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Serpent’s cyclic log: César, Sleipnir,adv

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Solfrid Cristin
Winner TAC 2011 & 2012
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Studies: Russian

 Message 209 of 264
27 December 2014 at 11:28pm | IP Logged 
Serpent wrote:
Thank you for the nice words and the confidence boost :)))

Well, Latin is a special case, and I certainly can't participate in forum discussions about sexism in it ;D It also
technically doesn't count as Romance but Italic :)

In other news, Radioclare posted the link to this Croatian
and I got 46/60, which is supposedly B2. Of course I'm not B2, but a random Russian wouldn't get
anywhere near 46 with guesswork either :-)

Speaking of that, I'm incredibly grateful to Cristina for removing the books-only super challenge option.
Although I did sign up for the half-challenge, I'm not sure I was honestly expecting to complete more than one
star. But I already have it, and I'm on my way to the second one. I did get a bit lucky with a site airing
matches in Croatian, but I also checked it much more often especially in the beginning of the challenge.
I also discovered a Montenegrin series via a footballer's
, and I think I'm going to watch that :)))

I'm very much behind on reading, but right now it feels like a lower priority. Should be better when I catch up
with my MOOC's and tadoku starts :)

Always happy to help :-) And you are definitely at basic fluency in Spanish
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United Kingdom
Joined 4670 days ago

689 posts - 1119 votes 
Speaks: English*, German, Esperanto
Studies: Croatian, Serbian, Macedonian

 Message 210 of 264
28 December 2014 at 12:29am | IP Logged 
Serpent wrote:
In other news, Radioclare posted the link to
this Croatian test and I got 46/60,
which is supposedly B2. Of course I'm not B2, but a random Russian wouldn't get anywhere
near 46 with guesswork either :-)

Oh cool, I only just saw this! Well done :) I think it is definitely a bit generous with
its ranking system - it told me I was C1 and all I could think was "If only!" It might be
a good way to measure improvement though; I'm going to take it again at the end of 2015
if I remember and see if I can get it to tell me that I've reached C2 :D
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Virgin Islands
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 Message 211 of 264
28 December 2014 at 12:45am | IP Logged 
SolfridCristin wrote:
...And you are definitely at basic fluency in Spanish

I've been seconded. She may be waiting for confirmation from Real Madrid :) Don't make me put you on a conference call with Luka Modric and James Rodriguez! I can't deal with coordinating time zones across half the world.

Edited by iguanamon on 28 December 2014 at 1:24am

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Russian Federation
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Speaks: Russian*, English, FinnishC1, Latin, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Studies: Danish, Romanian, Polish, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Croatian, Slovenian, Catalan, Czech, Galician, Dutch, Swedish

 Message 212 of 264
28 December 2014 at 1:43am | IP Logged 
Haha :D Okay, done, so that I could practise Croatian with Luka instead of Spanish :D
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Senior Member
Russian Federation
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Studies: Danish, Romanian, Polish, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Croatian, Slovenian, Catalan, Czech, Galician, Dutch, Swedish

 Message 213 of 264
28 December 2014 at 1:50am | IP Logged 
Radioclare wrote:
Serpent wrote:
In other news, Radioclare posted the link to
this Croatian test and I got 46/60,
which is supposedly B2. Of course I'm not B2, but a random Russian wouldn't get anywhere
near 46 with guesswork either :-)

Oh cool, I only just saw this! Well done :) I think it is definitely a bit generous with
its ranking system - it told me I was C1 and all I could think was "If only!" It might be
a good way to measure improvement though; I'm going to take it again at the end of 2015
if I remember and see if I can get it to tell me that I've reached C2 :D

Well, I think the main issue is the multiple-choice format. I'd not be able to write almost any sentence where I correctly inserted the missing word. I think your productive skills are much better :)
Also, language schools tend to base the levels on grammar, although really you should know most of it at B1-B2. The division is kinda artificial.
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Senior Member
Russian Federation
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Speaks: Russian*, English, FinnishC1, Latin, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Studies: Danish, Romanian, Polish, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Croatian, Slovenian, Catalan, Czech, Galician, Dutch, Swedish

 Message 214 of 264
28 December 2014 at 3:29am | IP Logged 
Thanks for the feedback, Cristina ♥ It's definitely more convincing to hear from someone who's actually spoken Spanish with me ;)

Ironically, today I read some more of "Breaking out of beginner's Spanish". (it's not as beginner-level as it sounds!!! highly recommended!)
I also lost my Super Challenge streak although I did watch some videos on Miríada X last week.

My Spanish profile lists pretty much all the steps I've taken to learn Spanish, but I thought I'd list the few books I've read so far:
-Diego Forlán's biography. I think I started it in Finland in July 2011. I was relying purely on my Portuguese and it was hard. I finished reading it during the January 2012 Tadoku, with a much better comprehension by the end.
-Two years later (Jan 2014) I signed up for a Tadoku with Finnish and Spanish again, out of nostalgy. I was missing them after the first Super Challenge (where I didn't do them)... But I realized that I didn't have anything I truly wanted to read in Spanish! This has been fixed ever since, but back then I just went through the public domain books I had on my e-reader, and I chose "El idilio de un enfermo". Nice old book.
-I'm still reading Paulo Coelho's "Valquirias" but I expect to be done soon. Right now I'm on page 159 out of 219. I've been reading this book in bursts, cruising to the next "book-item" (50 pages) and then taking a break. Hoping to read it before the year ends.
-I've also been reading a collection of Latin American fantasy stories, and I've read about one SC item by now.

Of course, without my Portuguese (and Latin, and Italian) I would've needed much more reading to be anywhere near my current level.
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Senior Member
Russian Federation
Joined 6684 days ago

9753 posts - 15779 votes 
4 sounds
Speaks: Russian*, English, FinnishC1, Latin, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Studies: Danish, Romanian, Polish, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Croatian, Slovenian, Catalan, Czech, Galician, Dutch, Swedish

 Message 215 of 264
28 December 2014 at 4:05am | IP Logged 
I also feel like Spanish is where I've really grown as a language learner. I was filling my steps and chose "very efficient" for everything. I've known what I was doing. Hopefully I still do :D

For the record, I started watching football in Spanish in early 2009. I honestly tried to support Barcelona, no kidding :D I also started Italian around the same time (I even have an official starting date - April 6). Until 2012 I just kept absorbing it through football (as I mentioned above, I started reading my first book in July 2011). Before Euro-2012 I decided that I would do a 6WC in the language of the country that wins (unless it's England, France... or Russia :D). And Spain won. I watched Destinos and did random other stuff. A few months later I got a job where I would process the spam, and I did way more Spanish and Portuguese than I was expected to. Well, it was actually an internship, and it lasted until the autumn of 2013. So these were the key moments of my Spanish learning prior to 2014.

Edited by Serpent on 28 December 2014 at 4:09am

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Senior Member
Joined 4646 days ago

298 posts - 470 votes 
Speaks: Finnish*, English, German, Swedish
Studies: Danish

 Message 216 of 264
10 January 2015 at 5:45pm | IP Logged 
(I thought about writing this in Finnish but decided on English instead, in case someone else happened to be interested. As a sidenote, it would be cool to speak Finnish with you sometime. I don't think I've ever had the pleasure.)

You mentioned in a recent post of yours (don't remember which thread this was) that you've been trying to make use of Swedish loanwords in your studies, but that you simply haven't come across very many. That got me thinking and so I spent about 30 minutes trying to come up with as many as I could.

I'm not sure if this is useful or not, but since I already put in the time, I might as well share the fruits of my labor. I also added the English equivalents to the best of my ability. Note that in many cases the Finnish and Swedish meanings differ somewhat---this list mainly just demonstrates the connections between the words.

I'd say there are two main reasons why these don't give a Finnish speaking Swedish learner a huge vocabulary discount: 1. a lot of them are words that Swedish shares with English, or 2. that are low-frequency and not very relevant for most learners. Calques tend to be much more useful, though in a more roundabout way.

Anywhoo, the list:

Home & hygiene

kam - comb - kampa
lakan - bedsheet - lakana
tyyny - dyna - pillow/cushion
såpa - soap - saippua
säng - bed - sänky
bänk - bench - penkki
handske - glove - hanska
hatt - hat - hattu
ugn - oven - uuni
skåp - closet/cabinet - kaappi

Society, institutions, etc.

kyrka - church - kirkko
armé - army / military - armeija
val - election - vaali
hov - (royal) court - hovi
kung - king - kuningas
prins - prince - prinssi
prinsessa - princess - prinsessa
bank - bank - pankki
torn - tower - torni
vagn - wagon - vaunu
kassa - cash register - kassa
rat - council - raati
mur - wall - muuri
kammare - chamber - kamari/kammari

Machines, technology and related verbs

gevär - rifle - kivääri
sikta - aim, sight - sihdata
veva - turn a crank, weave - veivata
backa - back up - pakittaa
last - load - lasti
pumpa - pump - pumppu
karta - map - kartta
ball - ball - pallo
hiss - elevator - hissi
paket - package - paketti
raket - rocket - raketti
mast - mast - masto


kasse - bag - kassi
hyvel - plane - höylä
skovel - shovel - (lumi)kola
käpp - stick - keppi
dreng - boy/farmhand - renki
karg - barren/desolate - karu
vika - fold - viikata
kruka - pot - ruukku
korp - raven - korppi
tycka - like - tykätä
fånge - captive/inmate - vanki
ruta - screen - ruutu
krut - gunpowder - ruuti
skarp - sharp, quick-witted - skarppi
lykta - lantern - lyhty
riddare - knight - ritari
sand - sand - santa
strand - beach/shore - ranta
ladugård - barn - lato
nalle - bear - nalle
knall - bang / cap (as in cap gun) - nalli
skärm - screen - sermi
skorpa - cracker - korppu
bok - beech - pyökki
pamp - magnate, a highly placed person - pamppu
krapula - hangover - krapula
mormor - grandmother - mummo
farfar - grandfather - vaari
stor - big, great - suuri
skur - spell (of rain) - (sade)kuuro
offer - victim/sacrifice - uhri
hushåll - household - huusholli
dans - dance - tanssi
frakt - freight, shipping - rahti
takt - pace - tahti
jakt - hunt, chase - jahti
makt - power - mahti
våld - violence / power - valta
vakt - watch - vahti
fara - danger - vaara
helvete - hell - helvetti
kapa - hijack - kaapata

Edited by sans-serif on 10 January 2015 at 6:37pm

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