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Iversen’s Multiconfused Log (see p.1!)

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Super Polyglot
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 Message 2785 of 3959
30 January 2012 at 2:49pm | IP Logged 
Het grappige is dat het gewicht van het Higgs-deeltje niet bekend is, wanneer - volgens Higgs z'n theorie - is dit deeltje, dat alles een gewicht geeft.
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Super Polyglot
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 Message 2786 of 3959
31 January 2012 at 1:15pm | IP Logged 
IC: Í gær rannsökti ég sumir textar frá heimasíðu Lifandi Vísinda, þar á meðal einn sem kallaðist "spila tölvuleiki og styrðu draumum þínum." Skilaboðin í textinn er að leikamenn læri að stjorna draumum sínum með aðferðum svipað eins og maður getur í skýrdraumum. "Þú færð martröð og þig dreymir að maður með hníf elti þig eftir löngum dimmum gangi. (...) Þú getur ekkert að gert. Eða hvað? (...) Tölvuleikjanotendur eiga miklu auðveldara með að sleppa undan manninum með hnífinn en aðrir eða þá einfaldlega þeir taka upp flugskeytabyssu og skjóta af honum höfuðið." Þetta hljómar mjög rökrétt: þú sérð vandamál og skjóta strax og án þess að skýrsla - væri undarlegt ef þetta hegðun ekki dreifti til draumanna þinna.

Í íslensk-enska orðabók sest "flugskeytabyssu" ekki, en "flugskeyt" er 'missile'. Á dönsku höfum vér 'luftgevær' ("loftbyssu"), en þú vildi sennilega ekki valið þetta ef þú gætir fengið eldflaugum í drauminn.

Sumir segja að íslenska sé mjög erfitt. Það er í raun ekki svo - formgerð hefur u.þ.b. sama mæli og í þýsku. En það eru fáir tækifæri til að sjá og heyra tungumálið, og þannig að þeir erfitt er að tileinka sér öllum þeim fjölmörgu beita orðatiltækjum. Sjá til dæmis kynningun á greininni: " Þeir sem spila tölvuleiki eru betur í stakk búnir til að hafa hemil á draumum sínum en aðrir, ef marka má rannsókn sem gerð var í Kanada nýverið.". 'Vera betur i stakk búnit til að ..." þýðir "betur undirbúin til að (gera eitthvað)", "Stakkur" er í raun frakki. Á dönsku við segjum "være klædt på til (noget)" - það er sama hugarfari, en með öðrum orðum. "Hafa hemil á" - þetta er annar beita tjáningu. "Hemil" er "hjemmel" á dönsku - til dæmis "hjemmel" (tilefni) til leitarheimild. En her "að hafa stjórn á draumum sínum". Þriðja ófyrirsjáanlegum tjáning: "ef marka má" er "miðað við" eða "(að) dæma eftir" (á dönsku: "at dømme efter").

Yesterday I studied a text from the homepage of Lifandi Visandi about people who play computer games alot - some research has shown that they are better at coping with distressful situations in dreams than people who don't play, and that the 'methods' they used have some resemblance with lucid dreaming. So if a man a big knife or an ominous beast follows a gamer he it it may be in for a surprise - the gamer will just turn around and blast its head off with the nearest weapon (the Icelandic text suggests a "flugskeytabyssu" which isn't even mentioned in my peaceful and freindly dictionary - but "flugskeyti" is a missile (KAPOUM!!!! head off!! kill kill!!). So if you have planned to attack a gamer in his/her dreams beware! it could be more dangerous for you than for the gamer.

Icelandic is often claimed to be a difficult language, but actually its morphology is roughly at the same level as that of German, which many learners do manage to learn. The problem is the lack of exposure, and one result of this is that you will have problems learning all the idioms in the language. In just the first sentence of the article I found three idiomatic expressions which partly had parallels in Danish, but couldn't possibly be predicted. Learning idioms is in principle something that can be done with methods similar to those used for vocabulary, but in practice you have to meet those expressions again and again in genuine texts to learn them. And getting enough practice is difficult with a language spoken by just a quarter of a million native speakers and almost no foreigners learners.

Edited by Iversen on 31 January 2012 at 1:33pm

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 Message 2787 of 3959
31 January 2012 at 2:09pm | IP Logged 
I'm going to Iceland in June and have bought Colloquial Icelandic, but have not had the time to look at it. Maybe I
need to do a 6WC. How do you think your danish helps you? I've studied some Swedish and certainly when I see a
few words, I guess the most common vocabulary, it seems to have a good deal in common.
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Super Polyglot
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 Message 2788 of 3959
31 January 2012 at 5:24pm | IP Logged 
It is primarily my quaint old Danish word stock plus some idiomatic expressions that help me, so I do get something for free - but Danes can't understand Icelandic unless they study it, and the grammar is very different.

Another advantage for me as a Dane is of course the fact that people on Iceland still learn Danish - and some even speak it - so they might be able to guess the meaning if I accidentally used a Danish word or construction in the middle of my Icelandic. But they would also understand 'misplaced' English words, even though they try to keep them out of ttheir language. Today English is probably their best foreign language up there, not Danish.

PS: Colloquial Icelandic is quite good - for instance it teaches you a lot of informal expressions which you will need if you stay in Iceland.

Edited by Iversen on 05 March 2012 at 4:18am

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 Message 2789 of 3959
31 January 2012 at 5:50pm | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
Another advantage for me as a Dane is of course the fact that people on Iceland still learn Danish - and some even speak it - so they might be able to guess the meaning if I accidentally used a Danish word or construction in the middle of my Icelandic. But they would also understand 'misplaced' English words, even though they try to keep them out of ttheir language. Today English is probably their best foreign language up there, not Danish.

These facts are interesting for me to know as I have a general interest in Scandinavian countries / Nordic countries, so my interest is not limited to Denmark. So one could try to speak Danish in Iceland.

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Super Polyglot
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 Message 2790 of 3959
31 January 2012 at 9:39pm | IP Logged 
You could probably get around with Danish - or so the Icelanders I've spoken to last summer told me - but since I don't speak a word of Danish I went with English instead. I have to concur with Iversen that Icelandic English, in general, is pretty excellent.
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Super Polyglot
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 Message 2791 of 3959
02 February 2012 at 11:25am | IP Logged 
I was enormously busy yesterday evening - in fact too busy to write here. As many others I have read Michel Erards's book about hyperpolyglots and hyperpolyglotism and have commented on it in the thread dedicated to it, but I also want to make a video. However just doing the same thing in English again didn't appeal to me, so I have postponed it. Yesterday I finally settled for a plan: it will be a multilingual video in at least 11 languages, and I'll try to do it as a coherent review. I'm fairly sure that there won't be many listeners because few people can understand the whole thing, but at least I'll have fun making it.

But it'll also cost me some preparation. Yesterday I made a rough sketch of the things I'll say in each language so that I don't lose track of how far I have got in the book. I may or may not add a summary in English - that depends on the duration of the multilingual session.

I also jotted down some things I might want to say about the themes, and now that I could with some certainty put a language on each section I could even look things up in the relevant languages. For instance it will be logical to speak about Krebs' brain in German, about the two competitions in Flanders in Dutch - and about cardinal Mezzofanti in Italian and Latin since I don't know Algonkian. I don't know when I'll do the actual recording - noise from my neighbour(s) is part of the problem, but at least now the basic plan is ready.

Edited by Iversen on 02 February 2012 at 11:51am

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Brun Ugle
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 Message 2792 of 3959
02 February 2012 at 11:46am | IP Logged 
I was in Iceland last summer and they all seemed to understand both English and Norwegian, though when we spoke Norwegian, they answered in Danish. So I think Danish must still be very commonly taught in the schools. I also find that I can understand a bit of (written) Icelandic because of my Norwegian. Reading is very slow and painstaking though.

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