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 Message 3081 of 3959
24 October 2012 at 11:07am | IP Logged 
It looks like one day I should revive my Latin, a language that has lain dormant for the
longest time. I think most of these concepts are pretty well thought-out; wish some other
languages were that inventive!

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 Message 3082 of 3959
25 October 2012 at 10:50pm | IP Logged 
The innovative side of Latin is one of the important things in learning it - it wouldn't be fun just to have it as a passive language limited to old texts, and it would not be terribly fun either to have it as an active language if you only could use it for discussions about the Punic wars. Certain traditionalists have written in derogatory terms about those brave souls who try to keep Latin alive, but they are welcome to stay in their time bubble if that's what they want to do.

One aspect of this is that I personally don't see neither the old Romans nor the Catholic church as something I need to worship just because I like Latin. The Romans were good technicians and even better warriors, but they smashed everything around them. And the Catholic church also has a tatty dossier. We have no obligation to stay with the themes discussed in Latin in past times.

Apart from that..

SP: En este momento vé a TVE una classe de Gaita a Asturias en España - 25 gaitas jogando a lo mismo tiempo.. whauww!

ESP: Antaŭe hodiaŭ mi legis a buso hejmen la novembran eldonon de la monata revuo de la Internacia Esperanto-organizo (kiu mi povas elŝuti ĉar mi enskribis min en la klubo por akiri rabaton ĉe iliaj kongresoj). Por la movado estas malbona mesaĝo: membraro povos malkreski sube 5000 membroj venontjare. En 1962 estis aldonita celon de 15.000 membroj, poste reviizita por 10.000, sed kun la angla kiel nediskutebla monda lingvo la optimismo malaperis. Nun alvenas la realismo.

RU: Я читал в этот вечер некоторые статьи по истории Суздаля (из веб-сайта - домонгольский период, период монголо-Татарского ига, и время после 1900 года. Первую часть я также подробно изучал и скопировал, и я слушал интенсивно в первом абзаце. Это показывает степень интенсивности

IR: Léigh mé freisin ar an Eabhrais Gaeilge - ach ní i bhfad.

SP: I wrote the Spanish sentence while 25 girls played the bagpipe in a school in Asturias, Spain. Afterwards they added disgusting background 'music' and showed boring soccer matches, and then it was time to leave

ESP: I downloaded the monthly e-mag of the international Esperanto union. One of the articles acknowledges that the membership of this organisation may dip under 5000 next year - it is hard to try to sell one more international language when most potential buyers already have got one. Maybe they should sell the language on being smart and exclusive and almost a secret. People like secrets.

RU: This evening I spent several hours in the company of 3 (out of 7) parts of the history of Suzdalj from the site First I ran the whole thing through (and my previous study in Russian history helped me a lot because I already knew the names), then I copied and studied the first article and finally I got got through ONE paragraph with the busy lady at Acapela-box and the babushka of Google Translate.

IR: I also worked my way through one passage of the Irish Vicipéid's article about Hebrew. But then I remembered that I have some things to do at my computer, and that's what I'm going to do now.

Edited by Iversen on 01 November 2012 at 12:20pm

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Super Polyglot
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 Message 3083 of 3959
28 October 2012 at 8:30pm | IP Logged 
RO: În acest moment eu urmăresc un program de Discovery World pe Vlad Țepeș, care pentru trei scurte perioade (1448, 1455-1462 și 1476) a fost rege al Țării Românești (România). Este o emisiune în limba engleză, dar, din fericire, cu multe interviuri în limba română. Avem văzut castelul de Poenari, unde (poate fi) soția sa s-a sinucis aruncându-se de un turn după ce a fugit Vlad din cauza avansarea turcilor. Avem vizitat, de asemenea, Sighisoare, unde probabil că sa născut într-o casă care este acum divenit un restaurant specializat în fripturi sângeroase (eu am fost la Sighisoare dar nu am mâncat acolo). Castelul de Bran n-a nici să fac cu Vlad, dar complet nemeritat eset acest este loc în care s-a servit cel mai mult de bani cu miturile și zvonurile pe acest perseverent apărător al patriei. Nu am planuri de a vizita acest loc fals.

I have just finished watching a program about Vlad Țepeș at Discovery World - as expected in English, but with a lot of interview answers in Romanian. We did visit the grim castle ruin at Poienari where his queen allegedly jumped to her death from a tower down into the river below to avoid been caught by the turcs - Vlad himself narrowly escaped. We also visited Sighisoare where it is claimed that he was born, the ruins of his palace in București and the tower hill at Brașov where 30.000 sympathizers allegedly were impaled (I have visited all three places, but these are more peaceful times than the 15. century). We also visited Târgoviste where the Turcs murdered his father 'the Dragon'* and his brother, but I have not visited this town - sorry. The place that has been marketed most efficiently as the castle of Dracula is Bran Castle, but that's a complete fake, and I'm not going to visit it.

* Vlad himself was only Dracula 'the little dragon'

I have been visiting my mother this weekend, and her Astra receiver this time functioned splendidly - it had big problems the whole summer over, so maybe the cool weather is has something to do with it. I have been using every chance where I had the TV set for myself to look at channels in languages I haven't got at home: the news from VBN in Dutch, Brazilian Portuguese from Rederecord, mixed Spanish and Galician from TV Galicia (including news about the hurrican damage at Cuba) plus something about the concept of 'mágoa' (literally sorrow and grief) ... and today I heard half an hour of Low German from TV Bremen.

SW: Jag såg också en dokumentär om Dan Everett och Pirahã-språket lördag, men om detta ämne sägs mycket mera i denna tråden.

Edited by Iversen on 01 November 2012 at 12:19pm

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Super Polyglot
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 Message 3084 of 3959
31 October 2012 at 11:13pm | IP Logged 
LAT: Harrius Potter nunc universum meum invasit - lego librum secundum seriae maguli, H.P et Camera Secretorum. Petrus Needham transversit, et quia etiam editionem lingvae anglicae habeo comperire potui translatum fidele esse texto Rowlingis primigenii. Proprietate, facte habet - sententiae suae non de litteris grandis incipiuntur, sed de litteris minoribus (minusculis). Liber facilior lectu est Gestis Saxonis quae antehac partim legi - ut iam dixi translatum habeo et primigenium, sed in raedae longae non duos libros tractare possum; quamobrem modo translata lego sine auxilio. Id quod non facere possum de libro primo, H.P. et Philosophi Lapis, quia in lingvam hibernicam transvertebatur.

Right now I'm reading the second part of the Harry Potter saga, the one about the secret chamber and the flying car and the nasty car-bashing tree and so forth. I have to do this before I read part one about the philosophical stone because part one has been translated into Irish. I have also the series in English so I can confirm that the translation is very loyal to the original. It has one strange peculiarity, however - the sentences don't start with the normal uppercase letter (and even less with a medieval megalarge letter depicting half the universe), but with a modest lowercase item. Potter is easier than Gesta Danorum by Saxo, which I started out reading some months ago - but didn't finish. At home I can sit in an armchair with both the translation and the original within reach, but I mainly read in the bus where I only can manage one book at any one time so there I have to read the stuff without any help from translations or dictionaries. I have to skip some of the words, but not so many that it blocks my reading. So far I'm through approximately the first quarter of the book. And as answer to an old enquiry by myself: the spells are in Latin. So even a muggle might inadvertently say a spell, and then it's a mystery to me why nothing magical happens.

Edited by Iversen on 01 November 2012 at 12:14pm

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Super Polyglot
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 Message 3085 of 3959
02 November 2012 at 1:23pm | IP Logged 
LAT: Quando ultime autobiographiam veri imperatoris legis? Ego hodie partem primae partis legi autobiographiae Caroli quarti qui anno 1316 nascit, anno 1378 obiit, Romanorum imperator fuit et Boemiae rex. Liber facilis lectu est quia Carolus sententias brevissimas utebat cum vocabularium benivolente lectoribus mediocribus.

Librum invenit quia nomen sigilli postalis (nequiquam) quaesivi, et paginam interretis invenit cum legamenibus textorum lingvae (neo)latinae. Etiam videte istam collectionem auxiliorum mundi latinitatis.

Postea in vocabulario d.Morgani cunctam nomenclaturam neo-latinam cursualitam invenit:

deliver (a letter) (epistulam) perferre
post, mail subst. cursus publicus (Eg. S.L. 31)
postcard chartula cursualis (Eg. L.D.I. 102)
stamp (postage) pittacium* cursuale
mail vb. (epistulam) mittere (Eg. L.D.I. 102), (epistulam) cursui publico tradere (Eg. L.D.I. 102);
how much does it cost to mail a post card? quanti stat missio chartulae cursualis? (Eg. L.D.I. 102)
mail box cursûs publici capsula (Eg. L.D.I. 102), arca (v. capsa) cursualis
mail, post subst. cursus publicus (Cod. Just. 12, 50; Eg. L.D.I. 102); adj. cursualis, e
mailman, postal deliverer tabellarius, i m. (Eg. L.D.I. 102)

Gratia ago domino Morgani.

(* pittacium: 1.label, ticket, 2.small piece of cloth (dixit LatDict, "Latin dictionary and grammar resources for the poor and curious")

Vocabularium cursoris virtuali in pagina Vocabula computatralia videtur:

e-mail 1. (a letter sent via the net) subst. litterae electronicae 2. (electronic mail) subst. cursus publicus electronicus
list 1. (data structure) catena,ae f. 2. ( mailing list) grex Interneti 3. (mailing list owner) moderator gregis

Gratia ago auctori glossematis (forsitan dominus Konrad Kokoszkiewicz).

Edited by Iversen on 02 November 2012 at 2:08pm

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Super Polyglot
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 Message 3086 of 3959
05 November 2012 at 2:03am | IP Logged 
LAT: Ego nuper praedixi Harrium Potterum in Camara Secretorum quandocomunque in hebdomade venturae terminatururum esse, sed erratus sum - in fine hebdomade exeunte partem septentrionalem Jutlandicae visitavi, id quod circa 4 horas in haematostichio et vespere in camera deversiorii adferrebat prope Aquarium Mare Septentionale Hirtshaltsiense. Igitur ultimae tria quartes libri legi, et nunc mihi carentia Potteriana accidit quia librum unum de magule et lapidi iam non fluenter legi possum, et librum tertium, quartum etc. non in linguis variis habeo praeter versionem anglicam. Forsitan HPum captivisque in Azkabane in lingva hispanica in Cuba emere potero, Poculum in lingva islandica in Reykjavíkure et - quasi mihi util esset, hehe - Ordinem Phonicidarum in lingua hungarica in Budapestine. Forsitan etiam mihi opportune erit sollertias meas lingvae basselandicae et graecae hodiernibae probere, et tum Principem Semisanguniem Sacraliaque Mortalia* in lingvas batavica graecaque emere potero, sed istud non problema mea serverit ... ... pausam lecturae meae latinae necesse est propter lapsum potteris. .

But apart from Harry Potter and the Slytherine Room, which I happened to finish prematurely because of a train trip to the Northern part of Jutland, I have also spent a few short moments on a couple of the less spoken daughters of mama Latin...

FR: Apart HP j'ai mis quelques minutes dans le train à Alborg à lire quelques articles en occitan sur Mistral et sur le mouvement Félibrige en général. Nul doute que j'aimerais pouvoir écrire ceci en Occitan, mais bienque je peux la lire je n'ai jamais essayé d'apprendre cette langue romane. Il faut pourtant dire que l'orthograhie mistralienne me parait peu naturelle - il y a aussi une autre orthographie pour l'occitan qui est plus proche de la forme de l'occitan auquelle je suis accoutumé (si on peut dire ça d'une language que je lis si rarement): comme j'ai expliqué autrapart j'ai appris d'abord l'ancien occitan des troubadours pendant mes études dans les années 70.

CAT: L'altre llengua del qual em estic ocupat aquesta nit era l'aragonés, gràcies a un fil aquí a HTLAL. Sembla que encara hi ha gent a Espanya que parlin aragonés, i fins i tot hi ha una acadèmia aragona - encara que no sé quin estatus té.

* actually I have commented upon the strange word "hallows" here at HTLAL as far back as 2007 in as unexpected a place as the long defunct German language thread.

Edited by Iversen on 05 November 2012 at 9:48am

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Super Polyglot
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 Message 3087 of 3959
06 November 2012 at 10:35am | IP Logged 
I spent the evening yesterday on my photos from the weekend trip to Northern Jutland plus some maps for earlier travels, so my language related activities can be summarized as follows:

1) I went through the first two Chapters of Potter II in Latin and noted down a variety of expressions for time (plus other expressions and words for a word list at some later time)

I watched TV:
2a) a program in English about the Icelandic sagas, but with readings and some interviews in Icelandic. It is some time since I heard spoken Icelandic the last time so this was a useful exercise
2b) I watched a program in English about the fall of the Berlin Wall - but with most interviews in German. This theme is not new and I have several times seen programs in pue German about the event, but I had forgotten how things really happened: the responsible for traval papers had made a sketch for some changes which went beyond his orders from the politbureau, which held a meeting while G. Schabowski was doing other things, and Schabowski therefor just got a stack of papers from E.Krenz on his way to a press conference. More or less by accident it was the unsigned sketch he got hold of and read aloud for the world press - saying that there would be no border restrictions at all from now on - and then the Ostberliners streamed the the border posts. The responsible officer here first ásked his superiors and was told to do as usual, but in the end he gave in and just opened the gates. It is ineresting that a few mishaps and communication blunders led to a peaceful solution of a potentially explosive situation, and in the end it led the to abolition of the DDR state. But at the price of dropping the DM for € - which was the French condition for accepting the reunification.
2c) a bit of QI and some local Danish TV and the news from TVE (in Spanish) - but I left the station when they began the tirade about the US-American election ... I'm sick and tired of hearing the same babble again and again. Tell me who won when the dust has settled and nothing more please.
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 Message 3088 of 3959
06 November 2012 at 12:41pm | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
So far I'm through approximately the first quarter of the book. And as answer to an old
enquiry by myself: the spells are in Latin. So even a muggle might inadvertently say a spell, and then it's a
mystery to me why nothing magical happens.

Quite simply you need magical power to make a spell work. Otherwise there is no difference between a
muggle and a wizard.

I could never have imagined having this conversation with you.

Edited by newyorkeric on 06 November 2012 at 12:43pm

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