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Fasulye Heptaglot Winner TAC 2012 Moderator Germany fasulyespolyglotblog Joined 5932 days ago 5460 posts - 6006 votes     1 sounds Speaks: German*, DutchC1, EnglishB2, French, Italian, Spanish, Esperanto Studies: Latin, Danish, Norwegian, Turkish Personal Language Map
| Message 873 of 3959 11 May 2009 at 7:14pm | IP Logged |
DE: Heute soll die letzte Reparaturmission zum Hubble Weltraumteleskop gestartet werden und zwar soll heute um 20:01 Uhr MEZ die Raumfähre Atlantis von Cape Canaveral abheben. Das wird definitiv die letzte Reparaturmission für das Hubble sein und Schätzungen gehen davon aus, dass das Hubble noch für ca. 5 Jahre funktionstüchtig sein wird. Wenn der Start wirklich durchgeführt werden kann, dann werden sicherlich auch die Nachrichtensendungen darüber berichten!
PS: I watched the lift-off of Atlantis Spaceshuttle live on CNN TV. The launch was successful.
I hope that I will get some explanations about the Hubble repair mission in my astronomy club.
Edited by Fasulye on 12 May 2009 at 6:11am
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| Jar-ptitsa Triglot Senior Member Belgium Joined 5983 days ago 980 posts - 1006 votes     Speaks: French*, Dutch, German
| Message 874 of 3959 12 May 2009 at 10:57am | IP Logged |
ik snap hte niet waarom mesnen op dit forum zo onaardig tegen me zijn. earle schrref dat ik "buthcering English"
en dat ik "he" ben. Wat is dit met "he"? porhunol heeft dit ook geschrevn. Ik ben een meisje. ik zie ook zo uit, ben
helemaal niet mannelijk. Ik begrijp het niet, ik ben heel eerlijk en absoluut niet gemeen. Iversen of jw of iemand,
alsjeblieft kun je me vertelln wat ik moet doen? zijn post is hier language.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=15019&PN=1&TPN=6">ear le
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Iversen Super Polyglot Moderator Denmark berejst.dk Joined 6788 days ago 9078 posts - 16473 votes     Speaks: Danish*, French, English, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish, Esperanto, Romanian, Catalan Studies: Afrikaans, Greek, Norwegian, Russian, Serbian, Icelandic, Latin, Irish, Lowland Scots, Indonesian, Polish, Croatian Personal Language Map
| Message 875 of 3959 12 May 2009 at 6:07pm | IP Logged |
Jar-ptitsa wrote:
ik snap hte niet waarom mesnen op dit forum zo onaardig tegen me zijn. earle schrref dat ik "buthcering English"
en dat ik "he" ben. Wat is dit met "he"? porhunol heeft dit ook geschrevn. Ik ben een meisje. ik zie ook zo uit, ben
helemaal niet mannelijk. Ik begrijp het niet, ik ben heel eerlijk en absoluut niet gemeen. Iversen of jw of iemand,
alsjeblieft kun je me vertelln wat ik moet doen? zijn post is hier language.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=15019&PN=1&TPN=6">ear le |
Three or four things:
Stop writing in the thread about Flemish etc, - you get angry, and that's bad for you
Ignore people like Earle or give just a short, concise and cold answer, - certainly not something looks like an emotional outburst. You are easy to provoke, and you should avoid confrontations with people who exploit that
Do something about your spelling. When you are angry or sorry it gets worse, so try to stay calm and focussed - otherwise cool down before you answer.
And finally: as suggested by yourself you probably should try writing your posts in Word first and let the spelling checker find the errors. As you probably know it can spell-check in all of your languages, so why not use it?.
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Fasulye Heptaglot Winner TAC 2012 Moderator Germany fasulyespolyglotblog Joined 5932 days ago 5460 posts - 6006 votes     1 sounds Speaks: German*, DutchC1, EnglishB2, French, Italian, Spanish, Esperanto Studies: Latin, Danish, Norwegian, Turkish Personal Language Map
| Message 876 of 3959 13 May 2009 at 8:12pm | IP Logged |
Quote Iversen:
"In fact it is more likely that Earle is a 500-year old female green alien from outer space than that Jar-Ptitsa shouldn't be what she says she is. Besides I know from early postings that her spelling in both English and Dutch usually is much better than what you have seen here."
Yes, Jar-ptisa is honest about her identity, so I - having also read many of her posts - don't have any doubts at all. I can imagine well that medicaments (especially when the dosis is high) can influence the concentration and with this the spelling quality negatively. I had a friend with a different illness than Jar-ptisa, but when this friend had a weak day with her health, she wrote very chaotic things. So I'm familiar with such a phenomenon.
Edited by Fasulye on 13 May 2009 at 8:14pm
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| JW Hexaglot Senior Member United States youtube.com/user/egw Joined 6207 days ago 1802 posts - 2011 votes     22 sounds Speaks: English*, German, Spanish, Ancient Greek, French, Biblical Hebrew Studies: Luxembourgish, Dutch, Greek, Italian
| Message 877 of 3959 13 May 2009 at 9:15pm | IP Logged |
I agree with everything Iversen and Fasulye say above. Especially:
1. Write your posts in Word (or other editor)
2. Spell check
3. Re-read your post
4. Copy and paste to “Post Reply”
5. Click “Preview Post” and re-read
6. Click “Post Reply” and re-read one final time and use "Edit” if needed
This is process I use. It might seem excessively “anal” (for lack of a better term) but I feel strongly that accurate written communication is crucial. People in forums judge you based on how well you write and I think they will be less likely to attack you if your writing is clear and free from errors.
As far as I can see, at least 95% of the errors you make in any language would be eliminated if you follow the above process. It would also provide a cooling down process for you.
Finally, just because someone attacks you, you don’t have to justify yourself. Personally, I refuse to respond to ad hominem attacks…
Edited by JW on 13 May 2009 at 9:19pm
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| Jar-ptitsa Triglot Senior Member Belgium Joined 5983 days ago 980 posts - 1006 votes     Speaks: French*, Dutch, German
| Message 878 of 3959 14 May 2009 at 12:55am | IP Logged |
Hi Iversen, fasulye and jw
thank you veyr much for your nice replys. now I will paste my repyl, which I have written in Word :
Iversen wrote:
Three or four things:
Stop writing in the thread about Flemish etc, - you get angry, and that's bad for you
Ignore people like Earle or give just a short, concise and cold answer, - certainly not something looks like an
emotional outburst. You are easy to provoke, and you should avoid confrontations with people who exploit that
Do something about your spelling. When you are angry or sorry it gets worse, so try to stay calm and focussed -
otherwise cool down before you answer.
And finally: as suggested by yourself you probably should try writing your posts in Word first and let the spelling
checker find the errors. As you probably know it can spell-check in all of your languages, so why not use it?.
Thank you very much for this advices.
I stopped writing there (on the thread about Flemish, and now it’s locked. yes it’s very bad for me get angry,
upset, anxious etc. because this cause muddle up and get some problems. Witproduct send me two PMs and
told that he agree with all the things which I wrote there and he explained about his post in which he wrote
something’s quite chauvinist against francophone. now it’s ok, those PMs were nice. I will reply him.
Yes I will ignore Earle and people like him (he’s 500-years old green alien, not person for sure hahahahah) if
they will insult me more. Earle is truly horrible and I didn’t know him at all or hadn’t a conversation with him
therefore he has NOT an idea of me, for example that I’m not “he” but I’m a girl and was always a girl and look
absolutely feminine not masculine at all, and my favorite color’s pink, which a boy would not chose. yes I’m easy
to provoke: not clever at all and quickly upset and it’s a nasty problem when a person’s angry with me all (or
most of) the ones who want or have attempted get all the energy of the result of my thoughts take this
suggestion for make some additional commentarys and continue but don’t shut up. therefore it’s not possible
concentrate as well and very important prevent.
yes, I do this things about my spelling now. I’ve copied-pasted the post of Iversen in Word and I write this reply
there. it ‘s automatically make the changes, not ask me, excepted if it make the changes, which I didn’t want.
only sometimes it put the red line: now it put this under: Iversen, focused and commentarys, but this focused
changed 9the other not). it make the American spelling, but I learned the British one, therefore it’s little bit
weird. I saw this when it is changed “favorite” nd “color” I’m NOT anti-American I better tell!!!!!!! or Earle,
pothunol , jbbar, recht and all the others who’re friend of him will tell me off.
when I write letters mostly I write in word and my homework’s and all things like this. sometimes before I wrote
in word some posts as well, for example when the post had many quotes.
this isn't from word but directly : when i made the "preview" of my post, it was absolutley corrupted :

Edited by Jar-ptitsa on 14 May 2009 at 1:00am
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Iversen Super Polyglot Moderator Denmark berejst.dk Joined 6788 days ago 9078 posts - 16473 votes     Speaks: Danish*, French, English, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish, Esperanto, Romanian, Catalan Studies: Afrikaans, Greek, Norwegian, Russian, Serbian, Icelandic, Latin, Irish, Lowland Scots, Indonesian, Polish, Croatian Personal Language Map
| Message 879 of 3959 14 May 2009 at 3:26am | IP Logged |
The preview of this forum is a mess, especially if you read in other languages than English. The reason is that the forum since 2006 has used the character set Unicode (UTF-8), whereas the preview box uses another character set, most likely the one called Western European. But I will compliment Jar-Ptitsa on her spelling, - I could only spot 3 small errors, which is nothing compared to the posts in the ugly thread. So even if the Spell checker in Word sometimes cannot recognize a correct word (such as my name) then it seems to work wonders to use it. Congrats.
The time right now is 3.14, and I haven't had time to write anything here. The reason is that the mail system of my travel club has problems. First I thought that my recent programming was incorrect, but now I'm fairly sure that the Formmail module of our host is to blame. This has taken me a lot of time, which could have been spent om more pleasant things.
Let me therefore just say that my bus reading book today was one of Ina Müller's Low German booklets. I have seen some of her TV shows (in High German) and they are not very good, but the books are funny. And because each 'chapter' is max. 2-3 pages the book is very well suited to on-and-off reading - quite literally in this case.
Besides I have been analyzing the Tagalog/Pilipino grammar source I have mentioned earlier. I have looked in vain for the verbs prefixed by ka- which were mentioned in one of my books from Manila, but otherwise the online description is much more complete than any of those in my dictionaries or language guides. I'm thinking about starting to make Tagalog word lists, literal translations and so forth, because it seems that I can't keep my fingers away from that language so I might just as well start to take it seriously. The first task would then be to learn the central vocabulary in it so that I can at least start to read texts.
In another thread my ramblings about language learning have been favorably mentioned, and the possibility of making a links collection to some of my more weighty posts was brought up as a project. However I keep my own 'backup files' in Word for the case that this forum suddenly disappeared from the internet, and I can just copy the links directly from one of those Word documents. But it will still take some time to do, and I definitely don't have time now, - it's very late and I have to get up before 8.00 tomorrow.
Edited by Iversen on 14 May 2009 at 3:44am
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Fasulye Heptaglot Winner TAC 2012 Moderator Germany fasulyespolyglotblog Joined 5932 days ago 5460 posts - 6006 votes     1 sounds Speaks: German*, DutchC1, EnglishB2, French, Italian, Spanish, Esperanto Studies: Latin, Danish, Norwegian, Turkish Personal Language Map
| Message 880 of 3959 14 May 2009 at 6:25am | IP Logged |
Iversen wrote:
Besides I have been analyzing the Tagalog/Pilipino grammar source I have mentioned earlier. I have looked in vain for the verbs prefixed by ka- which were mentioned in one of my books from Manila, but otherwise the online description is much more complete than any of those in my dictionaries or language guides. I'm thinking about starting to make Tagalog word lists, literal translations and so forth, because it seems that I can't keep my fingers away from that language so I might just as well start to take it seriously. The first task would then be to learn the central vocabulary in it so that I can at least start to read texts. |
FR: Une autre langue dans ta collection? Moi, j'ai déja des difficultés de combiner les études de deux langues, le turc et le français. Vraiment, je dois me concentrer sur une seule langue d'études!!! Il y a des autres personnes qui travaillent et chaque jour apprennent des langues pendant quelques heures. Tot le matin je n'ai pas assez de temps et apres le travail je suis fatiguée et je dois m'occuper de mes contacts privés. J'admire les personnes qui peuvent jongler tant d'études avec un travail.
Edited by Fasulye on 14 May 2009 at 6:27am
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