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Serpent’s cyclic log: César, Sleipnir,adv

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 Message 177 of 264
23 May 2014 at 12:50pm | IP Logged t-saves-boy-from-dog-attack-

You can also search on youtube for "cat attacks dog"

Edited by Gemuse on 23 May 2014 at 12:51pm

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 Message 178 of 264
05 June 2014 at 3:03am | IP Logged 
I didn't know where to ask so I thought I'd post here...
I'm watching football and at one point I found a stream in a beautiful language. At the half-time break I finally saw some written text that appears to be Arabic????? But this sounded completely different from Arabic :O The only specific thing I can point out is that Barcelona was pronounced with a sh. forvo and wiktionary confirm that it's indeed so in Arabic, although I can't figure out whether it's different in Urdu or Persian.
I took a couple of screenshots: 1, 2. Can anyone confirm whether that's even Arabic, and are there any clues about a specific country?
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 Message 179 of 264
08 August 2014 at 1:58am | IP Logged 
Serpent wrote:
More Dialang scores:
Spanish 351
Swedish 92 :D

Less than 4 months later

placement test 509, 534, 483
writing B2
listening, vocabulary, grammar, reading B1

I've also done a coursera class and written an essay for it (agonizingly close to finishing "with distinction", 83.5% vs 85%). I think I'm not that far from "basic fluency" and will probably reach it in Spanish sooner than in Italian.

Edited by Serpent on 08 August 2014 at 2:14am

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Bilingual Triglot
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 Message 180 of 264
08 August 2014 at 2:26am | IP Logged 
I tried the same coursera course - but I abandoned it about 20 minutes into the first round of videos. I really wanted
to love it, but I just didn't connect to it at all! Maybe I should have given it a bit more time... Did you end up
enjoying the course? I really do plan on trying another coursera course in Spanish someday.
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 Message 181 of 264
08 August 2014 at 2:44am | IP Logged 
Yes, I loved it! The materials are still available, btw. I think the final week was the best, really. Next summer they are planning to make it a 7-week course with more materials.
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Bilingual Triglot
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 Message 182 of 264
08 August 2014 at 3:08am | IP Logged 
Maybe I'll have to take another look!

I have my eye on the Egyptology course starting in October:

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 Message 183 of 264
09 August 2014 at 1:46am | IP Logged 
Yes, seen this one :-)))

I'm now doing the one about learning how to learn, and it seems like fun, though I don't expect to come across all that many new things. I'll be jotting them down here for now, and hopefully start a couple of threads when I have enough material.

For now the most important point is the difference between diffuse and focused thinking. To some extent it corresponds to global and sequential learning, but this is an important reminder that a successful learner needs both kinds of thinking. It starts with the assumption that everyone is more used to focused thinking, but sometimes it can turn into banging your head against the wall. Some good ways to switch to diffuse thinking are taking a walk, having a shower, exercising. Or the thing with sitting in an armchair with something in your hand, so that eventually you dropped it. Salvador Dalí style.

The male professor spoke of how the "reflective time" in the evening is great for diffuse thinking. Interesting how it's already the second time I've seen such a description by a male. For females the period is the time when it comes naturally, although of course it shouldn't be limited to that time of the month.
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 Message 184 of 264
09 August 2014 at 7:38pm | IP Logged 
Just saving here my super challenge sentences

Language: Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Grammar point: subjunctive and conditional
Why: because before this challenge I didn't even realize that Italian has a conditional mood, although I've picked some of it naturally. And because in Russian we basically have a single particle for both
How many sentences: at least 10 per language, possibly more in Italian
Grammar explanation: I got some nice answers here, will see if I can write my own summary

Language: Finnish
Grammar point: descriptive two-verb structures
Why: because I can't even come up with an example right now, and I never use them
How many sentences: 10
Grammar explanation: the first verb stays in the infinitive, the second one is conjugated

For now here are some Romance sentences. The Portuguese ones are all from "Idioma é música", the first two Italian sentences are from "Luna rossa" by Miranda Gray, the last one is from "Che storia!", a book about the history of Italy.

1. Meu professor da 6a série achava que eu não estava pronta para línguas estrangeiras e assinou um documento afirmando que não seria permitido que eu fizesse língua estrangeira na 7a série. (WTF?)
2. O guia fácil de Susanna Zaraysky para a aprendizagem de idiomas é indispensável para qualquer estudante sério que queira tornar-se fluente em outro idioma.
3. Isso permite que o cérebro extraia e aprenda os padrões típicos do idioma alvo, que são elementos constitutivos fundamentais para a rápida aquisição de novos vocábulos.
4. Ou seja, se em vez de ouvir o português de Açores eu tivesse ouvido o português falado com um sotaque forte dos Estados Unidos, com o "r" fraco e sem vogais nasais, eu falaria português com sotaque muito americano.
5.Pode ser que saibamos muito bem os nossos temas e que estejamos muito preparados, mas se o nosso sotaque não é visto com seriedade podemos perder o respeito dos nossos colegas.
6. Não tente entender as palavras, apenas ouça-as.
7. Dê-se o tempo para simplesmente ouvir e não fazer mais nada.
1. Nella fase dell'Incantatrice le energie creative che, se l'ovulo fosse stato fecondato, sarebbero state indirizzate nel formare un bambino, vengono rilasciate per creare nel mondo.
2. Potrete sentire il bisogno di cibi semplici, come verdura, cereali e frutta, piuttosto che cibi raffinati o elaborati. EDIT: that's just the future tense though. Arghhh it's so similar :(
3. Molti credono che il Medioevo sia un tempo buio, in cui i popoli europei erano poveri, ignoranti e male organizzati.

Also, the book makes me want to practise the Portuguese and Polish nasal vowels. Does anyone who happens to read this know any tongue twisters?

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