cathrynm Senior Member United States Joined 6199 days ago 910 posts - 1232 votes     Speaks: English* Studies: Japanese, Finnish
| Message 353 of 420 31 May 2015 at 5:30am | IP Logged | -words/
And did my Japanese class presentation today. Thanks to someone on lang-8 that checked a lot of my language awkwardness.
Kind of getting the Finnish bug again a little bit, so I'm trying out this. 3000 Finnish words. I find I don't know quite a few of these, so I think it's a good thing. Been kind of skipping the review with memrise and just keep adding new ones over and over.
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kraemder Senior Member United StatesRegistered users can see my Skype Name Joined 5258 days ago 1497 posts - 1648 votes     Speaks: English* Studies: German, Spanish, Japanese
| Message 354 of 420 31 May 2015 at 6:13am | IP Logged |
Probably should do reviews ;p. I think grinding out the core vocabulary is a great idea. Is it organized by
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cathrynm Senior Member United States Joined 6199 days ago 910 posts - 1232 votes     Speaks: English* Studies: Japanese, Finnish
| Message 355 of 420 31 May 2015 at 6:40am | IP Logged |
I just figured I'd learn the 3000 words and then review once I got through the 3000. Maybe that's not a great idea.
Anyway, like everything these days, I think it comes from Wikipedia. Someone made a list of Finnish words in order of frequency and then everything you see online basically is derived from this one list. So far, near as I can tell, all the words seem relatively normal.
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cathrynm Senior Member United States Joined 6199 days ago 910 posts - 1232 votes     Speaks: English* Studies: Japanese, Finnish
| Message 356 of 420 02 June 2015 at 10:43pm | IP Logged | mt=8
Been listening to this at work. Songs are about 50% Finnish 50% English.
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cathrynm Senior Member United States Joined 6199 days ago 910 posts - 1232 votes     Speaks: English* Studies: Japanese, Finnish
| Message 357 of 420 07 June 2015 at 8:45am | IP Logged |
Finished off another Japanese class, took the final today, though the score doesn't really matter. Talked a bit with the guy who has been studying Japanese 'since the Ford Administration' -- we're kind of fellow travellers, a little, I confess, though compared to him, I haven't been hammering on this nearly as long. Anyay, this guy passed the N3 and now I'm wondering if I should do N3 or N2 again this year. I'm afraid maybe I'm getting too comfortable with failing N2, and if I'm taking N3 I might have more at stake. Did pick up a new book -- スピードマスター N2読解, as I think maybe I need to hammer on these reading problems a little more efficiently. I have the weird sensation that I feel like I understand what I'm reading, but then I always fail the questions. I think I take the bait answer and blow it. Plan is to answer these and try to reverse-engineer where it's going wrong.
Well, memrise, it's okay on the web, but I still go back to Anki on the train. Typing the answers is nice with a keyboard, but on the phone it's a hassle. The YLE radio Suomi is actually okay, and it's real radio with a combination of music and news, which makes it suitable for just letting it run. I'm not really completely understanding, though pretty consistently I know what they're talking about approximately. Sometimes I sneak a dictionary look up during the day.
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cathrynm Senior Member United States Joined 6199 days ago 910 posts - 1232 votes     Speaks: English* Studies: Japanese, Finnish
| Message 358 of 420 07 June 2015 at 9:26am | IP Logged |
Live action jigokushoujo on youtube. Subtitled in traditional Chinese, I think. Not quite as good as the anime. First episode was okay though. 499B3CDCF256614
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cathrynm Senior Member United States Joined 6199 days ago 910 posts - 1232 votes     Speaks: English* Studies: Japanese, Finnish
| Message 359 of 420 14 June 2015 at 7:41am | IP Logged |
I'm starting to think I've been neglecting helper verbs. Maybe helper verbs are one of my major broken-ness right now for Japanese. That native speakers use these all the time, but I'm in a fog still and never sure which one to use when. Need to find a decent list, I think. Not a grammar book, but just a short list of commonly used compound verbs to drop into my speech and writing now and then.
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cathrynm Senior Member United States Joined 6199 days ago 910 posts - 1232 votes     Speaks: English* Studies: Japanese, Finnish
| Message 360 of 420 15 June 2015 at 7:09am | IP Logged |
Still keeping up with memrise finnish top 3000. Up to the top 500 or so learned, 250 in long term memory, the thing says, though not sure how reliable these numbers are. These don't seem to be coming in order of easy to hard, as I keep seeing words I do know mixed in with words I don't know all along. I'm missing quite a few, but funny thing, I'm re-learning them more quickly than the first time I went through Finnish flash cards. I had to turn off that 'leach' feature in Anki because otherwise my entire Finnish deck got marked as Leach. I don't necessarily know the meaning of a word, but I know I saw it before.
I can't trust my guesses though. When I guess I'm wrong like 95% of the time. I have no real instinct for these words. Anyway, in spite of business I feel like my Finnish motivation is building up again.
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