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 Message 289 of 420
18 October 2013 at 7:12am | IP Logged 
Oops, that link died. Oh well.

I've been watching these. These are mostly captioned, and not auto-captioned, but have proper Japanese captions. This is a big story on the white tanuki -- apparently this is good luck or something, I'm not really sure.

Edited by cathrynm on 18 October 2013 at 7:21am

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 Message 290 of 420
21 October 2013 at 1:13am | IP Logged

Someone recommended these pod casts.The recordings are good quality, and are well produced. Though, they're all very boozy and designed to make you want to drink alcohol.
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 Message 291 of 420
26 October 2013 at 5:54am | IP Logged 0001.html

I translated a bit of this news story...

最上段に続く階段の手前で有馬さんが立ち止 まった。「この先は入っちゃだめだ」。墓石 もなく草が茂るだけだ。「戦後、米軍兵士と 日本人の間に生まれた乳児たちが埋葬された 場所なんです」

At the top of the stairs, Mr. arima stops. "We must enter here." Where there are no grave markers, only the grass grows. "After the war, this was a place for burying infants born of Japanese and American military."

 根岸墓地に注目が集まったのは1985年 。隣接する市立仲尾台中学校の教諭だった田 村泰治さん(77)が歴史研究部の生徒と墓 誌を調べ、発表したのがきっかけだ。

The Nekishi(?) grave yard was first noticed in 1985. Taichi Tamura? (Ugh, the names are killer) a teacher of an adjoining junior high school and his students and their club had a chance to investigate an inscription.

 「夜中に米軍の車が来る音を聞いた」「明 け方に新聞紙にくるまれた乳児が置かれてい た」といった話が付近の住民に語り継がれて いた。

The towns people had passed down the following stories. "In the night the US Army trucks were heard." "In the morning an infant wrapped in newspaper was here."

 田村さんは調査の中で「自ら乳児を埋葬し た」という墓地の管理人から話を聞いた。山 手に捨てられた乳児を根岸まで運んだことや 、かすかに息がある乳児が見つかったことも あったらしい。有馬さんによると「育てられ ず申し訳なかった」と、乳児の親族が最近ま で花を手向けに来ていたという。

The grave keepers had said in Tanaka's research that naturally the infants were buried. And, that infants thrown away at Yamate were moved to Nekishi, and that there were some found who still were breathing faintly. Mr. Arima says that up until recently flowers and and offering saying that 'I was so sorry for not being able to raise you' had been brought here by relatives of some infants..

 墓地を管理する市によると、約1200人 のうち約800人が子ども。だが、外国人と 日本人の間の子や乳児が何人かを示す資料は ない。

According to the grave keepers, of about 1200 people buried, 800 are children, although there are no records indicating how many of born of Japanese and foreigners.
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 Message 292 of 420
05 November 2013 at 5:51am | IP Logged 
Well, I've put on some weight lately due to my new job -- and well, this just has to end. This company pays well, but it has catered food and all the free Diet Pepsi I can drink -- which is just too much. Really is there even any point to knowing Japanese if I'm fat, because every conversation will be about how fat I am?   So I've joined a gym and have been going out at least every few days for the last few weeks. I've also been dieting too. I've eliminated all the diet soft drinks and have switched to tea-- green and black both. I've lost weight like this before, I've pulled myself back together so I'm pretty confident I can do it, but I just have to do it, and that's a lot of work on top of everything else.   

It's all fine and good, I feel fine about it -- it's just work + Japanese (and the upcoming N2) + exercise is making me super-super crazy busy. I think this is almost worth maybe a topic. How do people manage language study and to not get fat.   It's all so sedentary.
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 Message 293 of 420
05 November 2013 at 6:34pm | IP Logged 
cathrynm wrote:
How do people manage language study and to not get fat.

This made me smile. (I've lurked your log for a while and have enjoyed reading about your progress. :-) )

My $0.02 - if I didn't bike to work, I would probably be a blob rolling around my office right now.
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 Message 294 of 420
06 November 2013 at 11:18am | IP Logged 
Are you able to translate that news bit without a dictionary? Good luck with the diet. I've
done it successfully and I hate it.
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 Message 295 of 420
06 November 2013 at 3:30pm | IP Logged 
It's hard to explain, but I know most, and with some fakery, and some dictionary I can do it. 乳児 -- like I'm pretty sure this is a baby, but I wasn't familiar with this word. And for 埋葬 I know 葬式 so I'm pretty sure it's something to do with funerals or being buried. I know enough Kanji, to kind of guess through these things from context.

On the whole weight issue -- you know, Japan is the superbowl of skinniness. However much weight I lose I'm never going to be 'Japan skinny' -- really, it's like medically scary at that level. Anyway, at least, if I'm thin enough, I start to look close to the Japanese born haafu. I've had this conversation at the meetups where I say I'm haafu and they loosen up a little bit. The thing is, though, like the first grammar mistake just blows then I'm back to 'jouzu jouzu' and all the other beginner conversation stuff.   

Anyway, a lot of this does come down to weight, I think if I'm smaller, Japanese people will talk to me more, and if I'm fat it's nothing but talk about why I'm so fat. You can't fight this.

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 Message 296 of 420
06 November 2013 at 9:10pm | IP Logged 
I've never had a conversation with a Japanese person about why I'm the size I am. But if it did come up I guess it would be a short conversation. I like food more than I like being thin!

Having said that I started exercising regularly last year, mainly through cycling to work, and although it hasn't made a massive difference to my weight (I've lost an average of 1lb a month) it has made a huge difference to the way I feel. I wouldn't have believed it until I experienced it. In general I'm less tired, more alert, sleep better, more stamina, more confidence, all of which help language learning and is well worth the 45 minutes or so a day I spend doing nothing but pedalling through the streets of my city.

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