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Serpent’s cyclic log: César, Sleipnir,adv

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 Message 193 of 264
11 September 2014 at 2:14pm | IP Logged 
I know that it's the Norwegian spelling :)
Thanks for the extra examples!
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 Message 194 of 264
22 September 2014 at 3:38pm | IP Logged 
J vs P in mbti
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 Message 195 of 264
25 September 2014 at 5:24pm | IP Logged 
ok so I'm doing the tests that everyone and their mother has already done. this post will be my live reactions so to say :D

Russian - the randomization fails with cyrillics, boring. 30/30 on the easiest test

curriculum and spokesman in the first 2000? "lacking distinction" and having to choose from "welcome, dominant fellow, overseas mean extraordinary"?
velocity in the top-5000?
monopoly, guild and propaganda have little to do with one's English knowledge.
are you sure you're testing the right meaning of bold? i only know this one because of Gryffindor
results: 30/30, 29/30, 28/30, 30/30, 30/30.
i struggled with "management or supply of money" because i didn't notice finance on the list oops lol
i also wondered whether to turn was "wind" or "render"

boneco de neve as a test for whether you know boneco???
productive test results: 14/18, 11/18, 12/18, 7/18, 10/18

fails in the passive test - orçamento 'budget', feição 'face expression(?)', isento 'exempt', cru 'raw', exigente 'exigent' (didn't truly know in English either), desprezo 'ausência de consideração?', auge 'height, peak', lazer* 'leisure', suscitar 'provocar aparecimento'
*present in a definition. the word in question was diversão and i knew it but didn't pick

unsure about (but still picked correctly) prédio 'building', bacia 'basin', véspera 'eve', vencimento 'expiration', integrante 'member', assinalar 'mark', mendigo 'beggar', sacar 'withdraw money' (I know other meanings), enfiar 'insert, thread a needle etc' (I know fio but the definition seemed too vague)

again trouble with render heh? the definition was ceder, sujeitar, and I had to pick out of arrastar, avaliar, render and a few others

dar origem - apanhar, travar, [temer, mexer, sobreviver, gerar] - wtfnothingfits
sustentar com os braços ou mãos; perceber, prestar atenção - gotta choose two out of apostar, partilhar, segurar, reparar, assustar (edit: in hindsight, segurar is obvious for the first, and i'd understand it without second thought in context)
som fino; rápido, depressa - two out of ligeiro, franco, firme, agudo, dourado

selvagem! that's one of the words i was missing in the productive test. but i have a feeling it's used less commonly than wild in English or German?
acender ohai sorry i forgot you in the active test too
avistar 'to sight', estragar 'spoil, damage' - missed but obvious in hindsight

results: 30/30, 27/30, 26/30, 30/30, 20/30
i expected 1 fail in part two, 4 fails in part three, 0 or 1 in part four, 9 in part five
oh and i have to admit i did parts 1-3 and 4-5 separately because you don't get the detailed results so that i decided to look things up. i obviously didn't change my answer if things got more clear after looking up, even if it was by elimination

idk i'm bored. my other langs would benefit from this test but meeeh.

Edited by Serpent on 25 September 2014 at 5:27pm

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 Message 196 of 264
25 September 2014 at 11:32pm | IP Logged 
Okay, did active Italian too. 14/18, 8/18, 6/18, 4/18, 12/18. interesting.
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 Message 197 of 264
15 October 2014 at 1:51am | IP Logged 
Dialang time again

Portuguese: C1 in reading. don't remember if I've had this result before but probably not

Italian: 487 in the placement test, B1 in reading (but many times I had no difficulties with the text, just with the typical tasks like choosing the best summary, choosing the sentence that contains the main idea or whatever. and I was sleepy when I started, in fact I wanted to lie down a little and ended up dozing off and completing the rest of the test hours later.

But still, most Portuguese questions were so easy and obvious that I kept looking for pitfalls. Although I don't think the Finnish ones were so easy when I scored C1, so maybe they were too straightforward?
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 Message 198 of 264
15 October 2014 at 3:10am | IP Logged 
Hmmm, Dialang looks interesting. I might try it for Portuguese sometime, when I have time.
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 Message 199 of 264
19 December 2014 at 8:17pm | IP Logged 
And for the first time I felt like I could maybe list Spanish as basic fluency. Need to think some more of this...
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 Message 200 of 264
19 December 2014 at 8:52pm | IP Logged 
I know the feeling. Been thinking of doing this for Norwegian, but I need a baptism of fire. Or maybe I should let Norwegian wait for German to catch up.

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