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cathrynm Senior Member United States junglevision.co Joined 6199 days ago 910 posts - 1232 votes     Speaks: English* Studies: Japanese, Finnish
| Message 161 of 420 11 January 2012 at 11:27am | IP Logged |
Kiinalaiset ovat alkaneet matkustaa uudenvuoden viettoon.
Chinese have begun to travel to celebrate the new year.
Kiinan hallitus arvioi, että maassa tehdään lähiviikkoina yli kolme miljardia matkaa junilla, lentokoneilla, laivoilla ja busseilla.
The Chinese government estimated in the country in the next few weeks there will be more than three billion trips by train, plain, ship and bus.
kansa=people (g-pl
Kiinalaisten matkustaminen uudenvuoden viettoon on maailman suurin kansainvaellus, joka tapahtuu joka vuosi.
Chinese traveling for the new year celebration are world's biggest migration of people that occur every year.
Kiinassa on otettu käyttöön uusi internet-palvelu junalippujen ostamista varten.
In China they are adopting to the new internet service for buying train tickets.
Palvelu meni tukkoon, kun miljoonat ihmiset yrittivät ostaa lippuja yhtä aikaa.
The service went down, when a billion people tried to buy tickets the first time.
sotkea->wotkee=messed up
Myös huono sää sotkee kiinalaisten matkasuunnitelmia.
Also bad weather bedeviled Chinese travel plans.
mukaan=according to
Kiinalaisen kalenterin mukaan uusi vuosi alkaa tämän kuun 23. päivä.
According to the Chinese calender, the new year starts this month on the 23'rd.
Kiinalainen uusivuosi on kiinalaisten vuoden tärkein juhla.
Chinese new years is for Chinese the year's most important holiday.
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| Serpent Octoglot Senior Member Russian Federation serpent-849.livejour Joined 6671 days ago 9753 posts - 15779 votes     4 sounds Speaks: Russian*, English, FinnishC1, Latin, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese Studies: Danish, Romanian, Polish, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Croatian, Slovenian, Catalan, Czech, Galician, Dutch, Swedish
| Message 162 of 420 11 January 2012 at 8:07pm | IP Logged |
cathrynm wrote:
Kiinassa on otettu käyttöön uusi internet-palvelu junalippujen ostamista varten.
In China they are adopting to the new internet service for buying train tickets.
Palvelu meni tukkoon, kun miljoonat ihmiset yrittivät ostaa lippuja yhtä aikaa.
The service went down, when a billion people tried to buy tickets the first time.
a new service (...) has been adopted.
(...) when millions/billions of people were trying to buy tickets at the same time.
Your log is my main source of news, lol.
btw now that I think of it - have you tried Iversen-style hyperliteral translations? you might find them useful:)))
you could list fixed expressions like yhtä aikaa along with the vocabulary you learn.
Edited by Serpent on 11 January 2012 at 8:14pm
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| cathrynm Senior Member United States junglevision.co Joined 6199 days ago 910 posts - 1232 votes     Speaks: English* Studies: Japanese, Finnish
| Message 163 of 420 13 January 2012 at 10:39am | IP Logged |
Helsingissä on tapahtunut vakava perhesurma tiistaina.
In Helsinki on Tuesday a serious family murder has occurred.
Poliisi epäilee, että perheen isä on tappanut vaimonsa ja kaksi (2) lastaan Laajasalossa.
Police wonder, if the families' father has killed the wife and two children in Laajasalo.
Poliisi meni paikalle, koska perheen kodissa oli tulipalo.
Police went to the scene because the family's home was burning.
Poliisi löysi asunnosta kolme ihmistä, jotka oli tapettu.
Police discovered 3 people from the residence, who were killed.
Poliisi otti perheen isän kiinni tapahtumapaikalta.
Police took the family's father to the closed off scene of the crime.
Mies on sanonut poliisille, että hän on tappanut perheensä.
The man has said to police that he has murdered the family.
Miestä epäillään kolmesta murhasta.
The man is suspected of three murders.
tapaus=murder (ptv
Suomessa on ollut vuoden aikana kuusi (6) tapausta, joissa isä tai äiti on tappanut perheensä.
In Finland there have been in a year's time 6 murders in which a father or mother has killed a family.
syy=reason (pl)
erilainen=various (p. pl)
Lastenpsykiatrian erikoislääkäri Anne Kauppi sanoo, että perhesurmien syyt ovat erilaisia.
Child psychiatry specialist doctor Anne Kauppi says that the reasons for family killing are various.
Perheellä voi olla esimerkiksi raha- tai terveysongelmia.
In a family the reason can be, for example, money or family chaos.
Kaupin mielestä on tärkeää, että lapsiperheille annetaan apua ajoissa, esimerkiksi rahaa tai lastenhoitoapua.
Kauppi feels it is important that families with children get help in time, for example with money or child care.
Edited by cathrynm on 13 January 2012 at 10:40am
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| cathrynm Senior Member United States junglevision.co Joined 6199 days ago 910 posts - 1232 votes     Speaks: English* Studies: Japanese, Finnish
| Message 164 of 420 14 January 2012 at 2:43am | IP Logged |
Monien euromaiden luottoluokitus voi muuttua.
Many European country's credit rating may change.
uutistoimisto=news agencies
Uutistoimistot ovat kertoneet, että Standard & Poor's ehkä laskee joidenkin euromaiden luottoluokitusta.
News agences have said that Standard and Poor's may lower some of the European Coutry's credit ratings.
Standard & Poor's on yhdysvaltalainen luottoluokittaja.
Standard & Poors is America's credit rater.
Luottoluokitus vaikuttaa lainan korkoihin.
A credit rating impacts loan's interest rates.
Jos maan luottoluokitus laskee, sen täytyy maksaa lainoistaan suurempaa korkoa.
If a country's credit rating declines, they must pay large interst on loans.
Uutistoimistojen mukaan Standard & Poor's ehkä laskee esimerkiksi Ranskan luottoluokitusta.
According to the news agencies Standard and Poors may lower, for example, France's credit rating.
uskoa=to believe
Asiantuntijat uskovat, että esimerkiksi Saksan ja Suomen luottoluokitus ei laske.
Experts believe that, for example, the German and Finnish credit rating will not lower.
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| cathrynm Senior Member United States junglevision.co Joined 6199 days ago 910 posts - 1232 votes     Speaks: English* Studies: Japanese, Finnish
| Message 165 of 420 14 January 2012 at 2:48am | IP Logged |
Hmm, I haven't really tried hyperliteral. I feel like these selkouutiset news articles actually translate pretty directly. Maybe with more complex sentences this would be useful.
I should try hyperliteral translation of Japanese. With the longer sentences, it would come out truly bizarre.
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| Serpent Octoglot Senior Member Russian Federation serpent-849.livejour Joined 6671 days ago 9753 posts - 15779 votes     4 sounds Speaks: Russian*, English, FinnishC1, Latin, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese Studies: Danish, Romanian, Polish, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Croatian, Slovenian, Catalan, Czech, Galician, Dutch, Swedish
| Message 166 of 420 14 January 2012 at 3:16am | IP Logged |
otti kiinni is another fixed expression.
ummm tbh i wouldn't say most of these are direct translations. i'm always wondering whether it's because you're making sure this sounds good in English or there's also some confusion sometimes.
now that i think of it, an important benefit of hyperliteral vs literary translations is that you get used to understanding the meaning without needing to express it as a proper sentence in your L1. the next step will be understanding without any sort of translations :-)
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| cathrynm Senior Member United States junglevision.co Joined 6199 days ago 910 posts - 1232 votes     Speaks: English* Studies: Japanese, Finnish
| Message 167 of 420 14 January 2012 at 5:10am | IP Logged |
Oh yeah, thanks. This is on www.sanakirja.org/search.php?id=51541&l2=3
ottaa kiinni=catch/aprehend
I'm sure there's massive confusion on my part, due to the fact that I'm still beginner level in this language. I assume a hyper-literal would use some kind of notation or something.
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| cathrynm Senior Member United States junglevision.co Joined 6199 days ago 910 posts - 1232 votes     Speaks: English* Studies: Japanese, Finnish
| Message 168 of 420 14 January 2012 at 7:24am | IP Logged |
Presidenttiehdokkaat ovat väitelleet rasismista.
The presidential candidates have argued about racism.
tavata=meet (p pl)
Ehdokkaat tapasivat TV1:n vaalitentissä torstai-iltana.
Candidates met on TV1's election debate Thursday evening.
lukio=high school
Vaalitentti oli Järvenpään lukiossa, ja myös nuoret lukiolaiset esittivät kysymyksiä presidenttiehdokkaille.
The debate was at Järvenpää's high school, and also young highschool students submitted questions to the candidates.
puhuttiin=puhuttiin (pss past)
Vaalitentissä puhuttiin rasismista paljon.
In the election debates it was said that there was much racism.
mieli->mielta (ptv) (mind, spirit, point)
RKP:n presidenttiehdokas Eva Biaudet ja vasemmistoliiton presidenttiehdokas Paavo Arhinmäki olivat sitä mieltä, että perussuomalaisten täytyy sanoa eduskunnassa selvästi, että he eivät hyväksy rasismia.
RKP Presidential candidate Eva Biaudet and Leftist Union presidential candidate Paavo Arhinmaki were of the mind that the Foundation Finns must say in Parliament clearly that they don't like racism.
Myös SDP:n presidenttiehdokas Paavo Lipponen arvosteli perussuomalaisia.
Also SDP's persidential candidate Paavo Lipponen criticized Foundation Finns.
Perussuomalaisten presidenttiehdokas Timo Soini puolusti puoluettaan.
Foundation Finn's presidential candidate Timo Soini defended the party.
minkäänlainen=whatsoever, of any kind
Soini sanoi myös, että hän ei hyväksy minkäänlaista sortamista tai vihaa.
Soini said also that he does not like oppression of any kind or hate.
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