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 Message 201 of 264
19 December 2014 at 10:23pm | IP Logged 
Serpent, from what I see on twitter, and, your posts here, I'd say you are definitely at basic fluency for español. You are also managing to keep Portuguese and Spanish separate- trust me, no es fácil.

Edited by iguanamon on 19 December 2014 at 10:23pm

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 Message 202 of 264
20 December 2014 at 2:07am | IP Logged 
Serpent wrote:
And for the first time I felt like I could maybe list Spanish as basic fluency. Need to think some more of this...

Congratulations!! (regardless of weather or not you're approaching or have passed through the threshold), 3 Romance languages now, that's awesome!
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 Message 203 of 264
22 December 2014 at 6:05am | IP Logged 
Thank you for the nice words and the confidence boost :)))

Well, Latin is a special case, and I certainly can't participate in forum discussions about sexism in it ;D It also technically doesn't count as Romance but Italic :)

In other news, Radioclare posted the link to this Croatian test and I got 46/60, which is supposedly B2. Of course I'm not B2, but a random Russian wouldn't get anywhere near 46 with guesswork either :-)

Speaking of that, I'm incredibly grateful to Cristina for removing the books-only super challenge option. Although I did sign up for the half-challenge, I'm not sure I was honestly expecting to complete more than one star. But I already have it, and I'm on my way to the second one. I did get a bit lucky with a site airing matches in Croatian, but I also checked it much more often especially in the beginning of the challenge. I also discovered a Montenegrin series via a footballer's instagram, and I think I'm going to watch that :)))

I'm very much behind on reading, but right now it feels like a lower priority. Should be better when I catch up with my MOOC's and tadoku starts :)
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 Message 204 of 264
22 December 2014 at 6:41am | IP Logged 
For the SC mini-challenge: Finnish slang words of Swedish origin

In summer I actually bought a slang dictionary mostly to look for this kind of words. And one of my reasons to learn Swedish is also to understand Finnish slang better (and maybe eventually coin my own Swedish-based slang words :D)

1) byysat, bögät 'trousers' - from byxa (pl. byxor)
standard Finnish pöksyt from the same root

2) darra - 'to tremble', 'to shiver' in Swedish, 'hangover' in Finnish
when I first saw it, it clearly had something to do with feeling unwell so I thought it means diarrhea, haha

3) knööli 'pimple' - from knöl
the example was "knööli klyyvarissa", ie a pimple on the nose. klyyvari is also from Swedish, but it was originally loaned to mean the jib of a ship. Russian has клюв btw, ie beak. probably all related

4) lempata 'leave', 'get rid of' - from lämna

5) traba 'stairs' - from trappa
standard Finnish raput, can't find a confirmation but seems to be another doublet
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 Message 205 of 264
27 December 2014 at 5:33am | IP Logged 
I posted this in another thread:
Does anyone read/listen in the shower? Any tips? Waterproof gadgets are too expensive (at least given that I didn't think of that when getting them), so I've been looking at various transparent folders... but I'm scared of damaging my books :P
I've also thought of leaving my phone somewhere in a safe area, with music on.

This is my small but specific goal for 2015. I'll be recording it here. I've already tested the most basic solutions I had, namely music on the phone and a sheet of paper in a regular folder.

Music was fantastic. I was worried about bothering my parents in the middle of the night, but they didn't notice anything. At one point I decreased the sound a little and regretted it immediately. If you use speakers rather than waterproof earphones, it *should* border on too loud, otherwise you won't hear anything with the water on.

Reading was obviously harder. With a regular A4 folder, I recommend only using materials that you won't regret throwing away. The unprotected area should be at the bottom to minimize the damage. In my case, everything remained readable. I've been looking at various transparent folders online after that - these should make it easier to read proper stuff. I think until I've developed a routine, I'll be taking pics of the pages I'll be trying to read, and the ones on the reverse side. This time I had two A4 sheets, printed on both sides, but I had already read one of the pages. I placed the two consecutive pages facing the opposite sides of the folder, and this was no big deal. Turning over to get to the last page was more awkward, as you can imagine. But even the pages that I didn't mind damaging stayed 100% readable, with no single spot.

The folder does have some spots from my soapy hands. I've now washed it with lots of water, which might have been a mistake. I guess wet wipes would've been better.

Why am I doing this and documenting in so much detail? Well first of all because I'm greedy and I want more language learning time (and if/when I find a job in 2015, I'll need this time too). But also, afaiu it's scientifically proven that if we learn too much in the same place, our memory will be tied to it and it might be harder to recall the material in a different environment. So learning in a variety of locations is a great idea, and the sheer weirdness/contrast can help. Now, I totally understand if it's not your cup of tea, but if anyone's hesitant, I hope the details can be encouraging.

I'm also beginning to think that learning to deal with a less than perfect quality/conditions is important, especially if you're relying on input as much as I do. As you strain your eyes or ears (not too much :)) especially the eyes!), your brain will try to help you by offering whatever words that might fit. At least I've noticed this effect even in my first session.

Warning: you can't learn a language *only* by reading in the shower for 5 mins a day (or even 10-15 mins). This should be obvious but just in case ;D

Edited by Serpent on 11 June 2016 at 3:31pm

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Via Diva
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 Message 206 of 264
27 December 2014 at 5:57am | IP Logged 
Well I am not that greedy to read in the bathroom, but music is a must have, and surely only at highest volume
possible. Same here, my mother can't hear a thing (luckily there's a separating room, hence two doors).
Sad thing is that it doesn't work with audiobooks, at least for me.
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 Message 207 of 264
27 December 2014 at 6:14am | IP Logged 
Yeah, I wouldn't use audiobooks, apart from when I'm doing epilation/depilation or taking an actual bath.
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 Message 208 of 264
27 December 2014 at 11:16pm | IP Logged 
So what was I planning to get done in 2014, apart from my diploma paper?

-Work on my medical vocabulary, especially in Italian and German for which I already have the materials
not really
-Get a "medical Latin" textbook. Work on some "tourist Latin" too if I find some resources.
found out which textbook to get
-a big book about calcio
reading it very slowly
-books about my favourite teams Benfica and Fiorentina
read the one about Benfica after Eusébio died
-reread The Master and Margaret, in 2014 it'll be 13 years since I read it ;) Also Dog's Heart
-get more exposure to Italian audio with female voices
-reread Ennen päivänlaskua ei voi. Or more like Der Troll
-read the Belarusian translation of Yhdeksän miehen saappaat
-a few books in Spanish
one complete book and one incomplete.
-a few books in Croatian
-go through all Assimil courses I have for my non-fluent languages
abandoned the idea
-watch A Very Potter Musical (in English)
not yet
-read the HP analysis that friend sent me (also English)
exactly halfway through
-coursera stuff like the history of rock and about computers as well
medical courses instead, on coursera and miríada x. mostly in Spanish. also representations of sexuality and developing the creativity.
-Ilya Frank method books in Romanian and Dutch
read one in Czech, started in Romanian
-watch Thor
not yet but there's very little football on so maybe soon?
-start learning the Devanagari script
-reach 50 consecutive days in the consistency thread
the thread lost its popularity and i myself became more enthusiastic about the consistency badge in the SC

Edited by Serpent on 27 December 2014 at 11:16pm

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