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 Message 2841 of 3959
02 March 2012 at 12:08am | IP Logged 
I've been busy on my job with my job and at home in the evenings with my photos and travelogue(s) since I returned from my last trip, and I have mostly watched TV in English (right now a person with a light Irish accent in a stand-up show). However this evening I finally managed to sit down in my arm chair and do some hardcore language study ... for an hour.

BA I: Malam ini saya akan bekerja dengan bahasa Indonesia saya yang tidak diwakili di antara hal yang saya dibawa ke Taiwan. Dan aku bahkan tidak digunakan semua hal yang saya lakukan dengan saya. Saya kehilanga masih membaca teks tentang Caligula dalam bahasa Latin, misalnya. Namun saya telah membaca dua saya jurnal Belanda, beberapa majalah Rusia saya dengan nama Jerman, dan "Science et Vie" dalam bahasa Prancis. Selama akhir pekan saya berharap untuk membaca empat saya majalah Jerman. Dan saya belajar Islandia dan Irlandia di sana, sehingga halo saya bersinar.

In Taiwan and on the travel there and back I studied the Icelandic papers I brought and my Irish textbooks and the Dutch, Russian and French magazines I bought in the airports. However I have been so busy that I haven't had time for my four magazines in German yet - hopefully I can gobble them up this weekend. It is hard work to be a tourist - even afterwards.

Edited by Iversen on 02 March 2012 at 12:12am

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Brun Ugle
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 Message 2842 of 3959
02 March 2012 at 8:06am | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:

During the 9 hour long train trip home (on 1. class to almost half normal price) I read in my new magazines most of the way, and it will take too long time to get through it all, but I'll mention one article (or rather series of articles) in the French "Science et Vie" because it may have some far reaching consequences.

FR: Selon cet article il y a des indications que beaucoup the maladies traditionellement attribuées à des facteurs génétique ou la mode de vie des malades peut être dues à des infections soit par des bactéries, soit par des virus. On sait depuis vingt années qu'il y a une corrélation entre un haut niveau de la bactérie Heliobacter pylori et des ulcères gastriques, mais il parait qu'il est possible de constater des corrélations similaires entre autres microbes et des maladies du cerveau. Il faut dire que les infections pouraient être facilitées par des facteurs génétiques et/ou d'ambiance, et les autheurs évidemment mentionnent ceci.

Un example: Rudolf Wank de l'Université de München a trouvé les bactéries de Chlamydia "dans le sang de 40% des schizophrènes étudiés, contre seulement 6% des personnes saines". Et l'agent de syphilis (Treponema pallidum) et celui de la maladie de Lyme (Borrelia burgdorferi) seraient présents dans le cerveau de 90% des malades d'Alzheimer, mais presque absents des cerveaux de personnes saines. En effet ce n'est pas nécessairement un seul agent qui est responsable pour le Alzheimer, mais du moins pour moi ces nombres sont impressionants. Et des articles comme ça sont pour moi du moins aussi captivant que les romans policiers ou d'amour le sont pour leurs partisans.

Wow! That’s fascinating.

Does this mean I could be crazy because of a bacterial infection? My kind of crazy wasn’t listed, but still, it is an interesting hypothesis. I think I will mention it to my therapist.

Another thing that is interesting is that my father had Lyme disease a few years ago. Several members of the family told him that he looked very ill, but as head of the family he is smarter than all the rest of us put together, and it wasn’t until someone outside the family was honest enough to say he looked terrible that he finally went to the doctor. By this time, the disease had progressed far enough that he had liver damage. Since then he has shown signs of memory-loss and confused thinking. Of course several members of the family told him that and he didn’t believe them, so my mother finally tricked him into going to the doctor and now he has medicine to slow the deterioration.

Unfortunately, I couldn’t find the article online, which I suppose isn’t surprising. But it would have been interesting to read the rest of it. Or at least as much as I could understand with a combination of a knowledge of English plus three years of high school Spanish over twenty years ago.

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 Message 2843 of 3959
02 March 2012 at 11:07am | IP Logged 
I vaguely remember that you wrote in a thread that you might have Aspergers syndrome. I don't have the issue of Science et Vie with me right now, so I can't check, but I don't remember that Asperger in particular was mentioned. However autism was, and the message here was more or less verbatim that it hadn't been tied to a specific agent, but there was evidence that if the mother got certain (severe) infections during certain specific periods during pregnancy this could mean a higher risk for autism. In principle that could also be relevant for Asperger's syndrome, which has been described as autism for people with average intelligence or above.

When I get near the magazine again I'll make a list of researchers mentioned, and then it may be possible to look these names up via Google.

As for Lyme's disease it is caused by bacteria belonging to the genus Borrelia, and the way you get this infection is by being bitten by ticks (Ixodes ricinus, "Skogflått" på norsk) while walking in forests and other natural environments. And at least in my country it is well known that bites by this insect should be treated as soon as possible by a doctor. One thing that raised the general awareness here is that a wellknown Danish politician got the disease and become more or less disfigured and very ill. I also have a family member myself who got bitten and didn't receive treatment early enough.

Et - parlant de "Science et Vie" - voici quelque chose à lire pour Fasulye concernant le manque de volcans sur la Lune. Je me rappelle qu'on a discuté de ceci il y a longtemps..

Edited by Iversen on 02 March 2012 at 12:08pm

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Super Polyglot
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 Message 2844 of 3959
02 March 2012 at 2:56pm | IP Logged 
GE: Seit meinem letzten Beitrag habe ich zwei deutsche Zeitschriften durchgelest: "Welt der Wunder" und "Wunderwelt Wissen". Beide sind verhältnismäßig populär und beide haben Artikeln von sehr verschiedenen Wissensgebiete. Und nicht alles ist für mich gleich interessant (wie zum Beispiel Artikeln über Waffensysteme und so was). Ich finde Wunderwelt Wissen ein Bißchen interessanter, aber der Unterschied ist so klein, das es nächstes Mal umgekehrt sein könnte. Ich möchte einen Artikel erwähnen, weil er für unsere Sprachstudien relevant sein könnte: "Die geheimen Formeln des Erfolgs". Hier wird unter anderem erwähnt, wie einige Forscher Leute dazu durch List brachten, entweder zusammengekrümmt oder aufrecht für acht Minuten zu sitzen. Danach wurde ihnen eine unlösbare Aufgabe gegeben. Die 'Aufrechten' haben bedeutend länger an einer Lösung arbeitet als die 'Gekrümmten', und die Lehre davon ist daß Körperhaltung einen Einfluß auf unsere Verhalten hat, der eine Bedeutung haben könnte für den potentielle Erfolg unserer Vorhaben. Das heißt: gebärdet man sich als ein Versager, wird man ein Versager.   

Since my last message I have read two popular German science/technology/history magazines. In one of them there was an article about the way our body posture can influence our behaviour. In one of several experiments mentioned the research team lured people into spending 8 minutes either in a crouched or an upright position, and afterwards they were given an impossible geometrical task. Those who had spent the previous eight minutes in a crouched position gave up much earlier than those who had been sitting upright. In another test it was shown that students who were lured into nodding as part of their reactions in an experiment afterwards could accept a rise in tuition fees, while a group who hadn't moved their heads wanted lower fees (which would be the normal reaction from poor students). Which all goes to show how people can be manipulated through their bodies. And the positive side of this is of course that you may become a more efficient student by selecting body postures which induce optimism and energetic behaviour.

Which reminds me of a program with the mind control expert Darren Brown which I saw yesterday. I have seen similar things before, and it always shocks me to see how easy it is to influence people through cues in the surroundings which they don't even notice. Maybe it was about time to use that susceptibility for something worthwhile which we have chosen ourselves ... instead of just being the passive victims of marketing and manipulation from others. The AJATT method (all Japanse all time) is of course one extreme way of inducing a certain effect on you through your surroundings, but more subtle changes could also be relevant - including the way you sit on a chair while you study.

Edited by Iversen on 02 March 2012 at 3:16pm

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Brun Ugle
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 Message 2845 of 3959
02 March 2012 at 4:43pm | IP Logged 
Yes, I do have Asperger's syndrome and am also bipolar. However, I wouldn't want to not have them. I just thought the whole idea was fascinating. I also heard once that being overweight was often linked to a particular virus, but that was a while ago, so it might have been disproved since then.

Speaking of body posture etc., I once saw something similar where they made the participants hold a pen in their mouth and mark how funny they thought a joke was. The ones that had to hold the pen in their lips so that their lips were pursed didn't think the jokes were very funny. The ones that were made to hold the pen in their teeth so that their lips were back in a smile position thought they were much funnier.

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 Message 2846 of 3959
02 March 2012 at 7:01pm | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
Et - parlant de "Science et Vie" - voici quelque chose à lire pour Fasulye concernant le manque de volcans sur la Lune. Je me rappelle qu'on a discuté de ceci il y a longtemps..

FR: J'ai donc lu cet article en français et je l'ai traduit en néerlandais pour mon ami néerlandais ici, donc c'était informatif pour nous. Donc merci pour le link!

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 Message 2847 of 3959
04 March 2012 at 4:00pm | IP Logged 
I have visited my mother and her Astra satellite receiver this weekend. On the way down I could finish my two German magazines, but I had luckily also brought my Kauderwelsch Irish, so when she asked whether I was writing Chinese I could in all earnest answer "Nej, det er irsk gælisk". We have of course watched TV, but when she (and even more when my sister is there too) we stay with programs in Danish, English and German. And 'German' includes programs from zoos all over that country, and they have the advantage that we not only all three like the genre, but I can also listen to different (High) German dialects. And now I have to stop writing, because the library closes. I'll be back.
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 Message 2848 of 3959
04 March 2012 at 9:09pm | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
And 'German' includes programs from zoos all over that country, and they have the advantage that we not only all three like the genre, but I can also listen to different (High) German dialects.

DE: Ich habe den Eindruck, dass es nicht mehr so viele Zooprogramme gibt im deutschen Fernsehen. Nach meinem subjektiven Empfinden ist es um die Hälfte weniger geworden. Da ich jetzt dank meiner Krefelder Zoo-Jahreskarte mehr Ahnung von dem ganzen Thema habe, schaue ich mir jetzt auch öfters als früher solche Zoosendungen im deutschen Fernsehen an.


Edited by Fasulye on 04 March 2012 at 9:15pm

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