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 Message 1777 of 3959
12 April 2010 at 4:37pm | IP Logged 
The questionnaires have two errors. The first is that you trust the nonsensical answers you get when you ask silly questions (garbage in, garbage out). The second is that you forget that the questions don't cover everything that might be relevant. But those questionnaires are popular because you get something on paper you can show your boss.

PS: this is also meant as a hint to those who trust language tests - especially those of the multiple-choice kind which are irrelevant to any purpose I can think of, but quite popular.

PS PS: More about Swedish stone age pottery here (in Swedish, with a reference to Vetenskapsmagasinet - the program I saw, but which I for some reason can't access on the homepage of the TV station).

Edited by Iversen on 12 April 2010 at 5:03pm

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 Message 1778 of 3959
12 April 2010 at 11:00pm | IP Logged 
ESP: Hodiaŭ posttagmeze mi ricevis du ligiloj esperantaj de Rapp: kaj Nuntempe mi legis kelkajn artikolojn tie. En mondediplo "Ĉu lando povas bankroti?". Kaj la respondo estas jes. Danio estis bankrota dufoje: Ĉirkaŭ 1340 estis la tuta lando peono du grafoj de Holsten, kaj reĝo Valdemar IV devis batali dure per reakiri liajn landojn. Kaj en 1814 la dana registaro estis bankrota post la perdo de Norvegio kaj la floto. Hodiaŭ ili estas diskutanta Grekio kaj Islando, sed teknike multaj landoj estas bankrotaj hodiaŭ. Se vi tute ne povas pagi vian debeton, vi estas bankrota.

Lernante lingvolecionojn: Estas ankaŭ artikolo tie pri Britaj politikistoj kiuj havas lingvan lecionojn. Whauw!

En estas artikolo je DNA de nova speco de homoj. Rusaj scientistoj deĉifris la DNA-on de nova speco de homoj trovitaj en Sibirio en la provinco Altajo. En Europa ni havis tiutempe neandertalojn, sed la DNAo de tiaj relikvoj estas malsama de la DNAo ilia. "La diferenco kun homoj nunaj faras 385 nukleotidojn, kun neandertalaj 202 nukleotidojn. La diferenco tiom granda indikas, ke temas pri speco homa nekonata."

I have been reading articles on a couple of homepages which Rapp pointed out for me this afternoon. In the site of Monde Diplomatique I found one intriguing article, where it was discussed whether countries can go bankrupt. I once sat at an exam table at an economic school with a teacher who flatly declared that it wasn't possible. But of course it is, whether or not you actually use the word. The whole of Denmark except Maribo was pawned to a couple of counts from Holsten around 1340, and in 1814 the Danish government offically declared its bankruptcy. Argentina has also been technically bankrupt, and many countries around the world would simply not be able to pay their debt if the creditors ask for cash. And then they are technically bankrupt. There is also an article about British politicians who take language lessons. Whauw!

In the other web magazine,, I found an article about a surprise for some Russian paleontologists. They had dug up some 38-40.000 years old human bones in the Altai region, and they were sufficiently wellpreserved for a DNA analysis. And lo and behold, the results indicated that were different from both Neanderthals and us. So now the tree of human evolution has got a new branch.

So far my evening in Esperanto, - now I have to spend some time on other languages.

Edited by Iversen on 13 April 2010 at 10:06am

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 Message 1779 of 3959
13 April 2010 at 9:39am | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
En estas artikolo je

DNA de nova speco de homoj. Rusaj scientistoj deĉifris la DNA-n de nova speco de homoj[/ULR], homo nalnova trovatis en Sibirio en la provinco Altajo. En Europa mi havis tiutempe neandertaljojn, sed DNAo de tiaj relikvoj estas malsama de la DNAo ilia. "La diferenco kun homoj nunaj faras 385 nukleotidojn, kun neandertalaj 202 nukleotidojn. La diferenco tiom granda indikas, ke temas pri speco homa nekonata."

ESP: Laux mia unua impreso "" estas ege interesa TTT-ejo por novajxoj en Esperanto, mi ankoraux ne konis gxin. Se mi havas tempon mi certe legos ion sur tiu-cxi pagxo.

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Super Polyglot
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 Message 1780 of 3959
13 April 2010 at 9:58am | IP Logged 
Hodiaŭ mi korektis 117 misskribojn...
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Super Polyglot
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 Message 1781 of 3959
14 April 2010 at 7:42pm | IP Logged 
I have to apologize, because I'll have to write in English today - but I have read some articles about and some written by a professor Snyder, mostly from the homepage, and they were in English ... so according to the rules...

Professor Snyder has found out that at least some of the mindboggling skills of savants could be due not to any extraordinary development of braincentres (presumably as a compensation for their deficiencies), but rather to the shutting off of certain mental process that most of us have. If we hear a speech by someone we don't remember the whole thing, but sort out the relevant parts and forget the rest. It is an open question whether it still is stored somewhere, but in that case it is outside our reach. If we see a city from a skyscraper we may start to look for people and for wellknown landmarks, but we can't sit down afterwards and make a reasonably comprehensive painting of the whole thing. The idea of total photographic (eidetic) memory has been somewhat discredited, but even so some savants have a more comprehensive and less 'interpreted' memory than the rest of us.

And professor Snyder has invented a way to test this: he simply blocks the normal function of certain parts of the brain with magnetic pulses, and sometimes - but not always - the test persons begin to think in a way that has some ressemblance with that of savants (and here it is worth remembering that people like Tammett are the towering exceptions, not the 'average' kind of asperger or autist with an insular skill). I would certainly not let my brain come anywhere near prof. Snyder and his team, but his ideas are worth thinking about.

I remember having seen a film about an experiment: you show the numbers from 1 and upwards to 7 og 9 or something for a very short time, then hide them under squares. Can you now point out the positions of 1,2,3 etc. ? The disturbing fact is that once chimpanzees have learnt the order of the number symbols, they are MUCH better than humans at this game - in fact so much better that the human guinea pigs must be ashamed about loosing out flatly to any chimp worth its salt (or banana).

So what has this to do with language learning? Well, maybe our incessant thinking and evaluating and filtering of information is a problem if we just want to remember things. However we are at least better than chimps to make inferences and think in symbols so we would not probably not just ask to have our brain cut down to size, but in the future it might be possible to reserve an hour for pure data absorbtion, wearing one of professor Snyders mag(net)ic memory-hats.

Edited by Iversen on 14 April 2010 at 9:15pm

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Super Polyglot
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 Message 1782 of 3959
14 April 2010 at 8:41pm | IP Logged 
IC: Ég hef að auki grein prófessors Snyder lesið hluta af Beowulf í tvímála útgáfa á Ég hef nú þegar skrifað um efnið í þráð sem heitir "Old English", en hér er meira í því tungumáli sem ég þykk mest líkjast Englisaxnesku. Kvæðið talar um Danir og Herulir. Danirnir - sem auðvitað hefur gefið nafn sitt til Danmerkur - bjuggu á eyjunum og í Scaniu, en Herulir lifaði hugsanlega hugsanlega einnig í Danmörku - sumir athugasemdir fra grísku sagnfræðinginu Jordanes geta túlkast slíkt. Seinna munt þú finna þá á Svartahaf. Þessi tilkynning hér á kvæði vitnar um innihaldids háum öld. Kvæðið vísar upphaflega til konung Scyld, sem er hægt að auðkenna með "Skyoldus" í Saxo, og þetta er ekki eina nafnið sem birtist aftur við Saxo Grammatus, sem skrifaði sinn Gesta Danorum mörg hundruð árum síðar. Allt þetta er ágætlega lýst í skýringum Beowulfs. Þú getur lesið um tilurð og saga ljóðsins hér.

I have already mentioned in the thread about Old English that I have found an excellent bilingual edition of Beowulf. In that thread I have mentioned the fact that I now can see many parallels between Anglosaxon and other Germanic languages which weren't obvious to me before now - not even with a translation. But there are also some interesting names. For instance the poem mentions both the Danes and the Herules. The former of course gave their name to my country, while latter are known from the area about the Black sea - but some remarks in by Jordanes could be seen as corroboration of a provenience from somewhere in the Nordic area. In Beowulf they are clearly positioned here, which in the case of the herules is reason enough to lift an eyebrow. Some of the names in Beowulf are also found in the Gesta Danorum of Saxo, which was written much later and in Latin. One name, Hygelac, has been identified with a person known from a chronicle and can therefore pinned to anno Domini 521 - i.e. during the Great Migration Period (Chochilaicus, mentioned by Gregory of Tours)

It is slightly irritating that the first poem about the Danish kings turns up in England and in Anglosaxon (though some of the plot has also been localized to England), but we have to count ourselves extremely lucky that it did survive - in fact it is only known from one source, the Cotton Vitellius manuscript, and it is one of the oldest surviving literary texts in any Germanic language (along with the Niebelungenlied and the Gothic Wulfila Bible) - even the Old Norse sagas are several centuries younger.
You can read more about the history of the poem here.

Edited by Iversen on 15 April 2010 at 12:45pm

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 Message 1783 of 3959
15 April 2010 at 10:56pm | IP Logged 
I have spent some time this evening writing a wee story for my travel club about my recent trip to Stirling ... so this will be all for today. Most of the content of that home page is in Danish and therefore irrelevant for ye Englishe readers, but this tiny tale might interest those who want to read something slightly different in that language ... and as usual I apologize to all Scots for murdering their language

Edited by Iversen on 15 April 2010 at 11:27pm

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Super Polyglot
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 Message 1784 of 3959
16 April 2010 at 3:12pm | IP Logged 
IC: Ég skrifaði nokkur tími síðan að Island er eitt af fáum stöðum þar sem eldgos eru talin minniháttar fréttir - sérstaklega í samanburði við efnahagslegar aðstæður. Kannski breyta því - Eyjafjalla eldgos hefur vaxið og nálægt stærri eldfjall, Katla, hefur tilhneigingu til að fylgja málinu þegar nágranna þess er í uppkomu - það getur verið mjög slæmt! Í dag voru danska flugvellir lokaðir og ég hef heyrt að flugvellir Londons jafnvel vöru lokaði. Og Katla hefur ekki enn snert á henni ...

Frægasta eldfjall Íslands er kallað Hekla, en það versta eldgos sem vitað erbraust út af annað eldfjall, Laki, sem gos í 1873 og drap fjórðungur íbúa eyjarinnar. Það er nefnd á íslensku heimildum einnig "Skaftareldar". 200 milljónir tonna af brennisteinssýru var síðan dælt út í andrúmsloftið, hraun rann frá sprungu löngu 25 km, að lokum ná hraudið til 565 km2 að flatarmáli, og braust stóð út frá 8. Júní 1783 til febrúar 1784 Við kunnum vel vona að það fer svo að þessu sinni.

I wrote some time ago that Iceland was one of the few places, hvor a volcanic eruption would be seen as a minor incident compared to the economical situation. Since then the volcano at Eyjafjallajökull has spewed out a cloud of ash that has moved with the wind to Europe. The Danish airports have been closed today, and I have heard that even the airports of London suspended their flights. Well, Eyjafjallajökull has a larger neighbour, Katla, which historically have had a tendency to erupt in conjunction with those of the smaller one. So far it has been quiet there, but nobody can predict whether this will last.

The most renowned volcano on Iceland is called Hekla, but it was Laki that produced the worst eruption ever: it lasted from 8. June 1783 to February 1784, 200 mio tons of sulfuric acid was pumped into the atmosphere, the lava streamed from a 25 km long fissure and covered at the end 565 km2, and a quarter of the population of the Island died. We can hope that it won't be as dramatic this time.

Edited by Iversen on 20 April 2010 at 6:04am

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