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Non-English spellings experiment!

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 Message 41 of 52
04 December 2012 at 2:50pm | IP Logged 
The quick brown father jumps over the lazy shepard dog, whilst eating lemon chocolate with stones. A young lady is
singing in the church now, standing near a large window, although she can't be bothered to realize it.

za kuiku buraon fazza jyanpusu obaa za reiji shapaado doggu, wairisuto iitingu remon chokoreeto uisu sutonzu.
ザクイクブラオンファッザジャンプスオバー ザレイジシャパードドッグ、ワイリストイイ チングレモンチョコレートウイスス

I think Ill stop there... if the target were trying to learn the language, this wouldn't be ideal for any more than a day
or two... rather, teaching the most common readings of each letter and practicing real reading, would get their
pronunciation better in less time I think... actually... for a japanese person, and probably others as well, I think
Ideally, practicing the letters without help from the kana would be best
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 Message 42 of 52
08 February 2013 at 12:12am | IP Logged 
The quick brown father jumps over the lazy shepard dog, whilst
eating lemon chocolate with stones. A young lady is singing in the
church now, standing near a large window, although she can't be
bothered to realize it.

My versions of this text:

De quick braun Fader dschamps over de lehßie Scheppartdogg,
weilst ieting Lemmentschokoleet wiff Stohns. Ä jang Lehdie is
singing in de Tschörtsch nau, ständing nier ä lardsch Windoh, olldoh
schie kännt bie bofert tu rieleiß it.

Spanish (Standard Mexican)
De cuic braun fader champs ouver de leizi shepard dog, ouailst íting
lemen choclet wif stóns. E yang lédi is singing in de cherch nau,
stending nír e larch ouindou, oldou shí kent bí boufert tú riyelaiz it.

Dè couic brône fader djammps over dè lézie cheparde dogg, ouailste iting lemmèn tchoclet ouiff stonnse.
È iang lédie is singing inn dè tchœrtche nôw, stainding nir è lardge ouindò, olldò chi cainnt bi bòferet tou
rièlice it.

I'm very welcome for tips improving my transcriptions! Funny game, I
played this some times ago when I was bored.

Edited by Surtalnar on 08 February 2013 at 12:17am

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 Message 43 of 52
08 February 2013 at 2:18am | IP Logged 
The quick brown father jumps over the lazy shepard dog, whilst eating lemon chocolate with stones. A young lady is singing in the church now, standing near a large window, although she can't be bothered to realize it.

Da cuique braune fada djampse âuver da leizi sheparde dogue, uailste iting leman tchoclat uíde stâune-se. A iang leidi iz singuing ine da tchartche nau, sténding níare a lardje uindôu, oldhâu shi cánt bi bódard tu rhialáiz ite.

N.B.: This is a (loose) translation from British English to European Portuguese.

Edited by Luso on 08 February 2013 at 2:20am

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 Message 44 of 52
16 May 2013 at 1:43am | IP Logged 
This is my try in Scottish Gaelic:

The quick brown father jumps over the lazy shepard dog, whilst eating lemon chocolate with stones.

Ri cuic bràuan fàiriafh deambs òbha ri leasui sèapaod doig, bhuailst ìotuìng lèamoin teòclaod bhuir sdòins

A young lady is singing in the church now, standing near a large window, although she can't be bothered to realize it.

A' ìong lèidi ìos suinging in ri teòit nao, sdainduing niafh a' làid bhìondobh, ólreògh sì ceànnd bì bóiread tú ruidheàlàis iot.

Lenited "r" in some dialects of Scottish Gaelic is realised somewhat similar to English [ð], example: "air" (meaning on) is pronounced approximately like [ɛð̊]

JESUS, that was difficult!

Edited by Konanen on 18 May 2013 at 12:14am

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 Message 45 of 52
17 May 2013 at 12:45pm | IP Logged 
The quick brown father jumps over the lazy shepard dog, whilst eating lemon chocolate with stones. A young lady is singing in the church now, standing near a large window, although she can't be bothered to realize it.

Norwegian attempt:

De kwikk braun fader djumps åvver de leisi sjepperd dågg, wailst iting lemmonn tsjåklett widd ståuns. A jøng leidi iss singing inn de tsjørtsj næu, stænding ner a lardsj windåu, åldåu sji kænt bi bådderd tu rialais it.

Edited by Allinuse on 17 May 2013 at 12:49pm

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 Message 46 of 52
16 September 2013 at 9:03am | IP Logged 
The quick brown father jumps over the lazy shepard dog, whilst eating lemon chocolate with stones. A young lady is singing in the church now, standing near a large window, although she can't be bothered to realize it.

德 亏克 布郎 法德 仗普斯 欧俄 德  雷兹 谢佛德 多格, 威尔斯特 伊汀 莱 蒙 巧克力特 威德 斯通斯。 阿 杨 雷 迪 伊斯 欣宁 印 德 却尔区 闹, 斯 旦丁 聂耳 阿 蜡炬 温斗, 奥斗 西  堪特 比 抱德的 突 日尔莱兹 伊特。

This is supposedly mandarin, but I really have no idea what I just typed. It looks to me a series of names...
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Monox D. I-Fly
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 Message 47 of 52
12 March 2014 at 4:13am | IP Logged 
Derian wrote:

The quick brown father jumps over the lazy shepard dog, whilst eating lemon chocolate with stones. A young lady is singing in the church now, standing near a large window, although she can't be bothered to realize it.

Indonesian (assuming I pronounce it right):
Nde kuikk brown fander jams over nde lezi syepard dog, whilst iting lemon coklet wit stouns. E yaung ledhi is singing in nde karts now, stending nier e lerj window, oltough shi kannet bi bondered to rielais it.
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 Message 48 of 52
12 March 2014 at 10:22am | IP Logged 
There is no soft thorn (th) at the beginning of any Danish word, so I'll just use dh for it - and here goes:

Dhø kvik braun fardhø djomps orwer dhø læjsi sjæppart dok, uajlst iiting læmorn sjoklæt widh støuns. Æj jorng læjdi is sengeng en dhø tjørtsj nau, standeng nir æ lardsj uendøv, åldhøu sji kant bi bordherd to rialajs it.

Or as we normally would say it:

dhkvikbrownfardjompsowodhlæjsidok uajlstitinglæmntjoklætvstøuns. Æjjonglæjdissengngendhøkartsnau, standengnirrlardsjuendøv, åldhoshikantbiborthdrtoriølajsit.

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