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Fasulye Heptaglot Winner TAC 2012 Moderator Germany fasulyespolyglotblog Joined 5932 days ago 5460 posts - 6006 votes     1 sounds Speaks: German*, DutchC1, EnglishB2, French, Italian, Spanish, Esperanto Studies: Latin, Danish, Norwegian, Turkish Personal Language Map
| Message 1753 of 3959 30 March 2010 at 7:09pm | IP Logged |
NL: Bedankt voor de samenvatting, Iversen! Heb ik werkelijk zoveel in het Duits geschreven deze maand??? Dat is slecht! Ik moet meer mijn vreemde talen gebruiken.
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| dantalian Diglot Senior Member Bouvet Island Joined 5767 days ago 125 posts - 156 votes  Speaks: Russian*, English Studies: German
| Message 1754 of 3959 30 March 2010 at 10:09pm | IP Logged |
Iversen wrote:
RU: Я провел несколько часов чтения книг по русской истории перед монголами (хотя большая часть этой сказки разворачивается внутри и вокруг Киева, то столица современной Украины). Эта книга ("Сгранитсы Историеи", Москва 1987) - необычна, введя акценты.
I have spent some hours this evening on reading about Russian history before the Mongols in a book named "Pages of history" (1987), which is special by being written with accents.
Я провел несколько часов за чтением книг по русской истории домонгольского периода (хотя большая часть повествования разворачивается в Киеве,столице современной Украины, и вокруг него). Эта книга ("Страницы истории". Москва 1987) необычна еще и тем, что там расставлены ударения(?).
Так текст выглядит красивее :).
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Iversen Super Polyglot Moderator Denmark berejst.dk Joined 6788 days ago 9078 posts - 16473 votes     Speaks: Danish*, French, English, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish, Esperanto, Romanian, Catalan Studies: Afrikaans, Greek, Norwegian, Russian, Serbian, Icelandic, Latin, Irish, Lowland Scots, Indonesian, Polish, Croatian Personal Language Map
| Message 1755 of 3959 31 March 2010 at 11:00am | IP Logged |
RU: Я всегда немного нервничал, когда я пишу здесь что-то на русском языке, потому что мои ошибки будут исправлены (и благодаря Данталяну для корректировки). Но на этот раз кажется, что мой единственный грубой ошибкой было слово "введя". Поэтому я могу расслабиться снова.
I'm always somewhat worried about writing in Russian here because I know that my errors will be corrected (it also happen with other languages, but not as consistently). But this time it seems that I only have made one gross error, while at least some of the rest is correct. Thank you to Dantalian for the corrections. Now I can relax again.
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| dantalian Diglot Senior Member Bouvet Island Joined 5767 days ago 125 posts - 156 votes  Speaks: Russian*, English Studies: German
| Message 1756 of 3959 31 March 2010 at 10:54pm | IP Logged |
Iversen wrote:
RU: Я всегда немного нервничал, когда я пишу здесь что-то на русском языке, потому что мои ошибки будут исправлены (и благодаря Данталяну для корректировки). Но на этот раз кажется, что мой единственный грубой ошибкой было слово "введя". Поэтому я могу расслабиться снова.
I'm always somewhat worried about writing in Russian here because I know that my errors will be corrected (it also happen with other languages, but not as consistently). But this time it seems that I only have made one gross error, while at least some of the rest is correct. Thank you to Dantalian for the corrections. Now I can relax again.
Ваша главная неточность в предыдущем тексте заключалась в нехарактерном для русского языка сочетании слов «введя акценты». У нас ударения «расставляются» или «ставятся» в тексте, а не «вводятся», а слово «акцент» редко употребляется для обозначения значка над буквой (хотя и такое значение теоретически можно найти в словаре ). Но это слово («акцент») гораздо чаще используется для обозначения отклонений в произношении, характерных, например, для изучающих иностранный язык. Также можно встретить фразу «расставить акценты». Однако в этом случае имеется в виду расстановка смысловых акцентов, т.е. выделение чего-либо в речи (тексте), а не знак ударения.
В целом такого рода «шероховатости» неизбежны для всех изучающих, и не стоит из-за них переживать.
В вашем последнем тексте на русском также есть несколько небольших погрешностей, преимущественно связанных с окончаниями, хотя смысл предельно ясен. Я бы написал ваш текст так:
Я всегда немного нервничаю, когда пишу здесь на русском языке, потому что мои ошибки будут исправлены (я благодарю Данталиана (или благодарен Данталиану) за корректировки). Но на этот раз, кажется, моей единственной грубой ошибкой было слово "введя". Поэтому я могу снова расслабиться.
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Iversen Super Polyglot Moderator Denmark berejst.dk Joined 6788 days ago 9078 posts - 16473 votes     Speaks: Danish*, French, English, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish, Esperanto, Romanian, Catalan Studies: Afrikaans, Greek, Norwegian, Russian, Serbian, Icelandic, Latin, Irish, Lowland Scots, Indonesian, Polish, Croatian Personal Language Map
| Message 1757 of 3959 31 March 2010 at 11:14pm | IP Logged |
RU: Я понял исправить. Идея этой книги использует акценты по случаю сильного давления слогов.
I have misunderstood one element in the correction. My point was that my book about Russian history is written using accents to mark stress (which isn't normal in Russian books) - but this one is published specifically for the benefit of language learners. I had however used a word that refer to foreign or bad accent. Plus I had used a wrong word for putting those accents.
DU: Op dit moment zie ik een programma in het Nederlands over het wild gevecht tussen Maggie Thatcher en Arthur Scargill in de vroege jaren 1980
Just now I watch program in Dutch about the ferocious fight between Maggie Thatcher and Arthur Scargill in the early 80s - which Thatcher won.
Edited by Iversen on 31 March 2010 at 11:41pm
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| dantalian Diglot Senior Member Bouvet Island Joined 5767 days ago 125 posts - 156 votes  Speaks: Russian*, English Studies: German
| Message 1758 of 3959 01 April 2010 at 12:04am | IP Logged |
Iversen wrote:
RU: Я понял исправить. Идея этой книги использует акценты по случаю сильного давления слогов.
Возможно, я не совсем четко обозначил в начале свою мысль на русском языке, раз вы написали, что неправильно поняли один из элементов в корректировке (misunderstood one element in the correction).
Слово "ударение" можно использовать как для обозначения значка ударения "'", так и для самой ударной гласной.
Я же хотел в своем предыдущем сообщении показать, что употребление слова "акцент" нетипично для обозначения значка "ударения".Так не говорят. Лучше употреблять в этом случае слово "ударение".
Ваши два последних предложения тоже следует немного поправить(поскольку выражение "сильное давление слогов" мне не до конца понятно):
"Я понял, что нужно исправить. Идея этой книги заключается в том, что в ней используются значки (ударения) для выделения ударных слогов."
Такие книги с расставленными ударениями часто издавались в СССР в помощь изучающим русский язык.Надеюсь, я вас правильно понял :)
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Iversen Super Polyglot Moderator Denmark berejst.dk Joined 6788 days ago 9078 posts - 16473 votes     Speaks: Danish*, French, English, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish, Esperanto, Romanian, Catalan Studies: Afrikaans, Greek, Norwegian, Russian, Serbian, Icelandic, Latin, Irish, Lowland Scots, Indonesian, Polish, Croatian Personal Language Map
| Message 1759 of 3959 02 April 2010 at 12:50am | IP Logged |
As usual time has run out, and tomorrow I'll go to Scotland for a wee traivel. Unfortunately the rain will pour down all day Saturday, but on Sunday the weather should return to being just the kind of ordinary bad weather you expect over there. And Tuesday then I will return, hopefully with the tone of Scots ringing in my ears. I doubt that I'll hear Scottish Gaelic, but I may have a look at the bookstores to see what they have got about both Scots and Gaelic.
LAT: Hodie intus domo restavi ob pluviam. Impressas ex archivio Radionis Ylei legi, et facte legens glossarium quasi non uti. Et quid legi?
Praesidens Russiae Medvedev de ebriositate civium suorum sollicitus est, - omnes actiones quibus magistrati suo conati essent miserabile defecerunt.
14/8-2009: Moderatores Australiae deliberant multe centena mille camelorum mactare quos ut minatio naturae continentis videntur. Pecuniam magnam animalia occidenda iam concedebant, sed numerus eorum tandem auxit.
Ara Pacis Romae pigmento foedata est. Nunc alba, ruber ac viridis est quam vexilla Italiae. Praefectus urbis facinus condemnavit, sed auctores iam non capti sunt.
12/6-2009: Anniversarium LXV invasionis Normandiae die Nonas Iunias (6.6) fuit. Aderat Barack Obama, cuius nomen tantum facile est sermone latine declinare.
Vaccae flatum emittens mutationem climatis accelerant: una vacca singulis annis etiam centena chiliogrammata methani emittit.
22/5-2009: Alexander Magnus maximus Gracus omnium temporum suffragio per canalem televisificum electus est.
I have stayed at home all day long because of the rain. But it is late now so I'll just mention that I have read some of my printouts from the archives of YLE, and I could do this almost without looking words up in my Latin dictionaries. So things may not move as fast as I would want them to, but they do move. One day I'll be able to claim basic fluency in Latin.
Edited by Iversen on 02 April 2010 at 1:04am
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Iversen Super Polyglot Moderator Denmark berejst.dk Joined 6788 days ago 9078 posts - 16473 votes     Speaks: Danish*, French, English, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish, Esperanto, Romanian, Catalan Studies: Afrikaans, Greek, Norwegian, Russian, Serbian, Icelandic, Latin, Irish, Lowland Scots, Indonesian, Polish, Croatian Personal Language Map
| Message 1760 of 3959 05 April 2010 at 10:07pm | IP Logged |
SCO: Mechty me! Ah'm black offrint acause ah haena written aught here syne thuirsday. Ah was housomeiver in Scotland, an ah didnae see ont internetcafe thare, and ah didnae bring a computer o' mine ain. In Glasgow ah did see ane (an some PCs in the Kelvingrove Museum), but than ah didnae have time, bein on my wey back to Stirling, whare ah had put lit up my camp fire in the Hieland Hotel naur the old Castle for three nichts.
Aye the castle... my memory had mistryst me. Ah actually thocht that the secretar o' Mary-Queen-of-Scots, Rizzio, had been horribly murdered here by 56 stobs (the spreckle of bluid is yet visible on the fluir). But nae, the guide - a quick auld man in tartan breeks - tauld me that the deed was done in Holyrood in Edinburgh (an the bluid isnae in Stirling, but in Edinburgh). An tho 'twas the yerl of Goodwen wha did it it was Mary's noguid gudemand Darnley whae was wytid for it. And than Darnley wis killt frae Bothweel, and Bothweel had tae flee tae Denmark, an well... ye can see his stourie mummy in Fårevejle Kirk), and Mary fled tae England, hopin for a wee chat wi cuisin Elizabeth, but she had tae wait for 19 years, an then her heid wis chopped off.
The spoken Scots version o' English is alive and well haint, and ah have also heard some rather broad Scottish English, mebbe even the real McCoy ('tis a continuum). But ah ettled tae get some beuks printed in true Scots, and that couldnae be done - ah found one beuk o' poetry an one comic in hauf Gaelic, hauf Scots and the rest in Sassenach. Ah discussed wi the leddy o' the beukshop whither the Scots dinae have any pride left, an she proposed that ah filed a complaint - nae, a pleen! - tae the owerins, but who should listen tae a peengin ootlin? If the Scots daenae ask fur beuks in the vernacular, thare isnae gonna be no beuks in the vernacular.
Aw peeple thae visit Stirling should go visit Saint Rute aneist the Castle. And noooo, there is nae a Saint Rute, - the rute (root) is the haly cross (even in names sae as Holyrood). In yon kirk ye will find fine architecture and breaw windaws in many colours. But is this the maist important thing aboot this kirk? Noooooo, ye sall go thare to see the wittins blad (information leaflits) in mebbe fifty languages or mae: Scots, Gaelic (from Scotland), Irish Gaelge, Cymraig from Wales, Danish, Icelandic, Swedish, French, Catalan, Spanish, Romanian, Latin, an aw kinds o' mae exotic leids as Maori, Cheenese, Arabian an even Inglis. 'Tis a paradise fur peeple thae like langages.
The wither, .. aye, let's blether aboot that anither day.
Ah hope ye don't need a translation, y'know.. this is said tae be Inglis.
"Ah hope ye don't need a translation" ---> "ah hoped ye dinnae need a translation"
Oh almighty! I'm deeply ashamed because I haven't written anything here since thursday. I was actually in Scotland, and I did not see any internetcafé there, and I did not bring a computer of my own. In Glasgow I did see one (and some PCs in the Kelvingrove Museum), but then I didn't have time, being on my way back to Stirling, where I had put up my campfire in the Highland Hotel near the old Castle for three nights.
Yes, the castle.. my memory had deceived me. I actually thought that the secretary of Mary Queen of Scots, Rizzio, had been horribly murdered here by 56 stabs (the speck of blood is still visible on the floor). But no, the guide - a lively old man in tartan trousers - told me that the deed was done in Holyrood [Castle] in Edinburgh (and the blood is not in Stirling, but in Edinburgh). And though it was the Earl of Goodwen who did it, it was Mary's no-good husband Darnley who was blamed for it. And then Darnley was killed by Bothwell, and Bithwell had to flee to Denmark, and well.. you can see his dusty mummy in Fårevejle Church, and Mary fled to England, hoping for a small chat with cousin Elizabeth, but she had to wait for 19 years, and then her head was chopped of.
The spoken version of English is "alive and kicking" (in good shape), and I have also heard some rather broad English, maybe even the real McCoy (it is a [dialect] continuum). But I intended to get some books printed in true Scots, and that could not be done - I found one book of poetry and one comic in half Gaelic, half Scots and the rest in Saxon (=English). I discussed with the lady at the bookstore whether the Scots did not have any pride left, and she suggested that I made a complaint, nay, a formal complaint to the authorities, but who would listen to a whining foreigner. If the Scots don't ask for books in the vernacular, then there ain't gonna be no books in the vernacular.
All people that visit Stirling should go to visit St. Rute beside the castle. And no, there is no saint Rute the "rute" is the holy cross (even in names such as Holyrood). In that church you will find fine architecture and beautiful windows in many colours. But is this the most important thing about this church. No! .. you should go there to see the information leaflets in maybe fifty languages or more: Scots, Gaelic (from Scotland), Irish Gaelic, Cymric from Wales, Danish, Icelandic, Swedish, French, Catalan, Spanish, Romanian, Latin, and all kinds of more exotic languages like Maori, Chinese, Arabian and even English. It is a paradise for people who like languages.
The weather ... [well], let's waffle about that another day.
I hope you don't need a translation, - you know: this is said to be English.
Edited by Iversen on 06 April 2010 at 4:16pm
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