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 Message 2817 of 3959
15 February 2012 at 7:52am | IP Logged 
Ну это как The Times? Или сокращение от Zeitschrift?

Edited by Serpent on 15 February 2012 at 7:52am

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 Message 2818 of 3959
15 February 2012 at 2:44pm | IP Logged 
RU: На самом деле, можно сказать, что "Die Zeit" является на немецком языке то, что The Times является английском языке. Это большая, слегка консервативная (и немного скучная) газета из Франкфурта-на-Майне. Fasulye, конечно, знает об этом.

Die Zeit is a big, somewhat conservative and somewhat boring newspaper from Frankfurt a.M. As suggested by Serpent, you could actually say that it is to German what The Times is to English (or Le Monde to French) - Fasulye has certainly seen it (and I certainly could have bought it in Schiphol if I had been in the mood for some German - but I have brought my Kauderwelsch High Chinese if that urge should befell me).

I have done a full day of tourism, from the Zoo over the Longshan Temple to the Botanical garden and the Historical Museum to Chiang Kai Chek's mausoleum. But instead of those trivialities I'll tell about something completely unexpected: a bottle of some juice that tastes like smoked eel and tar - and given the prices of smoked eel in Denmark I remember this particular taste with nostalgia!. With the help of the receptionist I can disclose the Chinese version of the name of dark plum juice: 烏梅汁 !

DU: Dit maakt me denken aan een van de artikelen in mijn Wetenschap in Bild: het is worden bewezen (hoewel op een vrij kleine steekproef, denk ik) dat je de mensheid kunt verdelen in drie grote groepen volgens de dominante stam van bacteriën in hun darm. Maar deze regeling volgt niet geografische onderverdelingen dus we kunnen het niet gebruiken om uit te leggen waarom sommige Aziaten niet melk kan verteren. OK, je kunt melk kopen hier in elke 7-11 , maar het is erg duur.

This reminds me of one of the articles in one of my Dutch science magazines: apparently mankind can be subdivided into three main groups according to the predominant streain of bacteria in their entrails. But to everybody's surprise the division line has no geographical basis (and it also isn't based on degree of overweight) so it can't be used to explain why some Asians can't digest milk. Well, you can buy milk here, but it is expensive, and the reason could be that only foreigners buy the stuff.

Edited by Iversen on 15 February 2012 at 3:03pm

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 Message 2819 of 3959
16 February 2012 at 2:36pm | IP Logged 
ES: Hoy he visitado el Museo Estado del Palacio, donde hay una de las colecciones mas ricas del mundo de arte china - Chaing/kai/Shek la llevfugió a Taiwan/Formosa quando fugió alli depués de perder la guerra contra las fuerzas comunistas de Mao. Estoy escribiendo esto en español porque compré una guía del museo en español... ¡viva la diversidad!

I visited the National Palace Mueum today. It is famous for having one of the best collctions of Chinese art and handicrafts in the world. And they had a guide in Spanish for sale.

Afterwards I visited the Science Education Centre, followed by the large astromomy museum. In the latter I had a long discussion with an employee (in English), first about astronomy, later about languages. It seems that the sign I described yesterday (two birds on a telephone line and a lonely cowboy ridening into the square setting sun below them) doesn't mean America - it means England. Goodbye setting sun and birds.

Edited by Iversen on 16 February 2012 at 2:40pm

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 Message 2820 of 3959
16 February 2012 at 5:52pm | IP Logged 
Я имела в виду просто название:)
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Brun Ugle
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 Message 2821 of 3959
16 February 2012 at 5:56pm | IP Logged 
I love your descriptions of Chinese characters. I'd been trying to figure out what character you meant with the birds and the sunset. I couldn't make it fit America, but now that I know it is England, it makes perfect sense. That is exactly what it looks like.

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 Message 2822 of 3959
17 February 2012 at 3:14am | IP Logged 
Thanks. Since last time I have learnt a few signs more, including the one for 'big' (a matchstick man with his limbs spread out). At this rate I will have learnt enough Chinese signs for reading a common newspaper somewhere around the year 2212.

DU: Ik ben gisteravond klaar met het lezen van mijn Wetenschap in Beeld. Er is uitgaven in Australië, België (ik weet niet welk deel), Denemarken, Finland, Griekenland, IJsland, Letland, Litouwen, Nederland, Nieuw-Zeeland, Noorwegen, USA en Zweden. Dus vindt u dezeelfde artikelen in verschillende edities. Het was dan ook niet verrassend om te lezen over Deense raket liefhebbers en de forten van Harald Bluetooth in de Nederlandse versie.

Yesterday evening I finished reading my Dutch 'Science in Pictures'. This is a magazine with versions in a number of countries, and therefore you can expect to find a number of articles in several editions. And therefore it was not a big surprise to find articles about Danish rocket aficionados and the burghs of Harald Bluetooth in a Dutch magazine. The interesting thing about the former is that they expect to send people into space in about 4 years time from now (although only 200 km up and then down again - something like speace travel at the Gemini level fifty years later - but at a much lower cost). And the interesting detail about king Harald and his burghs is that it has been proven through Strontium analysis that the soldiers there were elite tropps hired in Northern Germany and Poland, probably to keep the Danish nobility in check. Alas for the king this backfired: his son Suen Forkbeard led a succesful rebellion against him, and he was killed - according the the legend with an arrow up his bum while he was defecating. The article claims that Harald's father Gorm the Old was the first Danish king. This is patently wrong - at least king Gudfred who defended the country against Charflemagne might be worth mentioning.

Today I'm going to Hualin on the East coast. I may not have as free access to the internet there as I have got at my hotel here, but let's see what happens...

Edited by Iversen on 07 March 2012 at 3:20pm

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 Message 2823 of 3959
17 February 2012 at 8:40am | IP Logged 
DE: Ich habe einen faszinierenden Artikel in der Zeitschrift "Bild der Wissenschaft" gelesen, von dem ich hier berichten möchte.

Der Artikel heißt: "Die neue Bärenmarke - Mischlinge aus Braunbär und Eisbär im Zoo Osnabrück". Leider kann man diesen Artikel nicht online lesen in BdW.

Der Fachbegriff für solche Tier-Mischlinge ist "Hybride". Zu den Hybrid-Bären gibt es einen Link im Osnabrücker Zoo:

Hybridbären Tips und Taps im Osnabrücker Zoo

Zoo wollen ja artenreine Tiere züchten, daher sind diese beiden Bären ein "biologischer Unglücksfall", der aber großes Interesse in der Wissenschaft erregt hat, denn durch den Klimawandel haben sich inszwischen bereits vereinzelte Braunbären mit Eisbären auch in der freien Natur vermischt.


Edited by Fasulye on 17 February 2012 at 8:41am

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 Message 2824 of 3959
18 February 2012 at 2:58pm | IP Logged 
Meiner Meinung nach sollte mann solche Mischlinge nicht produzieren.

I have now arrived in Hua-Lien, where the level of English at my hotel is lower than the one in Taipeh. I have used Google translate to communicate, but it is not quite easy because of the way the Chinese keyboard functions. If you write something the system tries to identify all the Chinese signs OR English word(s) which correspond to the thing you are writing - which means that simple words like you automatically are seen as Chinese - and only if you are lucky the English word also appears. However I finally found the place on the keyboard where you can kick it into English mode - but only for one page at a time! Besides the connection went down once, so I have spent quite a lot of time at this machine without getting much out of it.

Hopefully I'll be luckier tomorrow.

Edited by Iversen on 18 February 2012 at 3:05pm

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