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 Message 1833 of 3959
20 May 2010 at 1:57pm | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
The parallel scale for assessing reading ability is hopeless because it is based on the idea that informal language about daily life always is easier than texts about 'serious' subjects, such as quantum physics and law.

I would say that for average people conversations about daily life are easier to read and understand. For those who are used to reading specialized texts anyway (for example in their native language) it will be relatively easy to read the same type of texts in foreign languages as well.

I had skills of French already early in life. If you had given me for example a copy of the magazine "Sciences et Avenir" to read at age 20, I would have told you that this would be "above my horizon", because also in German I wouldn't have understood much of it.

So it depends a lot on what people are used to read normally.

To give another example: For me it's really hard to read literature books, they are full of unknown vocabulary. My father is an amateur expert of literature, so for him it's a breeze to read such books in English and French.

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 Message 1834 of 3959
20 May 2010 at 11:56pm | IP Logged 
SP: Hemos discutido en otro filo se fuera insulto intencionado llamar ciertos paises sudeuropeanos P.I.G.S. .. y nadie me puede convencer que el intento no sea acuñar una expresion ofensiva. Peró en este momento escucho una discusión sobre la economia española en TVE internacional, y alli han usado este acrónimo. Antes he escuchado las noticias, con temas como el detencio de algunos líderes de ETA, el robo de algunas obras de arte en Paris y ... la economia español. En España se corta el salario de los functionarios.

DA: Tidligere så jeg på dansk TV selveste børsdirektøren kritisere den tyske beslutning om at forbyde en særlig slags spekulation, hvor man køber værdipapirer uden at eje en jante. Argumentet var at alle ændringer gjorde spekulanterne nervøse, og så ville børskurserne falde. Hvilket blot viser hvor pilråddent hele systemet er.

SW: Tidigare i kväll såg jag et av de utmärkta svenska naturprogram, och denna gång var TV-teamet på visit i en snöig skog för att titta på hackspettar..

FR: .. et juste maintenant j'écoute un podcast sur le côté scientifique (si on peut l'appeler ainsi) du film Avatar, que j'ai pas vu. Mais ceci est seulement un parmi les excellents podcasts offerts par le site Depuis l'apparition de ce film on voit des étranges créatures bleues partout, mais plutôt que leur couleurs je trouve intéressant qu'on a construit une langue pour elles - mais je ne suis tout de même pas assez de cela intrigué pour aller voir ce film dans un cinéma.

RO: Am văzut chiar unele clipuri video în limba română de situl - dar e destul de enervant ca filmele să durează fiecare un minut. Acest lucru face dificil să le asculte în timp ce faci altceva. Totuşi subiectele sunt interesante. De pilda: o instituta de reptile în Brazilia este ars cu toate 70000 şopârle, şerpi şi broaşte ţestoase, un institut român indică faptul că are o lucru care pot măsura mici particule solide în aer (inclusiv cenusa vulcanica), oamenii de stiinta de la CERN au făcut un milion repetări mici de Big Bang-ului dupa ce marele accelerator lor a fost în funcţiune de nou o singua şaptămâna, si rusii pot face acum site-uri cu nume scrise cu litere chirilice.


Yesterday was a bad day, where I didn't really have time to study languages. Today I have at least had time to watch a lot of TV plus some podcasts on the internet. In cronological order: a number of short clips from Romanian TV, - the themes were very intersting, but each clip only lasted around one minute. Then a Swedish nature program about woodpeckers, the Spanish news from TVE internacional plus a discussion about the fragile Spanish economy. In Danish TV the Stock Exchange Director critized the German initiative again a certain kind of speculation where you buy securities without putting any money in the deal, in the expectation that you can earn something at the time sale. His argument was that this just would make speculators nervous, and then the markets might react unfavorably. My answer is that he has spent too much time in the company of those reckless speculators. After the Spanish discussion the batteries of my TV headset ran out, and instead I listened to a podcast in French about the 'science' behind Avatar. Even though I haven't seen it I can't avoid the ubiquitous posters with blue aliens, and I have also read that the creators have deviced a new conlang for this film. But the more publicity the films get, the less I'm willing to bow to the pressure and go watch it.

Edited by Iversen on 01 June 2010 at 6:10pm

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 Message 1835 of 3959
21 May 2010 at 7:02am | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
FR: .. et juste maintenant j'écoute un podcast sur le côté scientifique (si on peut l'appeler ainsi) du film Avatar, que j'ai pas vu. Mais ceci est seulement un parmi les excellents podcasts offerts par le site Depuis l'apparition de ce film on voit des étranges créatures bleues partout, mais plutôt que leur couleurs je trouve intéressant qu'on a construit une langue pour elles - mais je ne suis tout de même pas assez de cela intrigué pour aller voir ce film dans un cinéma.

FR: Oui, especialement les podcasts sur le site sont de très bonne qualité et je peux recommender de les écouter pour tous ceux qui parlent français et qui s'interessent pour l'astronomie. Moi, j'ai aussi lu le magazine "Ciel et Espace" une fois, parce que ma correspondante française me l'a envoyé.

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 Message 1836 of 3959
21 May 2010 at 9:49am | IP Logged 
I enjoyed watching Avatar. It is an exceptional movie with stunning graphics. The
creators clearly spent a lot of thought on the native culture and language, too. The plot
itself is not really new, reminiscent of "Dances with wolves" or "The Last Samurai", but
as long as you don't expect more there, you're fine. I watched Avatar once in English at
a regular cinema in 3D and once in German at an IMAX theatre and there wasn't a single
moment I was bored, even the second time. I imagine this will wind up a part of popular
culture, but not a must-see.

Edited by Sprachprofi on 21 May 2010 at 9:50am

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 Message 1837 of 3959
21 May 2010 at 10:23am | IP Logged 
OK, maybe I'll watch the film once I can see it in my own TV (which may have to be updated first ... to 3D). I did record the Jurassic films on good ol' VHS-tapes, and then I saved the scenes with dinosaurs and discarded the plot. Maybe I'll do something similar to Avatar once it appears on my TV screen. Or maybe I can get a DVD cheaply some time into the future. I do feel some sort of temptation in references to stunning graphics and 3D, and I would like to have a compilation of the scenes where the new conlang is spoken (just to hear it, not to learn it) - but in a cinema I can't avoid battle-scenes and romance and spectators and all the other things that spoil otherwise good films.

Edited by Iversen on 21 May 2010 at 10:27am

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 Message 1838 of 3959
21 May 2010 at 11:23am | IP Logged 
I almost never watch any movies at all. For example I like to watch Turkish movies to get two hours of total language immersion or I go to the cinema together with my blind friend who needs some explanations of visual things during the film because otherwise she would get misunderstandings.

With a fictional film covering some scientific elements such as dinosours, astronomy, meterology I also would watch it - like Iversen - with the eyes of an amateur scientist and not like a person who wants to have some entertainment. And I also prefer non-fictional films or films in which the percentage of non-fictional information is relatively high.


Edited by Fasulye on 21 May 2010 at 11:24am

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 Message 1839 of 3959
21 May 2010 at 1:43pm | IP Logged 
Meine Zukunft im Astronomieclub ist ungewiss geworden. Das Gebäude, in dem sich seit Jahren unsere Sternwarte befindet wird nächstes Jahr - also im Sommer 2011 - abgerissen. Das bedeutet, dass der Verein sehr bald seinen Standort verlassen muss.

Leider ist zur Zeit ein neuer Standort in der Prüfung, der sehr weit außerhalb meiner Stadt liegt und nur unter "etwas beschwerlichen Umständen" mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln erreichbar wäre. Typischerweise haben die anderen aktiven Vereinsmitglieder alle ein Auto.

Als Alternative hätte ich noch einen allgemein naturwissenschafltich orientierten Verein, der sehr eng mit der Volkshochschule zusammenarbeitet. Allerdings bin ich doch eher speziell an der Astronomie interessiert, als so ganz allgemein naturwissenschaftlich.


Edited by Fasulye on 22 May 2010 at 6:01am

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 Message 1840 of 3959
21 May 2010 at 2:49pm | IP Logged 
FR: Pour ceux qui s'interessent non seulement de l'astronomie, mais aussi pour les langues (et pour la Chine), je voudrais attirer l'atention sur un entretien avec l'homme qui a redécouvert une carte céléste chinoie datant d'environ le VII siècle. Il l'a trouvé dans un coffre de British Museum, mais il parait que ce manuscrit a été découvert la première fois dans une cave dans le Taklamakan, où il se trouvait 60.000 manuscrits (!). Ces manuscrits représentent une foule de langage, y compris de language qui maintenent sont perdues et parfois ne sont connues que par ces manuscrits. Ce qui me parait le plus étonnant, c'est qu'on a entendu si peu de ces trouvailles merveilleux.

GER: Was geschieht mit dem Astronomie Club von Fasulye ist sehr bedauerlich. Mitunter vergesssen die Leute daß nicht alle Autos haben. Vielleicht wäre es einfacher mit dem Zug oder Bus zu einer anderen Stadt zu fahren, wenn dies mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmittel geschehen könnte und es dort etwas brauchbares gäbe?

Edited by Iversen on 24 May 2010 at 9:31pm

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