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Josquin Heptaglot Senior Member Germany Joined 4904 days ago 2266 posts - 3992 votes Speaks: German*, English, French, Latin, Italian, Russian, Swedish Studies: Japanese, Irish, Portuguese, Persian
| Message 129 of 168 21 January 2014 at 1:06pm | IP Logged |
Thanks for stealing my introductory post, mrwarper! ;)
I think it would be sensible to set a limit before the team gets too big. We've got 26 members plus 4 observers by now, so I'd close it if I were in charge. More than 30 people won't work in my opinion and, also, following all the logs would become really cumbersome (especially for those who are members of several teams).
Using one of the placeholder posts for recording overall progress seems to be a good idea IMHO.
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| mrwarper Diglot Winner TAC 2012 Senior Member Spain forum_posts.asp?TID=Registered users can see my Skype Name Joined 5286 days ago 1493 posts - 2500 votes Speaks: Spanish*, EnglishC2 Studies: German, Russian, Japanese
| Message 130 of 168 21 January 2014 at 8:39pm | IP Logged |
Hasi wrote:
[...] since my log link isn't in the first post |
It is now. I linked the exact post where you started TAC 2014, and I also took the liberty of tagging your log thread as being TAC-related, for it's not listed in your profile as a logbook (one of the forum bugs, I guess).
Josquin wrote:
Thanks for stealing my introductory post, mrwarper! |
You know, imitation is the most sincere yadda yadda yadda ;)
OK, from your comments so far it seems we could agree to close team membership when we reach 30 members. Anything else on this, anyone? Captain?
Now, if we're to use placeholder #3 to keep an overall progress table of some kind, how will we go about it? I think we could set a new standard for team threads if this turns out to be useful...
First, I'm the only one who can edit it, so maybe we could keep a duplicate in fabriciocarraro's #6 in case I get hit by a truck, etc.?
Format? The forum posts format is somewhat limited, but I think we'll work out something sensible and feasible. Maybe something like
----8<--------8<--------8<--------8<--------8< ;--------8<--------8<----
week #n reports:
user A: 80 hours of study, 40 watching anime + 40 looking up stuff (in a dictionary!)
user C: passed JPNLT3
user B: 0.5 hours of reading -- "How to learn Japanese without studying".
user D: 10 hours of *trying* to read, burst into tears every time.
----8<--------8<--------8<--------8<--------8< ;--------8<--------8<----
i.e. not too rigid, but informative and concise.
Frequency? Really weekly? Bi-weekly?
Procedure? If everyone reports here for the post to be updated it may clutter too much this thread. Forum PM, then update here?
I'm listening :)
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| kujichagulia Senior Member Japan Joined 4907 days ago 1031 posts - 1571 votes Speaks: English* Studies: Japanese, Portuguese
| Message 131 of 168 22 January 2014 at 2:04am | IP Logged |
mrwarper wrote:
I guess nobody noticed I finally updated the first post last week -- nothing special, just links to everyone's log, etc. (Thanks for the ideas Josquin!) |
Excellent stuff, mrwarper! Thank you very much! Looks good!
mrwarper wrote:
-We're a huge bunch and there are still a couple of guys sorta floating around. Should we declare the team closed, set a maximum members limit, or something? |
I'm not usually one to close a team, but since we have so many members, and since we are expected to read everyone's logs and offer support, then a maximum members limit sounds like a good idea.
mrwarper wrote:
-The third place holder. One of my unexpressed ideas was that in addition to our own logs, we could keep it as a central 'progress report' summary to be updated once a week or so. What do you guys think? |
That is a good idea, and I like the way you outlined it in your last post, mrwarper. I think that if we do it weekly, it might be a good idea to assign different weeks to different people. For example, you do it one week, I do it the next, another 旅立ち member does the third week, etc. I suggest this simply because we do have a lot of logs to go through.
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| dampingwire Bilingual Triglot Senior Member United Kingdom Joined 4725 days ago 1185 posts - 1513 votes Speaks: English*, Italian*, French Studies: Japanese
| Message 132 of 168 22 January 2014 at 7:14pm | IP Logged |
mrwarper wrote:
Procedure? If everyone reports here for the post to be updated it may clutter too much
this thread. Forum PM, then update here?
I'm listening :) |
How about a tadoku-like bot?
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| kujichagulia Senior Member Japan Joined 4907 days ago 1031 posts - 1571 votes Speaks: English* Studies: Japanese, Portuguese
| Message 133 of 168 28 January 2014 at 1:23pm | IP Logged |
I've been busy lately in my life, and in addition to that, I've been battling some inconsistency in my language studies. Due to that, I'm afraid I haven't been a great co-captain. I don't see things becoming easier until March, but I do have certain times of the year when I'm quite busy due to my teaching job (January-February, April, June, September, November). I don't think it is fair to all of you to be able to do my captain duties only half of the year. So I will resign as a co-captain.
I do want to remain as a member of Team 旅立ち, if you would allow me. I can obviously add quick updates to my own log, even during busy times, and I can keep up somewhat with the other members' logs - some, if not all, during the busy times.
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| mrwarper Diglot Winner TAC 2012 Senior Member Spain forum_posts.asp?TID=Registered users can see my Skype Name Joined 5286 days ago 1493 posts - 2500 votes Speaks: Spanish*, EnglishC2 Studies: German, Russian, Japanese
| Message 134 of 168 28 January 2014 at 9:04pm | IP Logged |
Sorry to hear that, Kuji (actually I read it first in your log). I hope it's for the best and you can still study a lot :)
We urgently need a new co-captain, guys. Japanese is my weakest TL and I expect the situation to remain like that, so I'm not sure I can do a lot in terms of captain or morale office duties, you know, coming up with stuff that keeps the team from disintegrating, etc.
That said, something I think I can do -- if we're still going to implement a team global progress report, we still need to shape this.
kujichagulia wrote:
[...] I think that if we do it weekly, it might be a good idea to assign different weeks to different people. For example, you do it one week, I do it the next, another 旅立ち member does the third week, etc. I suggest this simply because we do have a lot of logs to go through. |
But I am the only one who can edit the post. Perhaps those who do update could send an extra line to whomever is in charge as per the rotation (any other proposals? volunteers?), and then that person would compile these mini-reports in one simple report for me to merge with the global report post?
dampingwire wrote:
[...] How about a tadoku-like bot? |
If you can explain how that works, and how (if) it can be adapted here...
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| yuhakko Tetraglot Senior Member FranceRegistered users can see my Skype Name Joined 4692 days ago 414 posts - 582 votes Speaks: French*, EnglishB2, EnglishC2, Spanish, Japanese Studies: Korean, Norwegian, Mandarin
| Message 135 of 168 29 January 2014 at 12:30am | IP Logged |
皆さん、今晩は!もうすぐ今月の終わりなの で少しでも今月のチャレンジーのために書こ うと思って
私はもう6年前日本語を始めた。それは大学 に入ったときだ。実は専攻は経済だったが好 きなのは日
本語だった。だから最初は晩授業でちょっと だけ勉強したが二年間後大学三年生になった ときは日本
語を大学二年生としても勉強し始めた。両方 やりながら晩授業で韓国語を勉強していた。 でも経済が
専攻の大学を卒業したら(一年後のこと)違 町に行かなきゃいけないことになったので 人でする勉
強をついに始まった。そのときは基本はもう 平気だと思ってたが実は話は問題だった。2 012年に
立教大学に一学期留学をしに行った。着いた ばかりで現実を発見した。それは話し方は遅 かった。俺
は普段に話が速い人なので頑張って、頑張っ て、速く話せるようにした。もちろん、日本 にいたから
毎日どの練習でもできた。中吊りの漢字を勉 強したり、周りの人の話を聞いたり(それは 失礼って分
かってるけどすごく面白い話を聞いた)、自 分の友達とメールをしたりした。フランスに 帰る前に日
本語能力試験N2を勉強なしで受けた。それ 聴解は満点だった。ということ「レベルが いぶん上
がったな!」と思っちゃった!だからフラン スに帰ったらまじめな勉強は諦めた。ただ友 達と話した
それなのに、2013年一月から六ヶ月、日 本であった友達と住むことになった!その期 間はまた日
本語の一般的なレベルがだいぶ上がったが一 番上がったのは聴解。彼女の話し方は日本語 の中でも速
いから彼女の話し方に慣れてからもうほかの 日本人の話し方は遅いと思うことになっちゃ った。
去年の8月から昨日までパリでインターンや ってた。この際は日本時のお客様は色々来て たから敬語
の練習はついにできた。まあ、実は敬語を使 うのが嫌だけど使えなきゃいけない場合もあ るから使え
語彙はいつもどおり問題みたいだな。今回も 簡単な言葉しか使ってない・・・・・・だか ら今年の目標は本
を読むのだ!十本読めたらいいと思うんだけ ど本当にやるのか分からない。もうすぐ中国 に行くから
今年の12月に日本語能力試験N1を受けた けど勉強は嫌だから失敗する可能性は高い ・・って・・・
とにかく!今年はみんな一緒に頑張ろう!日 本語に流暢になれるように旅立ちをしよう!
ということ私の自己紹介を終わります!敬語 が嫌だから使わなかったんです!それを許し てください
As for a translation... Unfortunately, I don't have the motivation to do one. If you want
to read a description in
English, don't hesitate to visit my log or even my (about to be revealed in my log) website
that I just started:
My website
The Korean page is not ready yet (did my background but it didn't get saved..) but the rest
should be alright!
後は、共同キャプテンのことですが、誰もし たくない場合は私はやってもかまいません。 日本語は高
As for the Co-captain, in case nobody wants to do it, I don't mind doing it. Although
Japanese is not my priority this year, I'm using it everyday!
Edited by yuhakko on 29 January 2014 at 12:35am
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| yuhakko Tetraglot Senior Member FranceRegistered users can see my Skype Name Joined 4692 days ago 414 posts - 582 votes Speaks: French*, EnglishB2, EnglishC2, Spanish, Japanese Studies: Korean, Norwegian, Mandarin
| Message 136 of 168 29 January 2014 at 12:39am | IP Logged |
Just so you know (when I edit, they just change place..), the question marks are :
1)う (違う町)
2) 一 (一人で)
3) で (それで)
4) ず (ずいぶん)
5) い (受けたい)
6) ・ (高い・・・って・・・)
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