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Super Polyglot
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 Message 1129 of 3959
18 July 2009 at 9:27am | IP Logged 
RO: Nu există mult de spus despre pictura de astăzi: este numită "Den foruroligede kornmark" (cîmp îngrijorat) în limba daneză, dar eu me duc aminte ca autorul să fie Tudor (?) Vrînceanu. Din păcate, eu nu am putut găsi nimic sub acest nume de pe Internet - textul este ceva ce-am citit intr-o carte bibliotechei Institutului Romanic de la Universitate de Aarhus, şi ar putea fi că nu a fost niciodată publicat pe Web. De altfel, am descoperit că vechiul meu institut nu mai existe în acest moment: le-au fost regrupate limbile Romanice cu alte limbi într-un singur institut de limbi străine.

I'm writing this at a foreign computer without Romanian letters - I'll correct it later. Arrghh!


I'm back at my own computer now, where I can write to my heart's delight in Romanian without making entire sections illegible every time I use one of the special signs (apart from ă, which for some reason behaved comparatively well this time). Besides I had oploaded the picture file beforehand, but with a glaring spelling error which I couldn't identify without FTP access. It is nice to be away for a few days, but I do prefer working at my own 'puter.

There isn't much to say about the picture. The title is something like "the worried corn field", and something at bottom of my memory tells me that the author might be a certain Tudor (?) Vrînceanu, who probably wrote his poems in the 19. century or early 20. century. But I simply can't find anything about this guy on the internet (though he has a modern namesake, which doesn't make it easier).

The point is that while I was studying at the Romance Institute of the University in Århus in the 70s I had access at a sizeable collection of dusty old literature in Romanian, but I don't really know whether I could just walk in now and start looking for that particular book in their collections. Though this thought certainly did occur to me, and then I looked my ol' institute up on the internet for the first time ever. It's gone!!! Now there is an all-comprehensive language-and-literature instute which apparently covers the all Romance and Germanic languages except the Nordic languages. The Slavic languages (including Hungarian!) and Chinese/Japanese have been tucked away somewhere, but I can't find the connection between the main page of the University and these special studies as shown by Google. Maybe that's some sort of an intelligence test: find the link to the Slavic or Easteasian institutes at our website, - if you can't then you are too dumb to study here.

The whole think has clearly shrunk like the incredible shrinking Hulk since my study days - I'm glad that I didn't end up working there. It would have been a demoralizing experience.

Edited by Iversen on 19 July 2009 at 5:35pm

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 Message 1130 of 3959
18 July 2009 at 12:03pm | IP Logged 

- EDIT - Mijn computer was niet kapot, maar alleen in de slaapstand gevallen!


Edited by Fasulye on 19 July 2009 at 6:35pm

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 Message 1131 of 3959
18 July 2009 at 1:43pm | IP Logged 
Iversen, I find your paintings not surreal: they show all the things in a book, therefore one book in one painting. They've always some colours which are the same, and you're genius (my opinion) but not only as artist.

My favourite painting was in an art shop: it was a little picture of a hen and some chicks, and the precision was wonderful, more sharply painted that a photo or the reality. I wanted to buy this picture and I would enjoy to see it every day, but it was too expensive. The painter had vision like mine (or similar) which is 120% and therefore can see 50% more in comparison with the others who have 70% (generally and approximately, sometimes 80%). Almost nothing has such visual precision and the clarity was beautiful and not subversive at all.

Fasulye, ik hoop dat je computer binnenkort weer funktioniert.

Today I'm so tired that my left arm hasn't energy for put itself on the keyboard. but feel lesser anxious. How are you?
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Super Polyglot
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 Message 1132 of 3959
19 July 2009 at 5:04pm | IP Logged 
Thanks to Jar-Ptitsa and Fasulye for using their limited computer time here (in this case most to Fasulye, whose computer had fallen asleep).

To Jar-Ptitsa: I still think the pictures are surrealistic even though those that you have seen are based on details snatched from a certain book: if you take the things that people actually say or write and paint them then they look like something from another planet. The world is a weird place, and the surrealistic painter just point this out.

I'm feeling well right now, and it certainly helps that I can use my own computer and check things in my dictionaries and so on. In spite of that I'm already thinking about where I'm going on my next travel - maybe Balkan..

Edited by Iversen on 19 July 2009 at 9:31pm

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 Message 1133 of 3959
19 July 2009 at 6:33pm | IP Logged 
Jar-ptitsa wrote:
Fasulye, ik hoop dat je computer binnenkort weer funktioniert.

Jar-ptisa's hoop heeft goed geholpen, want zoeven belde mijn Turkse studiepartner Johannes mij op, die bij een computerdeskundige had geinformeerd. Volgens hem valt een computer in de slaapstand als men twee keer achter elkaar op de startknop drukt. En juist dat had ik gedaan. Toen wilde ik dat gelijk verificeren - en zie daar - mijn computer start weer.

Dat is basiskennis troubleshooting - mij is het bijna pijnlijk dat ik dat niet wist.

Maar goed, nu kan ik weer volledig meediskussieren in het forum.

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 Message 1134 of 3959
19 July 2009 at 7:26pm | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
Thanks to Jar-Ptitsa for using her limited computer time here. I still think the pictures are surrealistic even though those that you have seen are based on details snatched from a certain book: if you take the things that people actually say or write and paint them then they look like something from another planet. The world is a weird place, and the surrealistic painter just point this out.

I'm feeling well right now, and it certainly helps that I can use my own computer and check things in my dictionaries and so on. In spite of that I'm already thinking about where I'm going on my next travel - maybe Balkan..

It's Fasulye who's limited computer time, although I've little bit limited time also because next week (27th July) I will live one month in the house where I lived the last 2 summers and Easter as well. I hope that the Spanish lady will be there. during this time I won't visit the forum because it's not allowed :-(

Have you painted not-surrealist pictures as well? maybe I will study a thing which has some art, if they give me a place. It would be 2010 and it depend of some things if I will make this stduy, but I hope it!!! Have you a room in your house for the painting?

I hope your next travel will be nice. Balkan - which country? A person told me that Dubrovnik's beautiful.

Fasulye wrote:
Jar-ptitsa wrote:
Fasulye, ik hoop dat je computer binnenkort weer funktioniert.

Jar-ptisa's hoop heeft goed geholpen, want zoeven belde mijn Turkse studiepartner Johannes mij op, die bij een computerdeskundige had geinformeerd. Volgens hem valt een computer in de slaapstand als men twee keer achter elkaar op de startknop drukt. En juist dat had ik gedaan. Toen wilde ik dat gelijk verificeren - en zie daar - mijn computer start weer.

Dat is basiskennis troubleshooting - mij is het bijna pijnlijk dat ik dat niet wist.

Maar goed, nu kan ik weer volledig meediskussieren in het forum.


Dat is heel goed nieuws!!! maakt niet uit voor mij dat je dat niet wist, niemand kan alles weten en ik vind niemand dom behalve patuco en een paar anderen maar jullie op Iversen's LOG zeker niet. Mijn laptop slaapt wanneer ik hem niet gebruik: ik zet hem zelder helemaal uit, doe je dat dus wel? Mijn laptop snorkt tijdens het slapen hahaha! dat vind ik grappig. weet je wat je de volgende keer moet doen? Dit :

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Super Polyglot
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 Message 1135 of 3959
19 July 2009 at 10:09pm | IP Logged 
DU: Ik word de laatste twee foto's in de serie op het internet morgen leggen en dan volgt weer een rustige periode zonder literatuur.

Toen ik 10 jaar oud (1964), was mijn opa (van moeder's kant) op een cruise in de Middellandse Zee, en hij vergat om cadeaus te kopen voor mijn moeder en mijn zus en ik van de buitenland. Hij was niet populair! Dus heb ik een schilderkist en doeken bekomen (mijn eigen idee) en ik begon te schilderen alle Deense vogels, en ze kekten alle naar links, want ik wilde mijn slaapkamer zichtlijk draaien maken. Daarna heb ek een krokodil gemaalt die keek naar links met een open gat. Maar vanaf 1975 tot 1995, heb ik vrijwel uitsluitend surrealistische beelden gemaalt.

Balkan is een uitstekende reisdoel (behalve dat er te veel muziek in de bussen en te veel verschillende valutas zijn). Ik heb ook Dubrovnik bezoekt, zowel vóór als na de burgeroorlog, en het is nog steeds een mooie en interessante stad. Vorig jaar reisde ik een beetje rond daar, met overnachting in Varna, Veliko Trnovo, Sofia in Bulgarije, Nis in Serbië, Skopje in Makedonië, Prishtina in Kosovo, Podgorica en Hercegnovi en Montenegro en Trogir en Kroatië... waarom spellen de Nederlandse overigens niet Bulgarije met -ië als de andere staten ??? Deze keer zou de route misschien door Griekenland, Albanië, Montenegro, Servië en Roemenië gaan - maar eerst in een paar weken. Ik kan ook wat totaal anders maken.


Well well, lots of things have happened lately ... in Dutch. Fasulyes computer wasn't dead or crashed, it just slept because she had pressed the start button twice. And Jar-Ptitsa is going to visit a place where she can't use a computer, but maybe the Spanish lady from last year will turn up again. I'm also beginning to think about my next holiday, and the big question in that relation is: why do the Dutch spell Bulgaria with -ije ('Bulgarije'), but Romania, Serbia, Albania and Croatia with -ië? This is certainly a strange world.

I have only two pictures in the literary series left, and after that you better be prepared for a bity of science again! You'll get those two paintings tomorrow, but before that I just wanted to mention that I got my first set of artist' gear in 1964 at the tender age of 10, because my (maternal) grandfather returned from a long and expensive cruise on the Mediterranian Sea without any gifts for anybody in the family. We weren't exactly pleased about that! So my sister and I were allowed to choose a suitable gift, and I chose a paint box with brushes plus a large roll of canvas, and then I made a series of all Danish birds, and they all looked towards the left because I wanted my room to rotate. Afterwards I painted a big ominous crocodile that looked towards the right with its mouth wide open. From 1975 to 1995 I then painted around 150 surrealistic paintings, and then I stopped. 'nuff's nuff.

Edited by Iversen on 20 July 2009 at 10:45am

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Super Polyglot
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 Message 1136 of 3959
20 July 2009 at 2:03pm | IP Logged 
LAT: Tela precedens themata poetae dacoromani continebat. Tela hodierna etiam themata poetae cum nexo daciae continet, scilicet Ovidius Publius Naso. Ille quam auctor librorum "Ars Amatoria" et "Remedia Amoris" notus erat, et verosimile est quod ars sua tamen in palatio caesaris Augusti non ignota erat. Causa concreta nobis non divulgata est, sed anno VIII p.C. Ovidius damnatus est ad Tomidem (Constanţa) - hodie locus popularis balnearius ad Mare Nigro (quam Cumae in tempore romanorum), sed Ovidii exilium durum. Hic operam suam "Tristis" scripsit, et hic anno domini XVIII mortuus est. Telae meae tamen themata sua ex libro "Metamorphoses" cepi. Videmus nympham naiadam Daphnis* qui de salaci et effrenato deo Apolloni (Phoebi) persecuta, patri suis supplicavit se ex periculo eripere, sed pater eam modo in lauram arborem transformare potuit, et deus fur eae tunc folias carpsit ut sibi laurum conficeret. Vacca nympha dissimulata Io est qui de salaci et effrenato deo Iovi persecata est, sed uxor Iovis Hera zela erat - et non sine ratione - et vaccam persecutavit. Infine in Aegypto rursus femina facta est. Credo nympham in rivulo Echo esse. Et deus in angulo probabiliter Jupiter est.

Primus amor Phoebi Daphne Peneia, quem non
fors ignara dedit, sed saeva Cupidinis ira .....

The last picture I published was based on Romanian motives, and this one also have some relations to Romania: its themes are drawn from an immensely long poem by the Roman poet Ovidius, who wrote a handbook about love, a collection of salacious love poems and another handbook about ways to get rid of your honey. Emperor Augustus exiled him to far-away Tomis at the Black sea (= Constanţa), where he wrote even more poems, including a long one called "Tristes". However the present work is from before his damnation. It is called "Metamorphoses" because he retell in Latin a long row of Greek transformation myths, mostly involving poor innocent nymphs who are being stalked by horny gods - mostly Zeus, but in the case of Daphne by Apollo who should in principle be the God of harmony and decent behaviour … while he was in fact just one more slick and vile rape artist. The father of Daphne transformed her into a laurel tree, and even then Apollo snatched some of the leaves and wrought himself a laural wreath to commemorate his evil deed. Zeus was even worse, but it didn't help that his jealous wife took her anger out on the poor girls instead on her unfaithful husband - as for instance in the case of poor Io, who was transformed into a cow by Zeus to hide her, but then Hera chased the cow all the way to Egypt before Zeus got the chance to transform her back. And then she was pregnant, guess by whom. You can read more about nymphs here (written by somebody who for once sympathized with them and didn't try to cover up the crimes committed by a number of evil and pervert gods).

Edited by Iversen on 20 July 2009 at 8:42pm

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