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Iversen’s Multiconfused Log (see p.1!)

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Super Polyglot
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 Message 1993 of 3959
11 August 2010 at 10:56pm | IP Logged 
SP: Hoy he visto las noticias de TVE en español y en Italiano de RaiUno, pero tambien fragmentos de otros programas, como por ejemplo algo sobre la archeologia de Ibiza (que es un lugar que nunca he considerado visitar - quizá Mallorca, pero Ibiza no. Pero tal vez todavía hay más que playas aburridas y borrachos paseos nocturnos por calles llenas de vomito. En el suroeste de España está muy caliente - hasta 40 grados Celsius. Pero el tiempo es loco - ola de calor en Rusia y más de treinta grados incluso en Dinamarca (mientras yo estuvi atrapado por la lluvia en la estación seca en Sarawak al otro lado del mundo).

CAT: Avui, he saquejat els meu revistes estrangeres a la recerca d'una revista que s'havia amagat. En el seu lloc em vaig trobar una cosa tan inesperat com una revista en català des de l'any 1984: "El Correu de la UNESCO", que tracta de la ciència i de la ciència ficció. El estrany és que no me'n record de ón tinc aquesta revista - jo ni tan sols estava a Catalunya en el any 1984, així que ho deu haver comprat usat. És un molt estrany retorn a un temps pasat on jo era ocupat amb el meu Commodore 64 i ja no tenia idea que en breu jo sigui contractat per a treballar amb informàtica per als 25 anys seguints. L'internet no va ser inventat, però en el Correu es diu alguna cosa sobre robots. És molt remot, l'any 1984!


Today I have done some administrative tasks for my travel club (six new members in one fell sweep), but I did those things while watching Spanish (TVE) and Italian TV (Raiuno) - including the news from both countries. It is apparently very hot in the Southwestern Spain - up to 40 degrees C, but that's normal there. Unlike Russia, where the extreme heat wawe and dry weather is the cause of numerous forest fires. Even in Denmark it was over 30 degrees while I was away on holiday. The weather right now is simply raving mad. The same thing can be said about the current political climate in Italy.

Apart from the news and the weather forecasts I saw a short program about archeological finds on Ibiza (right back to the visitors from Carthago). I have contemplated to visit Mallorca, but Ibiza has never been on my hitlist - I expected it mostly to be about boring beach life and inebriated walks through the vomit-filled streets. But maybe there actually is something to see there.

After that I rummaged through my magazine collection, where I found something very unexpected, namely a magazine in Catalan from 1984 about science and (mostly) science fiction. The funny thing is that I didn't visit Catalonia at all that year, so I must have bought it as second-hand somewhere. It was a weird revisit to a far-away world, where I was occupied with painting and composing music and my new Commodore 64 - little did I now that I would be working with informatics for the next 24 years (from 1986) - and the internet was not even invented at that time, except maybe in embryonic form among some university people in the States. 1984 is very long time ago!

Edited by Iversen on 13 August 2010 at 9:31am

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 Message 1994 of 3959
12 August 2010 at 6:54am | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
It was a weird revisit to a far-away would, where I was occupied with painting and composing music and my new Commodore 64 - little did I now that I would be working with informatics for the next 24 years (from 1986) - and the internet was not even invented at that time, except maybe in embryonic form among some university people in the States. 1984 is very long time ago!

Truly a far-away world, Iversen. 1984 seems like a long time ago, but that is the year I graduated from college - the first time. Computers were like a whole new world back then, a different world full of hope and possibility, and I myself wondered at that time, that if you could somehow afford more than 64K of memory, the entire world could be yours! That was before I had to make a living and came to the conclusion that computers (for me) were a pain in the butt. But the Commodore 64 I remember well, with it's clunky ASCII graphics and non-visual non-visual graphic interface...

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Super Polyglot
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 Message 1995 of 3959
13 August 2010 at 2:05am | IP Logged 
I have - believe it or not - checked out how it is possible to make videos. But you shouldn't expect to see me on youtube anytime soon.

At my job we have a webcam and a program for internal communication and participation in video conferences. So I wanted to know whether that also could be used for recordings. It didn't work out as planned: its recordings could max. last 99 seconds per clip. But then I discovered something called Microsoft Movie Maker, which not only can make sequences of any length, but also make sequences consisting of pictures with concurrent speech - which is useful because I also found out that the camera can't zoom, and it can't focus clearly enough on a sheet of paper to show written text. So I wouldn't be able to record for instance the actual creation of a wordlist while commenting on the process, but I can scan some stages of it, record an explanation and then insert this into the 'film'. So presumably I could also make videos at home if I had a webcam and this application from Microsoft (or something similar) - it is not a big deal. The main problem is of course that I don't want to be recorded and displayed on Youtube, but now at least I have a fair idea about how the clips you see there can be made.

Apart from that I have been working with my Bahasa today - and in one case I discovered that a text about Gunung Mulu wasn't in Bahasa Malaysia, but probably in Bahasa Indonesia, because several words were only found in the dictionary I have for the Indonesian variant.

Edited by Iversen on 13 August 2010 at 2:20am

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Super Polyglot
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 Message 1996 of 3959
13 August 2010 at 11:04pm | IP Logged 
Today I have made the recordings for my wordlist video, and I have just made some scans to illustrate the process of filling out such a list. The only thing that lacks is the organisation of scans and commentary, but I have made the recordings of myself. And I'm surprised by the amount of nonsense you can say when you speak without a manuscript and isn't used to having a camera up your nose. I can't say that I enjoyed watching it the clips that go into the project, but it has been an instructive experience.    
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Super Polyglot
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 Message 1997 of 3959
16 August 2010 at 3:36pm | IP Logged 
ESP: Mi estas dum kelkaj tagoj sur mallonga vojaĝado akompado de mia patrino kaj fratino. Ni estis refoje la duoninsulon Djursland. La Ree Parko (zooparko) ni provis trovi la rinoceron Thabon de Krefeld, sed ĝi plejparte restas en ĝia stabila ĉar estas suspektema je la aliaj bestoj sur la savano. Mia fratino pritraktis akirantan aŭton, dum mi rezervis tri ĉambrojn, unu por persono (ni ne ŝatas dormejojn). Montris sin, ke hotelo la hotelo estis preskaŭ malplena kaj tre kvieta, kaj la ĉambroj estis bonaj kaj malmultekostaj, tial ni restis iun nokton pli ol plan.

RU: Я провел вечер изучающие русский язык книгу грамматики (H.C. Sørensen: "Russisk Grammatik"), и это хорошо, поскольку он имеет множество коротких примеров. Например, он содержит 24 примеров глаголов + k(о) с дательным падежом. Таким образом Вы изучаете намного больше, чем от одного длинного примера некоторым автором. Много ошибочных переводов вызваны словами, которые имеют наложившиеся области значения, но с некоторыми разницами. Позвольте мне давать пример. "Ot" главным образом означает "from" на английском языке ("fra" на датском языке). "Ключ" замечен на английском и датском языке как кое-что, что дает доступ во что-либо, но в грамматике Sørensena один пример - "ключь от комната" (a "ключ к загадке") Книга мне также сообщает, что правильная форма является "письмо из Москвы", a "письмо от отца". Я, возможно, не учел бы то различие, если только изучая словарь.

I have spent a couple of days on Djursland (a Jutish peninsula) with my mother and sister. My sister reserved the car, a took care of the rooms, and we ended up in three cheap, but good rooms in an almost empty hotel. Originally we had only reserved one night, but we enjoyed the silence so much that we ordered one more. When we returned I was 'deliverered' right to my working place, but they are changing the windows right now, so I have retreated to my home. During the tour we visited Ree park, which recently got its first black rhino from Krefeld (this has been mentioned earlier in this log) - however the poor little thing stays most of the time in its stable because it doesn't trust the other animals on the savannah.

I spent the evenings during the trip studying Russian grammar, using a grammar written by H.C. Sørensen, who has the excellent habit of illustrating everything with numerous short examples - for instance 24 examples for a verb + "k(o)" with dative. It is much easier to internalize the meaning and use of different expressions/words when you have several short examples instead of one long one. In this way you can also absorb the different meanings of different words, or rather: you notice that the area isn't the same as for the most common translation.. For instance "ot" in most expressions (especially the concrete ones) can be translated with "from" in English, but the Russians also use it in an expression which in hyperliteral translation would be "key from room".

In the magazine from my 'trade union', Dansk Magisterforening, there is a page about an analysis of the weaknesses in the method used fot Google translate. This system goes through a sentence from left to right while it evaluate the 'likelihood' of different translations for short passages. However it has been difficult to integrate syntactical and semantic information into this process, and the result is that the end resultat may be very wrong. The authors have tried to see whether it is possible to keep information from fairly unlikely translations which may prove to be the good ones later in the process. I'm not a specialist, but to me it seems that this defies the core of the statistical method because there isn't any logical way to choose which unlikely suggestions should be kept. I'm more inclined to think that Google Translate and its collegues would benefit from lists of 'grammar' words which should be kept in the translations. For instance negations and articles are frequently dropped, and this could be avoided if these words were identified as something with a crucial role. But is Google going to listen to me??

Edited by Iversen on 17 August 2010 at 9:29am

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 Message 1998 of 3959
16 August 2010 at 4:42pm | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
   During the tour we visited Ree park, which recently got its first black rhino from Krefeld (this has been mentioned earlier in this log) - however the poor little thing stays most of the time in its stable because it doesn't trust the other animals on the savannah.

DK: Det er interesant for mig laeser det. Nyt naesehornet i Krefeld hedder Kibibi.

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Super Polyglot
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 Message 1999 of 3959
16 August 2010 at 8:27pm | IP Logged 
SP: Estoy escuchando ahora algunos programas con una duración total de una hora y que tratan del Camino de Compostela, la ruta antigua de peregrinación en el norte de España. Los programas están muy informativos, pero me sorprende que los daneses que hablan no han logrado aprender mejor la pronunciación correcta de palabras españolas y locales. El propio Gaudí (un catalan) fue pronunciado con el accento en la primera sílaba. Figura en esta historia porque diseñó la casa del obispo de Astorga - pero ningún obispo ha vivido alguna vez en esta obra de arte. No he hecho personalmente este viaje, pero he visitó algunas de las ciudades a lo largo del camino, y las deseo ver otro vez. Por ejemplo me gustaría saber si se habla el galiciano en Santiago, o si sucedía lo mismo que en otras ciudades: que la gente en las ciudades cambia a español.

En este momente se vé algunas casas en el estilo celtico.


Right now I'm watching two Danish TV programs about the Camino de Santiago, the old pilgrim route through Northern Spain. I have never walked this route, but visigted some of the places along the route, and I will certainly visit the area again. For instance I would like to hear whether Galician is really spoken in the street of Santiago (I have been there, but didn't really listen). The programs are very informative, but I wonder why the Danes who participate in the programs haven't learnt the correct pronunciations of the names down there. Even the great Gaudí was pronounced with the accent on the first syllable.

PS: "kibibi" bedeutet Großmutter auf kiSwahili

Edited by Iversen on 17 August 2010 at 9:25am

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 Message 2000 of 3959
18 August 2010 at 10:09am | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
PS: "kibibi" bedeutet Großmutter auf kiSwahili

Das wusste ich nicht, da das Wort in der Zeitung nicht übersetzt wurde.


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