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cathrynm Senior Member United States junglevision.co Joined 6199 days ago 910 posts - 1232 votes     Speaks: English* Studies: Japanese, Finnish
| Message 177 of 420 16 January 2012 at 12:56am | IP Logged |
More work from the class. These are from the Kanji in Context workbook.
環状線=かんじょうせん=loop line
大阪の市内を環状線と呼ばれる電車が走って いる。
In the city of Osaka, a train called a loop line runs.
経済格差のせいで、隣の国から国境を越えて どんどん人が入ったきている。
Because of economic disparity, people have been steadily entering by crossing the border from adjacent countries.
長い間隣の家との境界がはっきりしていなか ったが、今回家と土地を売るに当たり、隣と の境界を明確にした。
For a long while, the property lines with adjacent houses were not clearly defined, but now when houses and land are sold, the neighboring property line is clearly defined.
副都心=ふくとしん=urban subcenter
昨日午後4時15分頃、新宿副都心に近いO O銀行新宿西口支店で爆弾テロ事件がありま した。
Yesterday, at about 4:15AM, in the Shinjuku area near the OO bank's west exit branch a terrorist bombing incident has occursed.
行員=こういん=bank clerk
行員の話によると、閉店後行内で仕事をして いたところ、 銀行の裏口の方で突然バーン という大きな爆発音がしたので、急いで見に 行ったところ、裏口のドアの一部が壊れて、 煙をあげていたということです。
According to a bank clerk, after the bank closed the incident occured inside the bank. At the bank's rear entrance, because suddenly a large bang or explosion sound happened, he immidately went to look, and part of the rear entrance door was partially destroyed, and he said that smoke was rising.
駆けつける=to run to
発火装置=はっかそうち=incendiary device
まもなく警察が駆けつけ、現場付近を調べた ところ、ドア付近で爆破に使われた時限発火 装置のものと見られるコードなどが発見され ました。
Soon the police came running to the area of the seend to investigate. In the area of the door a timed incendiary device was used to create an explosion and visible code was discovered.
According to the police, a radical party intended to block the summit meeting. Currently the investigation is continuing.
警察では、サミット阻止をねらった過激派に より犯行と見て、現在捜査を続けています。
冷戦=れいせん=cold war
ソ連=それん=Soviet Union
冷戦の終結、東西ドイツの統一、ソ連の解体 と、今世界は激動の時代を迎えつつある。
At the end of the cold war, east and west Germany united, the Soviet Union broke apart. Now the world is facing an age of shock and upheaval.
ベルリンの壁が崩れるのをテレビで見て、私 もなんだか感激してしまった。
The collapse of the Berlin wall was seen on TV, this even kind of had a deep impression on myself.
華道=かどう=flower arrangement
家元=いえもと=head of a school
華道や茶道の家元は世襲制度によって代々受 け継がれています。
The flower arrangement and tea ceremony school leader positions continue to be passed down generation after generation according to a hereditary system.
台風の影響で鹿児島市内ではすでに風速20 メートル以上の暴風雨が咲いています。
Due to the effects of the typhoon in the Kagoshima city center already a storm with wind speed of over 20 meters (per second?) is blowing.
毎晩近くの道路を暴走族が走るのでうるさく て眠れない。
Because every night on a nearby street the motorcycle gangs run around, it's noisy and I can't sleep.
暴れだす=あばれだす=begin to grow violet
The captured lion in the cage began to act violently.
1964年8月、アメリカ空軍が北ベトナム を爆撃。
In August of 1964 the American air force bombed North Vietnam.
翌年=よくねん=following year
北爆=ほくばく=Bombing of North Vietnam (very specific word)
大規模=だいきぼ=large scale
そして、その翌年2月には北爆と呼ばれる大 規模な北ベトナム爆撃が開始された。
Then, following February the large scale bombing of north Vietnam known as as 'hokubaku' began.
1945年8月6日午前8時15分、広島に原子 爆弾が投下された。
August 6th of 1945 at 8:15AM the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima.
そして、これまでに20万人以上の人の生命 が失われれ、今なお原爆の後遺症に苦しんで いるがいる。
Then, because of that, more than 20,000 people lost their lives. Even now the there is suffering dure to the after effects of the atomic bomb.
少しずつ=little by little
残念ながら=I'm afraid to say
最近オフィスを禁煙にする会社が少しずつ増 えてきたが、日本では残念ながらまだまだ喫 煙者の力の方が強いようだ。
Although recently the companies deciding to ban smoking have slowly been increasing, in Japan I'm afraid to say that the power of smokers is strong.
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| cathrynm Senior Member United States junglevision.co Joined 6199 days ago 910 posts - 1232 votes     Speaks: English* Studies: Japanese, Finnish
| Message 178 of 420 16 January 2012 at 4:08am | IP Logged |
onnettomuus=accident (g)
uhri=victim (g pl)
Italiassa laivaonnettomuuden uhrien määrä on noussut.
In italy the number of ship accident victims has risen.
Sunnuntaina laivasta löydettiin kaksi (2) kuollutta lisää, ja kuolleita on nyt yhteensä ainakin viisi (5).
Sunday two more dead were discovered on the ship, and the deaths are now altogether at least 5.
Onnettomuus tapahtui perjantaina.
The accident occurred Friday.
Pelastajat ovat löytäneet laivasta myös ihmisiä, jotka ovat elossa.
Rescuers have also discovered people from the ship who are alive.
Sunnuntaina laivasta on pelastettu yhteensä kolme (3) ihmistä.
On sunday altogether 3 people have been rescued from the ship.
onnistua=manage, succeed
eteläkorealainen=south Korean (G)
aviopari=married coouple (G)
Pelastajat onnistuivat tuomaan laivasta ulos eteläkorealaisen avioparin.
Rescuers succeeded in bringing off the ship a South Korean married couple.
Aviopari oli häämatkalla.
The married couple was on their honeymoon.
kuulua=be heard (Past), belong
Lisäksi laivasta pelastettiin italialainen, joka kuului laivan henkilökuntaan.
In additon, from the boat were rescued Italians, who belonged to the ship's crew.
Risteilylaiva Costa Concordialla oli yli 4000 ihmistä, kun onnettomuus tapahtui.
The cruise ship Costa Condordia had over 4000 passengers when the accident occurred.
kylki->kyljelle=side (=Possessive 3rd)
vesi->veden (gen)
Onnettomuudessa laiva kaatui kyljelleen, ja se on nyt puoliksi veden alla.
During the accident the ship crashed in the side, and it is now half under water.
syy=blame (PTV)
tutkia=study (Passive )
Onnettomuuden syytä tutkitaan.
The accident's blame is being studied.
viranomainen=official (PL)
Viranomaiset ovat pidättäneet laivan kapteenin.
Officials have arrested the boat's captain.
epäillä=wonder (passive)
Kapteenia epäillään rikoksista onnettomuuden yhteydessä.
The captian is suspected of crimes in connection with the accident.
Epäillään, että kapteeni esimerkiksi lähti pois laivasta, ennen kuin kaikki matkustajat olivat turvassa.
It is suspected that the captain, for example, left the boat before all the passengers were safe.
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| cathrynm Senior Member United States junglevision.co Joined 6199 days ago 910 posts - 1232 votes     Speaks: English* Studies: Japanese, Finnish
| Message 179 of 420 17 January 2012 at 9:08am | IP Logged |
Ooh, this one is a little tricky.
Vaalirahoista puhutaan taas.
Campaign finance is being talked about again.
käsitellä=deal, handle
Oikeus on alkanut käsitellä Nuorisosäätiön rikosjuttua.
Justice has begun to be served in the Youth Foundation case.
jonka=joka (genetive)
Rikosjuttu koskee vaalirahaa, jonka Nuorisosäätiö on antanut keskustapuolueelle.
The case concerns campaign contributions, which the Youth Foundation has given to the center party.
Syyttäjä vaatii keskustan kansanedustajalle Antti Kaikkoselle ehdollista vankeutta.
The prosecutor will ask that Center's member of Parliament Antti Kaikkonen get preventive detainment.
Kaikkosta syytetään luottamusaseman väärinkäytöstä.
Kaikkonen is being prosecuted for abuse of trust.
Antti Kaikkonen oli Nuorisosäätiön hallituksen puheenjohtaja, kun säätiö antoi vaalirahaa keskustapuolueelle.
Antti Kaikkonen was the Youth Foundation's government chairman, when the foundation gave campaign money to the Center party.
automaatti=vending machine
ehdoton=absolute (PTV)
Raha-automaattiyhdistyksen eli RAY:n hallituksen entiselle puheenjohtajalle Jukka Vihriälälle vaaditaan ainakin kahden ja puolen vuoden ehdotonta vankeutta.
The coin vending machine union, in short, RAY's government's former chairmain Jukka Vihriälä has been asked to received at least two and half years of unconditional imprisonment.
törkeä=indecent, egregious
Vihriälää syytetään törkeästä lahjuksen ottamisesta.
Vihriälä is being prosecuted for the taking of egregious bribes.
Myös Jukka Vihriälä on ollut keskustan kansanedustaja.
Also Jukka Vihriälä is acting as Center's member of parliament.
Lisäksi seitsemän (7) muuta henkilöä saa syytteen lahjuksen ottamisesta.
In addition seven other people will receive endictments for taking egregious bribes.
Kaikki syytetyt kieltävät rikoksen.
All those being prosecutied deny guilt.
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| Serpent Octoglot Senior Member Russian Federation serpent-849.livejour Joined 6671 days ago 9753 posts - 15779 votes     4 sounds Speaks: Russian*, English, FinnishC1, Latin, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese Studies: Danish, Romanian, Polish, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Croatian, Slovenian, Catalan, Czech, Galician, Dutch, Swedish
| Message 180 of 420 17 January 2012 at 1:29pm | IP Logged |
cathrynm wrote:
Oikeus on alkanut käsitellä Nuorisosäätiön rikosjuttua.
Justice has begun to be served in the Youth Foundation case.. |
Oikeus is court here.
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| cathrynm Senior Member United States junglevision.co Joined 6199 days ago 910 posts - 1232 votes     Speaks: English* Studies: Japanese, Finnish
| Message 181 of 420 18 January 2012 at 4:17am | IP Logged |
[フランス料理」という通常のカタカナ表記 は特別の語感は生じないが、漢字で「佛蘭 料理」と書くと、漢字の重々しい雰囲気で 級そうな感じになる。
Although ”French food" as normally written in katakana doesn't produce any kind of special feeling, when "French food" is written in Kanji, a serious atmosphere high class kind of feeling is produced.
漂う=ただよう=drift about
店の看板が「佛蘭西料理」となっていると、 値段が心配になって店の前で財布の中身を調 べたくなるような高級感が漂う。
If the shop's sign is "French Food" written in Kanji, there's a sense that the restaurant is high class, you become worried about the price, like want ot check the contents of your wallet when you're in front of the restaurant.
気概=きがい=strong spirit
あえてその表記を使った店主の気概も感じら れるような気がする。
There's a feeling that a a shopkeeper using this kind of bold writing would have a strong spirit.
「カレーライス」でも「カレー」でもなく、 特に「カリー」という表記を打ち出した看板 にも、どこにでもあるカレーとは違う本場の 味を主張している雰囲気があり、客のほうも 店主の自負を感じるかもしれない。
Even for "kareeraisu" or "Karee" (Japanese curry), particularly "Karii" when it's put out on a sign, there's a scence that the place is claiming their flavor is different when compared to a place that uses "Karee." *the normal spelling
登場=とうじょう=entry on stage
東京にイタリア料理のピッツアの点が登場し た昭和三十年代中ごろには、まだ「ぴざ」と いう語はなく、」「ピッツア」という用語は 単に珍しい食べ物をさす外来語であるという 以外に、特別な語感は働かなかった。
About the time of 30th year of Showa (1956-1966) Italian "Pittua" shops becan to appear in Tokyo, still there wasn't the word "Piza" (normal word for Pizza). The term Pitua was simply nothing more than than a borrowed for for a rare food, and the word didn't impart any special feeling.
が、その後、その料理が広まり、特にアメリ カ型の宅配ピザがはやりだしてからは、日本 中「ピザ」という語が一般的になり、今では 「ピッツア」と呼ぶ人はめったに見かけない 。
However later, this type of food spread, because, specifically, the American style delvery pizza became a fad, thoughout Japan 'Piza' became generally used, and people using the word "Pittua" could rarely be found.
掲げる=かかげる=to print
そんじゃそこら=here and there
そういう時代になった今、あえて「ピッツア 」という本場イタリアのことばを看板に掲げ る店を見ると、そんじょそこらのピザとは違 うとする職人の自負を感じる。
As that period became the current time, because stores with signs printed with "Pitua" for the geniune Italian word could be seen, the pride of these shop owners compared to the normal Pizza restaurants could be felt.
その語を特に選んで使う客のほうにも、ある 種のこだわりがあるのだろう。
If this word is specially chosen for the customer, maybe there is a kind of fastidiousness.
ことばは情報とともに、そういう自負やこだ わりをも相手に送り届ける。
The word, together with the information sends to the recipient a sense of pride and fastidiousness.
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| hribecek Triglot Senior Member Czech Republic Joined 5423 days ago 1243 posts - 1458 votes     Speaks: English*, Czech, Spanish Studies: Italian, Polish, Slovak, Hungarian, Toki Pona, Russian
| Message 182 of 420 18 January 2012 at 9:46am | IP Logged |
Your consistent posting of these sentences is very impressive. Do you actually know what they all mean when you read them or do you have to translate a lot of the words?
What other types of activities do you do to practise Japanese and Finnish?
I know they're both your heritage languages but is one more important than the other to you?
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| cathrynm Senior Member United States junglevision.co Joined 6199 days ago 910 posts - 1232 votes     Speaks: English* Studies: Japanese, Finnish
| Message 183 of 420 19 January 2012 at 6:28am | IP Logged |
äänestää=to vote
Presidentinvaalien ennakkoäänestyksessä äänestettiin enemmän kuin edellisissä presidentinvaaleissa.
Voting in the presidential election by absentee ballot has been higher than the last presidential election.
Ennen vaalipäivää äänesti 32,7 prosenttia niistä ihmisistä, joilla on oikeus äänestää.
Before election day 32.7 percent of the people, who had the right to vote, voted
Edellisissä presidentinvaaleissa ennen vaalipäivää äänesti 30,7 prosenttia.
In the previous presidential election 30.7 percent voted before election day.
Edelliset presidentinvaalit olivat kuusi (6) vuotta sitten.
The last presidential elections were 6 years ago.
määrä=amount, rate
peruste=reason, basis
miettiä=ponder, consider
yhteensä=toghether, altogether
Ennakkoäänien määrän perusteella voidaan jo nyt miettiä, kuinka paljon ihmiset antavat yhteensä ääniä presidentinvaaleissa.
The basis of the advance voting percentage, can already now be deduced from how many people cast votes between votes in presidential elections.
koko=size, rather, entire
Ennakkoäänien perusteella koko äänestysprosentti on ehkä noin 74 prosenttia.
On the basis of the size of the pre-voting, the polling percentage will perhaps be about 74 percent.
Presidentinvaalit ovat ensi sunnuntaina.
Presidential elections are next Sunday.
Selkouutiset kuullaan sunnuntaina vaalien takia Radio Suomessa vasta kello 23.03.
Selkouutiset for Sunday election is heard on Radio Finland only at 11:03PM.
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| cathrynm Senior Member United States junglevision.co Joined 6199 days ago 910 posts - 1232 votes     Speaks: English* Studies: Japanese, Finnish
| Message 184 of 420 19 January 2012 at 6:36am | IP Logged |
>Do you actually know what they all mean when you read them or do you have to
>translate a lot of the words?
The Japanese I know pretty much most of the words except the ones I post definitions here. The odd thing is that even knowing the words and the kanji, sometimes the sentences are still difficult to parse. But I have a pretty good sized vocabulary in Japanese. In Finnish I still really depend on dictionaries, and I look up a lot of stuff. I think this system of translating like this, it is helping me memorize words, though I still have a long way to go with learning vocabulary in Finnish.
>What other types of activities do you do to practise Japanese and Finnish?
I take a class in Japanese and they give us quite a bit of material to study during the week. I have to also work on drawing Chinese characters. For Finnish I listen to Selkouutiset, after I've translated it, and I also watch random programs using my YLE iPhone App, which has plenty of cartoons, drama and news to watch. We also get Japanese news on TV here in the USA, and I often do chat rooms in Japanese.
>I know they're both your heritage languages but is one more important than the other
>to you?
Oh I don't know. More important? I think they're different. Finnish I heard more as a child, so I think it has more memories associated with it. Japanese I'm at quite a bit of a higher level than Finnish, and I've been studying actively longer, so I'm a little more confident in chat rooms or posting Japanese on Facebook and things like this.
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