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Russian Federation
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 Message 369 of 420
28 June 2015 at 5:04am | IP Logged 
Kesäyö is summer night rather than summer time, of course.

Turku did originally mean marketplace, from the Slavic torg.

Matti can mean something like fellow/guy, basically a placeholder name. Matti Meikäläinen especially :)
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United States
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 Message 370 of 420
28 June 2015 at 5:13am | IP Logged 
Yeah, my grandmother knew a few Matti when we were kids. I remember seeing Turku on the maps, but though we saw much of the country, we never visited. Maybe that's a Swedish town? I suspect now, she avoided anywhere with a hint of Sami or Swedish.
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 Message 371 of 420
28 June 2015 at 6:03am | IP Logged 
It was the capital when Finland was a part of Sweden. And yeah there are both Finnish Swedes there and tourists from Sweden since the main ferries to Stockholm go from there. Although Swedish speakers are still a minority.
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 Message 372 of 420
11 July 2015 at 7:49pm | IP Logged 
I think I've decided, this year I'm going to take the JLPT N3. It's like I took this around s 2010 or so, but failed by just a few points. I've been serially failing the JLPT N2 last few years,and I'm pretty sure I'm not going to pass this year if I took it. But I think I'm getting too comfortable failing the N2, maybe it's better to take the N3 where I should have a an actual chance of passing.
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 Message 373 of 420
15 July 2015 at 7:05am | IP Logged

Heard this on the Radio Suomi app and Mr. Google found the lyrics here.

satakieli=nightingale, not 100 tongue, I discover in the dictionary.

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 Message 374 of 420
21 July 2015 at 7:00am | IP Logged 
Hmm, the ip works. So I guess I can still post here.
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 Message 375 of 420
21 July 2015 at 3:08pm | IP Logged 
Ooh, it's alive. Thank you.
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 Message 376 of 420
26 July 2015 at 7:18am | IP Logged 
Well, trying to get back to normal here. Still plugging away on memrise.   Have gone through about 1200 of the top 3000 Finnish words. Also getting a fair mount of listening to Radio Suomi in during the day. Otherwise being pretty passive with Finnish.

Japanese plugging along at kind of maintenance level -- taking my weekly class, and also getting in some N1 flash cards on the train to work.

I am massively busy with work and other stuff. Really lately, just doing what I can, anything at all, is a small victory.

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