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Iversen’s Multiconfused Log (see p.1!)

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Super Polyglot
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 Message 1593 of 3959
23 December 2009 at 12:22pm | IP Logged 
So now I'm on page 200? Well, well.

I have made some prints in Scots from a site called, and I have printed the article about Scots in Wikipedia plus some pages from the Scots Wikipedia, and last, but not least I have found a Scottish online dictionary at So now you can guess three times what I'm going to be doing for the next couple of days (apart from munching). Hopefully I can gie ye a wee summary in the bonnie Scots tongue efter the Yuil days

But there will also be time for a bit of refreshing on my lingering Esperanto: I have made bilingual prints with the complete Revelation in Esperanto plus a number of other languages through the multilingual Bible section at Lexilogos, which also supply me with a virtual keyboard in many languages. And should I be bored (I'm certainly not going to be converted) I also have a collection of Russian texts plus a grammar and my tiny Collins dictionary. And if that isn't enough I also threw in for good measure the Greek bilingual guides which I wrote about yesterday plus the Micro Langenscheidt dictionary. Luckily my family has decided to cut drastically down on mutual gift giving years ago, - otherways I might have had problems carrying the really important items.   

Merry yuil to ye all

Yours aye

Edited by Iversen on 27 December 2009 at 11:13pm

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Winner TAC 2012
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 Message 1594 of 3959
27 December 2009 at 8:56pm | IP Logged 
DK: Hej Iversen, på You Tube jeg forelæser dansk (og turkisk) i mig to ny videoene.


My channel:


Edited by Fasulye on 28 December 2009 at 8:50am

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Super Polyglot
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 Message 1595 of 3959
28 December 2009 at 12:16am | IP Logged 
DK: Ja, og jeg synes din udtale er god, i betragtning af hvor lidt tid du har arbejdet med dansk. Jeg har foreslået nogle rettelser i tråden under "Polyglot", men enhver portier ville forstå dig hvis du stod i København og skulle checke ind på et hotel, hvis du udtrykte dig som på videoen.

SCO: Ah hae readen my prints as ah hae hecht - in parteecular a wither obsessed text bi Alex Smith: "A Fer Chauve". The wither o this time o the year 1998 is descrived sicna:

"Saturday 26/12
Rise in the mornin frost sparkles sae bricht,
En the day changes, poors o rain come nicht.

Sunday 27/12
Efter the rain roads are like a ice rink,
Sinny day, bit motorist they maun think.

Monday 28/12
Day turns oot sae bricht an cauld,
Fowk wrapped up gey near twa fauld,
Aye bonny an bricht is the sky abeen,
Frost sticks in an cuts tae the been."

Here in Denmark is nou blashie wither, an ah cannae think that the day turns out bright morra. Ay but, Yuil eve an Yuil day were 90% white, an than is this a "white Christmas" - ah hae seen the wither forecast frae time tae time throu December, an the' war a "wither barometer" wi still an on a prognosis fae the prospect o this thingie, the "white Christmas". An forby the nochtless climate conference the maist talked-aboot leed o'the wither druids in Dens TV wis the birnin quaisten wis: white Xmas or utter dreich gray failure like aw ither years binna 1923, 38, 56, 69, 81 an 95. 'twas scunnerin...


Fasulye's new Danish video was very impressive, - after just a few months of study her Danish pronunciation was quite comprehensible. In the text she read the plot was that a guest asked for her reserved room in a hotel, and I'm sure that any portier in a Danish hotel would have given her the key with a big smile. In the thread in the Polyglot's section I have some corrections to a limited number of very common words, and fixing those will have a great impact on the general impression. The rest can be sorted out later.

As I mentioned before Yule I have spent some time during the holiday to study some printouts from, including "A Fer Chauve" by Alex Smith. It is basically a weather diary interspersed with small anecdotes about a fellah called "Jonsar Eck", and I have spent time noting down Scots expressions and words - luckily it was fairly easy to understand the Scottish text even without a dictionary. I'm thinking right now that it might be possible to learn this dialect (or language) with the help of the texts of the Scottish corpus and the online dictionary at - I'll need to listen to some Scots, but there are some short fragments at Youtube and in one hour I can listen to to the comic Billy Connolly on Danish TV.

Of course I have also spent time on other projects (such as talking to my family in Danish), but I will comment on those tomorrow.

Edited by Iversen on 28 December 2009 at 12:20am

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Winner TAC 2012
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 Message 1596 of 3959
28 December 2009 at 8:48am | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
DK: Ja, og jeg synes din udtale er god, i betragtning af hvor lidt tid du har arbejdet med dansk. Jeg har foreslået nogle rettelser i tråden under "Polyglot", men enhver portier ville forstå dig hvis du stod i København og skulle checke ind på et hotel, hvis du udtrykte dig som på videoen.

foreslaet = ???
rettelse (en? et?)= die Verbesserung, Korrektur
en trad = a thread
sig udtryke = sich ausdrücken
udtryk (en? et?)= der Ausdruck
nogle = nogen = etwas

DEU: Ich habe einen Memo-Recorder als Weihnachtsgeschenk bekommen, den ich dazu benutzen will, die dänische Aussprache speziell zu trainieren. Noch ist nicht klar, ob ich die Bedienungsanleitung verstehen werde. Mal lesen und sehen...


Edited by Fasulye on 28 December 2009 at 8:54am

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Super Polyglot
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 Message 1597 of 3959
28 December 2009 at 11:39am | IP Logged 
Ja, og jeg synes din udtale er god,
Ja, und ich meine deine Aussprache is gut,

i betragtning af hvor lidt tid du har arbejdet med dansk.
in Betracht von wie wenig Zeit du hast (ge)arbeitet mit Dänisch.

Jeg har foreslået nogle rettelser i tråden under "Polyglot",
Ich habe vorgeschlagen einige Korrekturen in FadenDem unter "Polyglott"

men enhver portier ville forstå dig hvis du stod i København
aber jeder Portier wollte (->würde) dich verstehen wenn du ständest in Kopenhagen

og skulle checke ind på et hotel, hvis du udtrykte dig som på videoen.
und solltest checken ein auf ein Hotel, wenn du ausdrücktest dich wie auf VideoDem.

Ja, Deutsch kann auch für hyperbuchstablichen Übersetzungen (miß)braucht werden!


Apart from that, I have been reading some articles about a method to elicit the innermost thoughts of people. I first found this article i New York Times, and through Google this article in Las Vegas Review Journal. However the book to search for about this theme is "Exploring Inner Experience" (2006) by Russell Hurlburt, who also has written some articles with Chris Healey and others. The basic problem is that you can't trust people's own accounts if they have had time to to ponder and forget and reformulate their thoughts, so Hurlburt devised a contraption that looks like a walkman with one earphone and a microphone. At regular intervals the thing emits a beep, and the guinea pig has to say exactly what he or she was thinking of in that moment - this actually ressembles the method used by serious dream researchers to collect dreams (in contrast to the naive classical psychoanalysts à la Freud). Later the person is asked in depth about the short immediate comments, and this phase is of course the weakest point of the method, with the immediate report as a distant second weakest. But I can't see any alternative - the immediate report (by a person who has been accostumed to the interruptions) is the closest thing to a snapshot of the actual thoughts.

And the result can't surprise those who have heard about different learner types:

"Hurlburt has discovered that what most people think about most of the time is "pretty mundane." Only people with anxiety disorders had a pattern of thoughts in which the content, a barrage of self-criticism, was illustrative.
      Far more interesting than what people think, he found, is how they think it.
      There are some people whose inner experience consists almost entirely of literally talking to oneself, Hurlburt says. Thoughts flash through the mind in full sentences. The thinker actually hears the words "should I take Tropicana or Flamingo" in her own speaking voice.
      Others think in pictures that are often very complete, detailed images. At the moment of the beep a male subject is physically in Las Vegas, but mentally on a San Diego beach. He can smell the ocean. He can hear gulls squawking.
      Many also think in a third category he calls "unsymbolized thinking." There may be no words at all, fleeting images if any, thinking with no method, thinking that looks like dreaming.
      Hurlburt speculates "inner voice" thinkers are probably a more linear, rational group while people who think mostly in pictures are likely to be more imaginative and less practical.
      But he's reluctant to assign particular personality traits to large groups. A tendency to see people in groups rather than as individuals is the biggest problem with psychology today, he says." (Las Vegas P.J.)

Edited by Iversen on 28 December 2009 at 1:36pm

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Winner TAC 2012
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 Message 1598 of 3959
28 December 2009 at 12:03pm | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
Ja, og jeg synes din udtale er god,
Ja, und ich meine deine Aussprache is gut,

i betragtning af hvor lidt tid du har arbejdet med dansk.
in Betracht von wie wenig Zeit du hast (ge)arbeitet mit Dänisch.

Jeg har foreslået nogle rettelser i tråden under "Polyglot",
Ich habe vorgeschlagen einige Korrekturen in FadenDem unter "Polyglott"

men enhver portier ville forstå dig hvis du stod i København
aber jeder Portier würde dich verstehen wenn du stand in Kopenhagen

og skulle checke ind på et hotel, hvis du udtrykte dig som på videoen.
und sollte checken ein auf ein Hotel, wenn du ausdrückte dich wie auf VideoDem.

Ja, Deutsch kann auch für hyperbuchstablichen Übersetzungen (miß)braucht werde

Ja, det gar ogsa fint... Tak!

Ich habe die Vergangenheitsformen der dänischen Verben und die Partizipien noch nicht gelernt, daher habe ich jetzt noch Schwierigkeiten, solche Formen richtig abzuleiten.


Edited by Fasulye on 28 December 2009 at 12:03pm

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Super Polyglot
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 Message 1599 of 3959
28 December 2009 at 12:25pm | IP Logged 
Ich mußte auch ein par Korrekturen machen:

wenn du ständest in Kopenhagen ... und solltest

Ich habe "ständest" kontrolliert - diese Form des Verbums "stehen" ist so selten daß ich mir gar nicht auf meinem eigenen Sprachgefühl verlassen konnte, ich mußte das Wort auf nachschlagen. Und dort habe ich etwas überraschend auch die alte Seitenform "stündest" wiedergesehen, die ich sonst für seit Jahrhunderten tot gehalten hätte.

Edited by Iversen on 28 December 2009 at 1:18pm

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Super Polyglot
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 Message 1600 of 3959
28 December 2009 at 12:28pm | IP Logged 
(summary moved)

Edited by Iversen on 07 June 2010 at 2:53pm

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