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Iversen’s Multiconfused Log (see p.1!)

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Super Polyglot
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 Message 2065 of 3959
24 September 2010 at 5:29pm | IP Logged 
POR: O meu ultimo video não pode representar nem português europeo, nem português brasileiro - eu faço esses vídeos para darme um meta palpável, algo que fazer, assim como eu escrevo aqui em diferentes línguas para me forçar a manter a minha competências de escrito. O video português foi gravado em torno de uma horas da noite e editado até três horas, e eu tenho claramente um aspecto um pouco desgastado. Neste momento eu estou considerando o que dizer no meu próximo vídeo - que provavelmente será falado em romeno e será o número 12 da série.

My video can't represent neither European, nor Brasilian Portuguese - but only my feeble attempt to give myself something tangible to do in the 'spoken language department', just as I get some training of my writing skills by writing in different languages here. By the way, I made it after midnight, and I do look somewhat worn out. Maybe it would have been better to wait.

FR: ... et en parallel avec mes délibérations sur la vidéo prochaine j'écoute en ce moment un quiz linguistique en français sur TV5. Confus? Pas du tout!

Edited by Iversen on 24 September 2010 at 5:43pm

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Super Polyglot
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 Message 2066 of 3959
24 September 2010 at 10:44pm | IP Logged 
The Romanian video is in the box, and now I'll rest a couple of days. After that I still have to do Dutch, Esperanto, Icelandic, (maybe) Norwegian, Russian, Modern Greek and Afrikaans (if I can find a place to listen to a couple of hours of the stuff). Besides I'm thinking about ways to learn enough 'core' Old French and Old Occitan to get away with making short videos - I can read both fluently, so it shouldn't be totally impossible. And Scots might also get on the list, but the problem is that I prefer a much more radical version than the one I heard during my recent visit. Irish and Bahasa are not yet ready.

Edited by Iversen on 28 September 2010 at 1:27am

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 Message 2067 of 3959
25 September 2010 at 3:26pm | IP Logged 
Tocmai am terminat de vazut filmul tau in limba romana. E o experienta interesanta sa aud straini vorbind romana. Nici macar strainii care locuiesc aici de ani de zile nu trec de 'buna ziua', 'buna seara' si 'ce mai faci'. :-)

Vorbesti bine, avand in vedere ca este una din limbile pe care probabil nu le exersezi prea des. Ai un vocabular bine dezvoltat, poate doar pronuntia mai trebuie imbunatatita un pic. Faptul ca stii deja celelalte limbi latine cred ca ajuta mult.

Intr-adevar, resursele pentru invatarea limbii romane sunt destul de limitate pentru ca limba in sine nu e de mare folos in afara Romaniei iar Romania nu este o tara foarte influenta. Dar, daca asculti suficient de mult (gasesti pe youtube o gramada de filme) poti sa compensezi lipsa materialelor didactice.


PS: scuza-mi lipsa diacriticelor, dar nu am instalat suport pentru romana pe calculatorul asta
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 Message 2068 of 3959
25 September 2010 at 6:13pm | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
POR: O meu ultimo video não pode representar nem português europeo, nem português brasileiro - eu faço esses vídeos para darme um meta palpável, algo que fazer, assim como eu escrevo aqui em diferentes línguas para me forçar a manter a minha competências de escrito. O video português foi gravado em torno de uma horas da noite e editado até três horas, e eu tenho claramente um aspecto um pouco desgastado. Neste momento eu estou considerando o que dizer no meu próximo vídeo - que provavelmente será falado em romeno e será o número 12 da série.

POR: Parabéns Iversen! Eu gostei das histórias de suas viagens, e acho que sobre o seu português não havia nada de errado. Eu ouvi um accento português europeu, mas um falante nativo se conhecer melhor do que eu. Foi um video bom, e eu gostei de ouvir sobre sua pesquisa para a música de Heitor Villa Lobos, no Brasil, mas também de outros compositores da musica classica, e infelizmente há não muitos deles.

E uma argumento sobre uma conta de hotel é uma boa justificativa para as competências linguísticas!

ENG: Congratulations Iversen! I enjoyed the stories of your trips, and with my limited skills I think you are too hard on yourself and there was nothing wrong with your Portuguese, but I would have to say, to me your accent sounded European Portuguese? A native speaker would know better than me. It was fun to hear of your mentioning of Heitor Villa Lobos in Rio, and of your search for other classical composers, but unfortunately there's not many of them.

And there's nothing like an argument about a hotel bill to justify good language skills!

Edited by Hobbema on 25 September 2010 at 6:15pm

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Super Polyglot
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 Message 2069 of 3959
27 September 2010 at 1:17am | IP Logged 
RUM: Mulţumesc Valkyr pentru cuvintele pozitive despre al meu video român. Pot asculta de fapt, Internet TV românesc, dar eu o fac probabil prea rar, in fapt foarte rar. Pentru a scrie semnele româniei eu folosesc tastatura virtuală sitului lexilogos.

POR: E obrigado a Hobbema pelas amáveis palavras sobre o meu vídeo Português. É provavelmente verdade que tenho um som mais europeu do que brasileiro, mas apesar de minhas viagens em países que falam esta versão do Português es evidente que eu não tenho a pronuncia exato dum nativo lusofono de Portugal - pelo menos não quando eu esteja na casa há muito tempo. É mais fácil quando você está em um ambiente que permite ouvir a língua todos os dias.

DA: Jeg har tilbragt weekenden på Sjælland, hvor man som bekendt taler dansk.

BA IN(?): Namun saya menghabiskan sabtu malam dan tiga jam perjalanan pulang kereta lama mempelajari panduan Lonely Planet ke bahasa Indonesia. Bukan buku saya telah ditunjukkan dalam video, yang satu dengan pengucapan merah-coklat dalam 'bahasa inggris', dan tentu bukan panduan yang Bahasa Malaysia dengan huruf mengerikan hijau, tetapi sebuah panduan yang lebih tua tanpa petunjuk pengucapan (kecuali di awal). Saya berpikir bahwa aku punya dua salinan dari buku yang sama, tetapi sebenarnya sebuah buku yang sama sekali berbeda.

ENG: And yes, it took me quite some time to put that stuff in Bahasa together. Actually I'm worried that I end up with a mixed Malysian/Indonesian Bahasa. I use my Malaysian 'Oxford' dictionary for wordlists in Malaysian, but my LP guides teach me Indonesian Bahasa - and many of my texts have turned out to be Indonesian too. It's a mess, but difficult to avoid. Hopefully I can sort out the influences later.

IC: Ég heimsótti einn fuglagarður og einn zoo, ein kastala og eitt listasafn og tvær rústir. Fyrsta eyðileggjaði hús heitir Søborg, og það er miðalda kastala sem var eytt á 1500 aldar. Hin andru rústir var fræga vikingavirk Trelleborg, byggt af konung Harald Blártönn í kringum árið 980. Frá þessum tíma erum einnig þekkt fjórum öðrum virku: Aggersborg, Fyrkat, Nonnebakken og Trelleborg í Svíþjóð - það eru tvær staðir af þessu nafni. Haraldur var fyrsti kristni konungur Danmerkur, og af því þykkur kristna rithöfunda vænt um hann. En íbúa voru kannski svolítið þreyttur á öllum byggingum og nýja trú hans.


Thanks to Valkyr for the nice words about my Romanian video - I am aware that my pronunciation could be better, and that I should listen more to Romanian sources.

Thanks to Hobbema for the nice words about my Portuguese video, and I agree that between European and Brasilian Portuguese I'm probably closer to the latter - but still far from sounding like a native (though it is easier to sound native while you are surrounded by natives, as I have been during my travels in lusophone countries).

I spent the weekend on Sjælland (Sjælland), where I visited one bird park, one private zoo, one art museum, one castle and one ruined Castle, and last but not least the remains of a fortress called Trelleborg. It was built (along with 4 other similar places) by king Harald Bluetooth around 980. He was the first Christian Danish king, and he was killed under a revolt instigated by his son Svend Tveskæg (Forkbeard), and I have a lingering suspicion that the population may have been sick and tired of his many building projects and his new foreign religion, but we don't really hear much about this from the chroniclers, who all were pious christian clerics.

And a majority in our town council has now decided that the thing I thought was my town now offically shall be renamed from Århus into Aarhus. I hate politicians.

Edited by Iversen on 27 September 2010 at 1:46am

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Super Polyglot
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 Message 2070 of 3959
27 September 2010 at 2:17am | IP Logged 
I have just written something about the consonant clusters of Georgian in Thikhiidon's log, ... and that reminded me about a postcard I once wrote from Tbilisi to an old study comrade of mine with whom I have the deal that we must write a card write in the local language whenever we visit some exotic destination (I think the habit started when I got a postcard in Breton from her and spent hours making a translation, only using a dictionary at the local State Library). Of course we had to cheat, for instance by taking sentences from language guides and asking native speakers about certain details ... but in general we did quite well, I think. Though most of the cards I receive now are in French (a few in Icelandic) - but I still keep on sending cards in strange new languages, including Bahasa Malaysia and Scots this year.

The card below is supposedly written in Georgian - well, the original card disappeared (although it was sent from the main post office in Tbilisi, beside the statue of Davit II Akhmadshenebeli and across the street from "Andropov's Ears" - ye readers from Tbilisi will know the place). But I still had my notes so that I could reconstruct it.

Edited by Iversen on 27 September 2010 at 2:27am

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Super Polyglot
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 Message 2071 of 3959
28 September 2010 at 1:06am | IP Logged 
IC: Ég hef nú gert hreyfimynd í íslensku, en fornnordisk einnig vísað er til í það. nefndi, eins og kvæðið Völuspá sem ég síðast nefndi hér í þessum þræði á p.118.

Í miðju vídeó efast ég hvað internetið heitir í Íslandi. Alveg óvænt kallast það "internetið" - Íslendingar forðast annað lánorð. Til dæmis kallas 'computer' tölvu.

The Icelandic video is now in the box, including references til the Old Norse poem "Völuspá", which I last commented on page 118 in this thread.

Edited by Iversen on 28 September 2010 at 1:29am

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 Message 2072 of 3959
28 September 2010 at 8:56am | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
IC: Ég hef nú gert hreyfimynd í íslensku, en fornnordisk einnig vísað er til í það. nefndi, eins og kvæðið Völuspá sem ég síðast nefndi hér í þessum þræði á p.118.

Í miðju vídeó efast ég hvað internetið heitir í Íslandi. Alveg óvænt kallast það "internetið" - Íslendingar forðast annað lánorð. Til dæmis kallas 'computer' tölvu.

The Icelandic video is now in the box, including references til the Old Norse poem "Völuspá", which I last commented on page 118 in this thread.

I watched your newest videos. I can understand a very little bit of Romanian but notheing of your Icelandic, this language is too different for me. I am always very interested in the dictionaries you use. When you hold your lecture and you show a book, you hold it too shortly, so that I often cannot read the title. I really am person who wants to read the title of books that are shown, especially of dictionaries. Perhaps you could improve that.


Edited by Fasulye on 28 September 2010 at 12:20pm

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