear in Jutland. Instead, the Angles and Jutes are there, who migrate to Britain. In Tacitus the Angles are further south. Perhaps not all the Harudes left Jutland, and the Harudes could have been a constituent of the Jutes.[original research?] The central area in the east of jutland, a traditional district (syssel) of Jutland, is thought to be derived from Harudes. Its inhabitants were called harudes in Danish, and this tribe is suspected to be the founders of the first Danish city in the center of east Jutland, called harusam or just Arus(City of the Harudes). This particular city was situated by the sea inside a great bay(called Vik which led to the name Vikings) and with a natural port, later became the center of the Danish Viking kings empire. The remainings of this ancient city and the tribe called Harudes, have been found under today's Capital of the Danish mainland, Aarhus. In the 500 years of the Danish/British Viking reign(700-1200) the city was known as Aros and is described by several written sources and the city name was stamped on all the coins, the Viking kings had made in their capital.
Interesting, but not true. The oldest archeological finds from Århus are from the late 8. century AD, long after the demise of the (c)harudes.
Edited by Iversen on 03 July 2015 at 2:52pm
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Iversen Super Polyglot Moderator Denmark berejst.dk Joined 6788 days ago 9078 posts - 16473 votes     Speaks: Danish*, French, English, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish, Esperanto, Romanian, Catalan Studies: Afrikaans, Greek, Norwegian, Russian, Serbian, Icelandic, Latin, Irish, Lowland Scots, Indonesian, Polish, Croatian Personal Language Map
| Message 3911 of 3959 06 July 2015 at 10:31am | IP Logged |
I have spent the weekend on a two day train trip, and unlike family visits this has been an excellent opportunity to study languages. I brought along the Old Germanic printouts mentioned in the preceding message, and now I know more about the origins of Dutch then ever before. But why Dutch? Well it came as an offshot from reading about and in Low German/Platt? And Platt precisely now?
Well, my traintrip took me along the Western coast of Jutland down to a small town called Niebüll just South of the German-Danish border, and the area around this town is historically one of the most linguistically complex ones in Northern Europe - apart from places with many foreign workers speaking their own languages, of course. I have to say historically, because the only language I heard in the streets during my three hour visit to Niebüll was High German - but I did see both a Danish school and a Danish børnehave ('kindergarten' in English - and German!), and there is a large Danish minority in Nibøl. But it also has a Low German subculture, and a local teacher named Marlene Gottburgsen was awarded an "Emmi" (-i, not -y) in 2012 for her work teaching school children Platt. And on top of that you have not only Modern standard Danish, but also the delightful Danish dialect known as 'Synnejysk'
There is one more funny twist to this: the area has also a Frisian-speaking population, and the caretaker of the Frisian Museum turned out to be a native speaker of Platt - and this meant that I for the first time ever heard a living person SPEAK the language in my presence. But more than that: he also estimated the number of Frisian speakers to be aroound 10.000 - though I don't know whether this covers the whole German coast. Up to now I have only heard numbers hovering around a few hundreds, but those 10.000 probably refer to people who claim that they can understand it without necessarily being able to speak it. And if ability to read the stuff is enough then you could count me in too - it is not too hard if you also can read a number of related languages.
Actually I wanted to check this last (preposterous) claim, and I happened to find something as unexpected as a school which teaches Frisian (or Frasch, is it is written in the Northern Frisian dialect) - Risum school. One thing I noticed at their homepage was the near absence of y's and a lot of a's and - lo and behold - å's instead:
Risum Skole / Risem Schölj as en grün- än gemiinschaftsschölj än lait sü ambai 5 km önjt söödriie foon Naibel, önjt weesten foon e gemiinde Risem-Lonham (Nordfraschlönj). Jü as iin foon da 47 dånsche schoule önj südslaswik. Deer as en mase plååts trinamt schölj ma maning möölikhäide for sport än spal.
"Naibel" is of course "Niebüll/Nibøl".. Just for comparison an amended passage from the West Frisian Wikipedy:
Sifers: Ynwennertal 9.315 (2010)
Oerflak 30,63 km², Befolkingstichtens 304 / km², Hichte 3 m
Polityk: Lân Dútslân, Dielsteat Sleeswyk-Holstein, Distrikt Noard-Fryslân
Oar: Tiidsône CET/CEST (UTC+1/+2)
Webside www.niebuell.de
I'll write some more about my minuscule trip and the things I read in the 10 hours or so in the trains later.
PS the man I mentioned above actually also knows the lady who got the Emmi - it's a small world.
Edited by Iversen on 06 July 2015 at 2:47pm
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Iversen Super Polyglot Moderator Denmark berejst.dk Joined 6788 days ago 9078 posts - 16473 votes     Speaks: Danish*, French, English, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish, Esperanto, Romanian, Catalan Studies: Afrikaans, Greek, Norwegian, Russian, Serbian, Icelandic, Latin, Irish, Lowland Scots, Indonesian, Polish, Croatian Personal Language Map
| Message 3912 of 3959 08 July 2015 at 3:12pm | IP Logged |
As I wrote a couple of days ago, I read several texts about the predecessors of Modern Dutch/Flemish this past weekend, including several articles in the Dutch Wikipedia, an article called Onze Moedertaal and another one name Chronologisch Woordenbook.
According to these sources the stage before Oudnederlands was spoken by the Franks - those who also under Chlodowech conquered Gaul, but were conquered themselves by the corrupted Latin spoken there (which later developed into French). So with many of the earliest sources from the Dutch-Flemish area the scholars still discuss whether the language used should be called Oudfries or Oudnederfrankisch or Oudnederlands. In some cases they current hypothesis even seems to be that the spelling reflects that the scribe was a foreign worker from Britain or a place now known as Germany. A few texts were even written with runes - i.e. the old runic alphabet.
DU: Onder deze teksten zijn de Wachtendonkse hymnen uit de tiende eeuw, die een abdis van Munsterbilzen in Limburg toebehoorde. De tekst is waarschijnlijk geschreven door een monnik uit Krefeld (!) tot het grote vreugde van de weinig Latijns-kundige nonnen, die in eerste negen psalmen rechtstreeks het vertaald uit een oude Duitse originaale tekst, maar geleidelijk vrijer en vrijer schreef. Deze tekst wordt de Wachtendonkse psalm genoemt, want die waar eens in de privé-bibliotheek van een kannunik van Luik - maar gelukkig heeft hij't aan een humanistische geleerde genaamd Lipsius geleend, die een deel van de hymnen heeft gekopiëerd - het originele manuscript is later verdweent. Misschien heeft Herr Wachtendonks het een maal te veel uitgelëend.
Veel ouder is een Utrechtse doopgelofte met vragen en antwoorden: "Verzaakt u de duivel? Antwoord dan: Ik verzaak de duivel.((..) En alle Duivelswerk? Antwoord dan: En ik verzaak alle werk en woord van de duivel, Donar en Wodan en Saxnoot en alle duivels die hun genoten zijn". Wie is Saxnoot? Er is misschien de naam van een mythische voorouder van enige Engels koninklijke families, en zo kan de auteur een Engels immigrant geweest zijn. Overigens, dit was de laatste keer in een lange tijd dat de naamen van Donar en Wodan in oud-Nederlandse teksten werden genoemd.
Nog ouder is een runeninscriptie van Bergakker - van ongeveer 425-450 en als oudnederfrankisch geclassificeerd. Maar de geleerden zijn niet eens eens: de Engels Wikipedia heeft een list met verschillende transcripten:
Quak (2000) : Ha(þu)þ[e]was ann k(u)sjam log(u)ns, interpreting it as "[property] of Haþuþewaz. I bestow upon the choosers of the swords".
Vennemann (1999) : Haþ(ur)s ann k(u)sjam lōg(u)ns "[property] of Haþur. I grant lodging to the swordblades".
Seebold (1999) : h(ǫ)þ(u)was ann k(u)sjam log(u)ns. "I grant combat to the choosers of the sword".
Odenstedt (1999) : hā(le) þ(e)was ann k(eis)am lo(ka)ns: "hale servants [warriors] I [the sword] like. I place cuts".
Looijenga (1999): Hā(le)þ(e)was ann k(e)sjam log(e)ns. "[property] of Hāleþewaz: He grants the swords to the swordfighters" (possibly a maker's inscription).
Bammesberger (1999) : Haþ(u)þ(u)ras ann k(u)s(j)am lōg(u)n[r]... "I grant to Haþuþuraʀ and his chosen [bride] the wedding-rune".
Mees (2002) : Ha(þu)þ[ȳ]was ann k(u)sjam lōguns. "[property] of Haþuþȳwaʀ. He grants a flame [=brand, sword] to the chosen".
Grünzweig (2004) : Ha(þu)þ(ewa)s ann k(u)sjam log(ō)ns "[property] of Haþuþyewaʀ - he grants the choosers [enemies?] the flame [sword?]".
There is a possibility that the text refers to the Dutch-Flemish folk tale which survives in folk ballad 'Van Here Halewijn' (in English: The Song of Lord Halewijn). In that case the reading would be: Hā(le)þ(uin)s ann k(u)sjam log(u)ns "I grant Halewijn's [sword] to the chooser of the sword(s)", the chooser of the sword (vs. the noose) being the maiden/princess about to be killed by Lord Halewijn.
Ik hoop wel dat de geachte geleerde heren ook gebieden studeren waar ze op een beetje veiliger grond zijn. De verschillende lezingen van de Bergakker inscriptie is wie een lange faillietverklaring.
Edited by Iversen on 10 July 2015 at 12:00pm
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