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Serpent’s cyclic log: César, Sleipnir,adv

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Senior Member
Russian Federation
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Speaks: Russian*, English, FinnishC1, Latin, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Studies: Danish, Romanian, Polish, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Croatian, Slovenian, Catalan, Czech, Galician, Dutch, Swedish

 Message 57 of 264
06 November 2012 at 12:47am | IP Logged 
I did my Describe a good day -challenge myself :D

I'm starting a new job tomorrow, at Kaspersky Lab no less, and I'll be happy if from now on I won't ever be without a job until it's time to retire, so today felt like those girls-only parties before a wedding :D also called a hen party I think?

Anyway, here are my notes starting from midnight yesterday, some written on the go and some afterwards. The detailed log is here, read it from the bottom.

Midnight. I was watching Steaua-Dinamo, the Romanian Eternul derby! One of the best matches in the league, and it was a fantastic derby! I'm pleased to say my Romanian comprehension is on par with my Portuguese. It just takes time and input, I started listening to Romanian regularly at about the same time.

Speaking of Portuguese, I'm working on my understanding of the Brazilian variety. I was planning to watch a match of Internacional, but I found out only shortly before the match that Forlán was suspended. I also had an annoying SC "half-film" that I wanted to just attach to another half-film. So for an hour I watched what was left of Peñarol's match, read stuff online, used Pottermore... I also went to Vkontakte although most stuff there is in Russian..but I use the site in Polish. Used to, anyway. Switched to Belarusian now:)

I watched most of Internacional's second half. That's already 1.5 super challenge items by 4am!

Earlier at Pottermore, I accidentally ended up on the Spanish version of the site, and I realized I had never dueled in Spanish so I had to try:) LMAO Spanish and duel, this sounds like Don Quijote... Anyway, obviously not the best way to spend an hour learning Spanish, but much better than nothing :)

Then I got hungry and of course I was thinking in a foreign language (Finnish) while I was in the kitchen. I listened to some Belarusian legends while eating and then tried to sleep...

...And it was 13h before my next tweet! :D I didn't sleep THAT much, getting some fanfiction ideas and writing them down, browsing net and twitter etc. Everything in foreign languages apart from some (admittedly obsessive) refreshing of a certain Yandex.News search.

The lazy afternoon continued a few hours longer than I'd maybe have preferred... but it was nice the way it was.

I also finally got some Belarusian minutes under my belt by watching 20 mins of The Butterfly Effect (Эфэкт матыля). I was gonna watch the whole movie but it turned out tougher than I thought (not in terms of language), so I'll continue later.

In the evening I went to extend my season ticket, and naturally I was listening to music all the time. I had the song Hechicera stuck in my head after completing plenty of hechizos at Pottermore, but I don't have it on my iPod so I listened to other stuff I normally play on lyricstraining, namely Heroes del Silencio. It was quite dark and there were no distractions, so I was 100% concentrated on the songs. So concentrated that it was one of the moments when I could've given myself 150% of the time. but I don't do that of course. I mean seriously, listening with a full concentration should count as more than reading a textbook which isn't entirely in the target language. You can easily read about grammar for an hour and see only some 15 TL sentences. /ramble

So I came home, used the net in Italian a bit (including Pottermore) and then I was going to FINALLY finish reading the da Vinci Code in Portuguese - I stopped when the detective part was over. I didn't have the time though - the football started. Finally Danish football in Danish!!! Recently there have been more and more English streams:( Seemingly with some AMATEURS doing an English voiceover! I've not had enough contact with Danish recently, and I was happy to realize that it sounded more clear. And more similar to Norwegian than it previously did.

I read some more at half-time and already after midnight I finally finished reading.

Now I'm going to take a shower and wash my hair. I love taking my time in the shower so I'll be thinking in foreign languages all the time.

Edited by Serpent on 06 November 2012 at 1:42am

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Senior Member
Russian Federation
Joined 6684 days ago

9753 posts - 15779 votes 
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Speaks: Russian*, English, FinnishC1, Latin, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Studies: Danish, Romanian, Polish, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Croatian, Slovenian, Catalan, Czech, Galician, Dutch, Swedish

 Message 58 of 264
06 November 2012 at 1:19am | IP Logged 
Oh and we had Monday off in Russia. Also, I'm now in my least energetic time of the month so it was a good day for this time.
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United States
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 Message 59 of 264
06 November 2012 at 1:25am | IP Logged 
I want a day off with no children, no work, and all languages. =)
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Senior Member
Russian Federation
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 Message 60 of 264
07 November 2012 at 1:51am | IP Logged 
Serpent wrote:

I'm starting a new job tomorrow, at Kaspersky Lab no less, and I'll be happy if from now on I won't ever be without a job until it's time to retire, so today felt like those girls-only parties before a wedding :D also called a hen party I think?

In my neck of the woods, I often hear the term "bachelorette party."
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Senior Member
Russian Federation
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9753 posts - 15779 votes 
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Speaks: Russian*, English, FinnishC1, Latin, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Studies: Danish, Romanian, Polish, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Croatian, Slovenian, Catalan, Czech, Galician, Dutch, Swedish

 Message 61 of 264
07 November 2012 at 2:20am | IP Logged 
It's not exactly the job I told you about when we met, spam analysis rather than content analysis. A bit less useful for my language skills maybe...
Sorry I still haven't sent you the pics btw!!! I honestly still haven't plugged in my cam to my laptop ever since:D
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Senior Member
Russian Federation
Joined 6684 days ago

9753 posts - 15779 votes 
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Speaks: Russian*, English, FinnishC1, Latin, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Studies: Danish, Romanian, Polish, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Croatian, Slovenian, Catalan, Czech, Galician, Dutch, Swedish

 Message 62 of 264
23 December 2012 at 11:03pm | IP Logged 
Hahaha I love the new title of my log!
Merry Christmas everyone.
I've remembered that I'm doing TAC not just the Super Challenge, so I've been doing some Finnish too♥ Mostly because I haven't yet reached my fairly small goal of 19 books on goodreads.
OMG I've been such a bitch during the active phase. Sorry :P I still stand by most of what I said but most of it could've been said more nicely.
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Speaks: Polish*, EnglishB2, GermanC2, SpanishB2, Dutch, Swedish, French

 Message 63 of 264
30 December 2012 at 7:15pm | IP Logged 
It is a nice title indeed! Too late for Christmas wishes, but all the best for the New Year 2013, and for our TAC together :).
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Solfrid Cristin
Winner TAC 2011 & 2012
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Speaks: Norwegian*, Spanish, Swedish, French, English, German, Italian
Studies: Russian

 Message 64 of 264
30 December 2012 at 8:01pm | IP Logged 
Serpent wrote:
Hahaha I love the new title of my log!
Merry Christmas everyone.
I've remembered that I'm doing TAC not just the Super Challenge, so I've been doing some Finnish too♥
Mostly because I haven't yet reached my fairly small goal of 19 books on goodreads.
OMG I've been such a bitch during the active phase. Sorry :P I still stand by most of what I said but most of it
could've been said more nicely.

The good thing about friends is that they love you when you are a bitch too, and not only when you are a
kitty. Have a great year!

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