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 Message 129 of 420
29 December 2011 at 5:18am | IP Logged 
Monet talot ovat yhä ilman sähköä eri puolilla Suomea.
Many houses are still without electricity in half of Finland

Keskiviikkona illalla ilman sähköä oli noin 80 000 kotia.
Wednesday evening there were about 80,000 homes without power.

Ongelmia on esimerkiksi Savossa, Kuopion ympärillä ja Satakunnassa, Porin alueella.
The problem is, for example, in Savo, around Kuopi and Satakun, and the area of Porin.

iskeä->iski=hit (SG3/past)
Maanantaina Suomeen iski myrsky, joka kaatoi puita sähkölinjojen, autoteiden ja junaratojen päälle.
Monday Finland was hit by a storm, which washed away trees, onto electric lines, roads and railroad tracks.

Tiistaina kova tuuli jatkui, ja lisää puita kaatui sähkölankojen päälle.
On Tuesday strong winds continued, and more trees fell onto electric wires.

Esimerkiksi Etelä-Savossa kaikkia korjaustöitä ei ehkä saada valmiiksi tällä viikolla.
For example, in Southern Savo, it's possible that all repairs may not be completed this week.

takia=because of
Myrskytuhojen takia junat eivät ole kulkeneet normaalisti.
Because of storm damage trains haven't run normally.

Keskiviikkona eniten ongelmia oli Itä-Suomen junaliikenteessä.
On Wednesday most of the trouble was with East Finnish railway traffic.

Junat eivät keskiviikkona kulkeneet esimerkiksi Jyväskylän ja Pieksämäen välillä.
On Wednesday trains weren't moving, for instance between Jyväskylä and Pieksämä.

Edited by cathrynm on 29 December 2011 at 5:19am

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 Message 130 of 420
29 December 2011 at 8:00am | IP Logged 
great translations, here are the place names from your text: Kuopio (♥), Satakunta, Pori, Pieksämäki. :)

also, Itä-Suomen is more like "Eastern Finland's".

oh and i've just noticed, here eri puolilla is more like "in various parts of"... it doesn't always literally mean one half.

Edited by Serpent on 29 December 2011 at 8:02am

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 Message 131 of 420
30 December 2011 at 10:55am | IP Logged 
刑法犯=criminal offence
送検=そうけん=sending accused to the prosecutor
警察庁によると、刑法犯で逮捕、書類送検な どされた少年少女は近年減少傾向にあり、2 009年は前年比0.8%減の9万282人 �
According to the police agency, the tendency is for number of criminal arrests and charges against boys and girls to decrease in recent years; in 2009 the total was 0.8% less than the previous year, or 90,282 less.

少子化=しょうしか=declining birthrate
少子化の影響もあったピークの1983年の 半分ほどになった。
It has become half the total in 1983, the peak resulting from the influence of the declining birthrate.

右肩=みぎかた=right shoulder
しかし、一方で、再び罪を犯す再犯罪率は9 8年から右肩上がりで増え続け、09年は過 去最高の31.3%に達した。
However, since 1998 the recidivism rate has continued to increase, and in 2009 reached a record high of 31.3%.

築く=きずく=to build
目立つ=めだつ=to be conspicuous
不良グループとの付き合いが続き、きちんと した生活を築けないまま再び非行に走るケー スが目立つという。
Associations with delinquent gangs continued, and what became obvious were the cases of second crimes among those unable to build a proper life.

各警察はこれまで、少年側から持ちかけられ た場合は相談相手になるなどしていたが、今 後は受け身の姿勢を改め、「出前型」と称し て積極的に関係をもつよう方針転換する。
So to each police department, the advice from the boys was to become something like an advisor, and from now on to change the passive attitude towards the problem -- to switch the objective to be more of a pro-active relationship; this was named the "direct delivery model."

問題が残り、将来に不安を感じるケースにつ いて、保護者らの了解を前提に、所轄所の少 年担当の警察官や地域のボランティアらが連 絡をとる。
Problems remained, for the cases with an uncertain future, the advisor's understanding was assumed to be that the police department's youth counselors, the regional volunteers and others would contact the youths.

保護者と相談した上で「学校を休まず通える ようになる」「まじめに仕事を続けるように なる」といった目標を設定。
After the advisors consulted, objectives like continued attendence at school, or continued good work habits would be established.

電話やメール、家庭訪問などを通じて励まし 、相談に乗るという。
Through phone, email and home visits, encouraging consultation would be given.

また、他の人からほめられたり感謝されたり する経験が立ち直りのきっかけになるとして 、ごみ清掃などのボランティア活動や老人ホ ームへの慰問にも誘う。
Again, the children get an opportunity for restoration as they experience the praise and thanks from other people, while they clean garbage, do volunteer work, or provide company to those at nursing homes.

Edited by cathrynm on 30 December 2011 at 10:58am

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 Message 132 of 420
31 December 2011 at 9:31pm | IP Logged 
Kokoomus on Suomen suurin puolue.
Constitution is Finland's biggest party.

Näin kertoo YLE Uutisten ja taloustutkimuksen uusi mielipidekysely.
So says YLE News and Economic Report's new public opinion poll.

Kokoomuksen kannatus on laskenut edellisestä kyselystä.
Constitution's support has declined since the last poll.

Puoluetta kannattaa nyt noin 23 prosenttia suomalaisista.
The party's support is now about 23% of Finns.

Perussuomalaisten kannatus on noin 20 prosenttia.
Foundation FInland's support is now about 20%.

SDP:n kannatus on laskenut ja on 16,4 prosenttia.
SDP's support has declined and is 16.4%.

Keskustan kannatus on noussut.
Center's support has risen.

Puolueen kannatus on nyt 16,2 prosenttia.
The party's support is now 16.2%.

Taloustutkimuksen kyselyyn vastasi joulukuussa noin 2400 ihmistä.
About 2400 people responded to Economic Report's poll in December.

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 Message 133 of 420
01 January 2012 at 1:20am | IP Logged 
Suomalaiset juhlivat uuttavuotta lauantaina ja sunnuntaina.
Finns celibrate new year Saturday and Sunday.

Lauantaina on uudenvuodenaatto ja sunnuntaina on uudenvuodenpäivä.
Saturday is New Year's eve and Sunday is New Year's Day.

Uudenvuodenaattona tavataan ystäviä ja ammutaan ilotulitusraketteja.
On New Year's eve friends are met and fireworks are shot off.

Monissa kaupungeissa järjestetään juhlia puolenyön aikaan.
In many cities are arranged celebratory feasts at midnight.

Esimerkiksi Helsingin Senaatintorilla juhlat alkavat lauantaina kello 22.
For example, in the Helskinki Senate Square, celebrations begin Satuday at 10 PM.

Juhlintaa voi katsoa myös televisiosta, YLE TV1:stä.
Celebrations can also be seen on television, YLE channel TV1.

Kaupat sulkevat ovensa lauantaina kello 18.
Stores close their doors Saturday at 6PM.

Uudenvuodenpäivänä sunnuntaina melkein kaikki kaupat ovat kiinni.
On New Years Day Sunday nearly all stores are closed.
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 Message 134 of 420
01 January 2012 at 8:02am | IP Logged 
なかなか考え性質にあるので、生きることを しんどいと思うことも多い。
Because my disposition is to consider various things, I have many bothersome thoughts thoughts about life.

大袈裟=おおげさ=grandiose (ooh, hard characters)
こういう自分が今こうやって生きているのは 、大袈裟にではなく、小説のおかげだと思っ ている。
As for how one lives now, it's no exaggeration that I think it's thanks to novels.

人によっては、それが素晴らしい漫画であっ たり、演劇であったり、音楽だったり、映画 だったりもするだろう。
For mankind, that's great Manga, plays, music and movies.

僕は常に空腹であるように言葉を求めて、そ の言葉を自分の中に入れ、そこから自分なり に考え、言葉によって自分を守るように生き てきた。
I'm always hungerily searching for more words. As one accumulates these words, one considers them in their own way, so one lives, in a way to protect oneself for the words.

それは何も僕に言語のセンスがあったとか、 頭がよかったとかいうわけではなく、わから ないものは繰り返し読んできたからである。
That's not to say I have a good sense of language language, or that I'm intelligent, because I repeatedly read the things I don't understand.

学生の時は、背伸びして色々なものに触れた 。
When I was a student, I tried too hard to experience many things.

そうしないと、逆に生きていけない気がした 。
If I didn't do that, I have a feeling I couldn't live.

学生の自殺の報道や、破滅を選んでしまう人 達の報道を見る度に、色々思う。
Each time I look at reports of a student suicice, or of those people who have chosen a path of destruction, I have random thoughts.

I think that the for humans, thoughts of despair are unavoidable.

That doesn't mean that no one has a cheerful life.

家族も友人も学校も会社も助けにならない場 合、しかしこの世界には、文化というものが ある。
In the case when family, friends, schools, companies can't help, however, in this world there is this thing called culture.

文化は、すべての人間に対して、平等に開か れている。
Culture gives equality for all humans.

商業ベースに乗った安易なものが溢れている からなかなか見つけにくい世の中だけど、自 分を強く揺さぶり、救ってくれるようなもの に出会えた時、もう一回生きてみようと思う ことは、確かにある。
However extremely dificult it is to find times when one has in abundance the simple products of commerce, one is powerfully moved, and one has times when he receives help. If I had a chance to live one more time, I certainly would.

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 Message 135 of 420
01 January 2012 at 8:35am | IP Logged 
hyvää uutta vuotta! <3
ilotulitukset make me think of Gandalf hehe:)))))
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 Message 136 of 420
01 January 2012 at 8:48am | IP Logged 
Yeah, that is a cool scene in the LTR movie, with the magical fireworks..

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