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 Message 65 of 264
05 January 2013 at 2:04am | IP Logged 
Cześć Serpent,

great minds think alike ;). Próbowałam już parę godzin temu wysłać do Ciebie PM, ale niestety masz pełną skrzynkę (albo znowu są jakieś problemy z systemem PM). Dostałam Twoją wiadomość, ale nadal nie mogę nic wysłać do Ciebie. Podałabyś maila?

Swoją drogą, nie pytałam wcześniej, co robisz w Polsce :). Jesteś już pewne, że cały czas będziesz we Wrocławiu? Nie planujesz może wpaść na dzień do Poznania?
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 Message 66 of 264
05 January 2013 at 11:38am | IP Logged 
Będę też w Warszawie... ale nie w Poznaniu :S
mój mail jest na 7j (?) stronę ;)
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 Message 67 of 264
23 January 2013 at 3:19am | IP Logged 
Another MØN€¥ update:

1. HP 3 - 35 złoty
2. a Warsaw guidebook for football fans - about 20 złoty
3. a book about football - 27 złoty
4. A. Sapkowski - Żmija - 33 złoty
5. A. Sapkowski - Boży bojownicy - 45 złoty
+two football phrasebooks that don't really count
total: 160 złoty, ie about 38 €. not expecting to go to Poland again or order from there. (still need the two other books from Narrenturm, but hoping to maybe get them in German)

1. Johanna Sinisalo - Troll - 14.5 €
2. Moomins - 22 € (huge disappointment! This is just a comic book, will count as a half-book at most)
3. Remarque - Drei Kameraden - 480 roubles (for uni so I'd buy it regardless of the SC)
4. Patrick Süskind - Das Parfum - 638 roubles (I'VE WANTED TO READ IT IN German FOR LIKE FOREVER)
5. Joel Lehtonen - Verdorrte Apfelbäume - 14.9 €
6. Krimis für Kids - Die Verschwundene Trom - 6.70 £ not including the shipping
Total: 88.3 € (7 £/9 € + 51.5 € + 1118 roubles/27.8 €)

1. Paulo Coelho - O Alquimista - 14.9 €
2. Paulo Coelho - O Diário de um Mago - 14.9 €
3. Dan Brown - O Código da Vinci - 16.9 €
4. Jorge Amado - Capitães da areia - 69 roubles ie in between 2 $ and 2 € (published in Russia)
a cancelled order: HP 5, LOTR 3. about 20€ each plus 16 EUROS motherf**king shipping=54 €. Nope, not cancelled by me. IDK why it got cancelled:( Still looking to buy especially HP 5 to complete my collection) edit: probably cancelled because the total price was over 54€. got LOTR3 much cheaper in Italian :P
5. Harry Potter e a Ordem da Fénix - 24 £ (counting as about 30 € bc I didn't include the shipping)
total: about 80 €

1. Shamiakin - collected works - 17.000 BYR
2. Bychkouski - Anamalia (a fantasy story) - 39.000 BYR
3. Zarecki - 27.000 BYR
total: about 82.000 BYR, ie about 8€, which is a more significant sum in Belarus than in Europe obviously

1. Machiavelli - Il Principe - 80 roubles (published in Russia)
2. Amor di Roma short stories about Rome - 600 roubles
3. Che storia! about the history of Italy - 720 roubles
4. Beppe Severgnini - L'italiano: Lezioni semiserie - 690 roubles
5. Gramática Italiana para estudiantes de habla española (almost entirely in Italian) - 600 roubles
6. Il ritorno del re - 8.42 €
7. Materazzi - Che cosa ho detto veramente a Zidane - 4.50 €
8. Fiorentina da impazzire! - 6.72 €
Total: 86.64 € (including 2690 roubles/67 €)

I'm also starting a separate list for Obscene Shipping Fees. I don't bother counting the 3-4 € ones though they can add up.
1. - 7.10 £ ie let's say 8.49 €. that's muuuch better than what the Portuguese store offered so I bought HP5 from there, and I also got a German book. but still...gah.
2. - Seeing il mio IBS is bad enough as it feels jinxy (I don't have IBS, fortunately :D), but the prices.. ohhhh. so far I've ordered from them together with a friend, so that we shared the base fee of 11.90 € (WTF), to which 20% the price is added. So, she paid me 15.70 € for the book that costs 6.75 €. the total shipping price was fuсking 20.46 € - and you're not allowed to make it too cost-efficient because the orders sent to Russia can't exceed the price of 50€, INCLUDING the shipping. damn FedEx. So anyway, this time I got away with paying "only" 11.51 € for three books (LOTR3, Materazzi, Fiorentina's history). But Italian books are so cheap themselves that I now have THREE more pending orders from them. all 49.something €. all for myself only. oops. If I don't complete the Super Challenge in Italian I may as well kill myself. But the good news is that the orders include some "soap opera fantasy" which should help.

To balance out:

GIFTS&Free stuff
-Two books in Swiss German from dad (bought in Switzerland)
-Three books in Portuguese from espejismo who also got them for free

I also get paid for reading spam (although the employer would prefer if I only read as much as needed and not entire messages in interesting languages (even so called Nigerian spam).

Whether you're still with me or just scrolled past, now you get to see a pic of my Harry Potter collection! 7 books, 7 languages!

do click the link! :P

the same books in Russian in the background - wrong order, though. note the GORGEOUS black pages of the Danish one. I had to separate many pages manually and God, I loved the process.

the languages are, top to bottom:


Edited by Serpent on 23 January 2013 at 3:50am

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Russian Federation
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 Message 68 of 264
23 January 2013 at 3:57am | IP Logged 
randomly counted that the sum for an order that costs exactly 50 € with the shipping would be 31.75 €. challenge accepted for later.... lol. I think one day I'll buy the Song of Ice and Fire -books from them. I plan to read them when the last book comes out. Checked out a random book in the hotel's recreation zone in Poland (in Italian, yes) and really liked both what I read and the translation. And books from Italy are

Edited by Serpent on 23 January 2013 at 3:59am

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 Message 69 of 264
23 January 2013 at 4:40am | IP Logged 
So how much were the Danish/Swedish HP books? I was just checking out some Scandinavian book sellers online
and the price were mind-bogglingly high. Prices off the shelf here in the US for Scandinavian HP (if you can find it)
seem to reflect that as well.

Dutch books seem to be expensive still, but much more reasonable...but shipping to the US from is €
17,35, so I just keep getting stupid ePubs instead. I did stumble across a used Dutch bestseller in the basement of
a bookstore near Harvard the other day for US$9 and was relatively pleased with that. It's a shame I don't
understand Hungarian or Turkish, because then I would have been REALLY excited about some of the other things
they had there (and there was even some sort of fantasy book in Finnish)...
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 Message 70 of 264
23 January 2013 at 4:57am | IP Logged 
Serpent wrote:
I think one day I'll buy the Song of Ice and Fire -books from them. I plan to read them when the
last book comes out.

I know people who are of the opinion that George Martin will die of old age before he finishes the series, and I
think they have a point...
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 Message 71 of 264
23 January 2013 at 8:13am | IP Logged 
That's such a great photo, Serpent!
geoffw wrote:
Serpent wrote:
I think one day I'll buy the Song of Ice and Fire -books from them. I plan to read them when the last book comes out.

I know people who are of the opinion that George Martin will die of old age before he finishes the series, and I think they have a point...

Never say die. In the meanwhile, let us entertain ourselves with this somewhat related Youtube video.

I almost feel guilty about ordering stuff on Adlibris. I think I paid just a smidge over 10 euros for my Harry Potter og Fønixordenen and shipping is free. Swedish paperbacks (though not the HP books) are generally only 5 euros, making it the cheapest language for me to read in.
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 Message 72 of 264
23 January 2013 at 8:33am | IP Logged 
Thanks for sharing that video clip! :D

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