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 Message 33 of 3959
05 December 2008 at 2:41am | IP Logged 
Fasulye wrote:
... I would like to have some astronomy (which is my favourite science subject) in English on DVD, but these DVDs are so expensive(!) that I have given it up searching in this direction.

My reaction to that problem has been to make a collection of TV programs, but now with the advent of the internet the solution might be a collection of programs from the internet, which you could burn to DVD's. I have mentioned a series of non-fiction programs in Dutch earlier in this thread, and even though they aren't at university level they are as good as most non fiction on Cable or ordinary TV.

I do see the point in using 'foreign-based' dictionaries for learning even more languages, but my answer to that would be that three dictionaries with three different base languages - other things equal - are better than three dictionaries with the same base language. And when reasonable dictionaries exist in Danish I want them too. By the way, I have several Langenscheidt dictionaries for different 'third' languages in my collection, but I'm not quite sure about the Pons series - I have checked the covers on the internet and they don't really ring any bell.

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 Message 34 of 3959
05 December 2008 at 4:51am | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
I do see the point in using 'foreign-based' dictionaries for learning even more languages, but my answer to that would be that three dictionaries with three different base languages - other things equal - are better than three dictionaries with the same base language. And when reasonable dictionaries exist in Danish I want them too. By the way, I have several Langenscheidt dictionaries for different 'third' languages in my collection, but I'm not quite sure about the Pons series - I have checked the covers on the internet and they don't really ring any bell.

Ýes, this is exactly my idea behind the usage of bilingual dictionaries based on different languages (in my case English and Dutch), not being the native language.

Edited by Fasulye on 05 December 2008 at 4:54am

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 Message 35 of 3959
05 December 2008 at 9:38am | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:

By the way, I have several Langenscheidt dictionaries for different 'third' languages in my collection, but I'm not quite sure about the Pons series - I have checked the covers on the internet and they don't really ring any bell.

EN: If you buy German-based dictionaries via internet, it is safer to chose Langenscheidt. I have discovered that Pons dictionaries can be of different quality. Some of the Pons dictionaries are printed with very small letters (I cannot read them well) on too thin paper, which I don't like, because I use my dictionaries very often. The disadvantage of Langenscheidt can be that you buy for example the 16. edition of a book published for the first time in 1992. I have only two Pons bilingual dictionaries (one for Modern Latin and one for Turkish) and both are newly published and of good quality.

DE: Bei meiner Teilnahme am TAC 2009 muss ich bewusst darauf achten, dass ich mich nicht von der Sprachenexpertin zur Sprachen-Fachidiotin entwickele, ich bin nämlich nicht dazu bereit, wegen eines Sprachenwettbewerbs meine naturwissenschafltichen Leseinteressen aufzugeben. Dezwegen wird das Forum jetzt radikal ausgeschaltet, damit ich in der Bibliothek endlich mal wieder in "Bild der Wissenschaft" und "Sterne und Weltraum" herumlesen kann.

Edited by Fasulye on 05 December 2008 at 9:43am

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 Message 36 of 3959
05 December 2008 at 11:19am | IP Logged 

Just wanted to note that it's possible to set up a dual LNB Astra/Eutelsat system often just by adding a second LNB to an existing dish (and realigning). There are also motorized systems but these are pricey.
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 Message 37 of 3959
05 December 2008 at 2:46pm | IP Logged 
FR: J'ai passé quelques heures à lire la "Petite grammaire du Bulgare" de Jack Feuillet que j'ai acheté à Sofia pendant mon tour des pays du Balkan cet été. En principe j'aurais du écrire ceci en bulgare, mais cette langue n'est pas encore sur ma liste.

Le bulgare m'a apparu comme une langue pas trop compliquée jusqu'à la page 78, - c'est où la description de la morphologie commence. Au lieu d'essayer d'écrire une description moi-même je vais citer une source plus compétente que moi:

The verbs in Bulgarian have up to 3, 000 (!!!) different forms. This is due to the fact that there are six grammatical categories - person (with three subcategories - 1st, 2nd and 3rd person), number (with two subcategories - sg and pl), aspect (with two subcategories - imperfective and perfective aspect), tense (with nine subcategories - present tense, aorist, imperfect tense, future tense, perfect tense, plu(squam)perfect, future perfect tense, future in the past tense and future perfect in the past tense), voice (with two subcategories - active and passive voice) and mood (with four subcategories - indicative, imperative, conditional and the so called "reported" mood). In addition to that there are five participles (three active participles - present, aorist and imperfect, and two passive participles - present and past) and a few other non-finite verb forms - the verbal adverbs, and the verbal nouns with the suffixes -НЕ, -НИЕ.

Je vais essayer de comprendre le système, mais puisque mon russe est encore si mauvais je ne vais pas encore tenter d'ajouter une autre langue slave. Quand j'ai visité la Bulgarie j'ai pourtant découvert que le vocabulaire est si proche du celui de la langue russe que j'ai pu lire la plupart des signes, affiches, plaques et messages que j'ai vu - et parfois même comprendre des messages orales. Quand cette récalcitrante langue russe enfin se rend - et je vais le bachoter jusqu'à ce qu'elle le fasse - je vais procéder à apprendre trois ou quattre des autres langues slaves, et la language bulgare est sur la liste des cibles. Je ne puis l'éviter, maintenant que j'ai acheté une grammarie et un dictionaire...

SW: Jag lyssnar just nu til den geografiska tävlingen "På spåret" på SVT 1. Två lagen tävler om att känna igen geografiska orter sett fra tåg i og utanför folkhemmet Sverige. Tåget körer, og när man tror at man har igenkännt ett sted drar man i nödbromsan - ju tidligare, dess fler poäng. Därtil kommar några almena frågor om de besökta lokalitetar. Men triumf triumf: musiken i bakgrunnet er dansk, - det är Köpenhamns Jernvägs-ång-galopp (Københavns Jernbane-Dampgalop) av H.C.Lumbye! Just nu är tåget på väg mot Trondheim i Norge, med frågor om Nidarosdomen, Mette-Marits äkta maka, namnet på själva området (Trøndelag) og stednamnet knyttat til den norske forfatningen (Eidsvoll) Den sista frågan blev besvarat omedelbart av det ena laget: Hanoi (maximum - tio poäng!).

(NO): Og like nu strømmer der norsk snakk ut av mitt TV (det geniale program "Ugen der gik"), men jeg vil ikke skrive noe om det, fordi jeg ikke ønsker å lære å skrive bokmål - nynorsk er mye mere moro! Desverre trur jeg att nynorsk dør ut før jeg får lært dett.


I have spent several hours reading a Bulgarian grammar in French, and the language seemed fairly easy - until I reached the section about its verbal morphology. Holy cow (of India)! I have quoted an Bulgarian grammar in English, written by some poor soul who has actually spent his whole life calculating the number of potential verbal forms in Bulgarian (see above). In spite of this thunderbolt of information I may want to learn the language some day, but NOT before my Russian has improved.

From 20 to 21 I have watched a geographical quiz on SVT1 (the Swedish national TV). Two teams compete about recognizing places seen from a running train, and the longer it takes the less points the team gets. They also have to answer follow up-questions about those places - in this case a number of Swedish localities, Trondheim in Norway and finally Hanoi in Vietnam. The music in the background is written by the Danish composer Lumbye (the resident composer of Tivoli): Copenhagen Steam Railway Galop. It is at least as good as the parallel piece by Johann Strauß. You can listen to it on youtube.

And finally I refuse to comment on a hilarious program from Norwegian TV because I can't write the comment in New Norwegian.

Edited by Iversen on 09 December 2008 at 11:08am

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 Message 38 of 3959
06 December 2008 at 11:47am | IP Logged 
SP: He escuchado la transmisión de las celebraciónes oficiales con ocasión del 30. aniversario de la constitución española, El rey - que después de los años con Franco contribuí de modo decisivo a convertir su país en una democracia - dije su alucación, tres damas la discutian, y se podia también ver algunas escenas de 1978 y gente distinguida en una sala. El problema de los discursos politicos en general es que me hacen vomitar, peró se tiene que admitir qu tienen algunos caracteristicas utiles para la aprendizaje de linguas: en general hay un solo persona que habla (largo rato!) y normalmente la pronunción de este persona es relativamente claro. Despues de la ceremonia he visto un excelente programa sobre la ciudad de Barcelona. Me gustan los programas que muestran los lugares que yo también podria visitar se fuese en la ciudad: museos, parcos, el Ayuntamiento, Santa Maria del Pí, la catedral, Barrio Gotico y la Rambla. No me gustan tanto los programas donde se visita gente privada o artesanos o bares o restaurantes todo el tiempo porque yo no puede esperar de encontrar los mismos individuos y lugares. Peró hay solamente una Sagrada Familia, y yo la puede visitar.

ENG: I have spent a couple of hours watching the ceremony on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Spanish constitution with a speech by the king himself. Normally I get sick when I watch political speeches, but it can't be denied that they had some useful characterstics for language learners: they are spoken by just one person (no discussion and no background music), and normally they are spoken in a relative clear voice. After that I watched an excellent program about Barcelona. Apart from the very limited use of bad background music the main factor behind its greatness was that they visited exactly those places which I would see if I were in Barcelona: museums, parks, the cathedral, and the Rambla. I am not too fond of travel programs where they waste all the time visiting publicity-craving artisans and bars or restaurants. If I go to Barcelona I probably won't see the same people or places as in those films, but I can visit Sagrada Familia.

While watching (or rather listening to) these programs I also read a book called "The Flight of the Creative Class" by a certain Richard Florida, - in fact I read the whole book from A to Z. His thesis is that the USA is spiralling inexorably downwards because the country has become too closed to immigrants. When I reached the final section where he tries half-heartedly to imagine that the country has some kind of future I also had to find another channel because TVE started to show a nauseating program about the current scandals among the rich and famous in Spain. I switched to something completely different, namely Monty Python, and quite by chance I happened to see a sketch with some relevance for this forum: the one about the Hungarian phrase book. I'll give you an example from the final scene where the evilminded author of the book has been brought before the court: the English sentence "Will you please show me the way to the railway station" is apparently translated into something like "Please fondle my buttocks" in Hungarian. I take that as a hint that we all ought to learn Hungarian so that we don't need such books (nor Google Translate) - but frankly, I haven't got time to learn Hungarian today. Maybe next week.

PORT: Pausa.

Na pausa tenho visitado o sitio de TV Beiro, que foi tão importante para mim no periodo em 2008 one eu tenia que aprender a lingua portuguesa. Neste sitio tem muitas 'semanales' sobre diversos temas, más no setor 'actualidades' a contribução mais recente agora data do 15. septembre - a meu ver não se pode uma actualidade depois de quase tres meses. Se pode considerar o sitio como um repositorio, pero fica morte. Que miséria! Tenho visitado também o sitio de TV Evora sem poder averiguar se seja morte o vivente.

GER: Und wie jeder Samstag habe ich natürlich auch "Genial Daneben" auf SAT1 geschaut. H.E.Balder-Zitat des Woches: "Das war nicht nur falsch, das war ganz falsch". Aber es gab immerhin zwei gelöste Rätzel, und die Aufgaben sind nicht leicht..   


I have revisited the TV Beira site, which was my main source for spoken Portuguese when I learned the language in 2006. It is still there, but the newest item under 'Actualities' dates back to Septamber 15. What a mess! I have also visited TV Evora, but couldn't see whether it was alive or comatose as the TV Beira site.

Edited by Iversen on 06 December 2008 at 4:45pm

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 Message 39 of 3959
07 December 2008 at 12:30am | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
SP: He escuchado la transmisión de las celebraciónes oficiales con ocasión del 30. aniversario de la constitución española, El rey - que después de los años con Franco contribuí de modo decisivo a convertir su país en una democracia - dije su alucación, tres damas la discutian, y se podia también ver algunas escenas de 1978 y gente distinguida en una sala. El problema de los discursos politicos en general es que me hacen vomitar, peró se tiene que admitir qu tienen algunos caracteristicas utiles para la aprendizaje de linguas: en general hay un solo persona que habla (largo rato!) y normalmente la pronunción de este persona es relativamente claro.

SP: ¿Has escuchado las celebraciones oficiales del 30 aniversario de la constitución española por la televison o por la radio? Seria un programa interesante para mi, porque a mi me interesa la politica. En los Países Bajos es bastante normal recibir el programa español de la television TVE por la cable. Mi amigo olandés tiene este programa, pero no habla español yo hablo español, pero no puedo recibir TVE. Asi es la vida! En los Países Bajos he visto que TVE ofrece programas de buena calidad. Mi emisora de radio para las lenguas extranjeras es "WDR Funkhaus Europa". Cada día desde hace las 18 horas por la tarde hay programas de información y de musica en los idiomas inglés, francés, Italiano, turco, español y otros idiomas que no hablo como por ejemplo el greco, el polaco o el ruso. Normalmente cada emisión dura 30 minutos, pero para el español han incortado la emisión a solamente 15 minutos, de los 21:00 hasta los 21:15, para mi eso es demasiado corto.

Edited by Fasulye on 07 December 2008 at 11:49pm

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 Message 40 of 3959
07 December 2008 at 7:11pm | IP Logged 
SP: Si, he visto las celebraciones por la television (TVE), y quisiera felicitar la nación española con su constitución - y con su rey. Peró la transmisión de las celebraciones non fue muy interesante como television, y los discursos oficiales no me han proporcionado ninguna información nueva. En quanto a la calidad de la programación de TVE en general tengo que decir que hay demasiado seriales, especialmente en la tarde y en la noche que es el solo tiempo donde yo puede ver la television en ltantas posibilodades en la Red prefiero ver las cosas que entiendo, y solamente hago una excepción quando eschucho musica clásica de la mia colección de casetes.

ENG: I haven't got much time to write here tonight because I spent the time watching "Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy" instead. I had a distinct feeling that the world was a strange place even before watching this masterpiece, but it is good to have it confirmed by a reliable source.

Innan dess tittade jag på ett seriöst TV-program från SVT2 (Sveriges television) om - gissa, Fasulye - ASTRONOMI! Astronomen Fritz Zwicky fannt ut redan i 1933 att världsrymmet har allt för litet stoff, men ingen trodde ham för hann hade någon sorts psykos ock var inte särskilt populär. Några andre astronomer fannt mycket senere ut at hann hade rätt, men alla dom andra astronomer hade då allt för travlt med at leta efter svarte hålor. Da de blev tvungna att taka problemet på allvar hoppades de at det bara var vanligt kallt stof - men nej, det måste vara högst ovanligt kallt stof. Ock sedan dess har andra forskare får lön for att sitta djupt nede i jorden ock vänta på några "neutratrinoer" som ingen vet om eksistarer og som troligen inte ens kan upptäcks om de skulle händas komma forbi. Till allra sist sa en forsker att han hade intet problem alls viss bara der kunne vara mer tyngd någonstans enn annanstans i universet. Vi fikk inte svaret strax - titta på nästa programmet! Tja, da kann universet ju i mellomtidan nå att explodera.

Mycket tidligare så jag ett annat program på svenska - "I love språk". Den första kvarten visades et ganska lyckat interview med två svenskare med finländsk backgrund - två af en halv million (i ett land med 8 miillioner innvånere!). Efter detta kom et klipp på tysk med svensk textning om en kändisfixerat tysk blogger - tror dom att en utsändning PÅ tysk er dett samma som en utsänding OM språk? Ock värre blev det: en totalt likgiltig engelsk quiz med textning på engelska. Vill jag se engelskspråkigt TV ser jag Discovery, National Geographic, History eller andra äkta engelska programmer - inte svenskt amatör-TV!


(and now the English version:

First an answer to Fasulye: yes, I watched the celebrations in connection with the anniversary of the Spanish constitution on TVE, including the speech by king Juan Carlos. But I didn't learn anything new, and as TV it wasn't too interesting. TVE has got some good programs (I have referred to a few of them earlier), but in the evenings om normal working days it is mostly series, series, series. And even if they speak Spanish I don't want to waste my time watching such programs.

I have seen two TV programs in Swedish today. The first was named "I love språk" (I love languages), and they started off reasonably well with an interview with wo Swedes with Finnish background, but then they went totally astray with a 15 minutes long clip about a German celebrity-blogger, and even if it was spoken in German it had nothing at all to do with languages as such. And the last half hour was wasted on a less then mediocre anglophone quiz - OK, they did ask about English proverbs, but I would have preferred that they had shown a blank screen. Now I spent my precious time waiting for something relevant to happen. In vain.

Later I saw a very interesting program about the gradual acceptance of the idea of cold invisible stuff in the universe. An astronomer cailled Zwicky first discovered that there was far too little matter in the universe, but he was a borderline case and not very poplular so nobody really wanted to accept his idea. Later they had to, because otherwise the universe would explode. We got a glimpse of the Arecibo radiotelescope (amazing construction!), and then we went underground to visit some troglodyte google-eyed scientists who have been paid to be sitting several kilometers below the surface of the Earth, waiting for some particles whose existence is more than doubtful and which they apparently couldn't discover even if they passed through their noses. At the very end of the program another scientist said he had a solution, if he just could be allowed to postulate that some areas of the univers had more gravity then others. We didn't get the answer to that plea.

Instead I accidentally switched to a Danish film channel and immediately got caught up into the maelstroem of the universe in the form of the film "Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy", which seemed very levelheaded and sober after the previous prgram about dark matter (or whatever it is supposed to be, if it isn't matter). However this meant that I was watching TV instead of writing here about my current linguistical endeavours. Sorry about that.

A faire Goodnight to ye all

Edited by Iversen on 07 December 2008 at 7:44pm

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