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Senior Member
Joined 5328 days ago

113 posts - 208 votes 
Speaks: Georgian*, English, Russian

 Message 129 of 431
07 July 2010 at 5:03pm | IP Logged 

პირველი რამდენიმე გვერდი წავიკითხე და მხოლოდ იმისთვის დავრეგისტრირდი რომ მეთქვა – ყოჩაღ!

ძალიან სწრაფად პროგრესირებ, წარმატებები!
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United Kingdom
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 Message 130 of 431
08 July 2010 at 1:00am | IP Logged 
TixhiiDon wrote:
I am continuing to plough through the Reading Grammar.      

It:s great to see this. This is how French and how I improved my grammatical knolwedge of Japanese: rote learning. It is great to see the parrot is not dead.
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Joined 5538 days ago

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Studies: Georgian

 Message 131 of 431
08 July 2010 at 7:07am | IP Logged 
Murdoc wrote:

პირველი რამდენიმე გვერდი წავიკითხე და მხოლოდ იმისთვის დავრეგისტრირდი რომ მეთქვა
– ყოჩაღ!

ძალიან სწრაფად პროგრესირებ, წარმატებები!

დიდი მადლობა ქათინაურისათვის, გიორგი! ქართული ენა ძალიან ძნელია, მაგრამ ძალიან

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Joined 5538 days ago

772 posts - 1474 votes 
Speaks: English*, Japanese, German, Russian
Studies: Georgian

 Message 132 of 431
08 July 2010 at 7:14am | IP Logged 
By the way folks, if you ever come across the documentary "Power Trip", watch it! I
bought the DVD and watched it last night and it is fantastic. It's basically the story
of an American power company attempting to bring a reliable, regular supply of
electricity to Tbilisi but asking that people pay for it in return, something that the
post-Soviet population of Georgia were not used to and not particularly happy about.

The film could easily have been terribly patronizing to the "poor but worthy" Georgians
while at the same time demonizing the big bad American power company, but the director
manages to avoid both of these cliches, and it's funny and sad all at the same time. A
great film.
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Joined 5538 days ago

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Speaks: English*, Japanese, German, Russian
Studies: Georgian

 Message 133 of 431
08 July 2010 at 7:15am | IP Logged 
Oh, and I've just passed 10,000 views on my log, so thanks very much to all of you who've
bothered looking at it. Still plenty of stuff on my Georgian horizon, so I'll be hanging
around for a while yet.
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Joined 5538 days ago

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Studies: Georgian

 Message 134 of 431
15 July 2010 at 8:41am | IP Logged 
A so-so week on the Georgian front. I feel as if I'm just biding my time until the
private lessons start, which looks like it might be September now. I can't wait to get
started on them. I have very high hopes. At the moment I'm really into my Georgian,
having daydreams about getting good enough for it to be my second foreign language.
Daydreams of course are completely useless in and of themselves, so here is a brief
summary of the work I've done this week.

In Aronson I'm on Chapter 8. The silly sentences for translation are pretty easy, but
the reading passages at the end of Chapter 5 onwards are really tough. These are
authentic, unedited Georgian texts so it's this kind of stuff I'm going to have to be
able to understand. It doesn't help that they are inconceivably boring as well as
difficult, but I'm trying to slog through them.

I just did my homework for my class and this was quite tough too. If there are any
Georgians or Georgian experts reading, I don't understand the function of the second ა
in გააგზავნე. I think I need to sit down and make some kind of lists or charts to
organize all the crazy verb forms in my mind. Not such a fun task so I will
procrastinate until I'm more motivated.

Still reading "Sunny Night" and still not sure if I am getting much benefit from it.
Dialogue is easiest by far, but long descriptions are very tough going.

The party was fun, and ended up being quite drunken. I used to be a big big drinker
but have calmed down a lot recently so it was weird to wake up with a hangover after
such a long time without one. I met our teacher's wife, Medea-sensei, and of course
was barely even able to force ძალიან სასიამოვნოა out of my mouth, let along converse
with her in Georgian. So much for the grammar-translation method. What is quite
exciting is that she will be teaching us from this week! When I first signed up for
the course I got the impression that the teacher and his wife taught alternately, then
I thought I'd got it wrong, and now I realize I was right. Presumably she'll use much
more Georgian and force us to speak more Georgian, so it could be quite cool.

I'm missing Mari! It was such fantastic practice to write to her once or twice a week
and without it I am doing practically no work at all on my active skills. She was also
a really nice person and we were becoming friends. So Mari, if you ever come back to
the site, დამიწერე, თუ დრო გაქვს!

EDIT: Oops. I just asked Mari to write for me, not to me. Of course it
should have been მომწერე.

Edited by TixhiiDon on 15 July 2010 at 11:40am

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Joined 5538 days ago

772 posts - 1474 votes 
Speaks: English*, Japanese, German, Russian
Studies: Georgian

 Message 135 of 431
22 July 2010 at 7:45am | IP Logged 
Again nothing particularly exciting to report. The lesson with Medea-sensei was
interesting. We practiced dialogues about ordering food in restaurants - nice and
practical, although it was all a bit disorganized. I'm looking forward to seeing what
she has up her sleeve this week.

Finished Lesson 9 in Aronson, although I mostly skipped the reading passage in Lesson 8
as it was even more difficult and even more boring than the others. Funnily enough the
passage in Lesson 9 was quite straightforward.

Anyway, that's about all, so here for your entertainment are some Georgian jokes.
Fabulous prizes* for anyone that can understand and explain them.

ორი პატარა ბიჭი საუბრობს:
-შენ სად დაიბადე?
-რატომ? ავად იყავი?

-ექიმო, კბილები გამიყვითლდა!
-მართლა, მაშინ ყავისფერი ჰალსტუხი მოგიხდებათ.

Boom tish.

*To be revealed at an unspecified date in the future.

Edited by TixhiiDon on 22 July 2010 at 7:55am

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Senior Member
Joined 5538 days ago

772 posts - 1474 votes 
Speaks: English*, Japanese, German, Russian
Studies: Georgian

 Message 136 of 431
25 July 2010 at 5:36am | IP Logged 
A good lesson with Medea-sensei this week. We stayed with the restaurant dialogues,
but the whole lesson was a lot more organized this week and I felt as if I was learning
some good practical stuff while practicing what I already knew.

ანგარიში, თუ შეიძლება: "The bill, please"
ხურდა არ არის საჭირო: "Keep the change".
აქ მეორედ აღარ მოვალ: "I will never come here again!"

Hopefully I'll never have to use the third one, but it was a fun lesson.

Another film tip for folks with an interest in Georgia: "Since Otar Left" (რაც ოთარი
წავიდა). It deals with three generations of women living in Tbilisi after the
collapse of the Soviet Union and it is incredibly moving and funny and sad, with some
great shots of the city. The actresses speak about 1/3 Georgian, 1/3 Russian and 1/3
French, so it's a nice film for language fans too.

I was intrigued by the thread on having target language radio on as background noise,
so as soon as I got up this morning I switched on რადიო იმედი. Due to the time
difference, though, it is still the middle of the night in Georgia and so it's just
constant music - I have not heard a word of Georgian yet. Quite annoying really as I'm
keen to give this method a try.

I've been slacking off on მზიანი ღამე recently so once I've written this post I'm
going to pour myself an enormous glass of juice (too early for beer), open a bag of
crisps, and settle down on the sofa. My goal for the day is not to fall asleep within
10 minutes.

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