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Iversen’s Multiconfused Log (see p.1!)

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 Message 3193 of 3959
24 February 2013 at 11:45pm | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
Gerade jetzt spricht sie mit einem Metallkünstler der ohne Visier scheißt - aber dabei schließt er seine Augen, und deshalb ist er noch nich blind..

schweißt would sound better.

It's incredible how hilarious this sentence appears just because a single letter has mistakenly been dropped.
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 Message 3194 of 3959
25 February 2013 at 12:06am | IP Logged 
I'll insert the missing letter ASAP (and the missing -t on "nich").
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 Message 3195 of 3959
26 February 2013 at 10:11am | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
And in this moment I am watching an Anglophone program about sasquatch research (i.e. searching for bigfoot). Which means people walking around two and two in a dark Alaskan wood full of well-documented bears while photographing with night vision equipment and listening for strange sounds.
I am surprised that any television station in North America would still waste time on showing yet another attempt to search for sasquatch. These searches seem to be fairly common in many Northern US States and probably a few Canadian provinces as well. If I correctly remember the last time I followed the stories about sasquatch sightings, what happens is that a few people go camping in remote forests and somehow manage to get videotaped footage of a large creature who is invariably covered with fur and smelling of sulfur who chases them or tries to communicate. These sightings are almost always later revealed to be hoaxes and the "creature" often looks suspiciously like a large man wearing an even larger fur coat covered in mud. These stories usually only get mentioned in the newspapers or on TV when there is no actual news to report.

Edited by mick33 on 26 February 2013 at 10:14am

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 Message 3196 of 3959
26 February 2013 at 3:04pm | IP Logged 
mick33 wrote:
.. what happens is that a few people go camping in remote forests and somehow manage to get videotaped footage of a large creature who is invariably covered with fur and smelling of sulfur who chases them or tries to communicate.

They definitely did camp in remote forests, but the part about getting actual footage is not quite as certain. In this case the most tangible result was a large footprint plus a heap of strips of bark - said to be less orderly than those the native Americans make.

By the way, each time I read a message from Mick33 I think "Afrikaans", so I'll just mention that I have been chasing texts in Afrikaans on the internet - and yes, it is possible to find them, but they often have a content which is somewhat outside my usual field of interest. Much is about religion, but I have also found something about an organization for farm workers and a forum for firearms enthousiasts. The texts which are closest to my own interests are those about visits to national parks and other 'touristical' subjects.

AF: Terlops, elke keer wat lees van Mick33 dink ek "Afrikaans" en my kop, so ek sal net noem dat ik weer op de jaag van tekste in Afrikaans op die internet wees - en ja, dit is moontlik om iets te vind, maar die vangs het dikwels 'n inhoud wat 'n bietjie buite my gewone veld van belangstelling is. Daar is baie religieuse spul, maar ek het ook iets gedrukt over 'n nuwe organisasie vir plaaswerkers en 'n forum vir vuurwapensliefhebbers. Die tekste wat mees relevant is vir my is reis letters oor die natuur, bijvorbeeld besoeke aan nasionale parke wat ek ook het besoek, en ander toeristische temas. Maar webwerwe vir dieretuine en akwariums en museums is meestal in 't Engels geskryf.

Edited by Iversen on 26 February 2013 at 5:12pm

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 Message 3197 of 3959
01 March 2013 at 11:24am | IP Logged 
RU: Язык, на котором я провел большую часть своего времени на этой неделе, несомненно, является русский язык. Но только письменный язык, потому что я сидел в своем кресле с учебой.
Прошлой ночью я читал текст с на исследования в до-славянской культуры. Меня удивило, что много говорил о ученым, но не было ничего о самой темы. Каким славянских народов? Я знаю, до сих пор нет. В моей сумке есть сейчас небольшая русская грамматика, небольшой русский словарь (Berlitz) и Лилле тонкую путеводитель по Дании. И кроме того также двуязычные тексты, представляющие по меньшей мере, десять языков.

I have spent a lot of time on Russian the last couple of days, but I did it mostly in my armchair and therefore I have only worked with the written language - I had almost said: as usual. And yes, I know I ought to listen to some Russian, but I prefer reading.

Yesterday evening I went through a text from about research in ancient Slavonic cultures. As a text about that theme it was a disappointment because it just went through the names of a number of researchers, but I didn't learn anything about the old cultures which were the theme of that research. However this aberrant focus didn't prevent it from being useful as a study text at just the right level. I read all of it extensively, but on top of that I worked my way slowly through one section where I took special care to try to understand each and every uses of cases and each and every choice of aspect for the infinitives in the text.

In my bag I have in this moment a small Russian grammar, a small Russian dictionary (Berlitz), a small Russian guide to Denmark . and bilingual texts representing at least ten different languages.

Edited by Iversen on 01 March 2013 at 11:31am

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 Message 3198 of 3959
04 March 2013 at 4:26pm | IP Logged 
RU: Вчера я встречался Siberiano в Копенгагене. Я приучил мой русский язык в течение месяца, но в конце концов я не доверяю свои навыки на русском языке, поэтому мы говорили на английском языке. Однако это не было пустой тратой времени, потому что - после всей этой тяжелой работы - теперь я гораздо ближе к возможности думать на русском языке чем раньше. А хотя я могу строить предложения я просто не знаю, ли я смогу также понимать русскую речь.

PO: Hoje ouvi dinamarquês, sueco e Português nesta ordem. E eu disse alguma coisa em todos os três. Eu estará trabalhando preferivilmente com o meu português na semana que vem, mas não sem passar algum tempo na parte do alfabeto russo que fica além da letra Ж, e não sem estudar também as minhas pilhas de textos bilíngües.

I have met Siberiano in Copenhagen for a brief encounter near the main station. And because I knew about this beforehand I have been trying to force myself at least to try to think in Russian (with a certain of success) as a supplement to my usual studies of Russian vocabulary and grammar. But when it came to the point I didn't trust myself enough to stick to Russian, so we ended up speaking in English. In spite of this it was a valuable challenge because it forced me to treat Russian as both an active and a potentially spoken language, and it is several years since I last did that.

I intend to continue my excursion through the Russian alphabet beyond the letter Ж, but apart from that I will mainly be spending my time on Portuguese in the near future. But not without small detours to the languages which are represented in my stack of bilingual texts, like Irish, Romanian, Afrikaans and other attention cravin monsters. Right now I'm looking at some quite heavy rain which seems to continue without abate. That indicates that I will have lots of time for studying tonight.

Edited by Iversen on 04 March 2013 at 4:42pm

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 Message 3199 of 3959
06 March 2013 at 10:42am | IP Logged 
PO: Eu comprei Harry Potter 3 ("O Prisioneiro de Azkaban") segunda-feira, e eu li-o ontem à noite. Eu preciso encontrar os seguintes volumes em linguagens mais difíceis, porque isso é uma paródia.

I got my Portuguese version of Potter no. III Monday and I read it yesterday evening. This is a farce - you buy books because you expect them to take a lot of time, and then they are over almost as fast as the films. The next volumes should be in harder languages so that I can get some value for my money.

Edited by Iversen on 06 March 2013 at 5:22pm

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 Message 3200 of 3959
06 March 2013 at 9:32pm | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
PO: Eu comprei Harry Potter 3 ("O Prisioneiro de Azkaban") segunda-feira, e eu li-o ontem à noite. Eu preciso encontrar os seguintes volumes em linguagens mais difíceis, porque isso é uma paródia.

Just two very small points: "eu o li" would be better. Nothing wrong about "seguintes volumes", but "volumes seguintes" would be better, mostly because "eu li os seguintes volumes" has often the meaning of "I've read the following books: ".

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