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Jar-ptitsa Triglot Senior Member Belgium Joined 5983 days ago 980 posts - 1006 votes     Speaks: French*, Dutch, German
| Message 617 of 3959 04 April 2009 at 5:48pm | IP Logged |
In autism there exists truly an enormous variation, and i think as well that it's interesting, also those savants are amazing. I've seen a programme (documentary) about Kim Peek, it was a film about him as well, but he didn't act in the film. He's absolutely genius, but evidently extremely austist.
A friend of me is BAP (Broad Autism Phenotype) and he's veyr nice. He's told me that he is insensitive - I didn't noticed this, but he told that he's happy like this but he said that people find him unfriendly. Some people asked my parents sometimes if I'm autist but I'm not. I haven't the same things than the austist people except I heard that they haven't good filters as well, and for exmaple sound and light are problems for them also ( I wear always glasses, whcih are dark in the light because of light sensitivity of the eyes, and I've very sensitive hearing also and get some problems when two people talk). I'm not sure what the autist people feel with those things, I would like to know.
Savants seem a particluar group and maybe that had some brain damage, for example from the epilepsy or an accident. This is for the other autists not the case. The group of people who've AS have problems with face recognition I heard and all social things. For sure the neurologists will dicsover more with the mri and pet, for example they make some examinations for looking at Wernicke (and I think broca as well, btu I can't remember what the neurologist expalined) connected at voices, and also they can do things with magnets (this is very new and only in the US). therefore, after some years maybe there will be the possibility to better understand for example those savants and all of neurologic phenomena. But, it's extremely important that those people are not doing some other things and it's a big risk in ym opinion.
Tammett: I've read about him, and he's amazing because he's austist and savant but seems like normal.
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| robertsl Newbie United Kingdom Joined 5824 days ago 12 posts - 12 votes Speaks: English* Studies: German, Spanish, Russian
| Message 618 of 3959 04 April 2009 at 6:51pm | IP Logged |
Jar-ptitsa wrote:
I haven't the same things than the austist people except I heard that they haven't good filters as well, and for exmaple sound and light are problems for them also ( I wear always glasses, whcih are dark in the light because of light sensitivity of the eyes, and I've very sensitive hearing also and get some problems when two people talk). I'm not sure what the autist people feel with those things, I would like to know.
A sensitivity to light and sounds are not factors which are required at all for an Austism diagnosis.
The general features are social imparements, communication problems and compulsive or repetative behavior. All of these areas do not need to be effected, which is why there are many types of Autism. The levels to which these can effect the person also vary greatly, you could have two children with autism and one would be able to have a normal conversation with you and the other wouldnt even be able to maintain eye contact.
You mentioned your friend said some people dislike him, one characteristic of autism can be an inibility to read body language...so you simply dont notice when youre annoying someone.
If people have asked your parents if you're autistic chances are theyre talking about your behavior or social interactions.
Edited by robertsl on 04 April 2009 at 6:52pm
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| Jar-ptitsa Triglot Senior Member Belgium Joined 5983 days ago 980 posts - 1006 votes     Speaks: French*, Dutch, German
| Message 619 of 3959 04 April 2009 at 11:02pm | IP Logged |
robertsl wrote:
A sensitivity to light and sounds are not factors which are required at all for an Austism diagnosis.
The general features are social imparements, communication problems and compulsive or repetative behavior. All of these areas do not need to be effected, which is why there are many types of Autism. The levels to which these can effect the person also vary greatly, you could have two children with autism and one would be able to have a normal conversation with you and the other wouldnt even be able to maintain eye contact. |
Ok, thanks for those infos. To maintain eye contact's not possible for all the people I think (for me it would be bad, for example).
You mentioned your friend said some people dislike him, one characteristic of autism can be an inibility to read body language...so you simply dont notice when youre annoying someone. |
No, they don't dislike him: they find him unfriendly because he likes to maintain distance of the others. He's 29, and I know him since about 3 years althouhg don't know him good, I find him very nice not annoying at all. He organises his thoughts and conversations as well, we have discussed it.
If people have asked your parents if you're autistic chances are theyre talking about your behavior or social interactions. |
I don't know but I'm not clever with social things, therfore it's possible. My parents reply them that I'm not autistic.
I look forward to those photos of Iversen which he made in Italy!!!! :-)
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Iversen Super Polyglot Moderator Denmark berejst.dk Joined 6788 days ago 9078 posts - 16473 votes     Speaks: Danish*, French, English, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish, Esperanto, Romanian, Catalan Studies: Afrikaans, Greek, Norwegian, Russian, Serbian, Icelandic, Latin, Irish, Lowland Scots, Indonesian, Polish, Croatian Personal Language Map
| Message 620 of 3959 05 April 2009 at 1:38am | IP Logged |
Hey, you have already got two! But I have just returned from an afternoon and an evening in my travel club, so I'll take a good nights sleep now and then write some more tomorrow.
EDIT (IT): Oggi è "tomorrow". Al di sotto si può vedere un mandolino-chitarra-mandolino da Napoli (Castello Sforzesco), un Tanistrofeo del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale e alcune delle reviste e dizionari che io ho comprato in Milano.
Edited by Iversen on 05 April 2009 at 11:53pm
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Iversen Super Polyglot Moderator Denmark berejst.dk Joined 6788 days ago 9078 posts - 16473 votes     Speaks: Danish*, French, English, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish, Esperanto, Romanian, Catalan Studies: Afrikaans, Greek, Norwegian, Russian, Serbian, Icelandic, Latin, Irish, Lowland Scots, Indonesian, Polish, Croatian Personal Language Map
| Message 621 of 3959 05 April 2009 at 11:39am | IP Logged |
NOR: Jeg sitter nå og ser en sending på NRK 1 om katedralen i Roskilde (Danmark). Her lot Harald Blåtand bygge en kirke for rundt tusen år siden, og i 1200-tallet lot biskop Absalon i stedet bygge en katedral i stein - Absalon var også grunnleggeren av København. Kirken ble gravkirke for den danske kongefamilien, og det er i dag ca 40 konger og dronninger begravet i katedralen. Den mest kjente av disse er trolig Margrete Valdemarsdotter, som egentlig bare var "fuldmægtig frue og husbonde og Danmarks riges formynder" for sønnen Oluf. Men da Oluf døde, adopterte hun resolutt en anden ung slektning og styrte videre i eget navn, og hun bygte med list og snille den såkalte Kalmarunionen som inkluderte Danmark, Norge og Sverige. Sverige trak sig snart ut, men unionen mellom Danmark og Norge fortsatte inntil 1814.
Right now I'm watching a TV program from Norway about Roskilde Cathedral in Denmark. The first church at the site was erected on the orders of Harald Bluetooth, the first christian king of Denmark, but two hundrede years later archbishop Absalon (who also founded Copenhagen) replaced it with a cathedral in stone, which with some alterations and additions is the present church. It soon became the offical grave church for the Danish Royal House, and now approx. 40 kings and queens are buried there. The most interesting is probably Margrethe I, who in fact just came to power as the guardian of her son Oluf. When Oluf died she resolutely adopted another young man from the royal house and continued to govern to her own death in 1412. She established the socalled Kalmar union which consisted of Denmark, Norway and Sweden. Sweden soon broke out of the union (which led to several hundred years of war and long-term animosity), while Norway stayed in the union until 1814.
DA: Jeg var til møde i min rejseklub i går, så det blev ikke til meget sprogstudium
I was to meeting in my travelclub yesterday, så it was not to much languagestudium (=it didn't come to much language studium).
(bortset fra at jeg arbejdede med min lille Collins russiske ordbog i toget til Randers).
(apart from [the fact] that I worked with my little Collins Russian dictionary in trainThe to Randers).
På mødet kom vi imidlertid til at snakke lidt om sprog,
On meetingThe came we however to (that) speak little about language,
tildels fordi vi for nylig har fået et nyt medlem som kan tale 7 sprog
to-part because we for recently have got a new member who can speak 7 languages
(jeg har dog ikke mødt hende endnu).
(I have however not met her yet).
Jeg forklarede min ordliste-metode, ikke så meget til sprogindlæring
I explained my wordlist-method, not as much to language-learning
som til indlæring af alle verdens hovedstæder,
as to in-learning of all worldsThe capitals,
- det er jo også en øvelse, hvor man skal koble en masse ordpar.
- that is (..) also an exercise where man must cobble a lot (of) wordpairs.
Og så blev jeg udfordret til at demonstrere at man faktisk kan tale latin,
And then I was challenged to (..) demonstrate that man factly can speak Latin,
- der var en af de tilstedeværende som betvivlede at latin overhovedet kunne tales.
- there was one of the present-being who doubted that Latin at-all could spokenedBe,
Jeg måtte jo så nævne at munke og lærde indtil for et par hundrede år siden
I must (..) then mention that monks and learned (=scholars) until for a couple hundred(s) years ago
faktisk kunne tale og skrive latin flydende, og hvis de kunne så kan jeg også lære det.
factly could speak and write Latin fluently, and if they could then can I also learn it.
Vi fik et foredrag om en rejse til Abu Dhabi, Dubai og det nordlige Oman,
I got a lecture about a travel to Abu Dhabi, Dubai and the Northerly Oman,
men da jeg ikke kan arabisk, kan jeg ikke skrive noget om dette emne her.
but as I not can Arabic, can I not write anything about this theme here.
robertsl wrote:
A sensitivity to light and sounds are not factors which are required at all for an Austism diagnosis. |
Yes and no. There are in fact substantial evidence for disturbances in the sensory perception of autistic people, - for example as drastically heightened sensitivity to ugly shrill sounds. Complex environments are also 'too much' to cope with for many autists because they haven't got the same selective perception as normal people - most of us automatically ignore (or rather forget) 99% of what we perceive around us, where autists either ignore the surroundings completely or react to every little disturbance. In fact this may be part of the mechanisms that in rare cases produce savants - they simply don't forget the little details that the rest of us kick out of our mind as soon as we have decided whether they are relevant or not. That being said autism is likely to be more like a heterogeneous set of illnesses than one monocausal malady like malaria.
Edited by Iversen on 05 April 2009 at 6:49pm
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| Recht Diglot Senior Member United States Joined 5886 days ago 241 posts - 270 votes   Speaks: English*, GermanB1
| Message 622 of 3959 05 April 2009 at 3:26pm | IP Logged |
Ich habe das Buch "Langenscheidt: Basic German Vocabulary" gekauft. Es gibt 4000
Woerter zu lernen. Wenn ich alles lernen, wuerde ich "well on my way" sein.
Langenscheidt Buecher gefaellt mir. Die Farbe ist sehr erinnernswert
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Fasulye Heptaglot Winner TAC 2012 Moderator Germany fasulyespolyglotblog Joined 5932 days ago 5460 posts - 6006 votes     1 sounds Speaks: German*, DutchC1, EnglishB2, French, Italian, Spanish, Esperanto Studies: Latin, Danish, Norwegian, Turkish Personal Language Map
| Message 623 of 3959 05 April 2009 at 8:10pm | IP Logged |
Iversen wrote:
Hey, you have already got two! But I have just returned from an afternoon and an evening in my travel club, so I'll take a good nights sleep now and then write some more tomorrow.
EDIT (IT): Oggi è "tomorrow".  |
IT: Stasera sono ritornata alla Germania. Sempre questi lungi weekends nell'Olanda mi piacciono molto. Come previsto ho pensato e parlato olandese tutti i tre giorni e non ho avuto tempo per apprendere qualcosa del turco. E interessante questo triplice strumento sulla fotografia. Ho gia visto due chitarre electriche combinati, ma questa combinazione non ho mai visto. Molto interessante per me vedere le reviste e i dizionari che hai comprato nell'Italia. I titoli di due dizionari non posso bene leggere: Sono Italiano-inglese ed Italiano-francese? Nell'Olanda c'e soltanto una revista dell'astronomia che si chiama "Zenit" e due reviste scienzifiche generali che si chiamano "Kijk" e "Quest". Nel club dell'astronomia "Saturnus" ho comprato una vecchia "Zenit" del 2008 per 2 EUR. Grazie anche per il rapporto hyperliteral del danese.
Domani vorrei scrivere per la revista del mio club dell'astronomia un rapporto sulle "Sterrenkijkdagen", il redactore me ha chiesto questo. La pubblicazzione sara nel luglio 2009. Ho fatto qualche fotografie interessanti nel club "Saturnus".
Edited by Fasulye on 05 April 2009 at 8:14pm
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| Jar-ptitsa Triglot Senior Member Belgium Joined 5983 days ago 980 posts - 1006 votes     Speaks: French*, Dutch, German
| Message 624 of 3959 05 April 2009 at 8:11pm | IP Logged |
Iversen wrote:
Hey, you have already got two! But I have just returned from an afternoon and an evening in my travel club, so I'll take a good nights sleep now and then write some more tomorrow. |
I hope that you sleeped very good.
EDIT (IT): Oggi è "tomorrow". Al di sotto si può vedere un mandolino-guitarra-mandolino da Napoli (Castello Sforzesco), un Tanistrofeo del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale e alcune delle reviste e dizionari che io ho comprato in Milano.
Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahahah ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ Increíble !!!!!!! mandolino-guitarra trillizos siameses, y el amigo Italiano cuello largísimo de Nessie. Los libros son muy interesantes también.
Edited by Jar-ptitsa on 05 April 2009 at 8:12pm
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