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cathrynm Senior Member United States junglevision.co Joined 6185 days ago 910 posts - 1232 votes Speaks: English* Studies: Japanese, Finnish
| Message 169 of 420 14 January 2012 at 9:46am | IP Logged |
Monet kodit ovat olleet ilman sähköä perjantaina.
As of Friday, many houses have been without electricity.
Sähköt ovat menneet poikki, kun raskas lumi on kaatanut puita sähkölinjojen päälle.
Electricity has gone out because heavy snow has knocked down trees onto electric lines.
Perjantaina aamulla yli 40 000 kotia oli ilman sähköä.
Friday morning over 40,000 houses were without electricity.
Sähkökatkoja on ollut eri puolilla Suomea.
Electric outage has been in various parts of Finland.
koko=all, whole,size
ajan=aika (G)
lisä =increase (P)
Sähköyhtiöt ovat korjanneet vikoja, mutta uusia vikoja on tullut koko ajan lisää.
Electric companies have repaired damage, but more new damage has been coming all the time.
Vikojen korjaaminen voi kestää jopa monta päivää.
Repairing damage can go on even for many days.
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| a3 Triglot Senior Member Bulgaria Joined 5316 days ago 273 posts - 370 votes Speaks: Bulgarian*, English, Russian Studies: Portuguese, German, Italian, Spanish, Norwegian, Finnish
| Message 170 of 420 14 January 2012 at 10:41am | IP Logged |
Where do you get these sentences from?
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| cathrynm Senior Member United States junglevision.co Joined 6185 days ago 910 posts - 1232 votes Speaks: English* Studies: Japanese, Finnish
| Message 171 of 420 14 January 2012 at 11:02am | IP Logged |
They are from selkouutiset. This is the news every day in simplified Finnish. There's audio also.
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| Serpent Octoglot Senior Member Russian Federation serpent-849.livejour Joined 6657 days ago 9753 posts - 15779 votes 4 sounds Speaks: Russian*, English, FinnishC1, Latin, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese Studies: Danish, Romanian, Polish, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Croatian, Slovenian, Catalan, Czech, Galician, Dutch, Swedish
| Message 172 of 420 14 January 2012 at 3:18pm | IP Logged |
cathrynm wrote:
puhuttiin=puhuttiin (pss past)
Vaalitentissä puhuttiin rasismista paljon.
In the election debates it was said that there was much racism. |
"they talked a lot about racism".
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| cathrynm Senior Member United States junglevision.co Joined 6185 days ago 910 posts - 1232 votes Speaks: English* Studies: Japanese, Finnish
| Message 173 of 420 15 January 2012 at 9:13am | IP Logged |
Oops, I posted this by accident when I was typing. This is the homework for my Japanese class.
When the typhoon leaves, the sky becomes a beautiful shade of blue.
都会からあまりはなれていないある村でも、 被害があった。
There was damage in a village that's a little bit away from the city.
村はずれの山に近い所にある小さな社が、が けくずれで流されたのだ。
In the village there is small shrine in a nearby valley between two mountains, a landslide occured.
The villagers, who learned of the landslade when it became morning, said
"That shrine, how long has it been there?"
「なにしろ、ずいぶん昔からあったらしいね 」
"I don't know, probably it's really old."
「さっそく建てなおさなくては、ならないな 」
"We have to rebuild it right away"
やって来る=to come along
As they were saying this to each other, some other people came along.
"The damage was terrible"
"In this area?"
"No, a bit over there"
At that time one person raised his voice.
Hey, this hole, what this that?
みんなが集ってきたところには、直径一ネー トルぐらいのあながあった。
Everyone gathered around a place, a hole of about 1 meter in diameter.
のぞき込む=to peer into
のぞき込んでみたが、なかは暗くてなにも見 えない。
They tried to peer into the hole, but inside it was dark and they couldn't see anything.
なにか、地球の中心までつき抜けているよう に深い感じがした。
Anything? They had this profound feeling that they could see through to the center of the earth.
"Maybe a fox hole?"
There was also a person who said this kind of thing.
Hey, come out!
若者は穴にむかって叫んでみたが、底からは なんの反響もなかった。
A young person faced towards the hole and tried to yell in, but there was no echo from the bottom.
彼はつぎに、そばの石ころを拾って投げこも うとした。
He was next, he picked up a nearby rock and threw it in.
「ばちが当るかもしれないから、やめとけよ 」
Because you might get a curse from that, it would be good if you stopped.
と老人がとめたが、彼は勢いよく石投げこん だ。
The old man stopped, but the man threw in the rock with force.
But, from the bottom there was absolutely no echo.
柵=さく=fence, paling
村人たちは、木を切って縄でむすんで柵をつ くり、穴のまわりを囲った。
The villagers made a fence from a tree they cut down and tied with ropes, and surrounded the hole.
And then, for the moment they returned to the village.
"What should be done?"
「穴の上に、もとのように社を建てようじゃ ないか」
"We shouldn't build the base of the shrine above the hole, should we?"
The dicussion didn't result in a decision, a day passed.
早くも聞きつたえて、新聞社の自動車がかけ つけた。
Soon, it was heard that a newspaper company's car was coming.
Soon, scholars showed up.
そして、おれにわからないことはない、とい った顔つきで穴の方にむかった。
And then, facing the direction of the hole it was said that here was something that might be understood,
やじうま=curious onlookers
きょろきょろ=looking around restlessly
ちらほら=here and there
つづいて、もの好きなやじうまたちが現れ、 目のきょろきょろした利権屋みたいなものも 、ちらほらみうけられた。
And then, curious onlookers, who liked the hole, appeared, they looked like concession venders, their eyes darting around restlessly, here and there catching a glimpse.
駐在所=ちゅうざいしょ=police substation
つきっきり=constant attendance
駐在所の巡査は、穴に落ちる者があるといけ ないので、つきっきりで番をした。
According to the policeman, to make sure that no person would fall into the hole, the hole should be watched constantly.
新聞記者の一人は、長いひもの先におもりを つけて穴にたらした。
One newspaper reporter, hanged down into the hole a long string with a weight on the end.
As much string as he had went down the hole.
つきる=to use up
しかし、ひもがつきたので戻そうとしたが、 あがらなかった。
However, when the string was used up, although they tried to get the string back, they couldn't raise it back up.
ふち=surrounding edge
ちぎれる=torn off
二、三人が手伝って無理に引っぱったら、ひ もは穴のふちでちぎれた。
With 2 then 3 people helping they pulled to hard and the string broke off at the edge of the hole.
片手=かたて=one hand
写真機を片手にそれをみていた記者の一人は 、腰にまきつけていた丈夫な綱を、黙ってほ どいた。
One reporter watched with one hand holding a camera, he quietly untied the string firmly wrapped around his waist.
学者は研究所に連絡して、高性能の拡声器を 持ってこさせた。
Scholars contacted their laboratories, and instructed them to bring high power megaphones.
So that they could investigate echos from the bottom.
音をいろいろ変えてみたが、反響はなかった 。
However they changed the sound, there was no echo.
かしげる=to lean
学者は首をかしげたが、みんなが見つめてい るので、やめるわけにいかない。
The scholars leaned in with their necks, but because everyone was watching they just couldn't stop.
拡声器を穴にぴったりつけ、音量を最大にし て、長いあいだ鳴らしつづけた。
They put the megaphones right into the hole, set the volume to a high level, and played sound for a long time.
If coming from the ground, how many tens of kilometers distance had the sound passed?
But the hole quietly swallowed up all the sound.
もっともらしい=plausible, serious
口調=くちょう=tone, expression
学者も内心は弱ったが、落ち着いたそぶりで 音をとめ、もっともらしい口調で言った。
Though even the scholar's thoughts were troubled, in a calm manner the sound was stopped, and they spoke in a serious tone.
"Please fill the whole"
わからないことは、なくしてしまうのが無難 だった。
The thing that was not understood, was that what was lost was safety.
おしまい=the end
見物人たちは、なんだこれでおしまいかとい った顔つきで、引きあげようとした。
The spectators looked like they were wondering "what kind of end was this?"
人垣=ひとがき=crowd of people
かきわける=to push one's way through.
その時、人垣をかきわけて前に出た利権屋の 一人が、申し出た。
At that time it was reported that the crowed of people pushed their way in front of the single vendor.
「その穴を、わたしにください。 埋めてあ げます」
"Please fill this hole for my sake."
The village elder said.
「埋めていただくのはありがたいが、穴をあ げるわけにはいかない
"Although I'd be thankful if you filled the hole, you musn't fill the hole just for me."
そこに、社を建てなくてはならないんだから 」
There, we must build the shrine."
「社なら、あとでわたしがもっと立派なのを 、建ててあげます。
"And for a shrine, afterwards I'll build a more splendid one."
"Shall we go to the meeting place?"
At the time of the village elder's reply, the villagers said,
「本当かい。それならもっと村の近くがいい 」
"In truth, if that's the case, closer to the village would be nice."
"Let's do it, for the one hole."
they cried out unanimously, and because of that it was decided.
小さいけれど集会場つきの社を、もっと村の 近くに建ててくれた。
They built a shrine closer to the village, and even though the shrine was small, it could be a meeting place.
新しい社で秋祭りのおこなわれたころ、利権 屋の設立した穴埋め会社も、穴のそばの小屋 で小さな看板をかかげた。
At the new shrine we'll have the autumn festival, also the hole filling company can can set up a shop for buyers, and next to the hole a hut where a small sign can be hanged.
As for the concession stands they'll be great exercise for friends in the city.
It is such a deep hole!
学者たちも、少なくとも五千メートルはある と言っています。
Even the researchers, say it's at least 5,000 meters.
原子炉のカスなんか捨てるのに、絶好でしよ う。
When things like atomic reactor cases need to be thrown away, it would be ideal.
Edited by cathrynm on 15 January 2012 at 9:44am
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| cathrynm Senior Member United States junglevision.co Joined 6185 days ago 910 posts - 1232 votes Speaks: English* Studies: Japanese, Finnish
| Message 174 of 420 15 January 2012 at 10:59am | IP Logged |
Standard & Poor's on pudottanut yhdeksän (9) euromaan luottoluokitusta.
Standard and Poors has dropped nine European country's credit rating.
Suomella on vielä paras luottoluokitus.
Finland has still the best credit rating.
Standard & Poor's on yhdysvaltalainen luottoluokittaja.
Standard and Poors is an American credit rater.
korko=interest rate (ILL PL)
Luottoluokitus vaikuttaa lainan korkoihin.
A credit rating impacts a loan's interest rate.
Jos maan luottoluokitus laskee, sen täytyy maksaa lainoistaan suurempaa korkoa.
If a country's credit rating falls, then it must pay high interest for loans.
Siksi maille on tärkeää, että niiden luottoluokitus on hyvä.
That's why for countries it is important that their credit rating is good.
Standard & Poor's pudotti Ranskan ja Itävallan pois parhaasta luottoluokituksesta.
Standard and Poors dropped the French and Italian out of the best credit rating.
Enää neljällä (4) euromaalla on paras luottoluokitus.
Only four European countries have the best credit rating.
Nämä maat ovat Suomi, Saksa, Hollanti ja Luxemburg.
These countries are Finland, Sweden, Holland and Luxemburg.
säilyä=abide remain
Suomen valtiovarainministeri Jutta Urpilainen on tyytyväinen, että Suomella säilyy paras luottoluokitus.
The Finnish national reserve minister Jutta Urpilainen is satisfied that Finland will retain the best credit rating.
Urpilaisen mielestä se on merkki siitä, että Suomen talouspolitiikka on onnistunut hyvin.
Urpilaisen believes it is a sign that Finland's political economy has managed well.
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| Serpent Octoglot Senior Member Russian Federation serpent-849.livejour Joined 6657 days ago 9753 posts - 15779 votes 4 sounds Speaks: Russian*, English, FinnishC1, Latin, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese Studies: Danish, Romanian, Polish, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Croatian, Slovenian, Catalan, Czech, Galician, Dutch, Swedish
| Message 175 of 420 15 January 2012 at 4:05pm | IP Logged |
Itävalta is Austria :) Otherwise great translations!
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| cathrynm Senior Member United States junglevision.co Joined 6185 days ago 910 posts - 1232 votes Speaks: English* Studies: Japanese, Finnish
| Message 176 of 420 15 January 2012 at 6:57pm | IP Logged |
Heh, Austria! I'll remember thaat one.
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