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 Message 953 of 3959
09 June 2009 at 8:04pm | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
Just nu står jag vid en snabbdator på Stadsbiblioteket ock har endast 10 minutter (inte nog til at retta skrivfel!). Mitt tåk til Malmö går om en timma. Hej då.

NL: Het eert het forum dat je de 10 minuten tijd die je alleen maar hebt om het internet te gebruiken ervoor inzet om aan ons allemaal nog een forumbijdrage te schrijven. Eerst lees ik jouw Engelse samenvatting en dan probeer ik om ook wat van jouw Zweedse bericht te begrijpen. Nog veel plezier in Zweden!

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 Message 954 of 3959
10 June 2009 at 5:42pm | IP Logged 
Ja, veel plezier wens ik je ook.

fasulye, in het Zweeds had hij het over een Transsylvanische vampier !!!!! Maar in het engels niet. Als je weet wat er nog daar staat zeg het me ajb.

Ik ben terug, gelukkig. Ik sliep daar deze keer slecht omdat ze gerenoveerd hebben en belachelijke luiken hebben ipv gordijnen en je kunt de ramen niet open laten staan hoewel ik dit altijd doe wanneer ik slaap. Dan heb ik allergie van de dekbed omdat het waarschijnlijk veren had. Tenminste was de kamer niet zoals vorig zomer in het huis waar ik soms woon en daarnaast de opslagplaats van doden lichamen staat, en met een machine welk aan en uit ging (constant door de nacht) misschien koeling of bevriezing van de kadavers en het was dus nodig om alle de kussens en dingen voor het raam te plaatsen, maar toch vond ik het vreselijk met alle de doden personen. Toen vond mijn kamergenote de machine en de kadavers überhaupt geen probleem maar ze kon niet slapen vanwege de vogels die lawaai maakten omdat hun kuikens uit de nest vlogen dus ze hielp mee met de ramen dicht maken. Gelukkig kon ik een andere kamer krijgen. Machinegeluiden kan ik niet uitstaan ik werd er ziek van. Deze week was er geen machinelawaai, dus het viel mee. Ik ben heel moe en nicht echt blij maar verder ok. hoe gaat het met jullie?

Edited by Jar-ptitsa on 10 June 2009 at 5:43pm

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Super Polyglot
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 Message 955 of 3959
11 June 2009 at 9:36am | IP Logged 
DU: De vampier is een ordinarie meddeleuwse Zweeds, maar in 't 1100s had men deze man wie een vampier behandelt. Maar de lokale theorie is dat de mensen bang waren om zich hem als een spook of zombie te zien, - er is toch geen teken dat ik een familielid van Vlad Tepes heb gezien

SW: Jag sittar nu på Centralstationen i Malmö. Dar är en rad datorer til publikens bruk, men de värker icke just nu, ock dar är inte nogot nummer at kalla. Jag har fåt låna en dator av en vänlig dam i turistinformationen på stationen, men jag kan inte bliva sittande här i flera timmar som jag hade planerad. Mitt tåg til Kastrup afgår 11.02, og då flyger jag til Keflafik på Island. Jag har inte haft problem med at prata Svenska när man har frågat mig någonting, men jag har inte haft många chanser att tala svenska eftersom de flesta människor här - åtminstone i Malmö -förstår danska väl, ock jag har pratat dansk i detta fall. I går har jag besökt Malmöhus og Museet för Teknik og Sjöfart, men fram för allt har jag vandrat i timmavis i byn. Jag har våret här många gång, men endast i den gamla byn og på vägen til Malmöhus. Nu har jag set det mesta. Og efteråt har jag besökt Trelleborg, som har en kvart vikingetida borg. Kung Harald Blåtann låt bygga minnst 5 av dessa borgar, som är cirkulära og mycket geometriska. Men hans son Svend Tveskäg var mera intereserad av at erövra England, og han gav upp farens fästningar.


The 'vampyre' may just be an ordinary murder victim whom the murderers might not wish to see walking around as a ghost. Or maybe he was an evil man, who was spiked down in the bog for his evil deeds - nobody knows.

Right now I'm sitting in the tourist information at the Railway station in Malmö, ready to go to Kastrup and fly to Iceland. However the computers of the station didn't function, and a very nice lady at the tourist information has permitted me to use this 'puter for a short comment. Yesterday I visited the local castle, Malmöhus (with historical collections and an aquarium), plus the Technical/Naval museum. And afterwards I visited the remnants of the viking castle in Trelleborg. The Danish king Harald Bluetooth let build at least 5 big round castles with an extremely geometrical layout. But his son was more interested in conquering England, and he gave up the fortresses of his father. So in a way I have already been back to the Viking age, and it will be more so when I get to Reykjavik, 'the smoking bay'.   

Edited by Iversen on 17 June 2009 at 12:25pm

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 Message 956 of 3959
11 June 2009 at 10:43am | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
SW: Jag har inte haft problem med at prata Svenska när man har frågat mig någonting, men jag har inte haft många chanser att tala svenska eftersom de flesta människor här - åtminstone i Malmö -förstår danska väl, ock jag har pratat dansk i detta fall.

EN: I want to ckeck whether I understood your Swedish:

Iversen: "I had a problem to speak Swedish.....also I spoke Danish in this case."
I cannot really summarize it because there are too many unknown small words in it.

So Iversen, please give me a translation of this passage, because I would like to know in how far you could speak Swedish with the people there.


Edited by Fasulye on 11 June 2009 at 10:43am

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Super Polyglot
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 Message 957 of 3959
12 June 2009 at 12:08pm | IP Logged 
"Jag har inte haft problem med at prata Svenska när man har frågat mig någonting, men jag har inte haft många chanser att tala svenska eftersom de flesta människor här - åtminstone i Malmö -förstår danska väl, ock jag har pratat dansk i detta fall."

I haven't had problems speaking Swedish when somebody has asked me something, but I haven't had many chances to speak Swedish because most people here [Varberg, Malmö] understand Danish well, and I have spoken Danish in this case. (end of translation) The problem of cause was that I had decided upon the tactic of speaking Danish to people first in order to see whether they understood it, - it backfired: they understood me too well. But I know that I could in every single case have spoken in Swedish instead, when I did it nobody winced, and last but not least, I thought in pure Swedish most of the time, so I probably have to make an ajustment to my language list.

IC: Eg sitjar nú í ferðdamannauplysinganns hús i Reykjavík, Island. I flugvelin hef ef lesið okeyppisdagblað, og þár var mikið að lesa um rannsök í kjölfarið hrunins. En óg nokkuð um líf í borginu, til dæmis um því að sú beztu bokaverzlun Islands (Mál og Meining á Laugurveginu) sennilegt verðdur að flytjast vegna hækkað húsleigu. Eg hef í alveg þessari verzlun heimsækt og keypt Norstedts "Svensk-Islandsk Ordbok" med 60.000 uppsláttarordðum og 16.000 orðalögum og ordfræðadeild. Það er næri umögilegt at finna orðdabók X --> Islenzk sem er skrivein fyrir útlendingum af því að svo fáir lerar íslenzk i útlendinu. Það er og erfitt að tala islenzk, - einginn hérna ventur það (í bokaverzlunu höfum við talað dönsk).

Eg hef óg keypt þriggja mánaðdsritunar:
1) "Heima er bezt" (þjoðdlegur froðdleikur og skemmtun)
2) "Sagan Öll" (= "Alt om Historie" í Danmörk) - med frasögn um Spartacus, Stálinu og svartadauðan (the Good, the Bad and the Ugly!). Aftan er þetta þó önnuð blað
"Skakka Turninn", um til dæmis margfaldi personuleikanum.
3) "Lífandi vísindi" (= "Illustreret Videnskab" i Danmörk og "Illustrerad Vetenskap" í Sviþjóði), med frasögn fra Bahrain, Kenya og nokkuð um jarðskjalftum.

SW: I den svenska version af "Illustrerad Vetenskap" är det nogra artikler av speciel interes för Fasulye: nogra astronomer har gjort en ny hastighetsmätning av Vintergatan, som indikerar att den er lika stor som Andromedagalaxen, og att den kanhända har 4 armar og inte 2. På den andra sidan har man redan ett jättestort problem med allt för mycket massa i universet, och detta gjör det ju inte bättra. En viss Mordechai Milgrom har föreslagit att tyngden er lagra i orten med låg masstäthet, och Jacob Bekenstein har nu gjort en relativistisk version af denna teori och kallat den TeVeS. Det interessante vid denna teori er att der inte behövs varkan svart massa eller svart tyngd. I en annan artikel berättes det, at man har funnit en exoplanet bredvid stjärnan WASP-12, som er störra end Jupiter och närmare sin stjärna en Marcurius, och detta strider mot allt hvad man annars har trott möjligt om planetbildning. Man kan lära sig mycket af populärvetenskaplige blad, men man får också nya problem at grubbla över!


I'm sitting at a computer in the tourist information in Reykjavik, Iceland. In the airplane I read a free newspaper (like Metro, but not that one), and there were many stories about searching for the culprits of the economical downturn last fall (whichhit Iceland harder than almost any other country, because the people here had allowed some creative moneymen to operate almost at will). However there was also a story about the best bokshop in Iceland which probably has to find another abode because of a greedy landlord. In fact I have already visited this shop and bought a large Swedish-Icelandic dictionary. I already have a comparable Danish-Icelandic dictionary, but the problem is that all dictionaries in that direction (i.e. TO Icelandic) are written for the Icelanders themselves, and so they offer very little information about the morphology of the Icelandic words). I have also bought three magazines in Icelandic, but the majority of the items sold here are in either Danish og English. However I'm quite satisfied with those I got: one with popular tales, one with history from one end and psychology and other things from the other, and the last one is the Icelandic version of a scientific magazine that also exists in Danish and Swedish, probably also other languages. However the content is not the same in each edition. In the Swedish version I have read an article stating that new measurements indicate that the Milky way is as large as the Andromeda Nebula, and that it may have 4 spiral arms. Another told about an amended gravity theory which works within the relativistic frame of Einstein, but dispenses with the need for black mass and black energy by postulating a lower gravity in areas with low mass density. And finally a report about a new exoplanet around the star WASP-12, which is larger than Jupiter and at 3,5 mio. km far too close to its star, according to current theories about planet formation.

Thanks to Anders H for the corrections below. I should know about most of the errors even when writing under extreme time pressure and with no dictionaries around, but others are just silly, like writing "ock" instead of "och" - one of the most common words in Swedosh (at least I didn't write "og" which is common to Danish and Icelandic). I have primarily tried to force myself to use the Swedish language and let some errors pass, but there will of course be a phase afterwards where I try the weed out the errors. I bet that my Icelandic is even worse, but it is more important to get the ball rolling than to make it roll straight. It is easier to correct a language which you already can understand and produce, than doing it while each sentence still is a struggle.

Edited by Iversen on 17 June 2009 at 12:34pm

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Joined 6198 days ago

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 Message 958 of 3959
12 June 2009 at 12:25pm | IP Logged 
Jag vet att du skrev: "inte nog til at retta skrivfel!" men några intressanta saker kan jag få skriva om i alla fall.

Några småsaker om svenska till skillnad från danska:

* en mördat man ... funnet ... > en mördad man ... funnen ... (adjektiv böjs!)

Stavning av vanliga ord på svenska:

* ock > och (sjuk stavning, jag vet)
* at > att
* förvarer > förvarar (ett -AR-verb)
* har varet > har varit (-it på starka verb och -et som adjektiv neutrum, jfr "Vi har vunnit slaget"" och "Slaget är vunnet". I isländska finns inte skillnaden och inte på övriga nordiska språk heller väl. När blev det så på svenska?)

Varning för ett ord:

"men de värker icke just nu"

värker = EN:hurts
verkar = EN:seems to be
fungerar = EN:works IS:virkar

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 Message 959 of 3959
12 June 2009 at 4:44pm | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
"Jag har inte haft problem med at prata Svenska när man har frågat mig någonting, men jag har inte haft många chanser att tala svenska eftersom de flesta människor här - åtminstone i Malmö -förstår danska väl, ock jag har pratat dansk i detta fall."

I haven't had problems speaking Swedish when somebody has asked me something, but I haven't had many chances to speak Swedish because most people here [Varberg, Malmö] understand Danish well, and I have spoken Danish in this case. (end of translation) The problem of cause was that I had decided upon the tactic of speaking Danish to people first in order to see whether they understood it, - it backfired: they understood me too well. But I know that I could in every single case have spoken in Swedish instead, when I did it nobody winced, and last but not least, I thought in pure Swedish most of the time, so I probably have to make an ajustment to my language list.

In the Swedish version I have read an article stating that new measurements indicate that the Milky way is as large as the Andromeda Nebula, and that it may have 4 spiral arms.

EN: Thanks for the translation of your Swedish comment on your usage of the language. So mostly you spoke Danish in Sweden to test whether the Swedes could understand you. Did they reply in Swedish or Danish when you spoke Danish???

I don't really believe that Milky Way is as big as Andomeda Galaxy. As far as I read it Andromeda Galaxy is much bigger, but I cannot quantify the dimensions. I must confess that I have never counted the spiral arms of Milky Way, the pictures showing it are constructed anyway, because our Solar Sistem is situated inside of Milky Way, so we on Earth cannot fotograph it from outside.

I envy a bit your opportunites of buying bilingual dictionaries. You can aquire such interesting language combinations as Icelandic-Swedish, French-Italian, French-Polish or whatever. I myself would like to buy Turkish-Italian or French-Esperanto or Latin-English or something like that, because it's fun using such language combinations.


Edited by Fasulye on 12 June 2009 at 4:45pm

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 Message 960 of 3959
12 June 2009 at 6:48pm | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:

ð þ

I love those letters

I already have a comparable Danish-Icelandic dictionary, but the problem is that all dictionaries in that direction (i.e. TO Icelandic) are written for the Icelanders themselves, and so they offer very little information about the morphology of the Icelandic words).

yes, this problem's the same for the dictionaries Dutch - French: always for the Dutch-speakers, for example the gender of the Dutch words isn't always included!!!! This is exasperating. For example, Van Dale would be the best one, but the dictionary of my parents hasn't the Dutch de/het or the de(m) or de (f). But it's old, form about 1990 I think (before I'm born LOL!!)

Edited by Jar-ptitsa on 12 June 2009 at 6:49pm

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