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 Message 769 of 3959
26 April 2009 at 6:35am | IP Logged 
Sorry, ik had op de verkeerde knop gedrukt.

Edited by Fasulye on 26 April 2009 at 6:53am

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 Message 770 of 3959
26 April 2009 at 6:51am | IP Logged 
NL: Iversen, ben je al in Spanje?

EN: If the technical circumstances of the video-recording are acceptable, I will answer questions about language learning or my own learning experiences in a multilingual way, so poeple can hand-in suitable questions to me. The intention of the video will be to inform, not to show-off.

Jar-ptisa, it has really nothing to do with people like Kenski and other strange comments in the thread about female language learners.

You Tube allows a maximum of 10 minutes time for the interview.


Edited by Fasulye on 26 April 2009 at 6:52am

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 Message 771 of 3959
26 April 2009 at 11:53am | IP Logged 
Fasulye wrote:
NL: Ik wil maar even over het nieuwste project berichten, wat ik in de planning heb. Ik ben dus bereid om een interview te geven op You Tube over "language learning" en misschien ook "polyglottery"... Ik hoop dat wij dat project technisch kunnen realiseren en nu eerst maar moet ik tot Pinksteren wachten voor de eerste proefopname.

DU: Dat lijkt me zo the horen als een goed idee zo'n clip als een interview te maken, en het is waarschijnlijk goed het aantal talen te beperken, omdat het meer tijd om te luisteren word naar elke taal - en meer tijd om iets relevante in elke taal te zeggen.
Jar-Ptitsa: LOL - maar Fasulye word zeker niet K... noemen.

En nee, ik ben nog t'huis, niet in Spanje.

CAT: Avui he fet el inventari dels meus paraules en català. Només tinc dos diccionaris de català: un vell diccionari Anglés<->Català d'en Jordi Colomer amb tan sols 260 pàgines (trop poc per a fer un cens) i el diccionari 'pocket' de Larousse, també Anglés<->Català, amb 444 pàgines. La meva suma estimada amb el Larousse finalitzà a uns 12.600 lèxems, aproximadament 50% dels 27.000 lèxems catalans. Compraré probablement un més gran dicionari quan visitaré Catalunya en el més de maig, i aleshores es pot ver quin resultat es pot ganyar amb un diccionari millor.


I see forward to Fasulye's first Youtube interview (provided that she can find some suitable technical apparatus to do it). Apparently it won't be in all her languages, which isn't a problem as it leaves room for more speak in those languages that will be represented, - and maybe some more content in each language. The more languages you want to get through in the allotted 10 minutes, the less time you have to say something interesting in each of them.

Today I have made a word count for Catalan, even though my largest dictionary in this language (the Pocket Larousse) just has 55.000 lexemes in all, approximately half in each direction. The resultat was an estimated 13.600 words, 50% of those in the Catalan-English section. I will definitely try to get a bigger dictionary during my next visit down there, and then we'll see what the resultat will be with a larger dictionary. My other Catalan dictionary is a small one from 1978 with 260 pages in all and probably less than 10000 words in the Catalan section - too small for a realistic word count.

Edited by Iversen on 26 April 2009 at 2:06pm

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 Message 772 of 3959
26 April 2009 at 2:46pm | IP Logged 
ik weet het wel dat de taalopname niet over K****i gaat. Dat was een grapje. Soms neem ik dingen veel te letterlijk maar fasulye, jij doet het nog meer lijkt mij. Ik ben niet boos, trouwens alleen maar niet de beste stemming. Ik hoop dat het binnenkort flink gaat regenen want met de hooikoorts ben ik er zat. dit en ook en opdracht wat ik heb en enorm tegenzin voel maar ik heb niks te zeggen zoals altijd. Iversen, wannere reis je naar Spanje?

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 Message 773 of 3959
26 April 2009 at 2:57pm | IP Logged 
EN: If you have a Catalan dictionary from 1978 it might be outdated. I myself normally don't keep such old dictionaries and buy new ones.


I first have to buy a stative for the photocamera, otherwise the video will be too hovering. I want to have a decent technical quality produced. My friend says that inside a room there will we sound problems, so we will make a recording outside. I had a close watch on You Tube today analyzing the language videos of Luca and Tobyrne. They're are both very good in their language skills. As a person without travelling and native speaker contacts I cannot compete with them. So I will adjust to the four languages my friend can speak (German, Dutch, English, Esperanto) and try to give some informative answers to his interview questions, which might be interesting for other people who are learning languages.


Edited by Fasulye on 26 April 2009 at 3:02pm

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 Message 774 of 3959
26 April 2009 at 3:04pm | IP Logged 
I think that outside it would be more sound problems, but I don't know much about those things. Most of interviews are inside. You can put the camera on a thing, for example a table. you better don't be too much perfectionnist, it's not good.

A Catalan dictionary from 1978 would be fun. Until 1977 catalan was illegal to speak because Franco banned the languages excepted castellano.
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 Message 775 of 3959
26 April 2009 at 3:26pm | IP Logged 
Jar-ptitsa wrote:
A Catalan dictionary from 1978 would be fun. Until 1977 catalan was illegal to speak because Franco banned the languages excepted castellano.

CAT: No és això la millor raó possible per a guardar-lo? Un diccionari del primer any després de Franco! yeah!

No em plau llençar vells diccionaris a menys que pugui trobar alguna cosa que és millor en tots els aspectes. Per exemple he diccionaris vells i nous de Gyldendal (una editora danesa). Els nous són el doble de gruix (4-5 cm) i trop pesats per a portar, pero estic segur que no contenen el doble de les paraules. S'ha de ser cauts sobre les expressions obsoletes, però els que envelleixen més ràpid són aquells que són o humorístic o en argot. I no és massa difícil de detectar aquells. A més de les paraules tècniques dels gadgets poden faltar, - però en realitat la majoria de les paraules i expressions no seran obsoletes en només trenta anys.

Viu un bon gran diccionari Català a València fa dos anys, i em vaig a trobar-lo i comprar-lo al voltant de mitjan maig. Però el meu present diccionari Larousse no ha de témer per la seva vida - és útil per la seva mida.

Avui he seguit una sèrie de program de la televisió catalana en el meu ordinador Espai terra, amb emissiones sobre natura i sciència. Per exemple, hi va haver una menció d'un observatori astronòmic sobre una roca a Las Palmas (Illes Canàries). S'ha posat molts dels grans telescopis de la Terra en els cims de les muntanyes per evitar els núvols i la boira i el tipus, i això també s'aplica aquí. Erròniament s'ha dit que Galilei inventat telescopi, però no - que, tanmateix, va ser la primera va passar quelcom sensat. A banda d'això son alguns programes molt excelents - justament el tipus que jo prefereixo en el meus estudis de idiomas.

En este moment hi ha un programa sobre roses


Isn't that the best possible reason to keep it? A dictionary from the first year after Franco! yeah!

Normally I don't throw away old dictionaries unless I can find something that is better in all respects. For instance I have old and new Gyldendal dictionaries. The new ones are twice as thick (4-5 cm) and too heavy to carry around, but they certainly don't contain twice as many words. Of course you have to be wary about outdated expressions, but those that date fastest are those that are humoristic or almost slang. And it isn't too difficult to spot those. Besides words for technical gadgets may be missing, - but actually most words and expressions won't become obsolate in just thirty years.

I saw a nice big fat Catalan dictionary in Valencia two years ago, and I'm going to find it and buy it around mid May. But my present Larousse dictionary shouldn't fear for its life - it is handy and (for its size) reasonably good, so I'll keep it.

Today I have been watching an excelent series of programs about nature and science from the Catalan television, Espai terra, - exactly the kind of program I prefer for my language studies! For instance there was a clip from the astronomical observatory on Las Palmas in the Canary Islands. As far as I could hear they ascribed the invented of the telescope to Galileo, but he was just the first to use it for something useful. Apart from that it was a quite informative program, where Toni Nadal explained the principles behind the two main kinds of telescopes: reflectors and refractors.

Right now there is a program about roses.

Edited by Iversen on 27 April 2009 at 12:48am

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 Message 776 of 3959
27 April 2009 at 12:24am | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
   No és això la millor raó possible per a guardar-lo? Un diccionari del primer any després de Franco! yeah!

Ya lo creo

I like it when you tell us about the TV progrmmes which you have watched.

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